Torrei Hart REFUSES to Give Up Ex Kevin Hart's Name | "I Built a Brand Around My Name"

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so Tory Hart uh was just um in an interview and I guess the topic of conversation came up as to why she still has heart as a last name so um that comes up in conversation a lot when a woman gets divorced why does she keep her you know her ex-husband's name so she goes on to explain it but I wanted to ask you guys talk about it with Lara Pippen well because I've built a career with this name and like I said you know my last name my my maid name was Skipper okay yeah I'm not going back to Skipper Nei [ __ ] am I a comedian though Me growing Up Skipper's funnier sure listen Okay you can't go to restor reservation you know what I mean like T heart does have more of a ring to it I mean Skipper's cute don't give me wrong shout out to my dad family yeah shout out to my momma my daddy cuz they still been married I love y'all 53 years you know but you know I I like heart better I do I do and it's it's just it is what it is it's my name I've built a brand around my name I was there from the beginning helping build the brand she lost me right there I was on side right there people change your name change your name no you believe in why were you there why were you with her up until she says that cuz that that part didn't matter to me okay um y'all going to call me a Pand whatever Pander yes panda panda there we go get it out early I like that I like that but yo if if I built something in this relationship yo you crazy can I can I didn't even get the Finish she built something and her on her own as her name trying to be a she I'm not saying trying to be excuse me as being a comedian she didn't she wasn't a comedian as Tori Skipper was she I don't know what she was doing as Tory Skipper all right she was yeah we didn't Skippers no launched her comedy career as Tori Hart mhm now I'm no longer with this person yeah rock it turn it up I'm not doing that that's it's Parts I just saw he needed the instrumental yeah I didn't if he going to get it I really didn't hey I'll let her rock is this instrument sh so hard design why would yeah Kanye did put the sauce on it always all these kids [ __ ] these kids that's why he's going that's why he's going through what he's going through cuz y'all making fun of that [ __ ] get that [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of here now man it's fire but he's hurt that's fire still it is fire imagine imagine designer having that hard ass song and then Kanye sending it back with Dad on the top up in the morning what anyway yeah I was like I just totally did not finish what I was saying no please we right back to you we right back to you oh cuz you was paying and [ __ ] yeah that's it yeah that's what get it off my bad you know let you do that you know I just think that I sounded harder over that beat yeah no I was I love the beat but no seriously if I I built my brand as this now that I'm divorced from you I don't now have to strip down the name that I built in here even if it's nowhere near the level of where the husband is MH and the other side of that is I don't know what happened in their relationship but yo this could be [ __ ] this is something I earned over here okay I'm not going to call you a Pandora for your T how do you earn a last name no I earn the right to keep the last name whatever whatever I dealt with over here this is part of what I'm keeping get that nigga's name back he got his name he the biggest biggest [ __ ] comic in the world he he still has I think that's weird I think cuz the name comes with Equity I think the name comes with certain things that's why people keep the name yes said that's what I'm saying yeah no no no she no it's because it's attached to Kevin Hart she didn't say that she said I built my career off of this making it seem like like she stand alone no you don't we know why you keeping the name clout clout clout clout CL clout that's how I feel that's how I don't agree with that I do think that if you Laura piss Pippen lost L I'm kind of on board all them [ __ ] that keep the last name go back to your original name get out of here go back they built they built built this as this name I saying but if they even after the divorce still started building things for themselves after that under that name why should I have to strip in now why if you have my last name still make sure you put some respect on it I'm might to put the e in there put some respect on me he when you marry a man you take on his last name go as a extension of him of him when you are no longer my wife that extension is gone it's not true though I don't I disagree with that cuz the name if it was gone then she wouldn't have the option to keep the name no that's just legality [ __ ] but I'm talking about from a from a you know a standpoint of yo when you marry a man you take on his name almost in honor of that man uhhuh so now that we are no longer um boy I was about to say some real yo misogynistic [ __ ] yo we are no we are no longer there so says expected right I think you I think you're right I think you're right in the sense of people who live normal day-to-day lives if we talking about people who are cele just listen what I'm saying people who are I'm saying flip people who are celebrities who have are now um they're brand are Brands now and and not even just a brand they still trying build on becoming a brand why would that not be something that I would want to hold on to it's going to be an easier job to do that keeping that name than going other route now I got a Google Tory Skipper no let me answer you I think that I think it's just the opposite I think that when you're saying that a normal person you are agreeing that you could get rid of the name I think it's the other way around I think that as a normal person you could keep it I I think you should get rid of it period but if you are to Flips point I'm Kevin Hart you're T Skipper you're a comedian if you funny you going to pop period you gonna pop if you funny and y'all keep saying this build a brand stuff yo dog if you building a brand you going to build a brand with your Equity your hard work your your your Genius your talent it might be easier to build it with that name and you are now you're right that's where you aren't the right to to use okay so Tina turn so Tina Turner was cloudy no Lorena Baba is is cloudy well you made a face I because Tina Turner and Lorena bobbit they're not even in the same Strat as [ __ ] I think she should have to give the name back I understand I understand the jum got to do okay but you can't chop the dick in then when you think about everything that Lena bobit has gained after yo having that name that I see why she keeps it it's keeping her alive it's keeping her her financially stable it's keeping her alive in the in the in pop culture at this point if she changes her name there's nothing else to exist nobody know Lena Johnson nobody know Lena Santiago Lena Skipper I haven't really paid much attention to Lorena bobbit past the whole chopping off a dick thing like so so maybe she got a podcast maybe she got books I have no idea but we can't really talk about Lorena bobit in the same scheme of like a Tina Turner or even Ator heart so that's number one number one that's my that's my number one point number two you guys are always looking through the lens of like currency there's other factors that play a role here maybe I'm a mother who wants to keep the same last name as my children that's possible you know what I'm saying so this is also a major factor in her decision I'm I'm sure I'm going by what she said okay she didn't bring that up okay I know that I know that but it's an it's an interview and you know you're not going to be able to say everything it is that you want so there's that another thing is you you miss things there's been times every time I've done an interview I'm like [ __ ] I should have said this this I should have said this I should have said this I meant to say this and it's just it just doesn't come up and the whole branding thing is a major point I'm not taking away from that but there is other factors want to keep the same last name as my kids that's number that's another one another one do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to change your name again it is a huge massive pain in the ass to change your name when there's no real reason to do so other than people having the opinion well you ain't married to the [ __ ] no more so change your [ __ ] name how about mind your [ __ ] business can I piggy back a little bit my my mom and dad they divorced and she kept the last name for those reasons she I I want to have the same last name as my kids the process of changing that I think Parks you spoke to that or how about how about your husband dies should you have to change your last name to whatever your maiden name was what he's dead you know you can't you know you're using his name you're still honoring your husband in death they moving to gopost let me tell you something let me tell you that whole concept of honoring no no no no no no no no no no no no I think that I think that's the way you look at things who him I him for the people I look at it the same way that he that has nothing to do with me I'm I'm having a general conversation I'm based on what she said she said her excuses if she would have said y'all want my kids to have my name we don't even have a talk right here we have zero talk she didn't say one thing about that she spoke to Brand she talked about branding and building up her brand and my thing is if you are Tina Turner and you've been on tour for the last decade and you have a recognizable name as a superstar in Ike and Tina Turner then you want to keep that brand Equity cool if Tory Hart no disrespect to her was a comedian that was recognizable by name then it makes sense Tory Hart is known as Kevin Hart's wife we didn't even know her name is Tori that's not true a l not true a lot of that's not right that's not true do you think that's there are Tory Hart fans somewhere that identify her as Tory Hart the comedian no it's not possible it's a fact like she she's actually a working comedian so it's she's in that Community she may not be on that level is you not you're not engulfed into the but your nostrils started doing I didn't you spoke through your nostrils though cool again I think if she says the the kid thing makes sense I know people that kept the name I know people that got rid of the name she also did say certain perks that come with that last name that she don't want to lose and I'm noty no it is but I'm not mad at it she's own up cloudy but you know what I was married to a [ __ ] for x amount of time and yeah now I'm keeping that clout I don't okay that's it yeah I had exes that kept mind what they keep nothing what they keep oh yeah he was handing offici out that [ __ ] handing officies out you get you get [Music] but
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 70,275
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Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, joe budden network, joe budden 2023, humans, podcast joe budden, queenzflip, melyssa ford, joe budden humans, humans joe budden
Id: 62WOKqAr8fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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