Topaz Denoise AI For Bird Photographers

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- Hey everybody, it's Tim with Tim Boyd Photography. This weeks tutorial is how I use Topaz Denoise AI to process my images. This is not a sponsored video. I purchased my copy of Topaz Denoise. Yeah, let's get started. So here I am in Lightroom and I'm going to show you first this picture of a trumpeter swan that I took a long time ago. I took it with film, so it's pretty old. But it's got a lot of digital noise in it. And I just want to show you how topaz works okay? For this first image and I'll show you 3 more on my regular workflow. I just want to go up to photo, edit in and pick Topaz Denoise AI. I've already loaded it up and I checked to use it as an external editor, so that it would automatically hook up with Lightroom. I go in here, I want it as a TIFF, that's fine, cause it is a TIFF now. All that stuff's fine, so just click edit. Up here you can see that it's processing. Process it brings it into Topaz and here we have the original and the over here on this side, we have the preview of what we're gonna do. Now, what I have done is I have gone into preferences here and I have made sure that I want to enable the discreet CPU just in case my graphics card can work faster and I put it at high, just in case my graphics card can work faster. But it doesn't because I don't have a very good graphics card in this computer. If you've got a good graphics card, with a lot of memory on it, 4 gig of ram or something its gonna be really fast. With my computer it's pretty slow. So, over here I turn off the auto-update preview because every time you make a change, then it would automatically wanna update and that can be frustrating if you're trying to move multiple sliders. So I pick the Denoise AI over AI Clear, I think this works just a little bit better. And I'm just gonna click auto, 90% of the time clicking auto works and you don't have to do much. And then I'm gonna click update. It's gonna process here for a minute. This is a pretty small file, it shouldn't take too long. Well there we go. So now you can see that all this digital noise is gone. So here's my before, here's just using it with auto. I can move my box around to see things here. Now you notice that if I move the box around it changes the preview and I can just update it and the background will become clear again. So lets save that and get out of that one. Now this is where my computer is pretty slow, it takes a long time to save these. But I will cut part of this out so you don't have to suffer through. All right, lets go on to another image here. So this is a Peregrine falcon, it was taken on a wet, overcast, dark day at Ocean Shores Washington. So let's just take it into Lightroom develop, we'll crop it a little bit. I think I'm just gonna leave it in the 4 by 3 crop. Just go like that a little bit. Just to offset the bird a little bit and get rid of a lot more gray space here. Then, I'm going to add a little bit of color to the bird. So I'm gonna go into the landscape and that warmed this up a little bit. It's like I under-exposed by a good stop. So we'll open that up to about there. I don't need to do anything there. It was kind of a hazy day, so we'll do the de-haze slider a little bit, good. And then we'll go down to sharpening and I'm just gonna hit the alt, or option key, and then I'm gonna slide this over. Now, you can see where the bird is. Only the white gets sharpened right? A lot of that white that's in the background is all noise and we're just gonna take all of that out, so that we don't sharpen it. And then we'll move the sharpening up a little bit. So there I am, that's how I process the image. I'm pretty happy with that. Now, I'm gonna go up to photo, edit in, topaz. Not gonna change any of these things. It's gonna open up. Here it's processing, it's telling me it's processing and then its going to open up in Denoise. Here's my images. So the first thing I'm gonna do is get this box right on the head of the bird. So you see my original, you can see the preview here. I'm gonna go Denoise, I'm gonna go auto and I'm gonna hit update. And let's just see what happens here. Should clean it up pretty good. So, it's a lot better. You can see the eye is better. We can probably make it a little bit more so let's go into manual. Let's move the Denoise up to about 50. Sharpen, I'm gonna leave the same. Ah, let's see if we can recover some original detail here. And let's try that. Most of the time I don't have to use the sliders but this is a pretty noisy image on a dark day and I had to open it up a full stop because I had underexposed it. We're starting to lose a little detail in here. So, let's bring this down a little bit and then lets try that. So you kinda play around with it. The eye of the bird looks a lot better though in this image. So maybe that was okay. Yeah, let's call that good. You see there's a lot less noise in the eye, the background is really clean. So, let's save that. And then it's gonna bring this open in Lightroom and when we get into Lightroom we'll do a side-by-side comparison. Little indicator bar down here shows you how progress is going. Okay so we're back in lightroom, so let's go to library mode, look at both of these images side-by-side and compare them. Move in one to one. So here's the original, you can see the eyes pretty noisy the background's pretty noise, you can see it's cleaned up in this one. So this was ISO 6400. So I took an image that was was a stop under-exposed, shot at ISO 6400. Let's do one more. So this one is a Red-winged blackbird and this is shot at 3200. So let's go in and develop it a little bit here. Bring it down a little bit tighter, so that he's off-centered. Let's see what I need to do for exposure. I think I'm gonna open up the shadows in the bottom of the bird a little bit. Pull down the highlights. Kinda balance those 2 a little bit like that. Gonna do a little bit of de-haze and then let's sharpen it. All option, move the mask over to the right. See this image? There's a lot less digital noise in the background than the other 2 that we had. But it will still get rid of that digital noise so I don't have to drag the masking over as far. Bump that up a little bit. So we're ready to go. Then we'll do photo, edit in, topaz, all those things are gonna be the same. I'm not gonna change those, so I'm just gonna reduce that. Go there. Here it's telling us that its preparing the file for editing. It will open up in Topaz. There was a lot of noise down here at the tail, so let's do auto-update again. All right, so that is considerably less noisy than the other one. The backgrounds cleaner, there's a lot more noise in the tail here, than there is over here. Still not really as good as I would like. So, I'm gonna go into manual, I'm gonna remove noise up to about 40 or so, recovery, let's do that. Most of the time, I don't have to use manual. I just use auto. It cleans it up a little bit. Boom, I'm ready to go. So now you can see that I've removed all the noise, but, I've lost a lot of detail as well. Let's move this sharpening down a little bit. Let's move this down a little bit. Let's try that. So you kinda have to tinker around with it. But I think the more we use it, the more we kinda get used to what's gonna work for different kinds of images. I think this is gonna be okay. I lowered a little bit, so as long as the eye remains pretty sharp, there's less noise. You can see down in here there's less noise. So that's good. Let's go move forward. And here again, it's gonna take my computer a while to process this and save it into Lightroom, but once it does we will do a side-by-side comparison. Okay, so we're back in Lightroom. Let's go to the library module, grid-mode here. We will choose these two images. Do a side-by-side comparison. And here's the original ISO 3200. We zoom in a little bit. The eye is a little bit clearer, there's less noise in the mouth. Most of the noise was down by the tail area and you can see down in here that the tail noise has really been cleaned up a lot. So that's how I use Topaz AI Denoise. If you have any questions about it, you know shoot me a question down in the comments below. And if you like what I'm going on my channel or you wanna learn more about bird photography, take better bird pictures, hit the subscribe button and then that little bell icon so you don't miss any future tutorials. Hey, thanks a lot for watching this week. I will see you in the next video. Bye.
Channel: Tim Boyer Photography
Views: 36,035
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Keywords: bird photography, tim boyer photography, learn bird photography, tim boyer bird photography, topaz denoise Ai, Topaz Denoise AI for bird photographers, topaz denoise AI for bird images, bird photography tutorial, bird photography tips, bird photography techniques, post processing bird photography, fixing low light bird images, fixing noisy bird images, topaz labs, photo editing, photography tutorial
Id: D5Md9__L2nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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