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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] clever [Music] give me some shell i gotcha uh [Music] aah my whole life i trained to become a guardian of the dragon gem but this world has changed [Music] and its people are divided now to restore peace i must find the last dragon [Applause] my name is rayah you're getting a little too big for this bud [Music] my name's eep that's news and we're the world's first family the croods oh another glorious morning dad always says the pack stays together that's my girl seat belt mode now we're searching for a perfect place to call home what the heck is that it's the end of the world well that's it for me i'm glad it's you chunky isn't it strange how this food grows in perfectly straight genius [Music] i thought cave people died off years ago we happy meet you thanks oh we are the betterments better man emphasis on the better is that your home kind of big isn't it hey girl another teenage girl yeah a girl friend i've never had a girlfriend before either what do we do i don't know if cave people belong in a modern world what's your problem big guy this place is changing everyone guys and we really need to limit thunks window time not now douglas the birds are on in my day we didn't stare at birds we fought them let me live my life whoa what's that it's just a scar every mark is an adventure and my dad doesn't even know about this one whoa peanut toe you're not allowed outside the wall nope this farm is like your cave you're just like me i feel like taking you see that wall yeah i want to jump in yeah we'll be back before anyone knows you took dawn for a joy ride the betterment built the wall for a reason that's not good the only way to survive is if the pack stays together in such a dangerous world i worry about my family too what's that kill circle today is a good day to die hey everyone you'll never guess what i found out sorry honey we thought you were a predator trying to kill us no never apologize for an effective kill circle hold on stop you accessorized with a sloth i accessorize with the sloth this is built mindset [Music] welcome [Applause] [Music] hello everybody here for the interview me too what do you drive i got the jet bike they're ready to see you mr crew oh good great here we go [Music] distinguished villains my name is crow i feel like i'm talking too loud even though our proximity doesn't require this kind of volume you seriously think a puny little child can be a villain yes i am pretty despicable you don't want to cross me come back when you've done something evil to impress me [Music] i'll distract them i'll handle this this is the biggest day of my life this kid just stole something from the world's villains in the world time to strike now i will be a super villain are you pulling on my legs right now otto where's the stone oh [Music] did you just trade my future for a pet rock oh i didn't mean to scare you now where's gru are you ready this is the main event the let's get it ready [Applause] uh who wants a selfie tentacular i've got your whole life story tattooed on my body yeah in a long history of monster wrestling there has never been a champion quite like kentucky fans around the world are asking is there a challenger out there with the hunger the drive the discipline to become the next champion ugh what all right i think that's enough for today steve might not look like much but there is a champion monster inside of him did thank he that felt great we seriously need to work on strength and endurance fortunately i know just the thing what yeah that's going to be a hard no for me [Music] do it again again on disney plus december 25th music is all i think about from the moment i wake up in the morning to the moment i fall asleep at night i was born to play it's my reason for living hello hmm this weed the council there's a soul missing is this heaven no is it h e double hockey sticks hell how hell quiet coyote no it's the great before this is where new souls get their personalities quirks and interest before they go to earth here we are don't worry you can't crush a soul here that's what life on earth is for whoa it's my life can you help me get back come on this won't be a disaster that's for sure you're out there somewhere little song and i'm gonna find you life is full of possibilities you just need to know where to look [Music] don't miss out on the joys of life like uh pizza i can't smell we can't we can't taste either all that stuff is in your body no smell no taste or touch see okay i get it disney and pixar's soul get ready your life is about to start start streaming december 25th [Music] i love my life i love you so much gary i'll never forget the day we met [Music] ready hello little snail what's your name scary huh do you want to be friends me too gary i'm home gary gare bear gary gary have you seen gary no nope nope gary's been snail mapped [Music] this summer the search begins friends don't let friends go on dangerous quests with all new faces hello call me sage good night a made out of sage and i am a sage so it works out pretty well i'm patrick my name means toaster in celtic pretty sure it doesn't the most amazing places the lost city of atlantic city boy i hope we don't lose focus look i wouldn't worry about us losing [Music] patrick that's not an l that's a seven seven starts with an l that's weird the spongebob movie sponge on the run this is gonna be like a bloody movie oh i love your sense of irony patrick thank you i love my sense of ironing too and there they go right through the opening where there once was a gate wait you don't have to try to eat me anymore remember you're welcome to all of this right i just have so much energy i think it's this new plant-based diet have you tried jogging i think that'll work i'm desperately hoping so tommy those are mr mcgregors we share the garden now look i swear if it wasn't for me peter i knew it no no just leave my tomatoes alone you have everything else [Music] he never behaves well he is a bit of a brat really it seems a little harsh don't you think all they do is tell me how bad i am maybe i'm just better off without them oh oh come on hey are you peter rabbit yeah i was best friends with your dad really take a peach oh get out of here peter what happened to you i met an old friend of dads and i've never felt more accepted this is the mcgregor's garden of the city what is this magical place it's the farmers market this sounds a bit dodgy i would never put you in danger i promise okay i can't promise we're gonna go and rob this place you know you're out [Music] come on let's go no there's no hope for them this is where you belong my family's in trouble and it's all my fault i'm gonna save them [Music] the other rabbits were taken and the pig in the hedgehog a badger why are you even helping me it's what a dad does [Music] and he was doing so well too oh no cottontail just discovered sugar we had a good run i'm gonna live forever so what are you doing out here there is a legend in the jungles of the amazon of a tree that heals all it could change the world but if it gets into the wrong hands it could awaken a great evil i believe that the legend is real and i'm gonna find it what you want when i do just imagine the lives that could be saved i've been looking for this tree longer than anybody i've tracked the legend to every village every island nothing you're searching for something that can't be found but you've never had the key let's do something that's safe let's go see some elephants there are no elephants in the amazon and i don't even like elephants lady everybody likes elephants know this about the jungle everything that you see wants to kill you and can careful they could smell fear i am not afraid oh my gosh who brings a submarine to the amazon fire [Music] good night [Music] just leave me alone that was a disaster it didn't go the way i planned [Music] [Music] what are you doing here in summerville anyway honestly my mom won't say it but we're completely broke and the only thing that's left in our name is this creepy old farmhouse our grandfather left us in the middle of nowhere why'd you bring me up here entertainment value what is that i don't know somehow a town that isn't anywhere near a tectonic plate that has no fault lines no fracking no loud music even is shaking on a daily basis hey remember that one summer we died on our table i found this in my living room killer replica a replica of what a ghost trap [Music] there hasn't been a ghost sighting in 30 years new york in the 80s it's like the walking dead your dad never mentioned this to you it's just my mom my grandfather died my mom says we're just here to pick through the roblox wait a life who are you [Music] call it faith call it lock call it karma [Music] i believe that everything happens for a reason come on darling it has a gunner seat [Music] you
Channel: FilmSpot Trailer
Views: 9,491,325
Rating: 4.8947759 out of 5
Keywords: movie, trailer, new, 2020, FilmSpot, animation, animated, family, kids, animated movies, animation movies, animated movies 2020, animation movies 2020, top, movie 2020, movies 2020, best, official, upcoming, upcoming movies, trailers 2020, movie trailer, Raya And The Last Dragon, The Croods 2, Minions 2, Rumble, Ghostbusters 3, Jungle Cruise, Peter Rabbit 2, movies 2021, animation movies 2021, 2021, trailers 2021, trailer 2021, film, trailers, movies, movie trailers, trailer 2020
Id: XnuDetmX9lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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