12 Minute Standing Abs with Dumbbell Workout

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[Music] for everybody I'm Amy from body fit by Amy and this is your standing ABS dumbbell workout so we're going to be working the core using a dumbbell and all from a standing position so this is great for those of you that have trouble getting down on the mat maybe your back maybe your joints hurt or maybe you just want something a little different for your core workout so I would suggest using either a medium to light dumbbell I'm just going to use a five today but five or eight or whatever is medium for you especially if you have lower back problems make sure you start light and every single one of these exercises you can do without the dumbbell as well so let's go ahead and start set your dumbbell to the side for now and we're just going to start just rolling the shoulders and breathe a big deep breath in we're just going to do a quick warm-up we don't need to do much but let's just do a few little torso rotations so that's what we're going to be doing a lot of in this workout so maybe you've done my other standing abs workout a lot of you seem to really like it reach over similar motions we're just adding a little weight to it so again you do what's best for you in terms of weight if it starts to feel like too much for your back reach across and you can always drop the dumbbell and just do the movement okay couple rolls to the back flat round it up one more X okay so grab your dumbbell bend your knees to get it so we're not hurting her back so we're going to start with just very basic knee raises so we're just going here so you know this we've done this before you're holding the dumbbell so what I want you to do is really push in on that dumbbell so what that's going to do that's going to create a contraction it's really going to tighten through those ABS so let's add a little something I want you to squeeze the elbows in so that again tightening the contraction you're going to feel the arms so as you probably guessed I'm going to sneak in arms and legs in this workout too but it's also tightening in the ABS good couple more four three two good so let's keep this here take a little wider we're going to go outside of the knee so I'm trying to get my outside elbow to the knee so you're gonna feel pretty quickly your heart rates going to stay up with this workout that's a bonus so you're getting cardio as well and as we all know cardio is so important to developing abs you cannot get that six-pack just by doing the ab work alone you've got to be burning the fat getting the heart pumping as well four three two go ahead feel those arms right so take the toes out to the side we're going to hold the dumbbell here just start with just little rotation twist to the right twist to the left so notice I'm doing a little pivot on my toe opening up in the hips just to make sure that we don't torque the knees or the hip keeping the joint safe so start here if arms are feeling good you can extend them out a little bit so either right about here or straight arms very controlled if it feels like too much for your back of your arms just bring it in close again you could always make it smaller it starts to feel like too much here's what we're going to add a little bit of legs so here plie twist you don't have to go deep unless you want to lower you go the more glutes and hamstrings and legs we're going to get again a bonus but also getting the heart rate up and if you want to take those arms out twist twist turn the shoulders turn the torso for four three three two and one good so let's take it to the side right hand has the dumbbell here ring left hand up might be opposite for you so little side Bend so working lots of these oblique muscles are love handles I actually don't mind that term because it's positive breathe just bending in the torso notice my legs and my hips aren't moving just here two more let's take that top hand reach it over so you really get the stretch bring it in reach dumbbell is right down by the sides in the future if you wanted to add a second dumbbell on that top hand that's a great way to get extra arms and extra apps and let's add one more thing let's add a I mean reach pull reach pull really squeeze let's make a fist with that hand so we're really tighten in that contraction breathe there yeah four more four three two and one good so let's do same thing other side switch that dumbbell start here just bend again focusing that we're just bending from the waist up I don't want to move my knees or my hips or my back I just want that little Bend both sides are working belly button pulled in but we're specifically targeting that top side where the arm is up let's reach it over right here here we go reach renumber stretch again in the future if you wanted to add a dumbbell or even today you could you get a little more of a shoulder press and that weight would pull you a little bit more so you feel more obliques up to you side me right here reach squeeze make a fist so you get that tight contraction there we go guys four three two and one tap it out excellent work guys alright so we're going to cross it over little cross and twist back to Center cross and twist so start close to your body turn those shoulders to the side tapping behind you can keep it simple with just that tap behind or you can make it more of that curtsy more legs up to you if it bothers your knees just keep it a really simple tap and turn the shoulders if you feel good you can press out with those arms adding a little extra arms but also making it harder for the ABS here we go for eight twist seven low if you can push you that he'll target the glutes four more four more heart rate two three two let's hold it right here so we're here I'm gonna curtsy down if you want side knee up two if you just want to tap side knee tap side knee or curtsy pull it over over the head if you can breathe [Music] good work guys you can do it low to high four more four squeeze three I feel my obliques I help you do too good breathe tap it out same thing other side high heart rate right we like that tap it down other side up to you if you want a curtsy side me or tap sign me totally up to you here we go and breathe over the head if you can breathe really try to pull that elbow to the knee so you really get the most out of that crunch is like a standing side crunch here we go breathe [Music] excellent almost there a little bit of balance we like that it just makes our abs working harder - and good relax the arms down tap it out good work guys hope you're feeling it like me all right Wood chop you've done this before probably toes forward I'm gonna start with a dumbbell close twist down by the hip turning that knee and twist up by the shoulder turn the other knee and hip so start slow and start close to your body if that feels okay and your back feels ok move your arm drop it low and twist here we go remember this from our other training have this video we're gonna add twist in just a second a twist here I guess we're gonna go here up side me same side twist up elbow to knee so try to get that opposite elbow to the side of the knee twist up here we go twist breathe good guys twist excellent you can keep it close to the body if you need to for and just keep it small or extend it out three twist two one more good relax tap it out do same thing other side we'll start with the Wood chop and then we'll add the side knee right here starts not small down by the hip up by the shoulders pivot on those toes and the hips so we're not torquing in the knees extend it out if you want breathe twist twist across your body low to high let's add that side in here you up Wood chop twist up down up pull it in you can do it breathe there we go twist twist elbow to knee keep breathing excellent work guys giraffe we're almost done this is a quick workout down up breathe for more right here for excellent - you got it one more and tap it out guys cool one more thing we're good hold it in the center if you can get down in that plie that feels like too much stay up side to side elbows try to touch those elbows down I know it's hard to do but do the best you can start here and if you want over your head side to side I know this is really hard to get low on and again if you need to do this out of the plie just have a soft bend in the knees here to here but if you can eight seven six touch if you can five four three two one good work guys you did it that's it drop that dumble to the side quick workout as you get stronger you can add a heavier dumbbell that didn't feel like enough just start the video do it again a little stretch reach it over breathe and again as you can tell this was a cardio workout as well and we snuck in some legs and some arms of course you know how I do it back down just like we did in the beginning couple roles we hold it here turn to the side sequencing just rotate that shoulder former breathe and other side one more rounded up again both hands up reach over to one side and other side and big deep breath in and out and that was your standing abs dumbbell workout great job everybody
Channel: BodyFit By Amy
Views: 3,300,210
Rating: 4.9046297 out of 5
Id: fE-m2JZ3q5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2015
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