TORONTO TRAVEL GUIDE (23 best spots you MUST visit)

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[Music] hello people who cannot sit at home thank you so much for joining me in this video I have collected 23 of my very favorite in my opinion very best places to check out when you're visiting in Toronto I have been living in Toronto for about 26 years so I think I know hopefully I know where to go and what to do I'm going to cover some of my favorite neighborhoods I am going to cover of course the main kind of tourist destinations but I'm also going to take you through the nighttime torono so you can see some beautiful footage of what to check out during nighttime and closer to the end of the video I'm going to take you to locations that are a little bit further from Toronto so that's something you can consider that also includes Niagara Falls another thing I should mention is that I created a really handy link it's going to be the first link down below and it has all the 23 spots on Google Maps so that you can start seeing them in relation to each other and start planning your trip which hopefully will make your trip a little bit easier to plan and of course if you find this video is helping you and it's giving you value please like it because it helps to push it out to other people and that is all I wanted to say so let's go so here's the map that I mentioned before and the link to it is going to be right down at the bottom in the description as you can see most of the spots are downtown and fairly walkable distance but there are also a couple of places east of Toronto and there's also of course Niagara Falls so let's start our tour of Toronto here is me getting ready for the day and the first place that we're going to go to is St Lawrence Market by the way the order doesn't really matter all of these places that I'm showing you in my opinion are amazing and this is not really an order of what I like most St Lawrence Market is the city's oldest Market dating from 1803 and it's definit defitely the place to check out for some really unique foods and just to do people watching so these guys called stack Daily Kitchen I would go to them if you would like to try out Montreal smoked meat sandwich because they are loaded and they are really amazing over here I'm showing you an oyster bar so over here you can select your different oysters and they open the oysters up for you and you get to sample different oysters which is pretty cool uh what we were here for is the Busters Sea Cove now this place actually used to be my lunch place and I love it it's an amazing seafood place over here I'm having my lobster roll this was about 24 um Canadian dollars it's on the expensive side but it is also loaded I definitely highly recommend another thing to try out over here is the mahi mahi fish it is really yummy it's a specific fish it has a bit of a sour taste but they Grill it and the Char it was so yummy so juicy it was excellent the market has anything you want really it has sweets it has olives you can get your meat cuts over here they even have covered strawberries so for three strawberries for $6 you get three strawberries they also have a bunch of stands with fruits if you just want to be healthy and get like a fruit snack they also have a stand for kind of Canadian souvenirs I don't particularly suggest you spend your money here for the souvenirs I think maybe a dollar R would be one of the best ones to check out because it would be cheaper I also need to tell you about the hop on and off bus it's about $50 I looked at the map over here I'm going to show you the map and where it goes honestly it's it depends on your situation if it's great weather and you like walking I do not see the reason to take this bus because you can walk most of this in a day really but if you don't want to be rushed of course you know hopefully you have more than a day but if you or somebody in your party doesn't you know has mobility issues or the weather is horrible that bus is a great great way to kind of drive around the city get the feel of the city and then maybe hop off and explore different parts but anyway let's go to distillery distillery is our second spot this is another must visit definitely in Toronto it's a beautiful place it is also quite historic the architecture of it is very kind of brick so it's very different than most of the Toronto it has that kind of I don't I don't know if it's European but it has that kind of oldish feel Distillery has a lot of of course shops over here is actually one of the best shops for like torono merchandise this is called peace Collective and I'm going to link it down below for you uh the location of it it just it has so many so many souvenirs it has different areas of Toronto has cups with like raccoons raccoon is a big symbol of Toronto I'm not sure really why uh because many Canadian cities have raccoons but it's it's a thing for Toronto oh and another thing I should mention the second tea of Toronto doesn't read you you do not pronounce it so it becomes Toronto not Toronto which is what what a lot of people say the reason for it is probably just because it's easier to say Toronto versus Toronto over here I'm showing you more of the stores there is a Balzac coffee that's also gorgeous so if you want to have coffee definitely go to Balzac this place is called Burger designs it's an actual store with like lots of really cool knickknacks very unique gifts but it also has right next to it kind of like a cafe and uh there's a bathroom in there too and also they have a bunch of like postcards and post with Tonto it's uh basically Distillery is definitely very touristy definitely great place to get some um some great souvenirs over here is elcat Trin distilleria which is a really great Mexican uh restaurant also Distillery has this beautiful love sign this is out of the locks from the weddings that happened here at The Distillery and just in general people watching in Distillery is so much fun over there was like the cutest dog and uh yeah it's just a great place to chill out you can definitely spend probably I would say two two to three hours in Distillery easily just kind of going from shop to shop if you want to do a restaurant there's a number of them there there's a bar in there so just a really great place and uh during the holidays there's also Christmas Market and occasionally there are also art markets okay so the next stop is the Toronto Island Wards Island now this was actually back in the Summer where we went there Toronto islands are basically one of the main things you need to go when in Toronto so over here we're getting on to the taxi the water taxi this is I think it was about $10 and the faery over there the one that's right here that one is actually $7 so it's not much of a difference but for the taxi there's fewer people and usually not as big of a lineup so my suggestion to you when you're heading to Toronto islands is you do need to check out the central island but my favorite island is the Ws Island which is where we're heading right here in the video this is the area where actually people live still live on the island and there are also lots of cute cats there's a restaurant I think it's pretty much there I think only two restaurants on a hall of islands and there was a local cat who was kept looking at me we also stayed at an Airbnb on the words Island if you look at the Airbnb I think it's one of the two there's really not a lot of airbnbs that are on there but the view that you get from this Airbnb and from this W island is absolutely ridiculous here here it is at night time and here it is at the daytime in the morning you definitely don't need to spend the night on the islands but if that is something you have time for I definitely recommend and in the summer of course there's stand up paddle borders there's kayaks and even twers quadri cycle over here we are renting the price was not that much I think it was about $20 it's a lot of fun but really the most you can do is about an hour on those uh bikes and then you it gets a little bit physically tiring and over there there was a peer that you need to check out out and now we're heading back to the city on the ferry now Ferry on the way back is free from the island number four place that you need to check out when you're in toron is the Chinatown and first in my opinion you need to go to Juicy dumplings dumplings they have there are so amazing really well priced and really fast one of the things that I love doing in Chinatown is actually getting some of the fruits that they have that are unusual and just sampling them when we get home so this Supermarket hang Supermarket it's h there are a number of them as you walk along and uh some of the fruits that I got all of these fruits were actually really yummy so definitely if you're into that kind of stuff get some cool fruits and check it out right next to Chinatown there's Kensington Market and I unfortunately don't have a lot of footage of the overall Kensington just a bunch of stores but the Ambiance of it and all of the food shops like over here I'm showing you little Pebbles which is a really cool cafe and over here is Taco Yak which is a really great fried squid place you know those kind of balls that put you know they're just so yummy and right next to the squid place there's also this coffee out of a vending machine which is pretty pretty interesting it was when I was there a lot of people were very into that it's just a really great Market with pretty much like everything you can want it has actual food just like normal grocery stores it has uh some smaller restaurants it has clothing it's just it's amazing another really vibrant place is Queen Street West so this roughly starts from Queen and bath let's start with nor Leon which is over here this amazing Bakery fairly new but just look at the different options and you know you have the savor you have the site and you have croissants literally insane amount of anything you can possibly want they even have a buffet and uh we didn't do the buffet I just had hot chocolate over here and some sweets and a sandwich and it was so good highly recommend starting there and overall Queen Street West is an amazing Vibe really cool neighborhood with like the coolest little shops if you go slightly off Queen you'll see a lot of graffiti and over here is anthropology one of my favorite stores in general the thing about this store is that it's in an old church which is really beautiful and I just love anthropology and the ambience of this place is just one of my favorite places so definitely check it out now over here is a paper place you basically continue walking West on Queen Street and you will come upon all of these places and I'm also going to link them down below so the paper place has so many cool things so many beautiful papers beautiful books stationary just anything papery NAD is another beautiful Patisserie and you can also have a place to sit this is John fuog amazing Canadian shoe designer very stylish just like look at these shoes oh my gosh I love them very creative but another thing that's really cool in this place and the store is completely free funky room now I'm just standing as normally I'm standing but the room is onto the onto the corn onto the side and you have the shoes over there and the couch is on the side and it's just so cool definitely check it out if you're in the area beautiful place for some photos and definitely get the shoes if you are into those kind of shoes because they are definitely very unique and A Conversation Piece so over here we're walking back back to BS and you can see the CN tower number seven is graffiti alley it's also on Queen Street West but it's a little closer to Spadina it starts over there roughly on Queen and Spadina and it's an alley literally like it's marked on the map and you can continue walk and you will see so many cool graffiti and a lot of them are fairly new because they you know artists create new things watch out for ceilings because some of the graffiti are on the ceiling and of course the raccoons which is the thing in Toronto definitely perfect place for photography number eight stacked Market this is an interesting place it's fairly small but if you are in the area I think I think it's definitely worth to check out in the summer it's very happening there's of course lots of stores there's a place to hang out there's kind of like a brewery and yeah it's just like a bunch of these crates that are kind of stacked against one another and you have this cool neighborhood so now I want to show you some view of the city during the night time so we are heading to Nathan Phillip Square which is pretty much the main square of torona over here we have the beautiful sign the sign does change it depends of maybe if like maple leaves are playing the sign is going to be blue and if it's some kind of holiday it will switch this is of course now is just kind of like a fountain because it's summertime but in the winter it becomes a skating ring and it's actually one of the main skating rings in the city and over there we have the city hall the Toronto City Hall or the new city hall was opened in 1965 and there was actually a competition International competition for the design of this building and this was the one that won there are definitely a lot of opinions about this structure I think it's kind of cool it's definitely unique and when you're there at Nathan Phillips Square look out there's a second floor so some people stand above which is also another just kind of area where you can take some really beautiful photos and of course you can also go here during the daytime the ls don't glow as much but it's still really pretty during the daytime for me one of the things that I always do there are always these hot dog stands around likeo on the Queen Street you will see them I always get one of those hot dogs here is me getting I think I got a Polish sausage for like $4 or $5 and it was actually really great it was a perfect snack as I was walking at nighttime they also sell different things like fries and things like that but for me it's the hot dog I don't know what it is about being at Nathan Phillips Square and having the hot dog number 10 young and Dand Square so in my opinion this is a really beautiful square that has been growing and developing in the last actually in the last like 10 years it blew up before it was fairly normal looking and now it almost reminds you of Time Square in New York it's of course smaller than Time Square but it does have that Vibe there's always something happening here there's always somebody there there's either music or somebody's you know saying things so watch out for that it's fairly safe but still there's it's a very active Corner uh over here I'm showing you the diagonal Crossing so watch out of course for the signs it will tell you when you can diagonally cross but yes During certain times you can actually diagonally cross that intersection so the next must visit spot and I think this is must visit for a tourist or a local is Little Canada it's actually at Young and danda square the fee for for it I think it's in about $3 to $40 somewhere in there but what this is is it's a miniature City and not only Toronto they also cover Ottawa they also cover Quebec it is absolutely ridiculously detailed you see all the people you see all of the landmarks and there's like some hilarious things like people in the pool over there for us it took about 2 hours to just walk everything make sure we check out everything they even have fireworks over there over Ottawa Parliament and here's a Fairmont Hotel and in each of the rooms there's like scenes from different movies or different references over here is the Quebec City beautiful in the winter time it's just so much fun and you can actually have a miniature of yourself made I think it takes them a while but you can either be placed into Little Canada like into one of the displays or you can take it with you so the next stop we're going to head to is the Tron Eden Center it is a really great mall it's three level and there's also a bottom level for the food cord and it's just it has anything you can possibly want in terms of shopping it is an indoor mall so you're not going to get rained on uh arzy over here is pretty cool they have this like puffy jacket right now and they even have like a game that you can play totally for free while you're waiting for whoever is you waiting for uh the interesting thing for me was always that like the ground level of Eden Center is kind of like the regular priced uh things such such as H&M and things like that and as you go higher each level it goes higher price so the top levels are like the more expensive Brands so over here we're going actually at the very top level and it's by the way really beautiful I actually love uh Eden Center architecture over here is a Canada Goose which is of course a very famous Canadian brand and the prices in there are on the higher end but definitely worth checking out if you've never been and here's a drake store with the owl it's right next to Canada Goose also very interesting and check it out out if you're in the area and very close to those uh both of those stores is the Queen Street Bridge you need to head south towards the bay and here is the beautiful bridge over there is circle like one side is circle and then it becomes into the square entrance which I think is so beautiful architecturally and at night it's [Music] gorgeous so number 14 spot it's a very fast stop it's the St R's Hotel all I'm interested in is at night it glows and it has this like band that goes up and down so it's actually really beautiful as you're walking past it so I do recommend you check it out and here we're just walking the nighttime Toronto it's really beautiful of course lots of lights and over here we're heading for our next stop which is Brookfield place this is actually done by a Spanish architect Santiago calatrava he has a number of architectural pieces of course in Spain but he also did uh this piece over here which is a beautiful kind of Archway and here's another kind of piece at the end of the at the end of that Archway you see another kind of area another hallway and actually in this same building you will see Hockey Hall of Fame which is essentially a museum of hockey I am not a hockey connoisseur I don't know much about it I know that this is actually one of the best museums so if you're into that this is one of the places you must must visit next St is the CN tower of course the beautiful CN Tower uh you need to go if you've never been up to the top level of the CN tower like the the main level and at the higher level you will also have a restaurant if you're going for a restaurant I think the level below is free just make sure online to check with that but if you just want to see the view you need to get the tickets and you will see a really beautiful view I highly recommend it another thing that they have there is Edge walk it's oh it's a little extreme you're strapped on and you get to kind of walk on the edge of the CN tower it's a lot of fun but I've never done anything like that but if you're into that kind of thing for sure highly recommend another thing that I've actually have done and I loved it is a 7 minute helicopter tour over Toronto I don't have the footage because this was about 10 years ago helicopter takes you roughly where the porter uh airport is uh and then kind of fly you around the CN tower I think it was a number of times and you get to see the beautiful downtown it's amazing I highly recommend it and the link is going to be down below number 17 is the dog fountain at berky Park Trona doesn't have a lot of fountains and I think this is the prettiest Fountain of course it is in only in the summertime and right now now in the fall time in the winter time it will be closed but the thing about this is that the fountain is all about dogs so every every station over there you will see different uh types of dogs with only one exception over here is a cat but the cat is not looking like where the dogs are kind of all looking straight the cat is looking away so if you look around the cat is actually looking at these two birds the next stop is Gham building which is a flat iron building it is literally right next next to the dog Fountain it's very close to it and from this side you see this kind of mural and then on the other side you see the flat iron building it is beautiful it's beautiful at daytime it's beautiful at night time so this building was built in 1892 it was actually the headquarters for the Gham and warts Distillery complex so now we're slowly heading away from the downtown and I'm going to show you different kind of spots that you should consider visiting Riverdale Park Sunset Vista over here I'm showing you it's one of the Beloved places to see the most beautiful well Sunset but also the most beautiful view of the downtown Toronto away from the downtown so you see the skyline it's also gorgeous at nighttime over here and there's like a huge park over there the best way to get here is probably by the subway which is uh it's called TTC Toronto Transit Commission get off at the broad you station and just walk about 10 minutes [Music] the next place I want you to consider heading to is the bluffers park Lookout this is a little bit harder to get to you can get here by public transit but it is best if you have a car it is just a beautiful kind of cliffs and in the summertime this is a beach that's uh very nice and in the winter time it's actually really pretty as well you get like little snow over there on the rocks and it's just gorgeous and another thing about this location is that they have a number of smaller houses that are on water it's quite the community over here is the bluffers restaurant which is a great restaurant with the view onto those houses and during the weekends they usually have a uh Buffet Branch Buffet which is really great as well but I think they also do alak cart if you don't want to do the all you can eat theia Spa Village this is in Ashawa which is about an hour slightly under an hour east of Toronto and it's a whole kind of complex and you can spend a whole day here definitely and I suggest you do best if this is at winter time because you have this contrast of being outside and you have all of these like hot and cold dips and you have the snow for me it relaxes me so much and I love places like that they also have a really nice restaurant over here we had like the most awesome shakuri board and the drinks were also great so definitely consider doing a spotting day if you have the time the price for it I think it's slightly over $100 for a day uh definitely could change so check their website Toronto Zoo is another amazing place this is the largest zoo in Canada so definitely worth going to my family and I personally love going there in Winter because in the summertime it's a little too busy for us uh but we've been there so many times so but it is of course amazing in the summertime but we go in the winter time because it's a mix of indoors and Outdoors so you are never too cold and you also get to see the animals Outdoors as well which is really cool gosh you have pretty much any kind of animals over there there are slightly less animals in the winter but also the pricing of the entry fee is slightly less so it kind of balances out they have the the Penguins they have the polar bears right outside this was actually middle of the winter so they are kind of always out there and they also have a cool tronos sign that is made for goats which I thought was really cool number 23 Niagara Falls I have to talk about Niagara Falls of course so first even before going to Niagara Falls Niagara on the Lake which is a really cute town that you need to visit it's definitely very touristy but it's also so pretty that you have to check it out we are over here at the Niagara on the Lake Golf Club usually we go here and over there I was pointing out you can see the America from over there and I get my pizza and my mom got like fish and chips really great restaurant and over here we are looking at this is called the swirl and over there is they have like a jetbat tour which is another thing to do if you are traveling here especially in the summer because this is closed in the winter and you get splashed you get soaked wet but but it's so much fun I've done it I think three times and all the times it's so much fun over here we're finally at Niagara Falls this is the place to go is it busy yes it's always busy no matter what time of the year but it's also magnificent it never gets old for me to see Niagara Falls it is absolutely beautiful try to park slightly away from the central Center there's usually parkings kind of off to the side because of course the more Center you are the more expensive parking is going to be and over here I am showing you the tunnel which is a kind of new experience I'm going to link it down below where you uh get it from but what you do is you go down and then you take this beautiful tunnel and then you get right up close to the falls and you will definitely get wet so definitely have extra clothes when you're going to uh Niagara Falls just to make sure and over here I thought I'd show you a really cool tour I found uh the link is going to be also down below it's Niagara Falls tour from Toronto with skip the line boat cruise this is the boat that goes right up against the Falls um definitely looks cool the price is actually great I don't know how long this is going to stay but this is but this is definitely something to consider and another place that you need to check out at Niagara Falls is bird kingdom it's an amazing place because the birds are sort of all around you it's kind of a open concept kind of thing uh they of course will run away from you and they're not going to come close too close to you but you get to have this feeling like you're pretty much right up close with them hi this place has about three levels it has a lot of greenery and it's just beautiful experience and I'm going to actually post a link for $2 off for each person in the description below so if you go make sure to get that link so I hope you enjoyed this video I definitely love Toronto I think it's an amazing City I hopefully showed you some of the more beautiful things to check out here if you have any questions write it down below and again please like if you found this video valuable thank you so much and I will see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: Ontario Road Tripping
Views: 16,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TORONTO TRAVEL GUIDE (23 best spots you MUST visit), Visiting Toronto, Toronto Ultimate travel guide 2023, what to do in Toronto, Tourist in toronto, toronto tourism, what to do when visiting Toronto, visiting toronto for first time, best things to do in Toronto Canada, Ontario, Toronto, Canada tourist, what to do in the Six, the six, the 6ix, 23 Things to do in Toronto Travel Guide, things to do in Toronto and Ontario, Niagara falls, visiting niagara falls, CN tower
Id: mnEX7ymWan0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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