Tori Kelly Gives Health Update And Talks Going On Tour Again After Four Years

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from the top of the Empire State Building [Music] New York she's got her emotional support water bottle I do she's got a voice of an Angel and um I gotta say it's been a long time since we had the chance to see this smile in real life we'd like to start off with a little nail cam because you coming in real hot with the claws thanks yeah these you know my secret these are pressons dude do not even are YouTube no I feel like ever I feel like through coven like when no one could get their nails in I was like I need to get my life together so they I feel like press on industry like really stepped their game you just keep the glue yeah no I have yes yes in my purse at all times and then one pops up you're like oops like nobody can just pop this on no one's on while you're on stage just do a little blue action one of my real secret though this side is shorter because of guitar okay I like long nails but then with guitars yeah it's like the constant dilemma I don't know what y'all talking about right now it's okay we'll keep at it though no but love your style today you're bringing Galactic modern Galactic Y2K but I don't even know yeah it's cozy yeah you're bringing comfy that's what it is um in that Y2K era because that's kind of where the world is when we're talking musically with what you're what you're giving us um this Deluxe EP um you're as a friend of ours has said you're giving like some of the the world's best runs ever shout out to Jon Bellion who is a co-partner um but what's it like to find this uh this Tori Kelly now wow yeah I mean you mentioned John John Bellion we did the whole entire project together and are still working together on music and I just feel like it was it was this perfect timing of like me being a place in my life where I was feeling more confident just stepping into myself more as a woman as an artist all these things just felt like they were coming together I wanted to do songs that were just like fun and upbeat and uh I just kept saying I was like I just want I literally walked into the studio when we first started working together I was like I just want big songs like whatever that means I want it to feel big I wanted to feel like you just want to Belt it out in your car with the windows rolled down like that's what I'm picturing and so I I think we made that I think that's you know the vibe um but yeah working with him was incredible and this whole new chapter just feels really fun uh-huh I just want to do that because it was in the song anyway no but also the creative visuals that you're giving I want to first talk about your project that you did out of a car Young Gun because you're like outside of the car it's the short clip that you did but it's you're giving our like music video out of a car that we wish fantasy and like how did that was that real life was that at a studio wait I'm blanking on which video term we've filmed like so much stuff so this is one this is on Instagram and it's a real and okay it's not like a not a music video no no no no oh my head yeah yeah we filmed so many videos that day so I was like wait which one was it um yes so that was actually we shot a bunch of content with this amazing shout out to I hope I'm pronouncing his name right Evan Bloom okay yeah oh yeah yeah like he's killing it and so we shot a bunch of stuff together um I want to shoot more with him because he's just like he's just killed him if I'm wrong Evan's the same dude that's doing all the flying up yeah yeah okay yeah come on now yeah I know but he's he's great so yeah that was just us having fun like just trying random things was that actually in a real car yeah out on the freeway yeah no not on the freeway no it was like it was like there were like no cars around like it was it probably looked yeah Safety First like it was I think it was a lot it looked a lot scarier than it was oh yeah because of the win and stuff yeah but it wasn't we weren't even going that fast but hey if you're if we're talking visuals and we're gonna talk this younger this record with you did something again and I'm not trying to and this is gonna be the last time I bring up a family John but you did something amazing dude doesn't come out for anybody the dude is like low-key low-key um and to have him in this music video and to you know really get him to to to compliment you what does that mean to you as a singer-songwriter to you know to find something special in another creative and to make this video come to life no you're yeah you're hitting on the head it I just feel like this collaboration with John it just feels like perfect timing I'm I was such a big fan of his to even like even before I knew he was really like a writer producer like that I mean I'm talking like 10 years ago we met we met in yeah 2013. wow doesn't sound weird to say yeah it's so weird and it was at a festival like in London I think and we were both performing at it I think I knew he wrote like his own stuff so I was just like a fan of him as an artist and then you know fast forward he starts killing it like for other artists as a writer people don't I don't feel like people really know like what a producer he is because he has like he's riding but then it's like y'all don't really know like what he really can do so that it was cool to just I think for him I don't want to speak for him but I think just the timing for both of us was really cool because I think he was starting to do more like full projects and um yeah it just it's such a great collaboration and a great um partner to work with in the video too I think just turned out really well I'm really happy with it yeah it's a bomb Goosebumps I love watching your videos cut with Courtney Phillips yeah that was such a cool concept and I don't know how you guys did that like whole mannequin challenge freeze oh my God what was that okay so so that first of all it was so sweaty like people were just Troopers because I didn't realize it was gonna be like I knew the concept for the video but I didn't realize we were gonna be like holding a pose for that long like we did multiple takes of just making sure nobody moved and I was so grateful because we had so many like dope cameos too like people who came through Ashley Graham my friend Kiana leday and uh Ali Brooke came through like so many dope people and um we yeah that was actually also the first shot of the day so we sh we shot it like in Reverse we did all like the group big group scenes first it's the most tiring one first yeah we'll be also because that was a night show that was my first I think that was my first like night shoot so we're talking like 1pm to like I think I think I showed up for at 1pm like to get ready and then wrapped at like four in the morning so we did like I think yeah first shot of the day it was like sometime in the afternoon and it was with all the all the people like in the club scene or whatever and then we shot backwards and then ended like with the the first shot of the video so it was trippy for me too I was like wait what part no what in the Twilight Zone is going on right here but it was so cool it came out really one more time listen we can't carry on without saying how how genuinely um gosh man just heartful we are to see your smile in person just knowing that not too long ago something really scary happened and um you know you're dealing with a health scare that a lot of people came to support you um it's it's it's something that I'm sure prompted you to change a lot now that you're on tour what were some of those things that you learned now on how to move forward after going through something that like quite honestly shook the world yeah it was man well first of all the the stirring that whole I wasn't really on on my phone a lot through it but I've just I people were telling me things I just I could feel it like even if I never read a comment I was like this is this is crazy like how much love I feel in this moment and you know when I did get on my phone I was like oh my gosh this is crazy but um yeah people were just so supportive um and yeah I think now being on tour and I'm I'm feeling great first of all so that's a blessing I think just gratitude overall is like a big theme right now um yeah just so grateful to not only like be here and be you know healthy now but also get back to doing what I love like to go into a tour and like I was already gonna be emotional I think like anyway just because I haven't toured in like four and a half years but now especially I'm like oh my gosh I'm so happy to be here like it just it's overwhelming now you know having gone through everything so yeah I'm grateful I'm so grateful and to like my fans they've just been amazing through this well you're still living your biggest dreams this morning you're at Good Morning America yeah crazy what the hell is that it was it was wild yeah that was like just now like it came here right from there yeah it was amazing it was it's so it's always a very very early it's a very early uh call time but you know we make it work we make it work um yeah it was fun it was fun we did uh alive if I die on the show and my band was my band is dope too but not only is your band you as well a lot of people that know know that you could pick up pretty much every instrument you know I mean you you do your thing um to Showcase that to make that a part of the live show to make that a part of um your creative process and what it is that you bring as as an artist how important is it for you to you know allow that side of you to shine as well man it it I mean I [Music] I just always love like I think my voices always come first like that's my main instrument I would say even it's funny because even guitar I always say I I feel like I'm a guitar player by accident because I oh singing and Performing and you like kind of working a stage was always my number one but then I got I I didn't want to rely on like when I started doing shows really young I didn't want to rely on um like tracks I didn't I didn't want to I didn't want to just like push a button and do like karaoke which is fine like you gotta do which I do but I was like I don't know that's not really my vibe and I didn't want to have to like find a guitar player and like have them learn the song So Prince would have been mad at you why uh just if you would had to find another guitar player knowing that you had that inside exactly yeah so that's so that's playing I was like ah I was like I'll just like learn through voice so the voice was always first and then I think when people started seeing me with the guitar it like became this thing and I was like okay I guess I'll play a little more but um yeah the total of accident drums even came before guitar because my brother had a drum set and uh I used to just sneak into his room and play like when he was at school I'm not the only person that got like Step Brothers vibes from the movie with the drums and when the brother's out of the room I have to rewatch it I'm like blanking yeah [Laughter] yeah drum drums were drums were first though drums were first but yeah I do I'm I don't know I just like I just like picking up whatever whatever and we don't want this tour you're really particular about the cities you are playing at and we're so thankful that you decided to pick of course New York City why is New York City special to perform man it's it I feel like there's always so much energy in New York um we were talking before though like LA and New York I feel like we're spoiled because we get we're it's like major cities I'm I'm in LA and I feel like we just always we always get artists coming through so playing New York and having that in mind I was like so surprised at how they were just like still so crazy and like energetic and loud so um yeah New York's always fun and they're really funny I kept saying it the show too I was like I forget how funny New York is they'll just yell things out that make me laugh all throughout the show did you get an example they're just yeah it's just so charismatic like very bold like not scared you know to just like like I sang with a fan she was like can we sing together like during sound check I was like sure yeah like is it a whole sign she had a whole sign and everything when you when you hold the mic out I mean you start the the uh you start with the challenge I mean and you're seeing everybody sing along to I mean talking first day on the road you know here in New York City uh making that connection what is that emotion that you're feeling when you make that genuine connection through music I mean it's crazy because this music this new music in particular I had these shows in mind like while writing the songs so I'm in the studio and you know I've done this long enough now to kind of you know know what it feels like to be in front of a crowd and and I'm thinking of those things while I'm in the studio so that just I mean it just was a great such a cool full circle moment to then be actually on stage and be like Oh I thought of this yes they're doing it oh so yeah it's very very special um and yeah they just know they know all the words it's it's the best that's a precious connection dude yeah it is man I also see that you hop on Twitch to stream sometimes which is so cool what's been one of your favorite moments on there probably uh I figured out how to play with my fans on Mario Kart and I I get weirdly competitive with them so I get like real excited when I win and I start talking trash and I'm like this is a whole other side of me that y'all haven't seen oops um Mario Kart and then I also played I've I played fall guys with them what is that that game is sore it's just like a bunch of blobs that run yeah but you're like really slow and then you get hit with things and I figured out you could grab you could grab this person you really you can grab another one see I didn't even realize that one yeah I'm like in the twitch and I'm like trying to run run through the obstacle course and then they're like writing in the chat they're like oh that was me that grabbed you I was like stop dude come to find out it's like a seven-year-old who's yeah a whole nother Dimension that it adds to be like oh my God yeah just way too good yeah but no Twitches twitch is fun it's it's been fun to like you know show my little my little Gamer's side but not really it's part of what makes you you is again I mean whether it's now watch this wait what segue whether whether it's connecting through video games or connect through music it's uh it's just you being you and that's why so many people are there to support that's why when you hold the mic out and you want to start a challenge and have people sing along to us I mean because they're there supporting who you genuinely are um all facets of what you do I mean now you're gonna have everybody going out buying eight gallon uh I know yeah eight gallon water yeah but that's what it's about staying healthy girl you know what I'm saying I gotta have my Giant water bottle with me everywhere so when you're not writing music or performing or streaming on Twitch Max and I talk about the the reality shows you watch on Netflix like love is blind or that have you been watching something or not really lately no no just because just being on the road but I've been watching um what is the thing we were just talking about the football thing Hard Knocks oh yeah with my husband because we okay and we're into fantasy football oh so that's been changed my team yeah my team name oh I like being super extra so I'm just like the sparkly unicorn rainbow so like I just and put a bunch of emojis just to be like that person yeah so when I like beat you it's like playing against Tori's 18 Emoji exactly you know this weekend but what about your top player right now uh well I was the first uh draft pick yeah so I got um I'm gonna this is terrible because I memorized the names like throughout the season Jefferson yeah yeah all right and I got my home I'm trying to think of who else I've been you know I've been doing shows I'm trying to like sneak over it look and see but I won I won the first game the first yeah congratulations yeah the first week bragging rights that's even better there you go that's very important to me we're way too competitive with each other got it yeah there we go oh Tori we reached out to one of your biggest and most active fan accounts oh my God strong for Tori oh her name is Brandy and we asked her some questions that she would like to ask you I so she has three for us number one how does it feel to be back on stage after over four years it feels so good um I yeah I can't even I can't even put into words it's crazy I'm answering her question I love her she's so sweet she's always like tagging me and stuff yeah um yeah it is very very surreal I think every night I'll probably be just on like crazy Cloud9 type of high because that's just yeah it's just surreal I think that's the best way to put it but it's surreal but it also at the same time like I'll get off stage and I'll be like okay like in some ways it's like riding a bike too where it's like oh this feels right like I know I know this world you know and I've missed it so much um and then I think just with everything that's happened like recently it feels just so much more heightened so what have you missed most from touring now that you're back on yeah I think I think just that connection with fans I mean because for so long I mean obviously through the pandemic and everything it's like we just had our phones you know we just had the internet I was was grateful for the internet because we still could have some what of a connection but I just noticed after a while I was starting to feel weird and like kind of low at certain points and like just like something was missing I guess and I and then I realized like oh my gosh girl you haven't toured in so long like you love performing like it's one thing to put the phone up and go on Instagram live which I love doing that I still think that's so fun um but I think that you just can't beat that live like in person connection you know what I mean so the second I had to say was like oh okay this is what it's supposed to do it's filling it's filling a hole yeah for sure and what's still the hardest part of touring that just hasn't changed um probably I think just the in between like getting from point A to point B you know making there's there's always like gonna be some sort of Hiccup that you just gotta prepare for like I mean luggage and figuring out logistics but um yeah even that it's like I just feel like all of that is still it's still not okay I can't even think of like a terrible thing but yeah it's just because I I go into tour with that kind of like gritty mindset of like okay we're just gonna like make it happen and then you just go with the flow so it teaches you patience I think being on the road well listen we had to be patient and we're so grateful uh that the patients um that we as fans of yours um it's worth the wait you know what I mean things happen for a particular reason you know what I mean and uh for us to be here collectively to absorb your energy with um with this EP with this Deluxe you know I mean with the lowercase letters and everything you know I mean we're I mean even going and to pull this full circle to even finding that connection that was 10 years in the making since meeting John and having this be the time when you guys felt like it was the right time to collab it happens for a reason yeah and um we're just forever grateful that you have have been that instrument um and been willing to share your instrument for us to all just to receive it I mean you're you and me and you're you've always been you though uh your fans mean everything to you describe them in three words three words these are hard Brandy why would you do this to me I could describe y'all in like 50 words um three words I would say loyal for sure loyal they just rock with me through like every season it just blows my mind and every like genre that I dip my toe into um yeah loyal I feel like my fans are really kind I've noticed that but I stock I stock online and I I yeah like I just feel like as a whole they're very sweet and kind and they're always like uplifting each other which I absolutely love and think is so important um when I say loyal kinds and funny yeah they're they make me laugh on the I'm up in the Discord sometimes if I'm bored I'll just like they won't even know that maybe they can't see that I'm in there actually I feel like they can see it oh yeah I'll just if if I'm bored I'll just look in there and like there's just memes and like ridiculous stuff and the last question from strong for Tory fan account Brandy is asking can we expect another tour in the future yeah you're right absolutely yeah I hope to be doing this yeah as long as long as possible yeah and yeah I mean even even music-wise there's definitely more to come like I think this this EP I've been kind of seeing it as like a part one situation like there's definitely more you know that John and I don't know if that did that camera catch that wink you know we've been holding on systems well Tori you're always a bright light for everything we're so happy that you're feeling healthy and back in music and back touring and blessing New York City and your fans and of course us so thank you so much so so much for stopping by can't wait to see you on the next one and just just thank you for being you and always spreading the love always keeping it classy and graceful hey thanks yeah you guys are great ladies and gentlemen it's Tori Kelly love you to dance love you birthday twin of the empire [Music] New York
Channel: Z100 New York
Views: 11,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: z100, iheartradio, music, video, performance, pop, interview, z100 new york, new york city
Id: pmcWrHL_ZWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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