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hey guys today we are going to be taking care of this toro as you saw in the intro just very hard to start we picked this guy up the other day usually it's just the carburetor on these guys uh we're gonna go throughout the entire fuel system on this video we're gonna clean out the gas tank and then i'm gonna show you guys how to clean out a kohler carburetor should be a relatively easy job um but you do have to maintain these machines uh if you like the video please like and subscribe um let's get to it all right so tuning up this guy first thing we're going to go do is take off this air filter cover check out the filter it's actually pretty clean probably blow that off clean up a little bit now that that's off uh two ten millimeter bolts right there so we'll go ahead and take care of that okay all right so now that that's off we're gonna disconnect the air hose and just leave that hanging right there next we're gonna disconnect the fuel line first things first we're gonna um crimp that and make sure no fuel gets all over us that should be good now i'm going to take some pliers and get that guy off now taking these guys just like that so now since we are going to clean out this gas tank today we're going to take off the recoil unit for the pull string um the casing and then um to get to the gas tank and so these are just three 10 millimeter bolts just loosen it and it should pop right off uh so now that that guy's off this should just be loose pop right off and leave this to the side we're gonna give it a good clean later uh now to get this guy off we're gonna pop these washers uh and leave them to the side now we are gonna use two um we're going to use a 10 millimeter long socket for these guys and then this gas tank should there's actually one 10 millimeter bolt at the end we will get that guy as well and then this whole tank should pop right off all right so we got our 10 millimeter deep socket we're just going to pop these guys off they're long threaded bolts should be pretty tight just like so turn for this guy over here all right now we are going to take care of this guy on the back that guy's off this guy will pop right off be careful because this one is full of gas okay all right now that this is in kind of an awkward position i'm actually gonna just pinch that guy off and take it out just like so honestly this gas tank doesn't look all that bad so we're just gonna use some fresh gas and flush flush out all the gunk all the nastiness and i should do it for this guy looks like it's coming out pretty clean might be some water in there [Applause] [Applause] all right so now that that's all cleaned out we're just going to go ahead and pop this guy back on so now that we got that guy off we're going to take care of the linkages on this guy on coolers are a bit tricky for this thermostat one i usually take off these 10 millimeter bolts and loosen this guy pop out the linkage that way so that's probably what we're gonna do all right now that that guy is loose uh just pop that guy right off i usually just unhook it from there uh if you need to take pictures of this linkage so you know how it goes on correctly do so it is a big help if you're not familiar with these guys and usually you can just pop it off just like so so we're going to leave that guy to the side somewhere we cannot lose it and then we're just going to place that guy right back on all right so next we're going to take care of the governor linkage um really easy just hit that guy to the it's going to be my left open that choke up all the way this is just going to pop straight up and out there's no hook or anything and then this spring linkage is just going to be the same same concept kind of but it's a it's a hook all right now that guy's off now our carburetor is free and that's just going to slide off like so there's going to be a gasket in the front here um be careful do not lose that guy how does that go on there just like so so now that this carburetor is off we're going to go ahead and get it all cleaned out we're going to first take off the bowl here be careful there's going to be gasoline coming out the intake just 110 millimeter bowl one millimeter bolt on this guy and that will take it off [Applause] that is going to be on there tight so you're gonna have to get some torque on it this might be on there good no it's off watch out for the oil you can see that carburetor is desperately in the need for cleaning so we are going to go ahead and take the float off and give that a good rub as you can see this guy has been sitting with some bad gas in it for a very long time all right so here we have our clean area just a paper towel where we're going to clean this guy out uh we're probably going to save that guy for last because that's going to take some special attention first things first we're going to take out this hinge right here for the float it's it's just a metal straight piece going through these two side holes it's just gonna slip right out be careful do not lose that guy this guy the float is connected to a um a little valve with a spring on it be very careful um these are very easy to lose now that that guy's out we're going to just do a quick inspection and it actually doesn't look too bad in the in the upper carb area we are going to need to take a small brush to this and brush it off but next thing we're going to do is we're going to take out the the main jet to do that we are going to need a small flat head and get in there and be very careful with this guy to uh to take this out now be very careful with this guy it is a copper copper jet so it is very easy to to strip so be very careful especially on machines like this where uh you know the carburetor has been sitting with bad gas for a long time i'm actually going to grease this guy up a little bit uh just so we're certain that we don't strip this awesome that crack is a good sound that means it is coming out for us just be very careful with this guy this is a bugger to get out so be very patient with it if you are having issues in this next step all right now that guy's almost as loose as i can get it it's designed to it's supposed to just fall out hey we're getting lucky today and so that guy is just going to fall out so that is your main jet that is your main culprit on almost every lawnmower related carburetor issue so we're going to give that one a good clean out now that that guy's out we still have to get out the most inner jet the one that actually goes into the carburetor and shoots gassing that might be tight sometimes we got really lucky today both of them are loose sometimes you're going to have to use more pb blast you might have to hit this lightly with a hammer just be persistent this is very important to get out because we it does have some uh tiny little holes that we have to clean out all right so next we are gonna um clean out this main jet it does look like it's pretty clogged uh i have this nice tool that i ordered on amazon for about 10 bucks you can use pretty much anything a tortilla bag clip is what i used to use first tried it so we're just going to clean that guy out pretty good we are going to get in here with an air hose as well so before we're going to air this off i'm just going to hit it with some carb spray real quick just clean out any gunk that's on there pretty good [Applause] all right so now on the second jet we're just going to run a thicker pick through the main jet just make sure you don't see any gunk or built up carbon next we're going to hit the small small guys going down horizontally vertically sometimes these are going to be real gunked out and you're going to need to hit them with an air hose these weren't too bad on this one so that's going to be good enough for that guy so next to clean out this guy we're just going to douse it in some carb cleaner and then i'm going to hit it with a wire brush pretty good so we're just going to clean this guy up a little bit so now that that's all cleaned off lay the gasket right in the right in the slot it's pretty easy on that guy next next thing we're going to do we're going to put our second our second jet in first next thing is we're going to put that main jet right back in there take your screwdriver all right we're going to clean this guy you can see it's pretty dirty has some corrosion on it be careful there is a very small spring on the end of it [Music] all right we're just going to take a paper towel and just clean that guy up while inspecting the spring making sure it's still doing its job all right so putting the float back together putting this assembling it all back together there's gonna be a little lip on that guy it in just like so and then the spring is going to be sprung on the bottom and that's what's going to give you that spring in lotion all right now we're going to put the hinge back on just like so and when putting this back on just make sure it has that spring we're looking for that's exactly what we want all right now we're going to put the bowl back on um be careful this gasket is a little stretched out and um so just make sure it's all lined up and make sure the gasket's not hanging out just line it up like so make sure this is a clean bolt before we put it in because that would be uh counter-intuitive to clean the whole carb and not cleaning that bolt it's clean enough for me [Music] just like so don't torque those down too tight and then we'll take care of the 10 millimeter on the back all right that 10 millimeters on next step is putting the card back on pick up our thermostat linkage i usually hook it back in to the thermostat like so and then we're gonna hook it on to the the first um the choke just like so we're gonna slide this guy on just like that and that guy will just sit just like so next linkage is going to be the governor lincoln linkage you're going to take the main rod and just push that in ever so lightly directly in while pressing this to the left as you can see there just like we popped it out next we're going to take the spring linkage from the governor and we're gonna just slide it right in that little hole all right so next we're gonna hook up the fuel line loosen this uh tightener if you have to just like so now we're gonna lift that guy up and get some pliers and that's just going to slip on there just like so make sure that's able to do its job so the idea of this mechanism is the exhaust gets hot this opens up your choke dumps gasoline and lets air into the carb and that's how this machine's auto choke system works so just two ten millimeter bolts at the top all right so we're going to connect this guy back on air hookup just goes right at the end there and then don't forget our gasket that's going to lay just like so and then our two more 10 millimeter bolts so ready these watches are just gonna slip on just like so guy won't go like that and we'll get our recoil unit wipe that guy down good pop that guy on three millimeter nuts on there three 10 millimeter nuts right on top we're going to put on the air filter back on we probably could use a new one i don't have any colors lying around so we're just going to use the old one just like so all right now it's time to fill the gas tank all right all right so now we're going to see uh all of our work paid off all right guys so hopefully this video helped you out and hopefully you were able to get your machine back in operating order uh if you like this video again just go ahead and give it a like if you have any questions or comments comment in the comments in the comments see you guys next video
Channel: Moxie Mowers
Views: 28,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: parts, air filter, amazon, bag, cord stuck, cost, carb cleaner, deals, disposal, deck, exhaust, ebay, e clips, e-ring, flooded, hitch, just clicks, keeps dying, keeps cutting off, left in rain, leaking oil, Toro, Lawnmower, Mower, Lawn Mower, Honda, Carb, Carburetor, Small Engine, Engine, Briggs & Stratton, Briggs, Repair, Tecumseh, blade, spark plug, smoke, oil change, gas, 4 stroke, simple
Id: 4vQ1frfZn9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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