Topic: Neuroscience of Sanskrit Chanting - By Dr. Shekhar Mayanil

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[Music] thank you [Music] [Music] again everybody knows shekhar as I mentioned and everybody knows him more better than they know me he has been really connected with each and every one of you you know through uh you know the WhatsApp group for neuroscience and some of you have already met him in person and it's just amazing to have him as part of our group and with that shekhar uh you know and I'm sorry that it didn't get advertised early on I was busy with something else and I forgot totally uh but still in the session will be recorded and uh can in case you are some of you may not be able to attend this session they still will be getting the recording so so thank you shekhar very much and again this is the second time today that we have you know we had Sheikh praveen's session earlier and now we have Shaker session so quiet Checker thank you so much thank you so much uh CG that was so much so much kind words you have said about me I hope I am I can hold the candle to that this is this is the basis of our talk today is and it's a neuroscience of Sanskrit chanting and with me is joining Dr Ram Krishnan ramakrishna Narayan Swami so why Sanskrit chanting I mean especially Sanskrit chanting in temples have been the Hallmark of sanatan Dharma in Bharat and I guess uh I asked this question many a times to myself what is it all about what why Sanskrit chanting to prepare the the answer is to prepare the apparatus Apprentice which means this is our brain to seek understand and comprehend higher order of knowledge and wisdom now how this is what I one day my I asked my mother tell me why is it important so she always have a good idea of giving examples she never never get get the straight answer she would ask me straight one question so one example she said uh ramdaswami who was Guru of shivaji Maharaj used to go all over the village and asked so there was one household from where the the lady used to give him very nice rice in his commandalu and he would eat it and then he drink water and he would give her some fantastic wisdom some unbelievable things that can improve their life improve their business improve everything and there was definitely uh um a lot of affluence in the house eventually because of his uh telling her something there was a jealous Neighbor Next Door who used to get jealous about this and this whole fellow was so poor now he's certainly becoming he having couple of cards and few few more cows and Buffalos and everything else and and doing very well his his his farm is doing very well his everything is doing well so he she always guruji can you also come to my house to eat something so she said uh wait here I'll bring it some rice so and in the meantime he our ramdas swamiji went and was started what washing his commandalu in a gutter absolutely dirty filthy water and in the meantime she came he said she saw ramdas swamiji's washing his Commando in a gutter he said she said are you crazy you want my beautiful nice basmati rice smelling rice in this in this commandalu which is gutter dirty he said that's exactly what I was supposed to tell you do you want do you want me to tell you everything uh what I used to tell that lady over there in your mind which is full of gutter all gutter thinking so if you cannot give your rice in this how can I give this profound knowledge in this so what happens this is how she used to tell me a jeweler used he always uses a sonication technique to clean the jewelry videos can you set off the the audio please all of you um you can do it at your level also so no but what then what will happen is you know uh you know I I'm concerned about Narayan Swami actually now he's uh his audio is off but I hope that he can turn it on uh uh you know yes I can turn it on or off okay okay good okay good so the the judge the Jeweler always use a sonication technique so what they do is they put in a in a in a water bath and then they put the sonication so which is basically magnetic electromagnetic uh kind of ah washing system so with that the cl that the finest of the finest dirt from the jewelry can be taken out that is exactly what this Temple chanting in the temple is all about inside the temple there are gongs you might say the big low frequency gone up here in the in the beginning and then they are different different frequency gongs that keep going and all the way up to the Garber graha in especially in southern Temple there is a very small country very very high pitch very high frequency so those that is all basically the sonication that is happening in our in our brain that realigns the the the actually the junk that is there the the wrong connections or the wrong synaptic connection that are there is deleted because of that we call it synaptic pruning in in neurosciences the gong that gong is doing the job and then what happens is the Sanskrit Mantra chanting from has a lot of spandons one that means intonation and vibration this is not just vibration there there are some intonations also which is which is really really powerful so when when we do the brahmri you know that that's an intonation and when you do the brahmri with tongue rolling in and out like within within the mouth cavity that causes intonation so that that is how the rewiring happens in the brain and now with that required brain one is ready to receive really receive and understand the import of those mantras and stotra so the the question I asked why why why can't we just understand uh this uh this the meaning of this of the Mantra why why do we have to chant now I understood why it is necessary my mother says yeah practice is not ready and it is not purified enough to understand the meaning so first of all you have to chant in order to clean up first of all go to Temple to listen to the gong just sit there for a few minutes that's why they call us in an hour in in our country in Bharat they call just go to the temple sit there the sitting there means what this is what is happening people come and go they make a big gong they hit it with when all the six seven gone that are there with low frequency to high frequency your mind is really like sonicated the brain is Sonic it really well after that you listen to the chant and that that makes the rewiring so this is how it is so where the means knowledge now this Dr Dr Swami will talk about this whole thing a little later uh I'll bring him on to talk about little ways mean knowledge of all form in all forms and vedana means misery pain Misfortune and suffering right so equals Ved plus na which means absence of knowledge so absence of knowledge is actually causing the suffering and the misery this is exactly what um Ved a chanting word will remove um the misery pain and The Misfortune and suffering knowledge about what knowledge of what knowledge of an experience of that which is heard means from from where do you hear it from the from the teacher from the from the guruji so upanishad appeared at the very end of The Vedas therefore vedant so before all that is Vedas is to prepare you to understand the vedant remember this is very very important most people just jump into vedant and upanishads and everything without even clearing clearing the or getting them their brain ready or wired for to understand that there is a specific sequence of events inside the sanatan Dharma sanskriti where they start with this from the beginning they start with the process of chanting and subsequently understanding the the Imports of the Veda vedanta which is the upanishads you can let the guru and listening intently the secrets and then experiencing the same teacher tells that first and then he makes you sit or because because your mind your brain is rewired so nicely you can really comprehend so basically what happened upanishad declares that the essence of this entire creation is US human body and out of that human body this is brain is the ultimate deal here and out of that brain this particular head in the The frontal frontal lobe is the only thing that is going to evolve now so the essence he is of the entire creation human and essence of that human is speech and essence of the speech is rigved and essence of the regret is somewhere and a sense of the sound with his own so this is what it is all about so from here to here this is the how do we use this to expand and grow further to expand our frontal cortex because that's the only thing which is plastic currently absolutely most plastic thing is frontal cortex right now in our brain so how can we best use ohm the triplet code AUM for our well-being and evolution through brain reprogramming now we have heard of the triplet code in in molecular biology by nirenberg leader and hargovin khorana in 1966 and they got Nobel Prize for this and they what they did was they did the triplet code and 64 RN is of overall and then they would go for 20 amino acids and then the then the 20 amino acid arranged in a different format can give rise to different different proteins so this is this was the the code they discovered this code so what about discounting AUM for creation right that's what the whole idea so this was the the the triplet code that gave rise to different uh codons as you say and then these codons arranged in a different mannerability code for different amino acids and amino acids arranging different manner will give rise to plethora of different proteins so this is the this is the fundamental block of our existence [Music] here this this particular thing is is the form is the form on top giving the Nations when you when you when you chant anything which has the nasal naad just because you chanted something after that or this one so this is joined by NADA right all the forms combined that's what they said that's what the combination is all the forms combined and when it finally ends with the nag it gives the Mantra a transcendental form so that's what the when you say OMG so this is the mulakhar activation that is the Manipur Activation so this is the heart what that activation happens it suddenly happens because the the power you are giving it by using the this Bindu to that so this is uh foreign now from these are I'm just drawn this just to explain what this is the plane ohm right now if you if you have a lower frequency compared and then you go ahead with higher frequencies so there is there is a whole lot of differences in the frequency there are millions millions such bits of information within a and u with with different a as like that and then ohm all the way so we have done that this practice uh in brahmary the the way we did this was like that so depending on different different frequencies of a u m as depicted here we can create a whole lot of uh vibrations and all that vibration incorporates uh the a creation like for instance a a and her o is the first vowel and how is the last syllable last consonant so what you can you can make the entire world just on this so all the words that are coming up is between this only right so all words have formed and all forms are are tangible so the entire creation can be created from this itself so letters of the Sanskrit alphabet allow the human mind to interface with the Primal energies of cosmic intelligence deeper insights now this is this is something very deep but you hang in there just to to really appreciate what what this particular sentence means eventually so the vowels are right now each type of the sound has a spiritual and a yogic implications remember that vowel represent Consciousness Spirit the Shiva Shakti right the principle in tantric thought and the Indra principle in Vedic thought so this is what it is the this is the vowel is Shiva and consonant is is Shakti so when these two add up that that that's that's what the creation is all are the essence of sound and vibration continuous independent and enduring in the resonance you can take any vowel and internet independent in indefinitely that's a beautiful part of the the vows but consonants you cannot use without without having a vowel in it anyway you cannot say constant any consonant without having a vowel in health or I'll tell you a little later many powerful Sanskrit seed mantras like om and n are vowel predominant for this reason right they allow our energy to open and expand an Ascent to higher levels this is what it is all about the consonants on the other hand is here so that is how is the last consonant so when you say uh to her incorporates the universe the entire universe of names and forms is in that I so opposite in nature to vowel consonants are opposite to Nature to all and they represents matter or prakriti or the Shakti principle through which all manifestation arises consonants serves to focus the pure sound quality of the vowel ah this is beautiful consonants serve to focus the pure sound quality of a vowel in a particular form or a Direction I mean every one sentence can can have a seminar by itself so I'm just running through it anyway consonants are constant contact based and and require a vowel in order to express them try pronouncing a word that consists of consonants only it is impossible contains us all right sir this is that's exactly here contains uh yeah uh so always is there right so while constant consonant allow the definitive Expressions they also create illusion as sound becomes Limited while vowels represent eternal power consonants are the form which manifest in The Limited field of time though they can reflect higher qualities so there is a so this is Shiva shakti's interplay here Shiva shakti's interprets his consonants are Shakti and vows are issue and with without the one other one is incomplete and in order to give the consonant power con a vowel a power consonants are necessary and with and consonant by itself has no meaning so this is the beautiful part of it anyway so four levels of speech are there there are different uh and that has that the throat and component to it the the this chakra over here throat chakra and this is mostly in the waking State the madhyama is a pranic speech which has prior to I agree this is the one right and it has the the the the the the the the the the center which vibrates is the heart and the breath is is is the is is there um is is through the breath actually and and the mantras in the the heart chakra gets vibration and that is exactly at the level of the dream state is illumine speech it is coming from navel which means basically manipura chakra quiet and contemplative it is in deep sleep and para is turia which is a root absolute silence and samadhi so these are the different types of speech this is like can you can you see the reversal the whole thing is reversed here so the the short vowel like when you say another uh uh the Sanskrit word short vowel ER is is pronounced deep in the back of the throat right it vibrates the neck the lung the heart the body and drawing the energy down and in so this is uh when you say uh this is what happens these are the different chakras that get excited in the on the on the on the flip side the long vowel requires a much more significant opening of the throat it does not uh so basically it does not require a whole lot of that but it requires opening of your throat so same thing ER has a sound which is another like pronounced as another it has the energetics of pure existence simple affirmation simple negation light it is very light illumination and unmanifest self that's what it it and it energetically means at the spiritual level uh means absolute pure consciousness godhead parabram or the Supreme Shiva when you say ah it is actually or you are invoking Shiva at the physical level where it is actually making some changes it is at the back of your head top in the back of your head so we'll the top and the top means frontal lobe here right and the back of your head is is occipital lobe so you will see what what scientific evidence to this what we are talking right now what happens to the brain activation and and thickness and volume and everything and and the psychological level it is a deeper consciousness this uh it is a source of Mind in Prana it's the Primal cell at the low at the yogic level it is it promotes meditation samadhi Detachment then he activates the crown chakra and yogita also helps it whenever you do yog Nidra it basically helps in promoting the crown chakra o yoke which is basically o o r now you have increase in the Matra so you have increased the Matra now what what how that Matra Works in our life energetically level it obviously is a shiva's energy and many which which is which can be manifested and unmanifested if it is affirmative and ascending in nature right the spiritual component of O is universal ruling power it has guiding and expanding Force to it and what at the level at the mouth level what happens it is at the upper jaw right oh you have to you have to make that uh upper job basically it hits the roof and then it makes the sound the psychological level and and it opens The Prana in the head and the spine this is how it this works the the the the vibration frequency is that which which actually opens The Prana in the head and the spine and and at the psychological level it cleans clears the and the mental and emotional Fields connect mind and higher self and and at the yogic level it is it is at the it is not it is knowledge based and devotion and unity and pranayam and energies of all the yoga this is o now when you say om this like foreign [Music] this is higher increase in the matras right oh oh um how is that is a release okay when you say o and um o and um if you add together when you say together it becomes form right if you say AUM it is a and um it covers all that so this is this is the higher Matra if you call attach higher Matra to even higher one which is the boom Bindu it is it is even powerful so when it this ohm will free you of self-imposed limitations due to conditioning so if you like for instance we have we have demosed he has demonstrated how we chant um um um um um um constantly for a while even most of the most of the uh like Isha yoga also they also ask you to chant um million times multiple times so what it does it is it automatically frees your self-imposed limitations due to conditioning now you want to try it out this cannot be like this this is this it doesn't make sense to anybody until unless you try it out once you try it out you will know what what this means the self-imposed limitation freeing somebody of self-imposed limitation due to conditioning conditioning is not just this lifetime previous past lifetime several lifetimes can those conditions conditioning is where which is situated or located in the subconscious memory and it removes that this om chanting so which means when you are when you are conditioning when your past conditioning is erased you are free now you are not you are not slave to those conditions freeing you to live the perspective of higher self this is exactly what this chanting and all those things do to you now oh not that we have talked about Earth now the o u whatever that is right so this sound is as in you who is as included it is the smaller one the energetics has a vibration it has vibration to it too it has it has that it has a role in work effort action development that's what it is about right it represents vibration unfolding and creation and it represent power in in spiritual terms it is expansive force and penetrating power right and if the physical level it is right here right here it is it's the audio perception and circulation of energy this is right here this is very important to note so when you do Topo Karana come you just pull your left left earlobe with right right hand and the right ear lobe with left hand and you pull it that's exactly where this U the the U by at a at a subconscious level it is getting activated so it has psychological intuitive some people are very intuitive remember right every this right brain is essentially emotional intuitive brain anyway so obviously when you pull that right here it it increases that into to power in it um it has a Prana activation also and it has it its role is inside inside our system wherever it it actually uh it activates the brain it increases the comprehension comprehensive comprehension power in one once being and and in the terms of the yoga it's a perceptive thing listening knowledge peripheral awareness learning formless meditation meditation avoid this is what helps this the when you do the OM chanting a u m the U of that ohm helps in the formless meditation and and other things this particular all this this whatever the charts I have made everything has has confirmation to it so so I'm just giving you the very brief uh one one slide show about this thing oh hey you when you own um that oh that all sound has power to it and it is it is it is a full expression of divine energy the reason is you have added all to the um so that's power right so and eventually that um that that the Bindu that is there is what we get uh get the even higher power to that it is the shears principle obviously and it is the lower teeth when oh oh so this this is what it is the lower teeth and jaw are the main component which creates that sound and in the psychologically why psychologically it has expensive aspect to mind and prop and Prana and in at the level of yoga it promotes contemplation and affirmation and pranayama and samadhi so this is what this is all about foreign [Music] so that's so that's what it is there is a nasal sound as in the OM um drawing in a sound and merging it in the into the mind and hold it energetically wise it it holds it is harmonizing and it is internalizing and it is dissolving within so this when you when you experience melting actually this is the sound that makes do that melting means melting of the ego basically right spiritually it is it is emergence in the den in the deity being or the absolute fever so when you when you when you when you are very when you when you let's say primary if you do continuous primary for like say 10 minutes and after that you feel your Jaan is much stronger this is the reason and it is actually at the physical level it actually vibrates at the top of your head this is the place where at the frontal level this whole thing gets uh charged up okay at this psychological level it is the mind and the Deep feeling and the profound knowing that happens in that so so [Music] um um so that that is the most profound knowing that happens after that when you sit in silence you you get I mean if me telling you is not enough I tell you you have to you have to experience this what I'm talking about and it promotes contemplation Merchants internalization Detachment and samadhi so so now you come to om is it oh and um and there you are and when you do the um [Music] on that one so this is a Matra is a unit of metrical quality equal to the short short vowel this om will bring you in alignment with your higher self your Life Path and the absolute now this is the this is the um the thing that these mantras and other other things is rishis had has this has the entire curriculum has meant to get to that to this level to get to your Life Path and to merge with absolute this is the goal that they were seeking so there were challenges people say well I don't have this I don't have that so in Vedas they are saying okay if you want this you want this there are some some mechanism to get you there what whatever you want so okay after that what after that do this after that do this and then you finally get to the vedanta and then that's what I am that happens so so when is when you do the in when you do the the normal if you plot the frequency versus all these sound um Coming these different vowels so and it is gradually increasing in the frequency okay over here now now when the When You Reach oh it is High um oh my God highest and ah dropped completely wrong very simple om gives you this when you do the eree this all this when you say one by one this is how the increase energy increases happens and ah if you can't simple ohm like this then there is a higher level whereas if you do intonations now intonations I am going to if you do brahmari pranayam with [Music] um instead of just doing that roll your tongue all the way to the back of your mouth and then gently bring in forward and back and forward and back with the mouth closed that will give you a real high intonations so I will I will okay so this is what it is uh is the first right and then her is the last letter alphabet I would say so when you when you do the um do it a hum then what happens is from the big the first um alphabet to the last alphabet is hum action hum so when you aham you say aham is I actually so all the names and the forms that exist in the universe is aham only right everything comes here so when you say yeah actually our name is I only there is nothing else I is the our only name because that when you say I it covers the whole universe anything after that is you are basically limiting that I I am I am a father you have limited it only I is the real your name our name the entire creation is between these two sounds ER and hum sharing here and I'll give you one video [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign but he knows the entire entire deal complete like three hour five hour chanting he can do non-stop that is a person we are bringing in today right now for everyone benefit and he has done his M Tech from IIT in Chennai PhD from Texas Tech University Lubbock and he after that he won a very prestigious uh Fellowship actually completed and you cannot just get it he got invited to work in NASA for five years and after that he he went ahead and he was an entrepreneur he develops at several engineering software companies and not only that he sold them to multinational corporations now he is 100 spreading the the the the yoga the The Vedic knowledge that he as an engineer would would understand it I mean you talk about logic you can't get a better logical person than than engineer in this world and he has Got The Vedas from the textbooks buried somewhere in Bharat and brought it here to the world and you just want to listen to him as I have had a great honor to to meet with him two three weeks back and I just could soak him up that's how he is so it's all yours sir thank you very much Sagar for uh that nice introduction so let me make one or two uh so uh so gracious introduction I will make one or two slight Corrections the post doctoral National Science Foundation Natural Resource Council Fellowship that I got is open for all persons who have taken phds in engineering mechanics or electrical engineering electronics and all that and they select not one or two they select about all over the United States about 30 or 40 or 50 people I was only one of them so it was not the two uh many others also but even among hundreds of phds being produced from Harvard MIT Caltech Stanford and all that for someone who grew up in this studied in Madras IIT and come here I consider as a great blessing of my Vedic chanting of course I was bright in my school that is goes without saying but there are so many right people you don't need to get silicon so to be able to get selected that is where the additional power of The Vedic chanting that I was able to of course the others may or may not have chanted Veda but they may have extra qualities in any case that is only a minor person but before I do say anything about that I want to say so just one suggestion uh may be a good idea for him to keep the video on and also I will Spotlight him uh do we do we need to have the share screen at this point not immediately so this is not needed so these are the two bits of two books as they are available in Amazon if you go and put a Amazon and put my name or not in Swami or understanding for Success you can get those books I will explain some of the things what are in the books I will also give uh in 10 minutes a quick overview of what uh Vedas are about which most people may not know that is the reason for me to do that so we can remove all these and put my face and if I need to share my PowerPoint I will try to do without the PowerPoint but if I need towards the end I will save the PowerPoint I have also already made PowerPoint but again answer in simple ways because it is easy to continue from work and such a outstanding presentation just before saying anything I want to say about Sagar because my son's uh my daughter-in-law's parents Narayan and the Priya paniker so they just referred me to one of the books uh the power of gratitude what is that gratitude the gravity of gratitude gravity of gratitude so they uh suggested that book and they started reading that and I was simply amazed at the clarity with which he writes and what the purpose of how gratitude changes everything and from there gradually I got to know him and then we got into our association is only a short time and thank him for the kind words you can remove this screen and I will talk a few things in continuation of that even and I attended one lecture so many lectures are there I am busy in my own way so I must uh first of all I apologize for not at enemies like this I benefited very much by today's lecture also I will contribute some few sentences to watch uh Sagar already stated so with these words I will say just to do that I will start with I always stand in a way to talk with her to one again and the one for Saraswati foreign [Music] [Music] okay just to say that he towards the end put the uh one anubhaka of by K Suresh and that uh yeah foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] this is exactly what he showed the uh from the uh so first of all Sagar explains the power of our own how uh the energy contributions and all those things but in a general sense and to his question why the Sanskrit ending of Mantra what is the power in my book you see the reason for me to write the book is from the age of 11 I was chanting this mantras and for about 10 or 15 years when I was in the engineering school I did not chant those mantras then after marriage when I started family settled on planner I have been continuously chanting the mantras and then I was asking the same question that shekar asked the question where is the power why should we listen to the chanting why should we chant Mantra what is the power I know I am getting benefit of the Veda Mantra but I was not able to exactly place where is the power of the mantra why do I get this benefit wherever I go so then many people said the Veda is karma Ganda the knowledge is in the upanishad so I learned upanishad by self-study and there are 10 numerators called the the showbanisha they are called the major rubations major rubinishes means on those tenu militias Adi shankara of the um play the philosophy all of them have written Bashas commentaries without communism so they are called major rubinishes so I taught this thing and then I did I was not able to see where is the wisdom where is the wisdom because Vedas are supposed to be our uh with to know and it is the original book of wisdom known to mankind change so where is this where is the wisdom and while searching that the great yogin 100 years ago have found out where is the wisdom the wisdom was known to The Vedic rishis but at the end of the rishis that wisdom got lost so people started chanting and that is a benefit everybody gets the benefit but no one knows to explain the benefit and so-called intellectual who study unless you explain how we get the benefit I will not study the Veda so many people say no then everybody goes to vedanta's knowledge without studying Veda so I wanted to find it and in my search said when the student is ready the teacher will appear so I had a casual meeting with the professor kashyap who passed away last year who was a Purdue tenuate Professor who was introduced to arabindo's teachings and he translated the whole Veda mantras in 26 volume and I had a chance meeting with a kashep in 2012 and for the next 10 years we were closely discussing in half hour he explained where is the power with all my inquiry where is the power this arabindo's explanation and kashif's translations immediately so I understood all are even those explanation and I started explaining this so I will just just read from my book The arabintos says first of all the word Mantra comes [Music] that means by mind it will protect so Mantra is something that can protect you from the one it is just like a kavacham an armor that you wear so it protects you so what is unless it has a power no I do not have a video I have a PowerPoint so I have a complete percentage and all that but I will not go into all that thing I want to read the power of others so this spiritual and psychological meaning sir what are the meanings I'll just try to go to that so all Veda mantras have three meanings this is stated by madhavacharya in the 13th century Madras area who is the uh who is the uh who is known for the weather philosophy uh three minutes what are the three meanings Adi about internally about self so you can explain in three ways however after the end of the Rishi period what we had is Germany's Dharma Imam sutras on synagarias these are the only two meanings we had and SRI arabindo came with the adiadic meanings and that at their big meanings that means there is one spirit that spirit is all pervading and the first Mantra of Mont equivalister says everything is foreign talks about the vision and the mantras says the Mantra is to make us see the world or thought beyond our senses in other words if you are only going to see things within our senses why do we need the Mantra our senses will show you so Mantra will show you the world the Supra physical world that is beyond our five senses can tell us this contact the Supra physical world endures the person who sees with a certain power and that power will depend upon how regularly you listen to the Mantra how literally You Can chant the Mantra that is why they say every day after taking bath whether you have uh one minute five minutes or ten minutes or meditate on Surya I'll come back later and arvind also says the Mantra can create new subjective States in ourselves alter our physical being reveal knowledge and faculties we did not possess before the intuition that uh Sagar was referring in his talk how how we get the intuition he said by chanting om you can get infusion by chanting also you can get that intuition by chanting also you can get that indusion it can produce all those in listeners as well if you don't know to chant you listen to chanting done by saying that is when you call a priest to do yanya in your home he chants the Mantra if you listen it with attention that subjective power beyond will be it can produce vibrations that result in actions and production of material forms in the physical pain these are all he says but our purpose is to directly take you to yes how do humans achieve realizability in fact each of us can lead a life whatever life we do you don't have to be a scientist you don't have to do a meditation all the time you don't have to do yoga all the time you can do whenever you can but if you are a housewife if you are a doctor if you are an engineer if you are a lawyer you say I have only this much time you chant Mantra or yoga for the first hour you work eight or nine hours household accounting or any work house cleaning it does not matter you can lead and you can reach how by chanting the Veda mantras by participating yeah and all these you are inviting the Devas and each of these Devas have a ugly the two important deities in regular has 10 552 mantras all the rishis about 400 rishis including 30 lady rishis have received Mantra one becomes a Rishi only if they have received a mantra from Revelation they listen to that when they are meditating in their super conscious State they hear their under the internal ocean of water can connect with the external macro Cosmic water and they can hear everything the paravois the four levels of work that uh discussed today so this lecture today is very appropriate a Sega thought this will be appropriate and that connection they can see water is when the Madras are there even though we got the mantras and the rishis period ended about 3000 BC or earlier about 100 years ago there was another incident a person was meditating like a Rishi and he saw the mantras and he blooded out and another person translated all that so you can even today receive these Madras mantras are always present in that one you have to go through the same discipline that our rishis did then you can also listen today also our relation this Revelation is very different from the Semitic religious Revelation there is a scroll or somebody was put there something there that is not the Revelation this this is always present in this world that is why our acharyas will say that Supreme person's breathing is the weather it is already always present anytime you can do if you are to take exercise but this Indra they're all called upudevas or Devas working with the Supreme spirit and each of them has a physical Association agreed is the external fire but it is a psychological power called Divine willpower and this psychological power aspiration willpower strength happiness calmness audition Vision Agni so by chanting Agri mantra and the very first Mantra in the rigveda is yes [Music] this is the very first mantra for Agni and in this book I have quoted the first nine mantras of rigveda all Agni the first sukta requires divided into 1028 suptas and the first dedicated to agree the nine Agri mantras and I am encouraging people to chant even if you do not know the chanting with the intonation you just simply Academia he is the lord of the yanya yet yes he's a source of Truth and he will transfer that truth to you he is the elderly will power so what I was searching where is the wisdom in The Vedas why am I changing this and after my ubanam they also say not only this sandhyavananam there is a samita summit means you take a this nine inch long uh stick from under the uh the sachota tree al-maram that you put in the oven and you have to do the 18 mantras they they have to do samidad or we have the Abu Cinema and all those things why you know the wedding or any yeah they agree because by chanting Agri mantras that present by re-listening we will get Divine willpower no daily will power which is my way or the highway notice that that type of willpower we don't want we have the Divine whisper that can look into the future and tell you you go this way that is what so I'll say about Indra also so Indra is not the Indra of the of the puranas Indra gives Divine Minds sun is uh then there is a Surya Sun he's lot of inner light that is the power of the Gayatri Mantra spiritual consciousness knowledge and Power Center highest light and truth so by doing the Surya namaskar and Gayatri Mantra you become more or more truthful your Darkness talks about there are only Devas and thus used powers of light Deva comes div means to shine thereby is translated in English as God then its value is lost Deva means power of light and this is the power of Darkness so when we say famous lead me from Darkness to light what that means is we have the darkness what is the darkness the shadow booster all of us have that by sitting in a corner and meditating none of these will go because they have a uh okay so I will I will absor is where you get the Mantra is by chatting the mantra you get these psychological Powers Divine willpower Inner Light Clarity and when your Darkness goes in all meditations darkness that covers the self is gone then the self reveals itself so the chanting of the Veda mantras will remove that darkness by ourselves we will not be able to remove how much it is anger oh I don't get angry talk to your spice with a spouse oh when things go his way he won't get angry the moment he doesn't go his way he snaps so anger will not go by itself you want the anger to go anger is there is there are powers of Darkness that is why we become angry so we have to remove that power of Darkness only with the power of light they say hey let us have a openness some side let some side come let us not do things in close way it's all colloquial language to say you need to have that is all these things are in our mind internal also what is the macro person the my microcosm but the microcosm Lord of Surya is completely covered with our shutter boost and the shut removes by ourselves will not be able to do and in the modern psychology says once psychological power cannot be greased but our Vedas say your psychological power can be increased you can get additional psychological power with which you are not born so if you are if you don't have willpower without willpower you cannot succeed in anything so again Mantra is there a notice that Agni will see what other Deva has to come to make you successful so he will invent that there was 100 years ago and completely translated into this thing by browser kashyap from 1999 to 2012 and what a great blessing again because I was chanting this Veda mangras and there is searching and searching the existence directed me in a chance to have to a meeting with a passive accidentally from there we became after that business is over we started talking about whether instantly I started in the first meeting and I continued with him that is what is in this book so all these things what he gave a a neurological explanation today how that ringing of the Bell that's the sonification and then removes everything and then the Chandra will say but I am giving another complimentary explanation to complement what the neurological explanation that he said is this is not my explanation I am only a messenger and I have yet I have yet to give the the Neuroscience one it's still a couple of slides more I I that is a real real hard data that I am going to show yes yeah in between but anyway you get you're saying that that sonification itself you are going to the preliminary step to get into that you know what happens in the direction I I am coming from this is a yogic vision I am only a messenger but I am able to put this together that because from the age of 11 for almost 50 60 years I am chanting these mantras and searching hey I know this weather has power and whatever things seem to be I am able to be successful and all that but what exactly is how did I get to that other thing in addition to what was it then I now realize I have a very strong willpower where did I get it I was doing this and this again even though you change everything that is nothing but Indra Divine mind so I think I think I will conclude here I just give you a brief introduction then of course there is also ours our thing here there are seven lokas involved in the pranayama when you say um there are seven y seven rigmatic justification we are not simply saying that there are seven regular says there are previous is divided into seven dramas Damas are lokas and these are not loka that you can travel by buying a air ticket also no these are imaginary divisions from here to the subtle or the top world where the mantras were the spirit they are all residing so our goal is to so without the Dharma Veda does not talk about motra even though that is a later addition by this thing whether that Moksha was added by during sangras time as I come to related to Nirvana of the Buddhists that is another discussion another topic another day but Veda does not talk about much at all Veda wants you to uh invite the Devas by chanting Veda mantras they will plant an emanation of their psychological power and by continue changing that emanation become a plant and a tree and you will get the full those Powers when those Powers come all your shutter moves will go and then as I say the self will reveal itself and you rise in Consciousness levels you see the task to be done with the much more clarity Veda wants you to enjoy life Veda wants you to do successful in whatever you do that is the reason for me to write the the first book I wrote the understanding The Vedas where I explain everything whereas in the second book Vedas for Success specifically bringing the essence and the connecting whether the relevance of whether today what is creativity all those things together that is a easy read and I proceed I want to any group who want a lecture I will talk from the base on the second book that Vedas will give you success how that success comes I will explain how we rise in Consciousness how our sun reviews will gradually drop out all all by spending five ten minutes or 15 minutes after you're taking baths and doing this this one now I want to say one more thing this whole Veda mantras were preserved by Guru shisha paramara of chandi oral chanting nothing was written down and how did they ensure the Veda mantras did not think I chanted so the first and second word so is first word second word so they decided to do one two two three three one so [Music] um that one I'll change by the karma from foreign word then they will split it and say it is a common word um foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 11 different ways the people will be studying so that it is with the and there is one more is it called the ganam where they take one two two one one two then next time one two three um [Music] foreign [Music] we must all and try to preserve this and hand over to the next Generation so all people uh was to listen and invite the uh yeah participate in yet yeah and chair is doing a great job of explaining the basis how these mantras get the power and other yogins like arvinda has also said with this I close this description thank you so much thank you so much I really appreciate uh is it possible for you to uh stop sharing the screen oh okay okay yeah so that I can continue with my my presentation just few slides left and I think um that'll be wonderful so these are the books that Dr ramakrishna Narayan swamiji has written I I would I would strongly recommend both the books to be bought by everybody who wants to do something worthwhile in their lifetime I mean I tell you this and to distill these things to to get to us is is a is a major major Fierce Grace this is what I would say I I I I I'm buying it man I am buying it okay anyway now let's get to the real deal here the Neuroscience most people are interested in it let me show what what Neuroscience they have anyway there is a gentleman called James hardsell he is from Italy he came to India and he worked in a national Brain Research Center in manesar which is in gurgaon gurugram area and he collected the data using the people punditsurved brahmins who have who have memorized yajur Veda from the age of as as swamiji said that it is at the age of five or ten they started doing that till the point of like 40 50 years they have collected the data from these people from the professionals and then what they have done is they have they have they found that there is a massive gray matter density and the cortical thickness increase in the pandit's brain in language memory and visual systems language memory and visual systems there is a huge increase in the gray matter which means the nucleus which means a lot more multiplication of and newer newer incorporation of neuroblast making neurons I repeat again gray matter means cell body cell body of a neuron the white matter is the axon the the one which is a long and uh the connect that which connects one cell one neuron to another cell that is a big axon right that is a white matter which is connected which is coated with the myelin protein okay so the white white tasting is a protein the myelin protein whereas the cell body the where the nucleus exists is the gray matter so that is the gray matter and then they found that the pandits who memorized who have been chanting yajurveda for from the age of 10 all the way they have higher density of cortical thickness and in the in which region in the language region in the memory region and in the visual system somebody who has had say for instance an accident just and lost the memory and lost the language skill this particular Veda chanting will help this is what I want to tell and then there is a in in the bilateral temporal cortex bilateral means from left and right temporal cortex is this part right so both the both the the cortex have in an anterior cingulate cortex also and the hippocampus the hippocampus is the reason for memory and recall and long term and the short-term memory everything so this particular one I have yet to see a person who has memorized uh any shlokas and all that has ever developed Alzheimer's disease or dementia even and even at the age of 100 they have their memory is excellent and they have no my mother is one of the examples I would say she she she remembers she was constantly doing some chanting all day long something or the other was also either purushottam or anything all kind of thing and I I just imbibed by listening to her I mean I didn't spend any energy but I just kind of memorized it on my own so anyway this is the Sanskrit effect has been discussed by this gentleman the same fellow and he has named this phenomenon of those pandits who have been chanting yajurveda have such a difference in the brain it is it is like startling difference and this paper has been the Talk of the Town almost all the news agencies have covered it throughout the world I don't think except Bharat I think everybody covered it because Bharat did not like talking about uh all the things anyway so these are this is what the test subjects were the masters of yajur whether they conducted this particular thing um the structural analysis of gray matter in different different uh brain regions and what they found was language memory and visual system bilateral temporal cortices and anterior cingulate cortex and hippocampus increasing the thickness of all these things now the difference in the hippocampus in the hip book I will show you some of this thing hippo what is hippocampus I'll show you very shortly so but there is a there is the the documentation of this what they did was has has this hippocampus thickness or the volume increase in the hippocampus of the uh yajur Veda people has that anywhere else discussed let's say for instance they found out that those people have who have a good verbal memory working memory and those people who have a special are those expert at special navigation spatial navigation those people have also the same thing so which means you don't have to go to to to take a hike with Columbus to to do special he probably lacks his special navigation he landed up in USA and he wanted to come to India but anyway so this is the this part of the the red part that you are seeing in the in the video here is the hippocampus this whole thing is a hippocampus okay and this over here in this right right figure the left uh the the green part is the hippocampus okay now I'll tell you this whole thing that this green part covers all the way like this all the way here this one okay okay this is hippocampus this is the one which is which is connected to the entire to the occipital part this part of the brain as well as this uh ventromedial prefrontal cortex over here so this has a lot of connections all over and if this part gets like bad for some reason it affects the entire brain so in in dimension Alzheimer people this is the one which is almost lost so anyway so the Sanskrit chant increases the gray matter in this part of this thing this is anterior cingulate cortex and ventromedial prefrontal cortex this this this lighted area that you are seeing this yellowish orangish color is the one which we're talking about having higher um thickness of uh in volume essential volume in the number of cells are more there in those people and this is exactly what swamiji must be having in his his if you if you scan his brain I think this is what you will see this is exactly what you see in the cerebellum of the Pandit this was the this is the cerebellum this lower portion okay this orange and the one which is that there what they do is they compare the controls with the age match control with the exact same slide and then they found find the the the the differences in the density so do you find that in the in the in the cerebellum which is at the back of the head cerebellum and it is responsible for um balancing balancing with swamiji was talking about the balancing and the and the uh Clarity the clarity is about left in the right brain balancing each other right right brain talking to left brain that balancing happens because of cerebellum remember that don't don't get cerebellum cerebellum has been the most um less talked about brain part but I think it has a lot of connections to uh both the left and the right brain the right hippocampus not the left hip hippocampus while right while right hippocampus that is where intuition starts so intuition is at the right hippocampus not at the left hippocampus so in the in the pandits this intuition is very very high very very high and of course there there are differences in the subcortical which means the limbic region now what happens is amygdala uh this limbic region uh coded putamen and Thalamus these are the reasons in the limbic system the entire inside of the brain now this limbic system is about fear about Fright about anger all this this and that bad stuff right what happens is whenever you are taking the shot reposed these are the shutter people sitting here this is this is a animalistic brain that is the old brain that is uh Reptilian Brain and you see what is the beauty of this is this this whole signal is reduced in this the light one the light one is is the is the pundit brain and the control brain is is the dark one you see it is constantly decreased this particular thing increases where if you require more creativity more um cognition soup meta cognition all the higher functions are increased in the thickness whereas if this the thickness of this bad uh set Repose you know which is basically uh animalistic brain which we have inherited uh over the million years as human beings that is what is causing us not to realize our own true nature and when you chant this thing these things are going this this is going down this is my most favorite slide I was fired up when I saw this slide anyway this is the limbic system I was talking about so this is what this blue part is this is the this is the this is the top part is the prefrontal what is which we are growing constantly and this part will be the one which will which will improve and grow in the coming years after the artificial intelligence has come into the play what artificial intelligence will do is is free of all these cortex for us to go into higher higher level of thinking and let the dumb thinking go to the computers and let them figure it out and we are interested in higher thinking and this is for higher thinking we have to have the very higher level of brain power and this chanting of Where The Vedic Mantra will get you there otherwise it will be still stuck with this limbic system of of killing each other and everything anyway so there is another thing which I tried to show you is is the bilateral hippocampal formation that's it so anyway this is just to let you know the right hippocampus only have happens to have this uh this increase in the density whereas in the left hippocampus is very small very little but right you can see how much is strong anyway the another one is here now the I would rather this is the same thing as I have told you but you have to see this particular part this is a hippocampus and this has connections into the prefrontal cortex as well as in the occipital cord occipital is the is the one which is responsible for uh Vision okay whose part is responsible for vision and this part is responsible for cognition so this particular fellow connects both the parts anyway this is also the same the where this the the less gyration just that in the brain there is a mult there is a Hills and Valleys and Hills and Valleys the way it is brain is wired up like this like uh um a throat you know so that is the thing but uh we we see that this particular area in some portions is is low uh there's another another paper which this is this second paper in this business that this but these people are from Hong Kong and they they had worked on the Tibetan chanting the Tibetan which uses immense amount of intonations tremendous intonation they use uh in their chanting and what they found out that the posterior cingulate cortex posterior singular cortex is just behind this cortex right that shows the largest decrease in the event eigenvector centralized centrality which is basically if you do the data analysis large data analysis you will find nodes connecting to another nodes and if the one node is is showing uh lesser value which means it is connected to other other lesser values so which means to say what happens is when they do this this um Tibetan intonation type of chanting what they do is they they find something very fundamental very interesting so basically in the deepest deepest meditative States deep meditation State there is a Delta uh oscillation which is suppressed by other noise so what happens is with this they say that that this posterior cingulate cortex showed the largest decrease which is how the data the Delta oscillations start to come up so when whence and swamiji was talking about the shot repos are destroyed when you when when when the darkness is gone what shows up is light this is exactly the light the light is the Delta oscillation right that you see light or the the the cell the Brahman that you see that you experience is because of the Delta oscillation so I'll just uh I'll just give another screen uh there it is so this is the just example of what the the Tibetan overtones and intonations [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] all right thank you shekhar and swamiji I just want to finish it and that is I'm done almost uh yeah so this is exactly what you experience after that foreign [Music] so this is what you get the experience of aha moment the Goosebump all over the body The Compassion the empathy the the juice the entire juice you can you can call uncontrolled feeling of being loved that is what happens when you have this uh this noise got rid of in the delta waves Delta frequencies starts in your life so Russo osr they call it then this is exactly what you do I mean non from Vishnu this is the Dharma of vaishnav vaishnav means the real self there is no Duality and no delusion which is considered inauspicious so so this is what Santa tukaram says vishnum [Music] now next in the series will be how to reprogram our brain by using the whole brain activation technique which is uh which will be discussed later on sometime thank you so much everyone I am so thankful to you for giving us a patient hearing and swamiji thank you so much again it's getting a little bit later any questions please ask quickly or otherwise we can use the Neuroscience Forum to for more questions yes I think that will be good idea maybe shekhar if you want to have a QA session or just have QA within your group okay all right sure sure I think it's it's already late but that's fine uh we can uh discuss this thing later on okay yeah thank you thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Shri Yoga Inc.
Views: 7,365
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Length: 92min 58sec (5578 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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