This Is Why YOU SHOULD Use Mantras!

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you want to become a better meditator do you and you don't want to do breath meditation you want to know about mantras i'm always being asked what are mantras mostly in the comments below and if you want to comment comment below well a mantra is literally a vehicle for the mind the main thing that happened to you when you try to meditate you sit down you try and do a bit of meditation you start thinking a mantra gives your mind something to do a focus point so you're not continually focusing on your passing thoughts like me i sit down i begin to meditate and i think oh god it was difficult when that happened today i was difficult when that happened to me when i was a little boy i'm hungry why can't i have more of those like i'm encouraged regularly by my recent learning that the buddha in their final meditation was thinking about sex and violence and all of the forces of primal potent forces the longings the yearnings that come with having a body he would beset by them you know so me often when i'm meditating i can't believe some of the stuff that goes on in my mind you know and the mantra can be a vehicle for the consciousness i.e if i sit thinking like here are some just some common ones that i use i use the uh muhammad harry krishna hari krishna krishna krishna rama rama rama rama hari hare you get that off the hare krishnas if you're continually reciting that mantra it will help you or a common kundalini mantra like the meaning of the mantras is sometimes significant because it is said that rishis went out like explorers into the deep deep realms of the psychic world into the limitless pervasive pan psychic conscious realms and came back with these treasures these mantras these thought vibrations that contain codes in them the very utterance of which can change your being on being the great vibration behind all sound behind all meaning all things coming from this great vibration or satnam the kundalini one which i was once told is like calling god by his body name all right mate all right mate alright mate to god but on a practicable level just by repeating a mantra while you meditate you'll notice that you shut your eyes you relax you sit with your neck head and chest roughly in line and you start thinking stuff like oh no i've left the gas on if it is that go and turn it off oh no i'm worried that my cat might be pregnant again well you know you should have gotten spayed in that little tiny liminal space between the last litter and where they are now you know whatever it is that goes on in your mind if you're continually returning to sat nam not saying out loud mind saying it in your head although there are of course some chant but we're talking today about mantras satnam satnam eventually you will find after five ten minutes that the repetition of the mantra kind of what i want to say it dissolves into a sort of place of awareness what i've learned from mantra meditation perhaps even meditation more broadly is we are awareness within the awareness are our thoughts within the awareness are our bodies and the sensations associated with our bodies within the awareness is the whole universe and the history of our planet and its customs within our awareness or our projections for the future all this is happening within awareness if you repeat a mantra eventually your own narrativizing storytelling mind recedes rescinds relinquishes its grip on your attention and you are free to enjoy awareness itself in those moments it's not like you're like oh this is brilliant because as soon as you are this is brilliant that's a thought or a feeling you know this is more the awareness that just notices and ease and unclenching of freedom from fear i learned to transcend dental meditation of course with the david lynch foundation a great organization they give you a mantra and it's a top secret mantra what you're not meant to tell no one else and i never had but they emphasized that it's a mantra without meaning that so you're not getting bogged down in like oh well this one means the great power of the lord or all things are one or whatever or peace or love or any concept it's a non-conceptual mantra that helps you simply to posit your attention somewhere that leads you into pure blissful awareness but vital with all meditation is that you let go of outcomes you can't be meditating thinking i hope whole pocket to get all blissed out someone pointed out to me just yesterday that my comfort and enjoyment is a byproduct of doing the right thing not the objective of my life otherwise it's just another individualistic trope the pursuit of pleasure here's a famous kundalini mantra that i use quite a lot ongamur gurudeva no more those of you that watch my kundalini videos available on this channel will be familiar with that one because that's how kundalini meditations and exercises open [Music] just out of interest will tell what it means i bow to the creative wisdom i bow to the divine teacher or guru within people use it to tune into a higher consciousness what does that mean a higher consciousness well you could argue it's an awareness and awakeness that is not weighed down by personal imperatives and biochemical involuntary action like fear hunger you know these kind of things tend to happen themselves if you want to change your mind if you want to order your consciousness you have to wake up this awareness you have to connect with this awareness you have to loosen your grip on your egotistical what is this this inner voyeurism this inner longing that's continually banging on inside you and these mantras are an important vehicle in moving away from that particular perspective so when you practice meditation some of the benefits you might experience are increased self-awareness by god if i had that reduced stress definitely a greater sense of calm increased focused and better control over the breath yeah i think all of those things have happened for me i'm not saying these don't happen in vipassana or breath based meditation but in manchester meditation if you've got a mind like mine a constantly busy caroming wandering mind greedily looking for new things to think and new things to want mantra meditation is very very powerful i use it mostly most of my meditation is transcendental meditation i do some chanting and i do other types of meditation increasingly you will realize as the world gets crazier that you must have some form of meditation in your life and it's simply not enough to say my meditation is watching the telly or going for a walk it's important that you have some kind of silent still meditation what is it you're trying to avoid if you say my meditations when i go down a gym why don't you want to do the sit down and silent one it's because when you sit down on your silent you begin to feel some kind of fear and discomfort or what is that fear and discomfort growth occurs in meditation it's proven that neurological links are formed you can see the uh evidence for that well yourself you know so check it out try a little bit of mantra based meditation mantras can be investing your conscious or psyche with deep meaning or it can be just a way to break the pattern of endless endless pirouetting thoughts for me i suppose i see it in quite practical terms that when i meditate using a mantra i get to a place of awareness where i'm untroubled by continual thinking more quickly but thinking is part of meditation not something to worry about mantra meditation if you don't do it yet it's a wonderful thing to try there are lots of mantra based meditations on this channel there's some links to them in the description give some of them a try and let me know what you think in the comments let me know if there's something else you'd like me to explore give this video a like subscribe to the awakening channel if you're watching this on another platform go over to youtube and look at all the other videos that i've got on awakening and subscribe there's loads of stuff on there you might be feeling dissatisfied right now and the solution is a couple of clicks away get over there also subscribe to my main channel where i do intense intelligent mad videos a few times a week and i do a guided meditation on luminary which is available on apple every single week the same platform hosts under the skin my podcast all the links are in the description sign up to my mailing list as well at thanks for watching this get yourself a little mantra if you want to get here get a mantra you
Channel: Awakening With Russell
Views: 93,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Russell, brand, russellbrand, awakening, spiritual, spirituality, wellbeing, wellness, meditation, davidlynch, davidlynchfoundation, mantra, mantras, transcendental meditation, kundalini, mentalhealth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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