TOPAZ SHARPEN AI: First Look ((New UpDate Version 4.0.2))

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topaz sharpen ai gets a new update we're jumping from version three to version four this is a first look video let's get a look at the new version for update hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly so what's new well it natively supports mac m1 computers now there's a new standard ai model which we'll get a look at i'll link this change log in the description below this video so that you can go ahead and uh see all the different changes but there's been a couple quick updates because sometimes when an update comes out some bugs are in it and they fix it right away but topaz are really good about that we're actually at version 4.0.2 and that's what you're going to see today but you can take a look at all the different changes that have been made from say version 4 up to version 4.0.2 which is the one we'll be looking at today i'll be working from lightroom today now this is really soft i'll zoom into it you can see it's really soft and out of focus and there's a lot of noise in here now i shot this at iso 1600 this is on an older canon canon 40d and i'd like to use a linear profile if you watch my tk friday videos you know i'm really into the uh linear profiles and by the way i will link you over to tony kuiper's linear profile page where you can get your own linear profile for free for your camera at the end of this video i will link a video i made about using linear profiles and how to install them i'm using the linear profile for this image and after i selected the linear profile the only thing i did was clicked auto and then if i open up the detail tab you notice no sharpening or noise reduction i'm relying solely upon topaz sharpening eye for that and now let's send this image into sharpen ai i'm just going to right click on it come down to edit in find sharpen ai and then this dialog box comes up and you'll notice the only option available to me is edit a copy with lightroom adjustments the other uh choices are grayed out because this is a raw file and then i can choose a file format you have a choice between tiff psd and jpeg my preference is tiff and you can change your color space i use profoto but you could click the drop down and use rgb 1998 or srgb whichever you prefer i prefer profoto and then you have bit depth you have a choice between 16 bits and you can use 8 bits as well but i highly recommend that you go with 16 bits especially if you're planning to send your image say to photoshop for some further editing like i do resolution my printer likes 360. it's an epson but i'm just going to leave it on 300 for now as far as compression i'm not going to use any compression i'm going to click edit and that'll send us into topaz sharpen ai and we'll be there in a sec and now here's sharpen ai now you'll notice my sharpened model i have this toggle checked on by this lightning bolt this when you check this on this let's sharpen a i look at your image and decide what it thinks would be the best model to use for your image and right here where it says model parameters this is an auto setting it chooses what parameters of say like remove blur and suppress noise it should use or it feels you should use for your image and that's generally a pretty good one to start with and then you could tweak it from there but if you want to pick your own you could come here to change and when you do that you have different models now this is a new model here called standard we've actually had the standard model before but it only had one mode it now gives you a choice of two different blur types lens blur or motion blur so i think this is a nice addition you'll notice i have my model parameter set to auto so it's saying you got motion blur so it shows motion blur but you can click lens blur and see what that does give it a second to update and by the way when you initially install this update none of these models there's 10 different models will be in sharpen ai when you click on them it will have to initially download the models so what i recommend what i did was i started with standard i clicked on standard it downloaded the model then i clicked motion blur it downloads the model it takes a little bit of time but depending on your internet connection how long it'll take but it took me anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute depending on uh how big the model update was okay so it's got to download this but once it downloads those you're good to go but i recommend starting out by just clicking on each one of these and let it download them for you you have different zoom levels especially with sharpening and noise reduction a lot of times you want to really zoom in to your image so you can come here and change it right now it's at 100 let's go to 200 percent give this a second or two to update here and look how that image just really comes into focus there now i'm using the standard model which is probably not the best model so i'm gonna come up to the sharpen model and click on this toggle and let sharpen ai pick the right model for me and it's chose motion blur very noisy and let me go ahead and uh right now you'll notice remove blurrizon84 so let me check on this auto as well and give it a second to update but look at that it comes right into focus i have no noise now i can zoom in to 400 percent to really look give it a chance to update do you notice that it updates a lot faster in 400 than it did when i was at 100 so if i click 100 it remembers the last update so it doesn't have to update again and so here's a little tip the larger the zoom value the quicker the updates will be so bear that in mind when you're working with sharpen ai my workflow is to start out on a single image view and use the sharpened model pick for me automatically as well as the model parameters picked for me automatically i like to go around different parts of the image just to inspect it just to see what kind of a job it is doing and when i look at this i say you know what it's doing a really good job and again i could change the model by clicking change here and trying a different model but i'll be honest with you that is the best model so i'm going to turn this back on and what i may do is this area right here these flowers are the sharpest right here now you'll notice other flowers that are out of focus it doesn't touch those the artificial intelligence knows that those should be out of focus and as you can see here it's totally removed the noise because it's it decided i had a very noisy image and i had motion blur i'm satisfied with the noise removal but i think i want to try increasing the sharpness by moving this slider to the right and let's take a look give it a second or two to update and yeah that looks pretty good it might be still a little too sharp so i'm gonna pull it back just a little bit so i'm just gonna take the remove blur and move it to the left just a little bit give it a second or two to update and we'll take a look and yeah i think that looks really nice before i move on let's talk about these different viewing options right now i'm in the single view we have this original button if you click this button you'll see there's the original with a blur and the noise release it you see the sharpened and denoised image i'm in single view i also really like split view this is the one i probably use the most now i like split view because you see more of the image now remember i'm zoomed in to 200 but if i drag this you can see the result of my noise reduction across the image there so that's pretty pretty nice you can always move the area of preview around this is your preview area up in here right or you could go to a side by side view where you see it side by side it takes a second to update and that's not a bad way of going either but again with this view here split view you get more of the image on your screen so to me that's a good way of going and then you have comparison view if you want to compare different models in comparison view you compare four different models against each other which helps determine which model is the best for you and don't forget you can move the uh preview box around and see different parts now it has to update each time you move it so if you want to really get nitpicky and find the very best model you can sample different models here now you have 10 to choose from here actually you might have 11 because standard has a lens blur and motion blur so that's new with this update version 4. but if you click on any one of these uh windows like right here on motion blur very blurry you can change that with a different model like say out of focus and see what that does and it'll update itself so you can change any one of these because you only have four windows and you have 10 or probably 11 different models that you could try so i don't use this too much i generally use the split view and again i let it pick the sharpen model for me as well as the model parameters and if i'm not satisfied i'll try some other models out and then i'll go and you know play with my suppressed noise if i need it or in my case i think i want to increase the sharpness a little bit to something like that now let's look right here see where it says select this is for masking and you can turn masking on by toggling the off switch to on and this is good if you want to mask out certain parts of the image where it doesn't get the adjustment now this image doesn't really need it because sharpen ai has removed the noise in the right areas and sharpened the right areas so i don't need to use it here but if you ever need to use it and i'm going to show you right now on a landscape image so give me a sec i'm going to show you on this image how good the masking really is inside of topaz sharpen ai i have this image it's already sharpened i'm using the very blurry motion blur model the adjustments are all set let's come down to select and toggle it on and when we do that it's going to try to find the subject for us okay now we don't have a subject here so what i'm going to do is click this drop down and i have a landscape so i'll click landscape it selects the foreground and masks out the sky now if i click refine you can see it's done a really good job but it's missed some of the edge up here so check this out let's turn the edge wear on it's already on right here we can adjust the sample area i'm going to really drag this up to the right so you can really see this i'll get a nice big brush while that's too big let me pull that back that looks better the center area is the sample area and the secondary circle the larger circle that's the area it's going to look at what i'm going to do is just hover take the center circle and keep it into the sky and kind of drag across like this and we'll just keep going i'm going to get as close to that tree line as i can drag across here and see how it updates itself look at that now it's messed up here a little bit not really messed up but i'm going to pull back on the brush size a little bit and just come closer here i'm just left clicking my mouse and dragging across here and then when i release my mouse there's the selection but isn't that amazing accuracy i love it and then after you've got your mask all you have to do is click update and that mask has been updated so now when you output this back to your host program the sky will be totally masked out to perfection and the area you sharpened will be sharp now we're back to the flower image i just wanted to show you how the masking works on an image that i would actually use masking for i won't use it on this one so now all i have to do is click apply and that'll send us right back into lightroom with the motion blur very noisy model applied with these model parameter settings oh and by the way you have a post-processing section you can add grain here if you want to add some grain and if you hover over this it says reduce smoothness even further by introducing grain over the image after processing i don't really see myself using the add green feature but you know what there may come a time where i feel i would need to use it and now when we're ready just click apply and that'll send us back into lightroom and i'm going to let this run in real time and here we are back in lightroom now let's do a little pixel peeping and comparing the original raw with this image here so let me go to the original raw first let's zoom in to 300 and look at all the noise and the softness in this image can you see it it's horrible this is a throwaway image it's totally unusable but now after sharpen ai it looks like this now you gotta admit these results are amazing there's no noise and this image is sharper it needs to be sharp and it is soft in the bokeh areas where it needs to be soft okay but that sharpen ai if you've never tried it before download a free trial you can click on my affiliate link in the description below this video that'll bring you here on the topaz website and find sharpen ai and click on learn more and then you can click here try for free and you can download a free trial i think it's a 30-day trial if i'm not mistaken and if you like it and you decide you want to purchase it uh use my promo code david kelly that's all one word david kelly at checkout and you'll receive an additional 15 off any sell items uh any bundled items anything topaz has to offer you'll save i'll make a small commission it helps me out it helps me to keep these youtube tutorials coming your way you don't pay any more you actually save money so it's a win-win situation well i hope you enjoyed this tutorial check out sharpen ai and if you already own sharpen ai and you have a current license you can go ahead and download that for free if you want to renew your license you can renew your license anytime you want use my promo code there too and you'll save an additional 15 off your license renewal if you enjoyed this tutorial today please give it a like and share it with your friends and if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today on the joy of editing with dave kelly and i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 20,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Topaz, Topaz Labs, Sharpen Ai, First Look, Ai, Artificial Intelligence, New Update, Version 4, Ver. 4.0.2, Photography, Sharpen, Noise Reduction, Noise Remover, Remove Lens Blur, Remove Motion Blur, LR, PS, Lightroom, Photoshop, Promo Code, davidkelly, Photo Editing, Training, Tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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