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[Music] come on help me please know what get away come on come on come on come come on come on come on open the go run [Applause] forgive me Father for I have sinned it's a job coming to me off the back of somebody else's tragedy wow not bad huh so what's with this age have you forgotten what kind of movie We're making set action Lord have mercy all kinds of messed up stuff happened when they were making movies like The Omen or The Exorcist and the guy your dad replaced everything's cursed with my father's voice okay here Tony Tony Tony Tony Tony it's okay you're okay all right how did I get out of here so you're blacking out again what is it this time this is something those he's off his MS he's erratic father what do I do I was saved once didn't believe that it could happen again can he be saved it's not worth saving and you know it I know you're afraid me too it's all right to be afraid have faith he will protect his children when it happens run [Music] you hear that Isa isn't just a gifted child seea many thanks to you Isa she's much greater than that many thanks to you Isa she was delivered to us on this island on the eve of the king tide you [Music] ready many thanks to [Music] AA IA help IA what's wrong with her her powers are gone it might not be a bad idea to take AA to see some doctors we both know what happens her if she goes there she can't leave the island what kind of thought Al would be back to herself by now things will get back to how they were we just need to be patient we're all going to starve to death you can't keep us here we all agree to this we have to do what's best for our family here those mainlanders they can't touch us here didn't realize this Village was still here we take great pride in that and how do you get to the mainland we don't lost your damn mind on we receiv received a report of possible child endangerment many thanks to AA many thanks TOA mom I really want to come home you're feel bad how was your journey very pleasant thank you Brin come say hi up I'm your neighbor haven't heard about you why would you have heard about [Music] me how would you like to come work for me at the resort this happened sometimes you look like you don't be long here why is there nobody working the reception after 10 I want you to lock the doors and wait for me I will come pick you up right [Music] now if I were [Music] you hey I wouldn't want to get hurt even more why did you bring us here your family belongs to you that's a [ __ ] weird way to put it you told the police that you were chased by a woman I think I'm crazy nature is quite remarkable oh it feels so good [Music] have to go some species need our help I'm giving you the chance to be of great use in our quest for preservation consider yourself lucky I told you you're not welcome here you're not welcome anywhere now get the [ __ ] out of my bar just give me one more drink and then I'll leave hi peanut I'm going to need you to come with me right now look lady I'm not interested all right well I'm sort of on the tick tick so Upsy Daisy oh whiskey dick of the claws it's quite common in Wolverine's over 40 you don't want this unless you want to take a deep breath through your [ __ ] forehead I suggest you [Music] reconsider I'm about to lose everything that I've ever cared about not my [ __ ] problem is that what you said when your world went to [ __ ] come again this Wolverine let down his entire world want to talk about what's haunting you or should we wait for a third act flashback uh go [ __ ] yourself life is a I don't know anything about saving worlds but you do trust me kid I'm no hero you were an X-Men you the [Music] X-Men I am soaking wet right [Music] now boys are so silly this is what I'm talking about big slow motion action sequence who knows if you live or die let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go yeah want to do some cocaine hey cocaine is the one thing that Figi said is off limits what about Bolivian marching power they know all the slang terms they have a list even snowboarding even disco dust White Girl Interrupted even Forest bump Do You Want to Build a Snowman yes but I [Music] [Music] can't this Story begins far beyond the mountains and the [Music] Shadows on the other side of the light [Music] a lion was born without a drop of nobility in his blood a lion who would change our lives forever move faster the Earth will [Music] shake Destiny await you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what the first thing you liked about me I thought that you were quite brilliantly broken you feel like my person you feel like my person what's the worst thing you've ever done I saw things I shouldn't have seen any of it please don't do [Music] this I feel you crumble in my arms down to your heart when someone dies a crow carries a soul to the Land of the Dead but sometimes something so bad happens that the soul cannot [Music] rest until you put the wrong things right I feel you [Music] C I feel you were given the power of a [Music] God but you're running out of time to save her I'm going to kill them every single one of them and killed you yeah you did we have a problem he came for [Music] us first impulse anger it's not anger it's love look what you become you know that love promises only pain you have no idea what hell it waits to no I do how many people people of you love I never be [Music] alone so Maxine your agent tells us you're quite a popular name in adult film and entertainment is that correct I'm curious did you always want to be in that line of work I always wanted to be f Miss if you need to read off the sides we gave you just go ahead all right I know last she turns to the camera and through her trauma addresses the lens directly name five celebrities who got their start in horror movies Jam Curtis John cholta de Moore Brook shield and Max [ __ ] M I don't like walking on here freaking nightstalker guy the lose the nightstalker nightstalker nightstalker is terrorizing Los Angeles I can handle myself CL said every bed girl in Hollywood Maxi I'm the private detective I the Jes my employer is a very powerful man the past ain't finished with you it's going to keep knocking at your door tragically another victim of the nightstalker I knew three people who were murdered in 3 days I'd be pretty scared what are you hiding [Music] Maxine if I tell you something we've got confidentiality what' you do it's just the defining role of your career whatever's going on in your life it's a interfering with this picture squash it I intend to Max Max Max Max Max Max you're a [ __ ] Movie Stop you take would you look at that a lad unfortunately my design doesn't facilitate this type of well Desy awaits Legend has it that there's this massive treasure hidden in some secret vault and if you go hunting for it you'd better take any any help you can get cuz it's on the weirdest most dangerous dumpster fire of a world in the universe God I hate this planet what is that smell piss G ew put the window up I don't want to roll the window up it's PE it's PE why do you think it's called Piss wash how did I get the name it's in my [Music] mouth do you know how many people have died looking for this Vault we have something they don't baby girl okay what major [Music] issues time to make it rain with your body parts what did I tell you minimal expion I said no explosions you you step aside [ __ ] ooh mine's bigger what do I needed a gun so you ask for it there's only one of you in the world with you're special uh-oh killed them [Music] all you want [Music] what's happening right now I'm expelling the excess lead I can't go if you're looking at me actually scrap that I can I really can actually it's helping are we really waiting for this to finish keep looking at [Music] me over here they in the tunnels hold your fire says there's no way any of them would go in there well boys we're going to need a volunteer I got you sir [Music] the doctors in Afghanistan stabilized him we don't have the details of the combat incident son I know it's been tough instincts are different there but it was war get off frck I am terrified that I'm losing my husband please help us tell me about Afghanistan I was there kir the home of horror a know you think he found something out there or something found him there are still things in this world that science has yet to explain a Jin is an elemental demon and it feeds on trauma it can be very strong how do we kill it an exorcism in theory what kind of effect does he have on the other side it's like he's controlling them not afraid of you yes you this isn't R none of it is leave this [Music] place so how long do you think we'll be here I'm not talking to you you know what we are so screwed thought you weren't talking to me you two come with me report to waste management hi there I'm b127 I'm actually working on some nicknames the the one I'm floating right now is um bad acetron which is actually pronounced bad acetron um we're going to call you be I know we're just lowly workerbots who can't even transform don't you want to see what's out there there's a reason no one goes to the surface it's dangerous why'd you bring jetpacks if we survive this I'm going to kill you I accept those terms oh the surface it's beautiful you have proven yourself worthy take these and access your full potential you stop me stop me upo me up it's time to show him we are more than meets the eye we can transform now on threee one it's working where's my head how do we use these things cing Wheels I need Wheels woo uh guys that's not good we've got these powers for a reason let's use them we stand here together as one I whoa I got a battle mask it appeared with this guy knif hands I have knif hands I can see that b these are not the bad guys why did you cut the door what no it was already like that right yes that's right it was yeah it was already like yeah that's right [Music] no damn you Aon God damn it so where are you from Vivian it's a very long story I have PL of [Music] time what did you go to San Francisco to see the end of the world this is it no flowers no Garden at all you live like a dog a happy dog [Music] you're still a dog can I have your attention we need volunteers who want to fight to save the union we're looking for Men of Honor thinking about enlisting this is not your country it's the right thing to do we have a life together now it is only [Music] beginning no sense being all alone on a night like this I am fine Mr Jeff you most certainly are [Music] it makes no sense for you to be here now is it going to be a problem Mr Shiller I don't believe so [Music] Alfred I shouldn't have left I never wanted to be saved [Music] survival continuing longer than another person or thing you got to take risks the key is to stay in the game survival of the fittest you're either predator or your prey my wife where is she now where I left her Miranda jenda she's me through so much talk to her I know things haven't been easy we all just want you to be happy I don't know it's just what do you want Edie why is he fing at me r [Music] what's wrong with you 911 my name is Miranda Cooper I'm lost in the middle of the woods I need help hello Miranda oh my God he knows he's coming I'll be your new daddy there's a crazy man we have to run let's go [Music] does this man look familiar to you still no word on Miranda it's not safe to go into the woods he's armed and dangerous we're organizing the search party where is she calm down Kenny she's not alone she's just a little girl oh she's about to be a dead little girl I don't have to run faster than the man eating tiger I just have to run faster than you keep moving before anybody can figure out what you're doing need help thank you for the thrill of the Chase and for the Glorious Day ahead he's right behind me why are you doing this does it matter you're like I didn't shoot you like this [Applause] Hey Jo e Co Miss you're own fire very original no I do not want to stop drop and roll with you no your book is on fire oh my God alcohol and Flames they like each other cold D Kelly Jones [Music] public support for the moon mission is Rock Bottom every day something is breaking and we're dead again we're blowing up the space program is a bloated M Mass need a marketing specialist and you are the very best excuse me what are you doing here I tracked you down because I felt we had a connection what I'm joking I work here now to sell the moon NASA's not that you s with a jingle and a slogan when I'm done those men are going to be bigger than the Beetles who is that for me this is very personal he's got my name you told me that your guys don't do interviews so I had to hire new guys I'm here for the casting who's he you you're a juicy par 60 missions in Korea I flew 52 missions in Korea I flew 52 missions in Korea how that what the whole world will be watching we can't afford to lose to the Russians we need to shoot the backup version of the moon landing you mean to fake it no one can ever know what we're doing I cannot accept that they will shoot you what is my budget oh Bo I know a lot more about the moon and I know about you give me go no go for launch if you fake this Mission every single thing that we have sacrificed will have been for nothing you know you couldn't have made it to this day without me 4 3 2 and my arm strong is a whiny little witch we have to recast I think we should have gotten Cooper come [Music] [Applause] help me help me please please a [Music] while we every day bear witness to the catastrophic ecological collapse that is plaguing our planet we must not forget that this is above all a human crisis I am in favor of this government doing what whatever it takes to win this war it's not a war wars have opposing sides humanity is the opposing side we are engaged in nothing less than a life and death struggle against our own Extinction we are so happy you all joined us tonight for a family dinner what is going on we've decided to enlist what she's gone sorry I can't do it I will always love you hi I'm Bob it's them oh they early you're not going to like this but we're here to collect two bodies I already told you Dawn left and that's unfortunate oh by the rules the same for everybody think about your lives I'm sure one of you is going to realize that it's not all that great I know we're family and all but if Bob needs a second body it's not going to be mine what are they still doing in the house well based on my experience and similar situations I want to say yeah killing one another you think I'm the bad guy I'm doing important work to save the planet we can get through this but we have to stick together it's been a it's been a hell of a night huh [Music] hey he's here you working in Dallas what restaurant to the Marriott in the kitchen well it could be a hell of a lot worse and you work for an agency catering company I guess You' call it they just send you to places like this huh pay must be great a lot of rich people they just want an extraordinary experience it gets old if you need a sue Chef I'm a good one Jack yeah I'm excited to work with you I've heard some interesting things the produce is in good shape then is it I haven't chosen the produce yet the dinner's tomorrow you do know that right this just one dinner yes of course it's just one dinner a bad dish from you and your life will end is that clear enough good don't you ever feel like you're doing the wrong thing if you R they will find you you no this right make the dessert Jack this soup glad you like it that is brutal actually I have to say that's probably I am done you've been living on the streets I'm traveling why are you hoping me freedom of reinvention built this country I don't intend to get in its way we believe the subject is on route to The Border we can't let her cross we need our best on [Applause] it where we at with this it's already spiraling out of control your job is to bring in Jessica Murdoch alive or if necessary dead does Jessica know she believes she's on the run for murder did anyone else know any of the other operatives any of them have a clue what we need now is for you to put an end to this Jessica better [Music] they said you had retired I want [Music] answers we're all very sorry about your wife's death do you recognize that indiv idual here's your man y Jen he's undermining Western democracy was your wife his Handler say did Farah give you something before she died she gave me her life she gave me a hole but what if everything we know about Farah's death is wrong you know something I don't it's of hunch I do hate when you get those you once asked me to work for you now I'm asking you to work for me stay with me you sa your first rodeo you the chief of the station for the baltics if you want his Focus make a scene you remember how to do that don't you Ben you knew Fair as well as anyone with my help you can end this your wife always said wonderful taste working together again it's like the good old [Applause] days the world has changed P we are enemies once more you never stop being enemies I'll burn you and then I'll bury you what's your name why does it matter I like to know the names of the people I'm going to kill you want another yeah just leave the bottle please rough night tonight come jayen do you know where you would be if I wasn't here to protect you you would be dead like your [Music] mother your extended family business it's complicated we are need to start paying back out old man I said back to you are a dead man the Russians they took Jen why would they take Jaden it was a setup I'm coming to save you [Music] a true vigilante you made it personal what you saw today was just a [Music] taste where's the kid who are you what the [ __ ] remember now I made a promise to your mother to protect you for the rest of my life watch out [Music] [Music] foree crazy per [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] for and name copycat crazy something [Music] 44th between 9th and 10th [Music] [Music] it's nice you're not on your phone see a human not plugged in it says a lot about you I like to think [Music] so what's his name I'd rather not say you're afraid to say his name cu the guy's married or you're married or someone's married he's married I know he's married don't drive a cab 20 years and not know people word of advice don't ever say the word love all right I just couldn't not say it anymore what's he supposed to do love you [Music] back you got a good heart I can see that which is why I just got to tell you you better off walk [Music] away what about you it's time for me to Ane up yeah all right like how'd you meet your wife she threw up in my cab she was like a summer day you know not too complicated just beer and bag of chips and we were [Music] set do you miss her do sometimes you going to be all right I don't know at the end of the day everything comes into focus and then goes out again but that's a story for another [Music] CPR I know you've thought about it how far is it across it's 21 M across currents changing every few hours freezing water the hardest test in all of sport you think I could do it do you think I [Music] can I've decided to swim the English Channel what do you mean I'm going to swim the English Channel no I'm saying I wasn't asking please past the bread a woman she won't get past the seventh male I believe she'll die in that water you know most men believe that we're too weak to compete and what if I make it then they got a serious problem the thing you love most it terrifies me I can't imagine if something happens to you they're rooting against you through the they want the water to win I came all this way might as well see [Music] England there's no going back out here come on girl kick your feet I need you to promise me something don't let anyone take me out of the water no matter what 6 miles in she's slowing down they don't want us to be heroes they don't want us to be anything jellyfish she's going have to swim through Trudy you don't have to do this I don't know seems like an day for a [Music] [Music] swim [Music] for spee for [Music] are you singe [Music] [Music] [Music] for Fore fore foree [Music] [Applause] no son your father he waits much to learn much to teach there are dangers beyond our village what a wonderful help your father my family [Music] I will find them I will bring them to survive remember your strength your compassion P Mercy why do they her she knows the human Secrets I have a name me I know where they're taking your clan you choose a human over this was a human place it is not yours it is now isn't it the Elders did not tell us everything about this world nor Bend for your king never get to gets now [Music] why does it [Music] matter they're just [Music] pictures do you want the world to know about you you think I went to war so people would know my name [Music] I'm heading to the front ready to go we don't send women to combat well that's a problem because I'm [Music] here even when I wanted to look [Music] away I knew I couldn't [Music] lovely [Music] this feels important this is the whole plan you cannot go in guns of Blazing security is going to be airtight deeply [Music] confused [ __ ] I saw this man KN down an entire Squad I did do that he killed over 100 men it's like exaggeration with his bare hands definitely not true wait you forget who controls the narrative not exactly how I plan to go deal with him accordingly and lights [ __ ] rejoice [Music] [ __ ] read my lips you petulent little [Music] [ __ ] repeat the Mantra I am an instrument shaped for a damn it you got to admit that was cool beware false prophets come to you in sheep's clothing for inwardly they are ravenous wolves LW he kind of want to see this kills five seemingly random people in Chicago and lays low for 6 years that body was found in heaven bro I want in on this what part of I moved to get away from all this confuses you detect lossing Mr GL void when can I see the crimes Abigail Myers age 35 outline Lacross blood textbook cult ideology he was releasing her from this life and ushering her into the next we explored many sexs and Cults believed in their own moral compass thought they were God what religion are you I have a purpose in life man who likes to show people the way we all have a calling don't we [Music] what is wrong with this picture this looks like someone's sending a message he's playing with us this is just the beginning serial killers your petroia from their victims the he's toying with you Glenn he swed my wife when I'm dead how close are you really to catching him murdering four innocent people you can't hide forever it's over are you a wolf in sheep's [Music] [Applause] clothing hey there Los Angeles you've reached awesome aquatic have an awesome aquatic day Jack what am I tasting here this is my take on the Langer egg cream a little a cinnamon it's brilliant D should get married uh yeah I mean we could Mr Baran welcome back what is it today I have just finished a study of how we can make the bus schedule great [Music] Reggie Mr Baron I'm June Del yeah executive assistant and councilman Steven Tor Kowski Steven sturdy he's a threat to our great City yeah I need your help taking him down like undercover yes uh I'm not really TR can I get back to you I have to take this case he's got a gun A gun we've got to get the women to safety okay this is exactly what I'm talking about this is what she's saying look over here I will look at do you even know what it is I do St sometimes it's hard to feel different to feel all alone I started meditating to push away the blues but now I feel them coming back I'm not sure what to do honey is there something you'd like to tell me I'm climbing a tree into a canopy of Lies [Music] Diane we don't know how far the food chain this thing goes can I trust you Steven Toran Kowski is not but you think he is is is he a lizard excuse me I think you just need to figure some things out before you can hold space for someone else spacious he's spacious for cran out I'm spacious you waited out in the deep end and now you're drowning right before our eyes I need you to be brave I know it's dangerous but I got myself into this I got to get myself [Music] out Miss Mora I'm detective Cipher look I know you've been through a lot tonight help me find the person to killed your husband Dad Dad the Killer is still that large I missed the head we're not meant to suffer alone so keep going still trying to get to the bottom of what happened you and your sons deserve a better life skeleton is dead you never found his body [Applause] [Music] there is a killer on the loose folks you think it's him don't you let's move do you know what it feels like to be stopped to be the prey no I don't I hope you never do [Music] open the door get down on the ground please don't do this I want my sons what if I told you imaginary friends are real and when their kids grow up they're forgotten are any of them scary worse desperate question why did these kids forget about us in the first place last week I just started falling apart you're sucking the oxygen out of the honestly talk this is how it's going to be I'm just going to wheel myself back and plug in we've started the matchmaking agency to help ifs find new kids or we just disappeared blue happy place happy place and C and C I can help you how cuz I'm a kid you are the chosen one no no let's not give her a complex good luck short Zack it's all up to you no pressure Co dagger hope this works all right let's find these ifs and kids keth kind of a kid creates an invisible if I can find anyone anywhere he got in my mouth thanks for doing this don't put him in the eye which one yeah that's going to grow right back am I disappearing all I'm not ready for this I need to throw or I need a snack it's one of the two gross you have to help them yes we do not going to ask me again put some pants on you're freaking everyone out how it go oh oh my god do make us [Applause] partner let's not get ahead of ourselves shall teeth and Mom said too much candy isn't good for your tummy but I said oh my god wow my eyes can taste it I am so sorry you don't taste that in your [Music] eyeballs in your eyes I see no fear I have finally found my love distance could never keep us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this morning when I woke up Evan was gone there was no note I called the office called his phone the handyman is what's strange all of a sudden Evan disappears and this guy just shows up we're not doing any construction well I have an order here says bathroom renovation that is your husband's signature at the bottom right were you going through my stops me no never I'd like you to get out of my room right in the middle of a job I don't think so get what did I do out of my house he better get used to this [Applause] face where do you think you're going not the Cabernet you peasant now wife you are acting very strange we're friends right oh J it what I'm about to show you isn't pretty but it was necessary let's get a [Applause] drink have you ever done this before no but can't be that difficult if so many men allegedly do it anything they can do we can do better shall we this Friday one of the sexiest movies ever made arrives momy come check you in critics are calling Challengers Fierce electrifying and deliriously enjoyable so often does this happen going after the same girl this is indea like you've never seen her before unfortunately my only skill in life is hitting a ball with a wacket I want you to be my coach I want you to be my coach gu Nino's Challengers is nothing short of miraculous I'm taking such good care of my little white boys it's an utterly magical experience decimate that little [ __ ] zindia mesmerizes like nothing she's previously done you're not a member of my fan club it will leave you breathless do not miss this movie Challengers good night only theaters Friday there are a few of you who have been very patient and are awaiting for your own Magical Animal you want to come along your patience will be [Music] rewarded [Music] cool a penguin got it Yuri's in the house so you've got the hots for the red head I don't have the hots for her I just think that she's so hi Ida you sure are cool you better hold on to her she fancies you who wants yo to play the role of the robber Captain it'll be great I promise why does analena put up with that H you have a great voice princess who is this that's Casper my magical animal oh wow that's so cool do you have any other Secrets nobody cares about your glorious voice W isn't that anybody there tell me who can hear my prayer oh God I feel like I'm so lonely W you don't have to go through life being invisible trust me I know what I'm talking about sometimes you have to shine in all the colors of the rainbow this is the schol of the magic this year the Adventure Continues Wonder sh who made these holes looks like someone's looking for something tell me the truth is this a prank of [Music] yours I feel like I'm about to begin my [Music] performance not one sound Yuri not one sound dreams are stupid and are you for believing in them dreams are stupid and all who Wonder are totally lost that was so good really cost nothing to be nice please follow my Instagram my girlfriend's still Portland we're open it really works for us like I'm happy you seem happy hi Cowboy wow sorry excuse me can I help you this is my seat doesn't sound right to me is that English or Irish honey I'm back from war oh oh you're kaora yeah are you the cleaning lady Ka I'll give you guys a minute yeah thanks girl out are you just still together of course who's that girl just some chick mom what are you doing here been helping your dad with his back she has magic hands G out of are you stalking me no no why don't you go back to LA what is this Beaver meat [Music] cool you are the one that left for my career I don't buy that when are you playing again we're not meet Cor she has a mean set of pipes should we make [Music] laugh you're like the only person that likes me I'm coming for you awesome champagne ma'am sh I'll take a bowl okay T okay I um I don't want our first time to be at 11:00 a.m. in a parking lot just wait till after prom Luka Jess how could you do this to me I barely know this girl Jess H how could you break up with me I'm in love with you because I'm gay Greg what are you going to be okay oh yeah you sure okay meet at my house now hi Hannah come in I'm teaching Lucy a new trick what would you like for for dinner kill me please tomorrow's prom and we don't have dates I got a Brazilian Hannah I don't even know what that is did you know you have hair in your but hole you're getting new dates tonight oh Angie Adams are you kidding me I would die to come out a PR with someone as cool as her hey are you okay did you just fart no thought I heard a fart you didn't if we can't find anyone in high school let's go to college how do I know who's gay it's a first year college party everyone's gay the stripper here I had the Good Fortune of seeing someone's boobs for the first time are you okay sweetie oh my God sound he's a hot college guy everyone would freak if I brought him to prom seniors protection is the key condoms really are one size fits all observe use a condom get away [Music] we only have one shot at senior prom and we are this close did you find her no I was going to see if you wanted to go to prom I'd love to we'll have the best night of our life oh get off my you you idiot he was going to go to prom with [Music] me for
Channel: Trailer Feed
Views: 146,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trailer, 2024, movie, new, best, new movie, new movies, new movie trailers, new movie trailers 2024, movie trailer, movie trailers, movie 2024, movies 2024, new movies 2024, upcoming, best upcoming, best upcoming movies, new upcoming movies, upcoming movies, trailer 2024, trailers 2024, movie trailer 2024, movie trailers 2024, best new movies, best movies 2024, action, adventure, sci fi, horror, comedy, drama, thriller, superhero, fantasy, mystery, best upcoming movies 2024, 2024 movie
Id: Wskz5UvMZRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 13sec (4693 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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