Top ten most underrated items | Yeeps Hide & Seek

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okay so before the video starts I just like to say when I was recording this I was sick so don't ask in the comments why I sound weird I'm just I just got a cold so yeah I'll let you enjoy the video now bye-bye what up guys today I'm going to be showing you the top 10 most underrated items so let's get into it I think I missed okay so for number 10 the it's underrated item but like not too underrated is the Hydro detector okay so my recording froze right here but basically all I said at this part was people don't buy the hydro alarm because they say it's bad but it's really not so back to the video radius so if I stand over here it'll detect me like that's so good you know you're close to hide that um that yeah that's really good one um all right onto the next one we have these big trampolines right here like maybe they don't seem good but like they're good because if you have like imagine these are like stone blocks in like the wind map if you just put these here this here you could literally just put this backwards like that might not look good like imagine this is all flat wall and stuff but here let me flatten it out it still looks right here so this is all flat wall and it's all gray like Stone right it looks so good just look at that it looks so good like that would be so good for hide and seek like there might be a gap in the wall and you could just like hide behind it just like this anyway it's that one's really good so okay on to number eight we have wait for it the smoke bombs people people don't buy the smoke bombs cuz they don't think it has much sh but it really does like watch how long this last I just like throw this here crap I keep grabbing the camera if you you grab one throw it one two 3 4 5 5 Seconds of the high U of the Seeker being completely blind you could easily run away if you're like hiding somewhere for like quite a bit of time you would know your surroundings and if sah hi higher like just started playing again like just got on that like first time that day they're probably going to forget the way out of that specific room that you're hiding in so yeah that's really good for hiding so is that well all of them are good for hiding and next we have the paint so any type of paint and as I showed you before the trampolines that is a good example of what the paint is good for cuz imagine this is the this is the stone it's a little bit rough like it's not that rough that's a bit of an over exaggeration but you can imagine it very good and you would win a lot of range so yeah all right on to number six we [Music] have the Roses I can't show you what they do but you should know I been out in the game for a while you throw them at someone they get pulled towards you good for hide and seek if you're the Seeker cuz basically no one can run away if you hold two of them hit them both at the same time like that they come flying toward you and that is also really good so yeah on to number five we have the hot cocoa and for the hot cocoa basically when you get Frozen you drink it you get unfrozen if someone else is frozen if someone else is frozen and you throw the hot at them if someone else is frozen they get hit by H I miss well if they get hit by the hot coco they also got frozen so if it's like your friend that's like a Hider you hit them with the hot coco they get on Frozen that's very good for a teamwork plan but like not many people do that it's kind of like a freefor all game mode okay and for number four we have just basic normal pillows and yeah this doesn't seem very good but trust me when you're in like blue house or starter house you can just roll random pillow down because people do that all the time and just hide inside of it is actually one of the best hiding spots literally all you have to do is just like go behind a wall place a pillow and you're basically guaranteed to win the round and also a very high chance like an even higher chance if you use the paint all right we're in the top three now so number three is the pillow plant so basically the pillow plant yeah basically if you're too far away from a stuffing machine you can't go get stuffing cuz the seek is there you can put these right right next to your hiding spot and I'll just wait real quick i'lll this all right so they're done basically cuz I have Max stuff right now if I put these down they worth 200 or 2,000 so basically if you pick them up you can put them back down and they give you stuffing so now I have even more stuffing I could put another one in yeah they're very good for hide and seek now I have a lot of stuffing I have extra I have more than I did before so that's you very good if you're very far away from the stuffing machine and you don't have time to go to the stuffing machine but anyway for number two we have the voice decoy um self-explanatory it changes where your voice comes from so if I throw it over there my voice comes from over there then I'm really over here so I'll be like to the left of the camera and my voice decoys over there that's where my voice comes from like yeah you get it okay so for number one we have the body decoy oh insane yeah yeah it's really good and I'll show you why cuz if there's like a ledge somewhere in the map and you just put a body decoy right there like the playground map for example if you just build a little pillow ledge look at that if you're looking from Below in the playground ledge you're not going to notice that's a body de you're just going to think that's like a really bad person like a really not very good at a game and it's especially good if you pair it with the voice decoy you just do this and you might think their voice is glitch cuz it's coming from there but honestly this is probably the best combo in the whole game I use it all the time and I I I haven't lost a game using it and also you can put three of the body decoys down at once so that's three spots you can put it at once that's why I keep winning it's because they find one of these they break it and they see oh it's not real um and I always win because of it and then they like run around the map like oh I guess he's here because the other one was fake and then yeah meanwhile I'm just hiding in a block so yeah okay guys so I hope you enjoyed this is my top 10 underrated items this if this doesn't apply to you let me know your like if you have any changes to this let me know I want to know your uh top 10 underrated so comment down uh down below and yeah and yeah don't forget to like And subscribe mhm yeah and have a good rest of your day or night bye-bye
Channel: JNK Gaming
Views: 3,020
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Id: btbSLI18mbU
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Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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