Touch-Only DS Games (That Are Good!) | Punching Weight [SSFF]

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hey i'm derek it's me derek and welcome to stop skeletons and fighting i'm a big fan of ambitious video game hardware the kind with the gimmick that's at first a major selling point and then is immediately abandoned the ps3 six-axis controller the 3ds's 3d screen the wii u touchpad and of course the ds touchscreen the pen is mightier than the controller or so nintendo would try to get us to believe the ds is a great system it sold a kajillion copies but right away man no one really wanted to use that touchscreen it was great for puzzle games and mini games but it was mostly just shoehorn into games that didn't need it if a game used it at all except for an elite few a few that made the touchscreen the centerpiece or the entire focus and among them are some genuine classics perfect for the show we call punching weight a celebration of the weird ambitious and unnecessary and we are here to talk about touch only ds games that were great they're good that are classics what's the word we're using good great i like them [Music] now before we move on we're going to be doing some heavy swiping in this video gotta make sure we are comfortable packing styluses tend to be just super tiny this is the one that came with my new 2ds and i think it's smaller than the one that came with my original ds touch only games ain't no fun if you're only packing a toothpick i've been using this chunky boy that came with my dsi xl there are a lot of ones out there i strongly recommend you upgrade your stylus situation before attempting any of these games uncle derek and a young buck anymore i gotta protect these joints alright let's start and i'm gonna start recklessly with a showstopper ninja gaiden dragon sword leave it to a ninja master to show you what the ds is really capable of sideways baby this game is literally built around and for the touch screen mr ninja gaiden aka tobo nobu idagaki picked the ds4 ninja gaiden over the psb quote because of the originality the platform allowed also his kids wanted a ds game and on that note he said your dad's ninja gaiden you use the touchscreen 100 to control your character and the nuance is like incredible walking jumping sword slashing shurikens ninja magic it all works they actually did it they made a game unlike anything i played on the system and it's all styles baby well okay the soul buttons are start for inventory and literally every other button for blocking but hey they really made a motion control ninja gaiden game on the ds and this is no small feat ninja gaiden is one of the fastest and most demanding action series ever made also one of the greatest or at least back in 2008 before things went way off the rails i've always known exactly where to stick my sword sugar combat here has been simplified but it's as satisfying as ever the game starts off a bit on the easy side furious slashing will get you by but midway through its two brief campaign things start to ramp up the boss at the end of the fourth chapter was the first time i died and it was actually at that point the finer nuances of the controls started to make sense to me what really seals the deal with the touch controls is these sideways perspective it's just a great use of the space and if you went with buttons you have to hold it normal style i just don't think it'd be the same i don't think you get the same fidelity with the buttons it is not the only ds game played sideways but it is the only fast-paced action game played sideways take that dragon ball origins cowards dunking on games for no reason outside of the combat dragon sword employs other smart changes to make it work on a ds taking a page from ps1 games the game is 3d models on 2d images it's not the greatest look but the frame rate and animations are so silky smooth i couldn't care levels aren't totally linear and your map on the other screen helps you keep your bearings there are plenty of items and upgrades to find and buy so there is reason to explore and grind enemies for money dragon sword is set between ninja gaidens 1 and 2. it has a ton of characters and secrets from the sigma games and a surprising amount of lore it was a great treat for gaiden fans who were at the time patiently waiting for part two to drop well it doesn't have my favorite demon hunter bondage lady rachel he led her down the path of evil and she succumbed this game is still rated t for teen for violence and partial nudity so there are enough demon ladies to go around oh by the way did i mention that all the boss fights are in complete 3d so you can literally go all the way around them whenever i thought this game was going to stop impressing me my jaw just kept hitting the floor punching away often covers games that are objectively back but worth celebrating for their ambition alone it at the olympics it's video games in my book you get props for trying dragon sword is ambitious intuitive and legit incredible and should be celebrated as a true trailblazer were you aware bayonetta 2 can be played entirely on a wii u touchpad i'm going to assume that was all dragon sword and what's this devil may cry 4 on an ipad but with digital joystick get that out of my face this here is a classic and it's never been re-released this is your very own ninja gaiden game nintendo i'd hold my switch sideways for this come on we all love wind waker now but at the time it was actually a bit of a sales disappointment mainline zelda after that had to play it super safe but the weird games kept coming to portable and i tend to like weird zelda but even i thought it was a bit much to make a semi-sequel for wind waker on the ds that's also 100 touch screen but that is exactly what the phantom hourglass is now i asked around on twitter and it feels like the consensus on this one is still really mixed with the touch controls being one of the biggest issues for people now if you ask me i think these controls are super tight i'm ready to make a punching weight declaration that nintendo pulled it off against all odds you poke the screen to make link walk in the direction and you slash it to make him to attack and it's great and then when you want to use an item hey you push the l button and the combat switches to that item and you use the stylus to direct what you're doing like drawing the direction you want the boomerang to go etc overall the game utilizes the ds super well even the non-stylist features like blowing into the microphone to solve puzzles hey check out my drawing skills or actually closing the ds to put a stamp on your map which that that blows my mind you close the thing to make a thing that is brilliant seriously the ds was worth it for that puzzle alone though sometimes the game mistakes a grab for a slash i end up bombing myself on a bomb plant it's not perfect and compared to other zelda games even other handheld zelda games it's pretty watered down the ds was targeted towards the casual market and you can really see that here for example on the isle of wind there are wind statues blocking the dungeon entrance and there's a sign telling you hey turn off the wind statues so you can access the dungeon entrance and a map showing you exactly where to go now it's nice to have the occasional little push in the right direction but it's not like this is ap physics man i i can figure it out it's the blocking my path i got to stop those things from doing a thing it's not that hard of a puzzle also let the records show i didn't take ap physics i was nowhere near that smart in high school now in terms of structure i'll admit this game takes way too long to get going it's a while before you get to your ship and then it's a while after that before you get bombs or the claw for your ship and once you're past all of that though it's a great open world game with lots to do and lots of stuff to collect in fact with a smaller tighter world than wind waker you could make the argument that all that sailing around is better in this game but then there's of course the repeated trips to the temple of the ocean king which is the other huge point of contention for people and i kind of agree on this one i like the idea of a massive dungeon that you keep coming back to as you get more powerful but the shortcuts you get with the new items like bombs and fairies aren't that substantial and you end up slogging through boring stealth sections numerous times like i am down for weird zelda but i've never liked stealth zelda but i couldn't blame the controls not a deal breaker for me personally but i see where people are getting at but we're zelda fans we gotta stick together and the best way to do that multiplayer that's right multiplayer this game was made by the four swords adventure team and apparently nintendo wanted to add multiplayer specifically to appeal to hardcore north american gamers zelda had shot city am i right [Music] okay actually it's not like that it's a cool little asymmetrical capture the flag mode it's pretty fun grace and i played a couple of games together but i'm more just amazed that it's here at all it was apparently online but it's also available for download play so it's super easy to get into but multiplayer zelda that is my thumbs up speaking of headshot city this is the only youtube channel that is going to transition from the phantom hourglass to our next game touch the dead all right two things no it is not actually related to house of the dead and yes that is both the best and worst game title of all time in the pal region it was instead dead and furious which is why some dude randomly yells on the title screen north america got the better title in my humble opinion obviously this is my kind of game i love light gun shooters i love horror i love that garbo but this ain't exactly that good garbo touch the des levels are long zombo's into the triple figures and they are super spongy sometimes taking half a clip to put down now this wouldn't be a problem but reloading requires dragging bullets into the chamber from the opposite corner of the screen which can be tough to do reliably especially when you've got a horde descending upon you now this would be bad enough but touch the dead has agonizingly long reload animations usually reloading in games like this is instant like boom done i don't understand why they did this usually i got hit not because i was missing shots but because i was in the middle of reloading man i just want to blast zombos and touch the dead is like no do your chores first the drag reloading makes more sense in the harder difficulties there's also not a lot of zombie variety the music isn't upbeat and fun it's more atmospheric like they were going for serious horror instead of fun horror what we're left with is less house the dead and more resident evil survivor which is why i would recommend point blank ds instead it's not only a total total flip flop from touch the dead it is also my personal favorite light gun series point blank if you didn't know is a super silly mini game collection basically the warioware of the light gun games shoot the skeletons protect the professors from barrels match the stuffed animals don't shoot the hostages basically if there's a fun or wholesome thing you can do with the gun this game does it each stage has four difficulties from easy to insane and they're all wildly different i adore the point blank games and this is a great port the shooting is great getting the high scores on each level requires some serious dedication my only criticism is that there's just not enough of it 41 levels that's it the three arcade games had at least 70 a piece now there's an exclusive brain massage mode which tries to be like a brain age game but nothing hides the fact that this is a thin package a very solid package but thin at the end of the day i recommend both these games because these are the only two light gun games in the system yep it's just these two so by virtue of that touch the dead and point blank ds are both fantastic games you should play them immediately i guess the ds got plenty of fps's but man what a missed opportunity for the system the complaint that ds games are too simple is something you hear a lot especially for the touch only games which is why i got a spotlighted game with as many systems as it has belt buckles the world ends with you aka t-w-e-w-y or tui okay i gotta admit i didn't actually play this game before making this video because i just cannot handle the angst of neku the main character my baggy pants wearing hanging out at the mall with linkin park on my portable cd player days were long behind me when this game first dropped but producer grace who has basically platinum this game twice and is still an angsty teenager at heart made me check it out and yo it's pulling off some really inventive stuff here she was also nice enough to get the footage for me a pretty face for once in one of these videos look at that now cut back to uncle derek's face it's me this is what you want this is this is what you want apparently to really understand tui you gotta realize it was made by square enix's kingdom hearts team at the height of kingdom hearts you'll let that team run wild without licensing restrictions and you get a ridiculously stylish game about dead teens learning how to trust one another and fashion and ramen or something the place of stylist controls really shine though is in the combat neku fights the noise using different psychic abilities bestowed on him from different collectible pins these can be activated in a ton of different ways from rapidly tapping the stylus and dragging it across the screen drawing a circle and my favorite yelling into your ds microphone which any real gamer knows can be gained by blowing into the microphone blow gang rise up where my blow hearts at the whole thing is very well thought out and while you can occasionally trigger one ability when you're meant to use another overall it works really well but that's just one aspect of the combat you also have a partner who is in another dimension during battle which i think is a really clever way to use the second screen by the way who you can also control by playing a card game at the same time and thank god they let that system play on auto the card games are based on memory or math and i just can't do that while i'm also doing all of this [Music] grace did you play this game in public yes cool you must have been a cool you must have been a cool guy it was a really cool game you're really cool this game is just bursting at the scenes with cool ideas beyond the stuff i really don't have time to talk about like the fashion system or leveling up and evolving hints they also managed to include a mini game where the characters play with their pins i like their beyblades or something it's also pretty cool it utilizes the d-pad and touchscreen and involves a surprising amount of strategy just for a little mini game the other games we discussed are all basically from existing franchises who found a great way to convert those games into touch only situations and yes i'm counting touch the dead tui manages to be totally original it does such a good job of utilizing what makes the ds great that it's almost hurt the game in the long run the switch port which came out in 2018 just didn't hit the same for me and i think it's because it didn't have the two screens the world ends with you maybe it works best being totally original without expectations which makes grace and i pretty excited for the sequel yeah i know this is actually how they expect you to hold it and talk oh i gotta call back but hey thanks for watching of course this is not all of the touch games on ds i would love to revisit this topic again i've been looking for an excuse to play through spirit tracks again but that's gonna do it for now if there are any weird ambitious or unnecessary games you'd like to see on punching weight let us know in the comments below stop skeletons fighting is a patreon supported show look at all these awesome supporters all these people make this show possible you can get your name here if you pledge you also get videos early you get to help vote on future videos you get to hang out in our discord or hey you know what just tell a friend about all the dumb fun that we are having here on stop skeleton fighting i am uncle derek thank you so much for watching stay powerful
Channel: Stop Skeletons From Fighting
Views: 88,837
Rating: 4.9533663 out of 5
Id: C4cANKo3mhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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