The Best Way to Clean Your Hats

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if your hats are dirty like this let me show you the best way to clean that up the first step is to pre-treat the hat with some white vinegar now the reason this works so well is vinegar does an awesome job to dissol the Salt rings and buildup that usually you get from sweating in your favorite hat now to apply this what I like to do is just spray down the Hat paying special attention to those areas that have really bad buildup of the salt I like to point out you'll notice on this hat here that there's a little bit of fading or kind of bleaching starting to happen in this area unfortunately what happen s is sweat is very acidic and that acid will start to break down the dyes in the Hat causing fading or bleaching to happen now we'll get this nice and clean all the sweat and things will be gone it will look great but you still might have some permanent fading or discoloring on the hat itself now the best way to prevent this is just to clean your hat more often so now that we pre-treated the entire hat with our vinegar here we're going to come through and gently scrub now something that always keep in mind is you don't want to scrub real hard because that can kind of loosen up some of the threads and the fibers we want try to keep those as intact and looking good as possible now I like to use just either a toothbrush it's a nice soft bristle brush or this is just a handy dandy vegetable brush I got from the dollar store I have never cleaned a vegetable in my life with one of these but I've cleaned so many other things and I always have one of these in my cleaning kit also another quick side note when you're scrubbing just kind of pay attention to those areas that were really bad obviously when you spray down the cleaner that kind of disappears a little bit you can still see a little bit of the white kind of poking through over here so give those a good scrub the other thing to always keep in mind is obviously The Sweat Band here that's going to get very dirty so it's always a good idea to kind of hold this get a really deep scrub here to kind of just start to loosen up that salt we're going to take care of that though in The Next Step as well we're going to get that nice and clean the vinegar is just kind of more attacking those salt rings so we can fully remove them from the fabric so now that we got the hats nice and pre-treated with the vinegar I got to say I let these sit for about like 5 minutes and this one is already looking way better this was this was a salty hat I'm not going to lie now the next step is to just wash the hats now there's a lot of different ways you can do this you can throw it in the washing machine you can even put it in the dishwasher it's a very popular hack in my experience I prefer to wash my hats by hand now anytime you put them in the washing machine or even the dishwasher you run the risk of them losing their fit or structure or permanently damaging the hat and unfortunately then they're just never the same so to hand wash I first grab a tub here I got about 2 gallons of warm water and for cleaner you you can either use Dawn dish soap or my preferred method is to use some Tide free and gentle so like all laundry detergent you don't have to use a lot I just like to use about a tablespoon here just going to add this to the water just kind of mix this up then just take your hats and soak them in the mix here probably going to let this sit for anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes kind of let it do its thing definitely going to be some dirty water here so I'm very excited to see what that looks like now a quick Pro tip when you're soaking clothes and things that kind of like to float up to the surface I just grabb a glass container here and just fill that with the water keep that submerged that way they stay underneath the water and the cleaner can do its thing so now they've been soaking here for about 20 minutes you can just tell by the water they're definitely the dirt and grime is definitely coming out this water is pretty gross but what I'm going to do here is just grab my toothbrush and then I just got a little bit more of the laundry soap here I'm just going to dip that in and I'm just going to detail brush a few of the areas like the sweatband here just going to give this a quick scrub in in here try to get rid of any remaining dirt that might be on the surface so now that the hats are nice and scrubbed up we're just going to go over to the sink give them a good rinse get rid of any soap or anything that might be left inside now another reason I like hand washing my hat so much is just look at this water this is this is so satisfying we pulled this dirt out of those hats kind of gross not going to lie so now that the hats are nice and rinsed off it's time to get them dry now this is probably one of the most important steps because you want to dry them in a way where you're not going to lose the structure of the hat so what I like to do is grab a cup like this here and then a bowl the more round the bowl the better just way that way it can Contour the fit of the Hat we're going to put these like so and then I like to grab a microfiber towel or just any towel that can kind of suck the moisture out of the wet hat place this over the Bowl here we're going to grab the Hat just very carefully not trying to stretch it out too much but just fit it over the bowl and the microfiber towel it's going to help it stay and keep its structure as it dries and then once we get them nice and on the Bowl here let me get this one down perfect just going to grab another microfiber towel place this over the top here just so that it can pull out more moisture just getting it dry that much faster now for hats like this that have no structure what I like to do is just grab two microfiber towels I kind of just ball them up here push them on the inside just kind of get them like that place them down there just because you don't really need a bowl for these to kind of keep the structure because they're already very floppy that's just the way they're constructed and then just Place Another microfiber towel over the top there we're going to let these dry probably it's going to take about an hour or two and then we'll come back and see how they look so now for the Moment of Truth the hats have been drying for about 2 hours let's take a look here start with the middle okay this one is looking much better this one had the salt on the bottom Rim there looks way better now there's a little bit of lint and things on these hats stick around I'm going to show you exactly what I like to do once they're nice and dry here then let's come over here to this one now this was the really bad Brewers hat let's see okay that looks so much better now you're going to notice through here and kind of along this edge here like I mentioned at the start of the video there's definitely some fading and just bleaching on this hat itself but over all I think it looks so much better and then for the car heart one here this one yeah okay so it cleaned up pretty well but again there's a lot of this fading here like I mentioned the salt is just going to eat away at the fabric the dye there and it's going to discolor and bleach now for the final step what I'd like to do is just grab a lint roller and just roll the Hat here this will get rid of any remaining lint that might have been left over maybe from the towels or the cleaning process and leave them completely lintree so there you have it these hats cleaned up great I want to give a huge shout out to the clean Squad members over on the patreon thanks so much for supporting the channel and as always I'll see you on the next clean
Channel: Clean That Up
Views: 408,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, how to clean a baseball cap, washing a baseball cap, baseball caps, caps, new era, how to clean a hat, hat cleaning, how to wash a hat, nike, hat, snap back, fitted, flat brim, how to clean, mitchell and ness, trucker hat, tips for runners, how to clean sweat stains, wash a hat, clean hat, hat stain, dirty hat, how to wash a baseball cap, sweat stains, clean hats without ruining them, cap, how to clean a ball cap, clean hat dishwasher, clean cap dishwasher, hats
Id: rYIsZZ7L4aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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