Toroidal propeller vs 3D printed EDF

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droidal propellers are everywhere on YouTube right now but has anyone tried to put one in an EDF I don't think so so I did it just as an experiment [Music] [Applause] throw it out properly are cool definitely there is a bit more hype than the real applications in some cases but still it's a pretty cool technology and because recently I have been researching some edfs that I want to use for a project I thought how about making my own EDF 3D printing it and putting a toroidal proper inside for plenty of reasons I'm pretty sure this is not the best idea and it's not going to improve the efficiency of the EDF but maybe it will make the EDF a bit quieter to design my own EDF I use this EDF as a design reference I bought it online it was pretty cheap and then I tried to copy all the dimensions and things and features of the design in Fusion 360 but I kept in mind that this thing is going to be 3D printed so it's not going to be as strong as injection molded parts so some things are a bit different [Music] thank you making just one EDF and one propeller wouldn't make for an interesting video so I designed a few more propellers standard propellers and then a few more toroidal purpose to compare all of them all the parts were printed on snapmaker Artisan defense with white PLA and the case of the EDF with ptg and yes I know this is an fdm printer and printing funds with an fdm printer is not really the best idea the aerodynamics of such a fun is terrible and that's why I want to compare standard 3D printed fun to a 3D printed toroidal fan hopefully that will be a fair comparison filling all the spaces between layers and then sanding it is not really doable for such small funds [Music] foreign these connectors is pretty easy but you have to know how to do it properly you have to heat up the whole connector and then insert solder the little hole on the side and that way it's just super easy to solder and it's also incredibly strong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time for the first test so now I just need to connect the ESC to the battery foreign 's working fine so let's just see if it's going to explode it does work and it seems like it is not really going to explode so that's a cool thing the trust is not really impressive but I'm going to go outside with this thing because I feel a bit more comfortable with testing it outside and will then test all the propellers measure the trust and also the airflow with the anemometer let's go testing outside is a pretty good idea because I just enjoy being outside and also if something explodes it's not a really big deal I can control it with the RC remote from a distance and I'm quite safe while like pushing this EDF to the max the pawn is simple I want to start with standard propellers and see what kind of truss they generate and then I want to compare these different propellers with different number of blades to the toroidal purpose that I have right there and I will be using a free as wiper battery because I don't have anything higher than 3s so that should Define a very interesting part of this video is the trust them because this is my own project that I've built like five years ago I remember designing this PCB when I was at an internship in Ireland and this kind of projects are definitely my favorite projects that you can seriously use just for fun or for building different projects like in this case I could never even imagine that I will be using this very trust and to design my own 3D printed EDF five years later but here I am and it's really a lot of fun if you would like to build this trust and you can find in the description a link to the instructable with step-by-step instruction with all the files and all the parts you need to replicate this product foreign [Music] test number one normal fun with 15 weights max power [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] throw it all fun test number one for blades full power [Music] [Music] [Music] after all the tests and Gathering the data I created these two plots and as you can see the charge generated by the toroidal propeller is lower in all cases than a standard propeller so that's one downside and second thing the wind speed generated by Detroit operators is also lower DaVinci resolves the software that I'm using to edit my videos has built in frequency analyzer and thanks to that I was able to create really nice frequency plots that you will see right now for all the tests okay foreign I recorded samples at 30 grams of trust 50 grams of trust and then full power because as you saw the full power is generating different levels of trust for the standard Androids I might be a bit biased because I'm making this video but I can definitely hear a difference between a standard and toroidal proper and on the frequency plot you can see that for a standard propeller we have this kind of really high spikes for certain frequencies and we don't have that for a toroidal proper so that's a good thing I also performed one more test inside and measured the noise level with an app on an iPad I know it's not the perfect method but it's something all right and the noise difference was quite substantial it was 80 decibels for a toroidal propeller and around 86 for a standard proper and in decibel scale that's a pretty big difference I know that my testing setup probably wasn't perfect my proper design definitely wasn't perfect and the idea of printing that with an fdm printer wasn't the best one at all but we have some data we compared the two similarly major problems and there are differences that you can hear you can see you can easily observe that and I think this is a good starting point to design something better if you have any ideas on how I can improve my designs and you would like to share that with everyone do that in the comments I would really appreciate that and maybe in the future we'll create even a better proper design that I could like test more that would be really fun overall that was a pretty nice Journey a pretty nice idea and a real challenge to design the EDF that is pre-printable and just simply works and then apply a bit with different fun designs it was a lot of fun I hope you enjoyed this video you can find all the links useful links in the description as well as all the files that I designed for this project I also turned this thing into a toroidal fan in one of my next videos good idea bad idea let me know in the comments
Channel: Nikodem Bartnik
Views: 296,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: torroidal fan, edf, 3d printed edf, toroidal test
Id: A_V3tQ8zZ4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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