TOP10, Delicious Korean Waffles - Korean street food
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Yummy Yammy
Views: 5,759,479
Rating: 4.774982 out of 5
Keywords: 요미야미, yummy yammy, 요미야미 와플, 와플, waffle, waffles, 길거리음식, korean street food, korea, korean, 와플기계, 와플 만들기, 와플 반죽, 와플 맛집, 와플 가게, 와플 레시피, 와플 만드는 법, 와플 유튜브, 와플 youtube, ワッフル, waffle maker, waffle recipe, waffle whipped cream, waffle korean, waffle king, waffle korea, waffle korean street food, waffle youtuber, waffle making, food, 자영업, korean waffle recipe, cook, recipe, travel, 와플 달인, 홍대와플2, waffles korea, waffles how to make, waffles how to, make, making, asmr, egg waffle, street food
Id: M8TK7aVh3hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 58sec (4978 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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