Total Body Challenge Workout #3 -- Body Weight & Dumbbell Workout

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hi everybody i'm amy from body fit by amy and this is your third challenge workout congratulations you did it you're doing it I'm so proud of you so in this workout we're going to focus on new variations on old exercises so taking exercises that you already know either from the past couple weeks or from your previous exercise experience and we're going to show you different variations so that way you don't feel like you have to learn something completely new all the time in order to mix it up for your body and you know me I'm always talking about variety we got to mix it up confuse your muscles give you new stuff but in this workout we'll give you new stuff whip stuff you already know so all you need is a set of dumbbells in a mat but we'll do some things bodyweight and some things with the dumbbell and as always we'll keep your heart rate up the whole time so beginners I'm going to give you options just work to your own level and everybody else stay with me stop and take a water break when you need to work hard here we go all right so we're going to start just marching and just roll through those shoulders and to the front again as I always say deep breath in get more of a warm-up if you need it you can always reference my how to warm-up video remember in the warm-up we want to focus on getting the blood flowing getting the muscles moving and stretching out at the end flat back down down for to round it up take it flat and up and we'll go two more last one all the way up so just tap and rotate it out so rotate through those hips then reach across there we go good stretching through the arms take it over your head reach reach and then hamstring curls up to the back flex the foot squeeze in the shoulder blades keep the legs take the hands high guys pull it down four three two knees in pull them up remember really pull the knees towards the chest so we stretch opening up those hip flexors four three two good rotate those hips out to the back rotating through the joints and into the front and a couple big arm swings up and down and across all right guys so we're gonna start with our favorite exercise everybody's favorite especially mine the basic lunge so we're going to start then we're gonna add on show you some ways to make it tougher make it different so right before we left foot back let's just start regular lunge remember your form you're dropping the back knee here we go take it down up so just here push through that front heel remember I want you to get as low as you can go beginners if it feels like too much you can keep it shallow you can keep it small or you can grab onto a chair if you need a little extra balance there we go guys and breathe good go four more four three two so hold it here I'm going to tap it in tap it back so this is just a moving lunge beginners if this feels like too much you guys just keep the regular lunge but if you can tap it in drop it low tap it in drop it low so moving lunge and if you want even more of a challenge bring that knee up drop it down that's going to play with your balance and also engage the ABS totally up to you beginners you can stay down or tap it in or tap it up good guys hold it here beginners just hold your lunge I know it's burning everybody else here little lifts little lifts I know we're burning that leg you can do it four more four three two hold it here we're gonna do the same thing from the front push off whoo this one's hard so beginners remember you're just holding four more four three two one shake it out right whoo all right you guys so let's grab those dumbbells well then your knees to get them so grab it here regular biceps up and down so breathe beginners stay here nice and controlled all the way up all the way down everybody else if you want to challenge bring those knees up there we go breathe this is just getting that heart rate up kind of along the lines of the compound movements of last week last two good so let's stay here we already know the variation of the hammer curl let's turn it out to the side so my elbows are in I'm coming up to the shoulders and down a little tricky you can feel that beginners if it feels like too much you can alternate one at a time what we're doing we're getting a squeeze in the back as we open up in that chest you can add that knee to that to just keep them turned out breathe there we go last four four three two good drop it down breathe stretch those out tap it out back to those lunges to give you some more variations because you know I love it so same foot forward right foot forward we're going to cross it over in the curtsy lunge so curtsy lunge like a curtsy my hips are square the bothers your knees at all go back to the regular lunge we're gonna drop the back knee there we go so we're here guys breathe drop it low so again my hips stay square but I'm crossed behind so you can feel we're getting a lot of outer thigh and glute and hip action with these curtsies and again as low as you can go there we go keep breathing four more just like this four breathe three and we're gonna make it a moving lunge just like we did be the other one we're gonna tap it in so curtsy tap it into that back heel beginners you can just keep the regular everybody else tap it in breathe marek out low to high so you're never completely coming up keep those knees bent four three two hold it here beginners you stay here everybody else kick that back up back leg up and a hamstring curl squeeze towards the butt but stay low I know that's hard breathe four three two drop it down one more we're gonna get as low as we can go beginners you can just stay cross it over and back over and back if this bothers your back you can do the same thing from here small little movement beginners again you can just hold that's another variation that's hard holding whew so close four three two and one shake it out whew good work teen grab those dumbbells again Oh right breathe alright so grab those dumbbells regular shoulder press here we go so up and down this feels like too much these are the smaller muscles so you can always alternate one at a time breathe or drop the dumbbells and just do the motion big energy I'm really fine to do that for each let's put a knee to it up and down you got this guy's know this is tough but we use those shoulders for everything let's keep them strong breathe four more four three two one drop those down alright it's not with much of a variation just adding a knee with a way to keep that heart rate up engage the ABS alright guys so let's go left foot forward right foot back regular lunge you're off it down here we go down and so because we're going back and forth high-intensity interval training we're keeping that heart rate up going for weights to body weight but it's cardio the entire time so no need to think that you need extra cardio you should feel it but just in case because sometimes our brains think oh we're doing weights that's not cardio listen to me it's cardio trust me whoo four three two and let's tap it up right here so down tap it up you got this guy's we'll have to ask beginners you can just hold the regular lunge everybody else tap it in and if you want me pull it in pull it in oh there we go breathe so close all any of those options will do four three two hold it here you can do it guys lift and down lift so really small lifts more of that push off that front leg and squeeze in the glute four three two beginners keep holding everybody else up whoo this one's hard so just a little power up you're not coming up very far four three two and one tap it out whoo so again just showing you different ways to mix up those exercises that you know pad your breath guys grab those dumbbells whoo here we go all right so let's take that curl on that press and let's put them together so it's a compound movement with just four arms so watch me curl press down and yeah curl press you may see in some of the other videos this is a good one that you can put with a squat or a lunge - right now we're gonna give our legs a break and work our arms as always guys beginners this feels like too much you can do one at a time you breathe up up and if you want even more of a challenge knee knee down down up up there you breathe so really use the abs to keep that knee in last four you can do this guys for M breathe three two last one up up down whoo catch a rut guys drop those down let's get that left foot forward cross into that curtsy lunge where my hips are square abs in tight if it bothers your knees or joints at all your hips take it back to a regular lunge that's totally fine drop the back knee breathe here we go take it down and good guys so if you want this stuff harder for the legs you can always be holding those dumbbells totally up to you in fact I would challenge you second time that you do this workout in the week if you want be holding the dumbbells on these lunges you'll feel the difference but for now this is totally fine four more four breathe I like to keep my hand super balanced totally up to you two let's travel with the lunge tap it in beginners you can keep the regular lunge balance beginners you can stay here everybody else tap it in low tap so remember you're not coming up right you're keeping it low and just bringing that back end so we're activating a little inner thigh back here lots of outer thigh here who breathe four more four three two hold it here you know what's coming kick it up to the back beginners just hold hold it in place everybody else hamstring curls squeeze that back leg into the glute squeeze breathe whoo good last four four three two beginners keep holding if you can everybody else drop it down cross it over and back over and back it bothers your back same thing up right I know it's burning me too don't worry you got this guys so here we're low if you can just make sure you keep that heel down in the front last for four burn three two OH I know oh that's how I feel about it makes me want to cry breathe you guys let's get a quick little water break just take a few seconds keep your feet moving grab the water whoo so you should already be able to tell how just giving your body different variations of these exercises that you know can really make a difference all right so let's grab those dumbbells again bend your knees to get them whoa higher legs all right so let's go to that flat back row so we're here pull those shoulder blades back the last workout we had one before this time we're just gonna have soft knees shoulders back stick the butt out and we're going here for a row so we're gonna bring those elbows up if this feels like too much guys beginners you can drop one have one hand here for balance and bring it up that's going to help most important thing flat back don't want to be here pull it in up so right here up really pull those shoulder blades in there we go squeeze four more four three two good anyway you tap it out so breathe guys so another little variation on this we're going to take our elbows wide so watch me from the front soft knees flat back palms facing towards the back I'm going to bring the elbows here so my motion is still the same just palms to the back bring the elbows up up and down and again beginners if you need to drop one just make sure you oh and switch sides at about the halfway point we're here breathe up it would be right about now here we go squeeze eight so you're gonna feel your lower back working don't be alarmed by that it's working shouldn't feel like sharp pain four three two and one good guys to have it out drop those dumbbells nice and easy bend your knees to do it so again guys on that you feel all of this working because you're stabilizing that's the advantage of doing it from a standing position but don't worry unless you feel sharp pains and drop them down take a little stretch break okay so back to legs let's go to that regular squat that we all love toes forward we're sitting back hips to the back drop it down bring it up remember I want you to get as low as you can go lower than parallel if you can beginners if you need to you can hold on to a chair or sit back in a chair that helps with that position but remember my knees don't go in front of those toes they stay right above the ankles push in the heels abs in tight two more good guys it's not a little side leg so watch me little lifts beginners if that feels like too much just keep the squat or grab a chair for a little balance or the back of the couch so we're just a little bit of our thighs and then a little bit a balance for abs so you still want to make sure you get low then lift flex that foot lift we don't want to cheat it and just go here here keep that squat three two good guys one more excellent good so stay here one other little variation with the squat let's travel with it so let's start with our feet in we're gonna go wide squat narrow squat wide squat narrow so I'm kind of coming up in between but for the most part I'm staying low so I'm sitting low out to the right Center low out to the left center out while keeping my chest up not rounding that back for more four and in three good work guys - one more perfect relax shake them out and as always us from challenge workout number one you can add a jump squat that's another variation we all love grab your dumbbells one more time guys breathe okay so let's go back to that row I'm gonna give you one more variation beginners you don't want you to stay with just the regular row soft knees just here to hear everybody else watch me we're gonna add a deadlift roll those shoulders back take it down turn those palms in up down and up beginners you can try this if you want but if it feels like pressure in your back really make sure just hold the row and bring it up most important thing it's helpful to use a mirror on this if you can because we want that flat back keep those eyes looking up when you drop what we don't want is this we all sometimes have it tends to do that so really pull it in feels like you're arching your back and sticking your chest out that's exactly where we want to be here we go down up and up down and breathe guys down and up and keep it going normal bore stand up straight three last two flat back hips go to the back last one and that's good guys I was a nice little breather right working a lot of muscles drop them down I gave your heart rate a little bit of a break hit training high-intensity interval training all right guys and we're also on that you are gonna feel your lower back it's working along with glutes and hamstrings along with upper back so don't worry okay plie squat another variation of squats that we love we do them a lot let's drop it down so again when you come back to this workout if you want to be holding the weights we're holding the weights in the center totally fine breathe okay squeeze so you really want inner thighs and glutes so we're gonna go here pull the heel in this is a little inner thigh variation and don't worry about sliding depending you may be on carpet that's okay just tap those heels together really squeeze squeeze there we go eight squeeze in seven six ah excellent work guys four three two good so I want you to hold it here drop it down we've done this before we a squat beside me watch me down pull it in down pull it in no I love this one lots of legs but then getting the ABS down you want more arms take them big circle it around really pull the elbow to knee eight squeeze seven six five good guys four squeeze three two and one good tap amout you guys whoo all right breathe one rare variation variation on that row we're so close for grab those dumbbells then after this we're gonna take it down the mat a few things there hopefully your heart rates up turn to the side guys flat back last time we're here we're gonna add a kick back elbow is up in the row push back to the ceiling in and down so bring them really high then push to that ceiling so watch me what we don't want is this that's just swinging bring them up push up so the kickback we don't use it very often because it's really hard to really master that form but I want you guys to work at it really think those elbows too high push to the ceiling up push for more then we're good here for breathe three - last one up out and relax good guys drop those so don't worry no there's a lot working through the back just now we're going to stretch it out at the end remember we're working that getting it stronger which is so important most back pain is caused by weak backs so we really want to get it strong okay guys last thing up top then we're taking it to Matt let's take that regular squat and we're going to take it out to a plie so I'm going to show you the low impact first that's for you beginners and then we're going to go high impact last push for cardio last push for these big muscles in the legs before some stuff on the mat so watch me regular squat sit low step it out plie step it in regular step it out there we go so keep it here if you want I know they're tired or jump out in out make sure you're really getting low even though they're tired I don't want to see a lazy jump here get low and out I'd rather you step it and get low then jump it and not get low okay doesn't matter we're getting cardio and legs out and we're so close guys you got this we're going to the mat work a lot of abs and arms every sneak in a little bit legs breathe so close you can do it 10 seconds breathe full power good work guys and rolling tap it out whoo heart rate should be way up there good work team grab a sip of water grab your mat come down with your dumbbells and finish strong okay guys so we're down on the mat dumbbells out to the side where you can get to in a second we're going to start with just some bodyweight stuff so let's go to our favorite thing in the world after lunges of course push-ups so beginners it's fine to be on your knees everybody else take it up to your toes if you can remember we're working up to everybody doing a toe push-up so we're here and let's start let's just get a quick little set of our regular push-ups just to get a feel for it nice good form down and up so remember guys you guys keep going you can be on your knees if you need to remember to really pull with your abs so really pull that belly button in and really think about lifting from there so if we stick to knee push-ups all the time it's working a lot of your upper body but we're not necessarily engaging the core as much so really another reason to really work up to here also we just want to be stronger so a couple more one more and stretch good work guys no nobody really likes them but they are the best upper body exercise there is best core exercise let's go to the plank so don't worry we'll come back to variations of the push-ups so we're on the plank just holding here so remember guys really pull everything in abs are in tight there are a million variations for the plank I love them all I'm always trying to come up with new ones let's start with just little knee taps just tap them down so I don't want my hips to be moving at all beginners if this feels like too much you can drop to those knees and just hold everybody else here tap the knees one at a time really activating that core breathe everything's pulled in make sure you're breathing a lot of times we like to hold our breaths on these planks we don't want to do that breathe good guys four three two relax all right guys so we're going to go to a tricep pushup so all that means is we're going to have our hands really close to our sides some of you two options so this one is really challenging so maybe a lot of us need to be on our knees for this hands by your side fingertips pointing forward so if you can from here you're going to go into a full push-up if you need to drop those knees that's okay we just want the elbows to stay right by the sides and then push up anything really poke your ass so if you can be all the way up that's great but it's really hard especially if your arms are tired so either one is fine here we go drop it down and push it up or up on the toes drop it down and push it up use those ABS you guys keep going we'll talk about a few things make sure that back doesn't drop pull everything in again think about the ABS helping beginners this really feels like too much you can keep those hips down and just go here to here we call this a Cobra push up this is another option but if you can up on those knees I know it's hard guys a couple more four three excellent two one more good relax stretch it back so that's all my favorite variations of the regular push-up it is hard to do so don't go bad if you're on your knees and work our way up just make sure we want to cheat out because that's easier let's try to keep them in all right back to that plank guys let's stay on the forearms for one more and this time let's tap our knees down together knees down bring it up bring it up some knees together again if you watch my hips start moving what we don't want to do is lift up with it just the knees so we focus it in those lower abs so let's keep that motion let's add a little twist side to side engaging the obliques twist and center there we go Bri twist and up breathe for more knees tap down little twist three two and one relax stretch and good work guys breathe all right one more variation this is plank and push up variation and we're going to call it blink to push up so we are on our elbows in the plank we're going to come up right hand left hand come down elbow to elbow you've done this before then switch your lead arm up up down down beginners if you need to you can do the same thing on those knees I love this exercise it's me it feels easier than the push up but you're getting lots of core lots of arms so remember to switch arms think left right left right right left right so switch it lead left lead left need right two more you can do this guy's up up down down one more up up down and roll up stretch it up whoo all right guys so stretch that up switch over on your back you should feel your heart rate up on that one too we're still getting cardio even though we're down on the mat okay guys let's get a little bit of ass so all the way down your back feet up in tabletop let's start with that regular crunch so we're starting here and they're going to give you a few crunch variations some ways to mix it up so that's your regular let's slow it down and let's go higher we're going to go up for two down for two up and lift so still keeping the elbows wide gently rest your head and your fingertips try not to pull that chin forward tuck it in just slightly up up you'll notice when you go slower you really feel that burn and try to lift those shoulders a little higher two more breathe up up last one good and let's hold in the center just small little pulses you can do it guys lots of ABS I know those ABS are tired from the planks but these are good variations just pulsing breathe four three two relax hug the knees in so let's stay here reverse crunch you know I love this one so pull the knees to the chest little lift and lower so as we talked about before if you need a little help a little bit of stability push those fingertips into the mat push it to the floor and that's going to help you control it again we want to keep it very controlled very slow we don't want to swing with it so if you need to just little push that's going to help think about pulling these towards the chest lift the butt off the ground and we'll go for more breathe three two good guys so little variation on this watch me bring them in push them out so beginners you can take it high if you want and if you can push it out low for that challenge but make sure you keep that back flat guys so if you feel like you're arching your back to take it up a little higher you can do a break-in and push four more four three two last one and push excellent work guys hug those knees in good good all right a little bit of lower body so we know our regular bridge feet about shoulder width apart let's lift and lower so we're squeezing and then we'll get a couple little variations so as at the top let's push out with the knees then bring it down out and down so we're getting outer thighs along with those glutes this is also a really great core exercise and great for strengthening in the back keep pushing out with those knees two more good and then let's bring it in bring those feet in close knees and close to try to touch if you can and lift and squeeze so really keep them touching you're gonna have a smaller range of motion you'll notice it's harder if that bothers your knees or hips in any way just take it out to your regular but if you can have them in nice and tight you'll get that inner thigh squeeze and that glute squeeze for three there we go guys two and one excellent hug those knees in all right so let's reach back grab your dumbbells so don't reach with your back do it safely comment so let's come to that tricep that we did the day we were doing compound movements so we're just going to take it down and bring it up so down by the ears extend it up so if you guys need more of a challenge you can keep those hips up in a bridge we'll just hold them up beginners you can stay down but just keep those hips lifted so we're not here we're really lifting them up two more good guys so watch me I'm going to go down with the triceps and then I'm going to turn my palms up to the ceiling so they turn in then they turn out you keep going I'm going to show you here and then push so I'm getting a little rotation at the top keep it going still controlled and up hips up if you wanted that challenge and push and breathe go ahead guys relax for just a second you can relax those tips down one more variation so opposite we're going to turn them in and then turn them up so we're actually doing both turn in palms to your face then palms to the ceiling this one's challenging if you don't feel like you have a good grip on it then just keep the regular but if you can turn them into your body rotate them out and if that bothers your elbows at all again just keep the regular you're going to really feel that tricep muscle so what we love this one and up and in for more remember staying up in the bridge is optional three whoo - last one again relax drop those dumbbells down reach it up behind guys so we're here bicycle crunch so just elbow to knee so I want to keep the Elvis shoulder blades off the ground as we twist so in this verse variation touch the elbow to the inside of the knee twist and twist there we go guys fist twist and then let's switch it up beginners keep the feet a little higher if it bothers your back we're going to touch to the outside of the knee it's harder to do but we're gonna do it so we really get those external obliques touch and touch good work guys breathe breathe four three two and relax excellent work guys who know we're tired all right so turn it over into a side plank so we're here elbow beneath the shoulder cross that top foot over beginners stay on that knee everyone else if you can bring it up so we'll just hold first holding here not very long this hand can be down if you need a little extra help little support three two here's a variation take that top one turn it in rotate it up turn it in so if you'll notice I'm turning my hips twist and up for more beginners you can do the same thing from the knee open it up three two last one we'll ask sit down get one more variation from here so stay on that elbow we're gonna lift and lower beginners you can see on the knee everybody else all the way up start at the top or you go down and up lower and lift so try not to push from the hand or push from the elbow really think that it's in the obliques or drop it down three two and one good relax stretch it over all right before we get that other side one last quick thing elbows and toes so we're in actually let's go hands you're just on your elbows so full plank position and let's do some variations on your mountain climbers so knees in so we're just going to get one last push for the heart rate low impact us here beginners stay here everyone else run it in if you can keep those ABS pulled in breathe four three two relax it down stretch it back we're so close so one more variation let's twist to the side so twist twist this is your low-impact and when you're ready it's hard to do guys at this high impact so if that feels like too much just keep the low four three two one relax stretch it back all right guys other side side plank and then we're done so sigh plank old exercise that we know cross it over lift it up if you can beginners you can drop that knee if you need to hand can be up or down we're just holding first to find our balance elbow beneath the shoulder then bring it here cross it down down and up turn those hips in and up breathe you can do the same thing with the knee down if you need to or if you really having trouble with the balance guys just tap it down bring it up three two one more relax it down so we're going to lift up and lift and lower this is the last thing for sure here we go bring it up drop it down eight lift seven this can't be hand can be here here six and if you need to be on the knee you can still drop the hips four more four breathe three two and one good work you guys stretch it out whoo all right so stay here let your head drop just take it over breathe into that really reach those fingertips cuz I know the arms are tired mine are let's go father's side excellent work guys okay turn into Matt so like I said before we did quite a few things that works the lower back so let's get a stretch to start and your modified Cobra on your elbows dinners you can stay here or if you can hands by your side come all the way up relax and shoulders with the hips I'm tired you are so guys these variations have tons more but you can take these into the gym with you you can take these using heavier dumbbells like dumbbells machines there are lots of options for just making things harder but using the same old exercises we know and love love being a relative term so pull this foot in if I didn't already tell you to do that grab if you can and guys just going to lift the knee off the mat and you can do a little push in and out from your fingertips push that shoe into your hand that's going to give you a little extra round that you cap breathe and then let's switch it other side and you can be here if you want to rest your head that's okay to lift that knee up stretching the quad legs which hard and you just do a little push knees off the ground push into the hand good guys and let's take it up and sit back and Child's Pose so hips to the back reach the fingertips forward and guys really try to get those hips back and really try to reach your fingertips high so this is kind of a child's pose but if we really want the stretch really reach those hands long almost like you're reaching them towards each other and away from your body so you'll feel that in your back and let your head and neck relaxed good you guys and then just come into a seated position and also work in the back let's sit here look over your shoulder cross that hand over and look over that back shoulder stretching out the back and then also if you can kind of push you're going to stretch that arm you really recruit over that shoulder all right so bring those knees out to the side and just lean forward into that reach your hands had a neck relax again like the child's pose reach your hands away from your body fingertips towards each other head relaxed forward reach it up hold it over I know we're all pretty tight but just do the best you can reach towards those toes and try a couple deep breaths to sink a little deeper inhale as you exhale sink a little deeper a couple more inhale and exhale and bring it up last night guys open your behind push those thumbs back behind and squeeze out and you just completed your third challenge work great job everybody
Channel: BodyFit By Amy
Views: 229,727
Rating: 4.9326978 out of 5
Keywords: ab workout for women, hittworkout, total body workout, total body workout challenge, workouts for fat loss, workouts for beginners, workout for women
Id: eXDwydOyfNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 51sec (2811 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 18 2015
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