BEST THINGS TO DO IN ONTARIO (24 road trips you need to do in 2024)

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[Music] hello people who cannot sit at home thank you so much for being here so this video is a quick fire of the 24 of the best road trips that you need to do in 2024 and one more thing before we head right into it I have recently found out that 95% of people who watch me are not even subscribed to me so if I could please ask you to subscribe because it means a lot to me and it also helps to push out this channel so more people can Discover it and without further chitchat let's go and by the way I wanted to quickly note that the order of these trips is by no means a rating this is just me randomly throwing it all out there so the first road trip I need to talk to you about is North Bay specifically over here we stayed at the finch Beach Resort right on Lake nipping why North Bay I just simply think that it's a jam it's about 4 hours from Toronto so it's not very popular yet for people in Toronto but I think there's so many cute things like retro diners this Heritage Railway Carousel company which is the cutest thing ever you get to sit in this little tiny train and you go for a ride the price of it was something like5 or $10 and you get to be a kid and it's so adorable and right next to it there's two carousels that were also so much fun to just participate in I think the ride on them was like $2 per person something like that it's very little but it's beautiful they're beautifully restored they're all about canadiana it's just really great Road Trip the second idea and it's it's best to do them together North Bay and sbur is sbur so this is about i' say 5 hours from Toronto and over here I'm showing you Bell Park Boardwalk it's gorgeous it had that BC Vibe for me definitely felt a little bit Vancouver esque and you have to check out science North in my opinion the best science museum I've ever been to in my life and I've been to quite a few here and in Europe a really really well uh done museum with so many exhibits so many things to be entertained for kids and adults price of the admission was somewhere in the 30s 30 or $40 but honestly it was worth it we stayed at the henta bed and breakfast it's about 20 minutes from sodbury it is it basically looks like a Mexican Villa it's gorgeous and I also did the owl experience with Talon and bark falconry it was so much fun I think the price of it was $50 and you get to kind of be near two really cute owls and learn so much about them by the way down below I'm going to link the longer videos for both North Bay and sbur if you're interested so check those out so next up the road trip you need to do is it's the Oxford County cheese Trail such a fun trip I also did a whole separate video about it I'm going to link it down below uh there are maybe about 10 different cheese places that you get to go that that you can just go in pretty much most of them are you know very happy to give you the samples of their best cheeses make sure sure to bring a cooler if it's summer month because of course it's cheese and trust me you will want to buy a lot of cheese and you get to try so many unique cheeses such as coffee cheese and just lots of different flavors I'm going to link down below the Oxford County cheese trail map so you can see all of the cheese places next must do road trip is the St Katherine Museum and Wellen Canal Center and specifically what I'm talking about is this kind of bridge that you get to go up by the way it's totally free and you get to see the ships pass you by it is such an entertaining thing I did did not know that this existed entertainment for adults and kids alike because it's such a wonder when you see such a ginormous ship squeeze through this canal and you're like is it going to fit but of course it fits but it just you're worried and then you see smaller boats which are still huge boats but it's it's such an entertaining thing to do and if you're going to do this trip go to St Katherine's Museum Facebook account they usually list all of the timings when the ships are passing you by so that you know what time roughly to be there the next trip is I'm going to call it canalside Port called hbor trip this is pretty much down if you had south on the canal just just from where we were on the St Cath in St Catherine and in here you get to see this gorgeous Bridge go up and the boats also pass under it there is a restaurant canalside restaurant and you can sit down have an amazing burger and it's the same thing you're waiting for the ships and in here the extra kind of visual stimulation is that the ship is going under the bridge that's later on is going to be lowered when we were there sitting at the restaurant we were kind of asking the locals and they said on the weekend in the summer usually there's about from like 5 to six ships going by so you're almost guaranteed if you sit at that restaurant to see a [Music] ship next step is the Chantry Island tours this is such a unique road trip this is at Southampton Ontario it is a bit of a drive I think it's about 3 hours you do need to go on their website chandry Island T Tours website and book your trip because this is just you you have to pre-book you cannot just show up I think the fee was something like $35 uh you need to check online maybe it changed and the trip is they take you on this island that is not accessible otherwise and you climb the lighthouse which is so much fun and it's a bit of a challenge definitely um but it's beautiful I would not recommend if you're claustrophobic it's not very tight but it's still pretty tight and then you also get a tour of the lightkeeper's house when you go down the lighthouse it's a truly amazing tour it takes about 2 hours uh but it was so much fun so the road trip number seven that you need to do is Halle Burton this is about I'd say about 2 and a half 3 hours north of Toronto and I go to Halle Burton about three times a year I absolutely love it it's cute it has that cottagey feel but it has you know restaurants and shops and things like that it also has the most gorgeous sculpture garden it's called halir and sculpture garden over here I'm showing you some of the examples I think there's about 30 sculptures in there totally free to enter there's also Castle Antiques and Cafe I love how they join a vintage shop together with a really nice Bakery and they also have like some sandwiches and things like that and you can just chill over there you can work it's such a [Music] Vibe if you're brave you also need to check out halberton Forest Wolf Center you're behind the glass so the Wolves actually do not see you but it's definitely very interesting experience I think it was about about $15 when we were there for the entry fee and usually you don't need to pre-book the road trip number eight you need to do is Peterboro again this is a city that I never hear anybody in Toronto talk about but it has so many things so there is a pbor lift lock which is the last one of its kind as I understand it basically takes the boat and it kind of lifts it up it's literally like an elevator of the boat so interesting to see it goes up and down all the time there's no schedule there just whenever the boats come in you get to see it but you can also go kind of inside the tunnel you get to see that lift lock from closer closer up another thing you need to check out in Peter B's nostalgic Journey antique it's an absolutely amazing antique store it's probably my favorite it's very beautiful and really well curated and make sure to go to kartha Butter Tart factory they have so many amazing butter tarts with like the most different flavors raspberry chocolate coconut so many so many options so the next amazing road trip suggestion is the Painted Ladies of gri be this is kind of on the way to Niagara Falls I would say it's about an hour maybe slightly over an hour from Toronto it is like a set of these gorgeous houses there's a whole video I did about this I'm going to link it down below these houses are beautiful they're of course historic but also the community keeps them up and kind of you know makes sure that they do not age they are so bright I would say all in all maybe there is good like 20 houses that are really really intricate and then there are other ones that are also beautiful but maybe less ornate so definitely gorgeous place to check [Music] out I wanted to tell you about my new weekend getaways road trip Journal this just recently came out on Amazon it's one of my books it's all about weekend getaways and I'm going to link all of the information down below and I also have of course my regular anterior road trip Journal which is the spring and summer for daytime tripping and my fall winter if you would like to go on a day trip in fall or winter you have been watching me for a while you probably could have seen me already go to princess satellite mine which is in bankr which is about 3 hours 2 and a half 3 hours uh North uh east of Toronto the reason why I'm saying that is that I try to go here at least once a year in the summertime because they're mainly open in the summertime they close for the winter and what it is is it's a rock Farm where you go in it's free to enter and right away you can just dig for things and find things they do not give hammers you should bring your own Hammer if you would like to definitely bring your own go goggles I do think they give away the goggles but I'm not totally sure they do provide like a basket that you can put your stuff in but it's so much fun to crack the rocks and get whatever take whatever you like there is something that you would like to take if you find some amethyst or something really pretty uh you can buy it for $2 per pound I'm going to link down below a whole video about this experience because it's so much fun next up we have the peely Island I've also done a whole video about this it's definitely you need to watch that video because there are very many elements about pey Island you need to do a lot of planning to get here what I mean by that is to book even the ferry I think to book the ferry when you just going by yourself without the car that's not a problem but I could not book the ferry with my car if you would like to do that and drive around on the island in the car which I highly highly suggest you need to pre-book this months in advance it's very complicated because a lot of people want to do that it is very beautiful trip it is definitely very unique trip so first you need to get get to the actual Ferry which is about that's a good 3 hours 4 hours of the city that the fairy leaves from is lington so because we couldn't get the car we rented a golf cart this was not a cheap thing to do it was around 200 or 250 for like an hour so definitely try to get your C there because it will save you money but it was a lot of fun in all honesty the golf cart was a lot of fun we w we just went all all over the island and over here is the most southern point of Ontario this is as Southern as it gets there is another Island it's called Middle Island over there you can actually see it over there but it's not publicly accessible so the bloggers don't usually count that as the most southern point because you can't really access unless you have your own boat I guess with the golf cart it took us about 3 hours to explore a number of spots we didn't explore the whole island we didn't have enough time because we needed to go back uh if you can stay at the hotel or if you can camp at the pey island you you should do that because because that will give you more time to explore there's not tons to do on the island but it is very beautiful number 15 absolutely absolutely must do thing is tobermore specifically the bow tours that leave from tobermore there's a number of companies the company we went with was the Tobermory wave Adventure cruises and over here we're kind of looking at the shipwrecks this company they are open air boat meaning there's no you know you're kind of in the air in the open air which is a positive and a negative in a positive in a way that it's cold uh and when you are they don't have a glass bottom so you don't really see the shipwrecks as well there is another company that does enclosed uh boats meaning you're not outside and you do see the glass bottom but I I feel that that was not enough for me I wanted the air I wanted that whole experience so on this tour you will go to flower pot Island I think there's an option to get off the boat if you would like to kind of explore there I've heard that most people just kind of do around because if you get off there's not that much to do there because the main attraction is the flower pot Islands but in general I really did enjoy that tour because they went to a number of places it was beautiful when you're in the area of tobermore go to Sweetwater Restaurant this is a restaurant on a golf course with the most gorgeous view and the food was [Music] amazing best to pre-book so that you have your reservation uh but I think over there we just walked in and of course when in Tober M also consider going to sabble Beach and there are so many things in the area I of course did a video about all of the um tobermore places that you should check out I'm going to link it down below number 13 trip idea is Saria this surprisingly is a very kind of underrated trip not a lot of people especially from Toronto go here but I think sarna is gorgeous there's so many things to do and uh I'm of course also did a video about this I'm going to link it down below so you can check it out but um the blue water bridge is beautiful you can just walk around there there's lots of boats canatara Beach is just a beautiful beach free to enter it was such a quality Beach we loved it over here is py Fish Market where you can get fish if you would like to but what we're there for is behind the the market you will see kind of the Fish Shack and this is actually fresh CAU fish I think it's c not sure totally um freshly fried very yummy and you're just sitting there right across the water it's really beautiful this place this park is free to enter Green Hill Gardens wil sport line that's how it actually is in Google maps and the unique thing about this and I've never seen anything like this actually anywhere is that we were here at the end of July and there were Lotus there was a Lotus field I've never seen lotuses in my life just like in real life and it was so beautiful and the fact that this was free it was just so ridiculous I don't know how long the lotuses uh Bloom but as as I mentioned kind of beginning of August end of July they should be there number 14 trip idea is the Essex County this is also not a lot of people talk about this they have so many gorgeous wineries this is like the second uh Niagara Falls so over here is Viewpoint Estate Winery gorgeous another Winery that we checked out when there was Spruce Wood Shores Estate Winery beautiful I actually don't have footage but it's another beautiful Winery but in that whole area of the Essex County area there's countless amounts of wineries it's a beautiful place and if you would like a place to stay consider lungavita what they have is they have those domes and they also have tents like kind of like a glamping style but they also have like a sauna and gorgeous view and there's kayaking really great place number 15 place to go to is check out the jumbo the elephant which is essentially an elephant it's really cool it's it's a memorial meaning that actually an elephant died in this place uh about a 100 years ago I believe that's when the this Memorial was erected and right next to it actually about 1 minute walk you will see St Thomas elevated Park very unique uh it's an old bridge that had the train and now it's sort of like a lot of sculptures and you're very high because this is a bridge above and you see all the trees and the sculptures also make like a sound they they're all about wind and sound interaction and just a beautiful view from the upstairs this is about St this is in St Thomas and this is about I don't know about two hours two and a half hours south um Southwest from [Music] Tona number 16 idea is musoka goat away this is hilarious experience this is in Huntsville Huntsville is about 2 hours north of Toronto it's in musoka of course and uh you need to pre-book this and when you pre-book it you get to walk through the forest these most adorable goats so the lady I'm pretty sure her name was Stephanie was so lovely they she had a bunch of different goats you know older goats she had the baby goats it was just great variety they kept on kind of you know they're they're of course you're holding on to the leash but they can kind of go everywhere where the food is so it was it was hilariously fun to kind of uh walk around with them and at the end we took a picture together with my mom it was really adorable number 17 spot to check out is Treet up trkking so this is ganar rasco location which I would say it's kind of like we're where Port hopus sort of in that area about 2 hours East of Toronto I've done Treetop tracking before this time I think this location it just the trees are so tall the location the other location I've done is Horseshoe and it's a great location but I don't know I think in this in ganaraska specifically location the trees are so beautiful and so tall that it's that element of being very small in comparison to the [Music] trees over here you can see this is the higher level we did not do that I we just did kind of first three levels I think you can go up to seven levels this is so crazy high and uh the people are the people are really Brave number 18 idea is theria Spa it's a great Spa that fairly recently opened I think it's about been 2 years and you can spend a whole day there definitely pre-book and then once you're there so many different hot and cold pools they throughout the 2023 continued kind of adding on to different uh saunas and things like that this one is a cold pool by the way but yeah I I I of course did a video I'm going to link it down below for you to check out but even now that it's been about a year that the video was done they have opened even more things it definitely is an amazing way to spend the day they also have two restaurants over here we got a Shakur board and a drink and I think they have like a beer garden upstairs if you would like a beer and I particularly love going here when there's a bit of a snow so that you have that contrast of snow and the heat from the pools beautiful okay the next stop you need to check out is park with estate it's a beautiful place by the way free to enter uh so this is in Spring and it was raining and it was still gorgeous they had like insan am out of tulips and just uh beautiful kind of greenery and Fields but and over here is the kind of main uh star which is their pool and let me show you how it looks in the summer it is breathtaking it it feels like you're in Europe it feels it just it's it's so gorgeous if you would like to well first of all inside the parkut state it's a very historic building you can book tours they go all throughout the year and workshops like really adorable workshops so make sure to check out their website they have so many things to do there uh in the summer they also open up I think it's like afternoon tea and just like a cafe of course you need to pre-book because uh you know to make sure you have your spot and over there you sit over there in front of the fountain it's gorgeous and here's another area where they have like a bit of pond and a number of um sculptures it's kind of behind and a lot of people miss this so make sure to check this out number 20 Canadian Automotive Museum this is in Ashawa and it's actually not that far from Parkwood estate if you would like to do these two things together it's one of those things that like I'm I'm not into cars and when I went there I was like I'm not going to be that impressed I was impressed this is uh the entry was it's not free but it wasn't very expensive and then you get you get to see so many cars so this one is from the back to the future of course not the exactly one but it's that type uh over here is Pablo Picasso's car similar to the one that he had which is really cool this snowmobile was so unique like it just what it has like these cool tires SL sled very interesting but my favorite for sure out of all of the cars was this aquamobile which is essentially in the 70s I think or in the' 60s that's you know it was a thing cars would just be made to go into the water I'm pretty sure you can probably still get this but it was like a boom interest in that before so to me that was just like my mind was blown that that was a thing before and I wish actually I would love to experience that one day number 21 was Coca beer Spa amazing Spa this is unique because it's all about beer their slogan is your place to detox retox and relax and yeah it's essentially one of the few spas that let you drink beer not of course right by the pool but like in a station that they have around and then throughout the spa they have like for example this uh water you can you know press down on the string and water the bucket drops down on you then they have the typical sauna they have I think they had about four different kinds of sauna and a steam room over here and then they also nearby have a beach and they have like hammock if you would like to stay there they also have rooms to stay amazing place you need to check it [Music] out number 22 is primitive designs you could have probably seen this but I need to put this on because maybe some people haven't still been there and oh my gosh this place is amazing so it's mainly open in the summer make sure to check out their opening times they're usually closed in the winter over here is just insane huge structures made out of I think these are old C parts and we have the Transformers we have just different things and it's free to enter but there's also a market so if you would like to check out the market you definitely can so ostrich land Ontario is an insanely unique experience first of all you get to see the ostriches so there's a number of different tours I think we just got the feeding tour I think it was like $10 per person was really affordable and they give you like this jar and you go to these babies these are by the way like under one years old these are babies and they're fairly gentle it's just like their necks are really long that's a little unusual but it's a lot of fun so another fun thing about ostrich L Ontario is that you can order an ostrich egg and over here I waited like two months for this and they notify you and then you go and you pick it up and we had the most interesting omelet I'm going to I of course did a video about this I'm going to link it down [Music] below and the last but definitely not the least is the Air Park Cafe this is kind of close to G so I would say about an hour from from Toronto and it's a cafe you just over here is our food uh we did not pre-book but it's best if you do book a reservation just in case especially on a Saturday on Sunday their open hours are only like something from 8:00 in the morning to about 2: they're only in the morning double check online because this definitely can change and you're sitting there and you are seeing all of these planes uh the small ones of course lift up and land uh and it's so much fun and it's highly entertaining you need to check it out [Music] I hope you enjoyed this video These are of course my favorite road trips in Ontario if you think you can add more to the list definitely write it down below and thank you so much for watching please subscribe like and share and I will see you next time bye
Channel: Ontario Road Tripping
Views: 11,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST THINGS TO DO IN ONTARIO (24 road trips you need to do in 2024), traveling Ontario, best road trips in ontario, weekend ideas in Ontario, toronto weekend ideas, best day trips from Toronto, ontario secret destinations, toronto tourism, ontario tourism, tourist in Toronto, tourist Ontario, Canadian tourism, canadian tourist, new in Canada, Exploring Ontario, Ontario nature, welcome to canada, in and around toronto, best road trips for 2024, what to do in ontario
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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