TotK's Frozen Rito Village is a Masterpiece!

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it's not often we see an everlasting winter in a Zelda game it has only happened twice so far to my knowledge once an Ocarina of Time and once in Majora's Mask and well now here in tears of the Kingdom so today I will be talking about Theo's Regional phenomena and why I think it's one of the best story lines in the entire Zelda franchise our journey starts off at Lookout Landing after making our way from the great Sky Island we learn that the entire Kingdom of Hyrule is in Peril once again including r Village after talking to some people at Lookout Landing we learned that the RTO at RTO Village are currently suffering from a massive blizzard that unexpectedly started so this game is obviously open world but the game pushes you into going towards this area first which is what I did in my first playthrough so we'll be looking at it as if we haven't gone towards any of the other regions yet so as we are making our way towards R Village we stumble across to ban the bridge stable and here we learn more about what's going on a giant blizzard suddenly came in at about the same time as the upheaval and it's hitting the village hard they are struggling to gather enough food and supplies to survive and depend on outside help to hold out okay so we haven't even seen the village yet and we can tell that they are being hit hard this entire buildup so far makes you want to rush to the Village as quickly as possible to do something to help I honestly haven't felt this way since Major's mask but I'll get back to that later let's get [Music] going [Music] as we continue we can see the source of the storm itself getting bigger and bigger the closer we get an Ever looming threat that we see in the distance no matter where we are we never get a chance to forget about it until we eventually end up at the lucky clover Gazette once we arrive there we can see that the stable has now been turned into the main headquarters of the lucky clover Gazette a newspaper business becoming popular in the Kingdom from this we can tell that the Everlasting winter is not only affecting Theo but the entire region since it caused the previous owners of the stable to be forced to sell it off if we continue and try to go into RTO Village we will be quickly stopped as the bridge connecting to it has been destroyed by the weather considering this is still pretty early in the game this can actually a pretty big road block if you were like me you didn't want to waste zonai materials on a vehicle you didn't know it work so instead you'll try something else I came up with the genius plan of creating my own wonky bridge that surely wouldn't give out on any second using cut down trees from around so uh points for creativity I guess now that we've made it we can continue heading towards the village once we are finally in R Village we can immediately see that it is completely covered in snow there's so much that it almost goes up to the railings the only inhabitants remaining our children forced to stay behind while everyone else either left or are out Gathering food for them to survive this is actually pretty dark it kind of reminds me of how in Major's Mass during the final hours almost everyone has already evacuated and some of the only inhabitants left include the bomber children who are clueless to the impending doom slowly heading towards them uh anyways back to the children when we get to the Village we can hear them singing an old children song called song of the Stormwind Ark great name very creative guys yeah I'm real proud of us for this one the song is about the Stormwind Ark and how a oncefallen god ascended back to Heaven leaving behind an ark which brought the read a new life a spoiler alert the Stormwind Arc is real and it's going to be important later we continue through the empty depressing Village and see TBA arguing with his son tulan about how they should deal with the storm above the village Tulin wants to go and check out the giant Cloud right now and his father wants them to be patient and take extra precaution with it after that Tulin flies off to help with a food Gathering Expedition so I want to talk about this argument for a second because both sides of it make some sense obviously they can't just rush in there because that' be dangerous and they have no idea what could be lurking inside of that you know giant storm but they also don't have the time to just sit there and wait every second matters as the temperature is slowly decreasing and as they run out of food I honestly really like this moment and I wish that there was just a little bit more to it before it ends but I mean it's still fine the way it is I like it as nice as that would be we are immediately set off to go and try to find Tulin [Music] again it's a decently long trip to get to Tulin The NeverEnding storm and the lack of sunlight really help give you that feeling of having to survive this game doesn't give that feeling as much as breath of the wild did so this enti entire part does feel like something out of that game to me I know it seems like I'm saying a whole lot of nothing right now but the next time you find yourself at this part of the game I would highly suggest just taking in your surroundings and try to see what I'm seeing here this journey finds us going through a cave and we talked to a bunch of other redo about Tulin being here from one of them we learned that Tulin went off to go and try to fight a group of monsters alone new spash it didn't work out and Tulin lost his bow so we teams up with us to try and get it back this is where we get to use Tulin power of wind the arguably best and most useful out of all the Sage's Powers so we go and get his bow back easy peasy but then we get attacked by more monsters whatever will we do done while celebrating our Victory something happens I guess and then some of the other redo come and tell us about how good of a job we did Tulin realizes that the power of friendship is cool and that we should work together to try and stop the giant Thunderhead this part does feel a little strange I get that they were trying to get Tulin to learn a lesson about teamwork work or whatever but I feel like it was just a little rushed though it definitely was better than what breath of the wild did with Teba so I guess I shouldn't be complaining now it's time for my favorite part of the quest as I said this next part is my favorite part of the entire game I feel no matter how I talk about it I'll never be able to give it the Justice it deserves but I'll try okay you start a little ways down the hebra mountains and you have to climb the rest of the way up it once you reach the summit the views are already Immaculate but you still have a long ways to go before I continue the music during this part is amazing it is one of the best pieces of music I think I've ever heard it has the familiar little Chimes that usually play when you are in a cold region but made a little more high-pitched at first the music is rather calm waiting for you to continue progressing and gets more extreme later on compared to some of the more intense pieces of music this game has this makes you or well at least me feel a little sad I guess I don't really know how to describe it loads of games make it so that the fate of the world is in your hands and you have to go be the hero that saves the day some games show you what happens when you fail but tears of the Kingdom doesn't at least not at this point but you still know that if you fail the Rita will freeze and who knows when the storm will stop spreading as I said I can't put into words how great this part is the only thing I can try and do is convince you to play this again and take in the environment the amazing atmosphere Nintendo is able to create with this part it is my favorite part of the game once we get a little further along we start seeing something weird there are a bunch of little boats flying through the air and they are in the style of something created by the zonai right as we see them that something from earlier happens again this time a voice follows it telling us to come to it and when we look up we can see the silhouette of something Giant in the Thunderhead let's continue as the temperature gets colder and colder and the higher We Go the music starts to build up no longer the calming peaceful music we heard earlier now becoming more Grand as we jump from ship to ship getting closer and closer until we are at the top the game puts you right next to the heart of the storm you can feel the wind pushing you the higher you [Music] get once we jump on one of the final ships we are thrown above the clouds above the storm and we finally see the sunlight once again no snow to block our vision the music prepares you for your final dive into the eye of the [Music] storm once inside we can see that the thing we saw earlier was a giant boat the legendary Stormwind Ark the wind Temple for being the first dungeon of the game they made the entrance to it one of the most grand awe inspiring things I've ever experienced Once In The Wind Temple we have to find five different locks and unlock each one so we can open up the hatch on the deck of the Ark as I was kind of talking about earlier the Stormwind Arc looks very similar to something the zonai would have created so I am inclined to say that it was probably built by the a very long time ago with all the other ruins around Hyrule every lock that we unlock causes the music to become more and more intense there are many different themes used in the wind temple theme mainly from breath of the wild from the attack on vetto theme to raval's theme come on Nintendo I've got over the Champion's death already don't make me have to do it again anyways can you tell the music is a very important part of this story line the puzzles on this Temple are actually really cool and loads of them require you to use icicles found around the area to open doors in one way or another the fact that icicles are a key part of the dungeon it it well to say it's just extremely unique and while I do miss the puzzles used in other Zelda games I think that teers of the Kingdom came up with some very creative ones now that we' got all the locks open it's time to get back to the top deck and open the hatch opening the hatch causes an unexpectedly incredibly strong wind to throw lincol Tulin High into the air once they regain their composure they see the scorge of the wind Temple called emerge from within the ship this is the monster that's been causing the massive blizzard freezing over redo Village and so one of the most epic boss fights ever begins I'm sure you already know that the Kera boss theme is a remix of the Dragon Roost Island theme from Wind Waker I really wish they use more themes from older games and tears of the Kingdom because when they do they're always absolute masterpieces like this one this is probably the most memorable boss theme out of all four of the regional phenomena bosses and I can see why it is the most epic thrilling theme in the entire redo storyline now on to the actual boss Kera is a play on the name molgera which was a boss in the Wind Waker Kera is this giant centipede likee flying creature that you mainly attack using ice themed attacks the entire time you fight Kera you are flying through the air and you have two options of what you can do you could shoot its weak points or dive directly through them I made the mistake in my first playthrough of just shooting them but I insist that you guys go and fight Kera and dive through its weak points it is so much more epic that way I know because that's what I did when recording footage for this video Once kogera is defeated the Thunderhead finally stops and you can sit through the imprisoning war speech with Tulin which I won't be showing because it doesn't have much to do with the topic of this video in the end the snow made by the blizzard starts to melt away very quickly and you get some beautiful shots of the Roo finally coming back Tulin and his father finally see eye to eye and you are one step closer to stopping the de Demon King hey guys sorry this video took so long to get out I'll try to get the next one out faster so I just want to say a couple things before I go um first off happy New Year yeah I uh I had a video that I was going to have come out before uh the New Year happened but I never got around to it so sorry about that and another thing I wanted to talk about real quick is I would like to thank you guys for 100 subscribers we did it uh I'm actually I'm still excited about this it happened a while ago back in like October or November but still pretty excited about it uh yes more Splatoon stuff is on its way sometime in the future I might have something out next month I don't know we'll have to see uh anyways I'd just like to thank you guys for watching um if you enjoyed please leave like down below and subscribe uh I'm going to try to get more videos out this year um and they should be higher quality so uh look forward to that anyways I'll uh see you guys next time bye bye
Channel: The_Golden_Gamer
Views: 13,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom, Totk, Video Essay, Review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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