Top Ten Biblical Archeology discoveries of 2018

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[Music] archeologists uncovered this pillar during an excavation near the entrance to present day Jerusalem last winter the column is here in the Israel Museum second temple gallery it's the newest treasure in the exhibit from the time of Jesus the inscription reads hanya bardu de los Marusia lime han anya the son of judah Lowes from jerusalem jerusalem surprising him for us is inscribed the same way we write it today in the same way we pronounce it today yahoo shall i'm and it's the first time we have an inscription of this sort from 2,000 years ago from the times of the second temple period senior curator dirty maverick says the name yerushalaim exists on coins from the great jewish revolt against the Romans in 70 AD those coins had a political agenda while this inscription does not here there is no agenda it's just an art design from a Potter's village stating his name his father's name and stating that he is not from the village but originally he comes from the big city from Yahoo Shalom Jerusalem this site was a pottery workshop that they started to develop at the end of the second century before Christ and continuing to the second century after Christ during the excavations workers exposed the foundations of a Roman structure one of the supports was the pillar the Romans had reused it bore an Aramaic inscription in Hebrew letters typical of the time of Herod the Great he saw the column with a inscription it wasn't clean so but they could recognize some letters in a I saw that it's in Hebrew archaeologists a neat levee of the Israel Antiquities Authority oversaw the excavation that was really excited my in my heart went so fast and I think all the bullets was around he could hear it the site is about four and a half miles from the old city which would have been Jerusalem at that time so we now know in a very simple manner that your chillon Jerusalem was called shalom yerushalyim and you wish a line at the same time which we didn't know before it's just another piece of a mosaic of how we portray the past Julie Staal CBN News Jerusalem Jerusalem [Music] tell Shiloh the site where the Jewish tabernacle and the Holy Ark were located between the Israelite conquest in the building of the Temple in Jerusalem yielded an unusual clay pomegranate in an excavation this year in the Bible the pomegranate is a common temple decoration they made pomegranates and two rows and circling each network to decorate the capitals on top of the pillars he did the same for each Capitol each pillar was 18 cubits high the bronze Capitol on top of one pillar was three cubits high and was decorated with a network and pomegranates of bronze all around the other pillar with its network was similar in small pomegranate decorations hung from hems of the robes of the priests make pomegranates of blue purple and scarlet yarn around the hem of the robe with gold bells between them [Music] in 2014 Isis blew up the shrine of the tomb of the prophet Jonah in the Iraqi city of Mosul the now destroyed Muslim shrine had been situated on a mound where archaeologists soon found the remains of a palace of the Assyrian King Azhar hadn't the King's name is referenced in inscriptions discovered in tunnels Isis dug into the mound as the group searched for artifacts to sell on the antiquities market you the Old Testament references Esau Hayden when discussing the assassination of his father Seneca RHIB who was the king who ravaged much of hezekiah Kingdom of Judah and unsuccessfully besieged Jerusalem he so Sennacherib king of Assyria broke camp and withdrew he returned to Nineveh and stayed there one day while he was worshiping in the temple of his godness rock his sons adramal akansha reza killed him with the sword and they escaped to the land of Ararat and essa hatun his son succeeded him ISA had and himself reigned from 681 to 669 before Christ information archaeologists discover in the remains of his palace will tell us more about the latter days of the kingdom of Assyria than of the time of Jonah who lived almost a century earlier in whose actual final resting place is unknown biblical history intersects multiple times with the history of writing as illustrated by an inscribed piece of limestone discovered in 1995 in a tomb along the west bank of the Nile at Luxor University of British Columbia Egyptologist Thomas Schneider has deciphered the letters and announced this year that it is an OBC de re a very early version of the Semitic alphabet an ABC order the excavated tomb dates back to 1450 before Christ the time of Moses according to the biblical chronology it suggests that if Moses wrote down everything the Lord had said he wasn't the only one writing in a semitic script in egypt at that time [Music] a Canaanite tomb excavated at tel megiddo in 2016 and announced earlier this year has revealed new information about the inhabitants of one of the most famous and important ancient cities in the region at the original announcement last March archaeologists marveled that the three thousand seven hundred year old tomb was still intact and unlooted yielding the remains of a man a woman and a child all adorned with gold and silver jewelry from the tomb archeologists expected to learn much more about the Canaanite culture that existed in Israel during the time of the patriarchs and indeed it was reported that residue in one of the jugs from the tomb was discovered to be vanilla which was not thought to have been known nor used in that part of the ancient world at that time the finding illustrates the robust spice trade of the ancient world [Music] a mnemonic where the collated mode militant the saloon affair pop Emma could swim found Sam is so dr. hotels phone Italy daveed bazooka shot Robinson the Mishima Farah Gallipoli is a saloon pub am extreme am scholars estimate over had fat by attrition the Animesh college Javed shell am Allah Becca amico led beca Amicalola Omaha Teeter shaken Rebecca the Google at Marty - che cosa human beam at mass mahadji - economic - buffeted by direction volume at built by as angstrom superb it's a casaba had a hot case as I thought the data damage calamity else Maha Mishka Lelouch an inset the body which Coolatta Becca but referred by Trish own I mean some Odin odd mode nadir evaluated auditor Nadira key October - mafia mafia big temple a clue Masha Oh Mancha heart attack tobik Alamos Khalid woman she itself Jota mode in holding photo mode Nick taboo backed up ray we've accomplished over the most severe okay Tom attack mashallah Gil Tom but what am Ultimo with Bella Ben now I mean comic - no more litleo the video so daughter Katya I call me trouble [Music] you we are standing now below the level of the Western Wall Plaza between two walls of the seventh century BCE we were here for five years digging slowly slowly from the level of the Western Wall Plaza to bedrock during the restoration everything that was in between the stones was taken out in order to put modern cement we found a very small item the docket a docket is a small piece of clay that was impressed for the sill and afterwards fired on the docket the two male figures standing one opposite the other and below them there is an inscription in ancient Hebrew script that says misil KO belongs to salary which is the governor of the city in the bible there are few governor's that are mentioned by names and also governors of Jerusalem are mentioned your share the governor of Jerusalem in the days of King Hezekiah and we have Marcia that was the governor of Jerusalem in the days of Yoshio it's very important because it proves it's not only in the Bible but there really was a governor of Jerusalem around the late 1st Temple period this docket adds to the find of 7 series that we found here carried the names of Netanyahu Ben Yaakov Hadassah and more and all together tells us that in this quarter where we stand right now the high administration of Jerusalem probably lived towards the end of the first Temple period the investigation has just begun and I'm sure that we are going to study much more about this specific docket and other finds from the Western Wall Plaza in the near future [Music] [Music] in December 2015 Jerusalem archaeologists a lot Mazar announced the discovery of an ancient clay seal or bulla the bulla contained an astonishing inscription it read belonging to Hezekiah son of Ahaz king of Judah this tiny artifact carried a sensational message the seal proved the existence of one of ancient Judah's greatest kings and proved the accuracy of the biblical record dr. Mazar didn't know it at the time but another bola bearing an intriguing inscription was waiting to be placed under her microscope the Old Testament record shows that King Hezekiah was a contemporary of Isaiah the prophet the biblical books of Kings Chronicles and Isaiah show that this prophet played a central role in Hezekiah remarkable reign over Judah today we have indisputable scientific evidence proving the existence of King Hezekiah but what about Hezekiah chief counselor and one of the Bible's greatest prophets is their archaeological evidence proving the existence of the prophet Isaiah now the bula of King Hezekiah was part of a set of a assemblage we didn't come bites first we published King Hezekiah that was the first thing but then we study the whole assemblage and the whole assemblage contains more than 30 bula and one of them attracted our special attention we were very skeptic at the very beginning we didn't jump on the idea it says Leah Chou okay fine this is quite a common name and then it says no bet you'd Navi which is in Hebrew if you just listen to it to that Navi it's a prophet so Java now I will shout the Prophet this is ha I mean and then you have something nearby which is his key ow he just had a Chaya near the Prophet is Shia what fantastic but then we needed to study very carefully the Isaiah bulla was uncovered in 2009 during a small archaeological excavation on the off L the off L area is located adjacent south of the Temple Mount and has furnished numerous important artifacts since it first began to be excavated in 1968 the Isaiah bulla was discovered in an area adjacent to what archaeological evidence suggests was a royal bakery from the first Temple period the braid if you were excavating was just below us so where King Cossack I a Buddha was found just below here where brent is standing and then the whole assemblage was spreading all over so we first published this man and then worked on the other bullet just as well as well as an figurines and other important items and just on the other side of this the same assemblage just on the other side of that garage Ian wall that was disturbing that assemblage in its middle that we found another Voula that is of Uzziah the bulla is small and can be divided into three zones or lines the challenge when studying the Isiah seal is that part of the bulla is missing and part is damaged the damage was caused by a finger pressing against the soft clay when the seal was first created almost 2700 years ago you can still see the fingerprints the fact that part of the seal is missing does not affect its interpretation this is because the missing section is inscribed with an image or motif and not text dr. Mazar believes it was the image of a grazing doe symbolizing prosperity the text on the second line reads Yesha ow although one letter is missing there is only one viable option for the identity of the missing letter it can only be the Hebrew letter valve so the text on the second line is indisputable it reads Yesha e ow this is the Hebrew word for Isaiah but is this Isaiah the prophet the text on the third line is incomplete due to the damage sustained to the bolas left side three letters can be deciphered however and together they read navi archaeologists rioot ben arya has studied the bulla and explains why the missing letter is most likely an Aleph making the second word Navi or prophet among of the bulla from the excavation in the awful we found this one in its middle field there was the name is Shia so it was very exciting to read in its lower field that the letters known bet you'd which suggests the word Navi prophet but there were two problem with this suggestion first the word Navi is usually written with the letter Aleph in the and second most of the time in Biblical Hebrew titles after private names appears appear with a definite article thick and we don't have that in our Beulah so it was more reasonable to say that it is a private name no V or no V that is known from the Bible and also from epigraphic findings but by examining the bula I noticed that the borderline is seen only on its right edge and not on the left edge which means the impression is not complete if we continue the border line we can see that there is a space for two more letters in the middle register and for one letter in the lower one usually there is no empty space in the seal so it makes sense to insert the letters valve Hey and Aleph and to suggest that this bulla was impressed by the seal of Yahoo Hanavi Messiah the Prophet well the presence of an Aleph is possible and even likely there are other interpretations professor shmoo l ik e tooth is an expert a pig resists and suggests navi could refer to a place or surname it's blond - yes ayah but that's all because it says Navi noon bet yurt which means Navi but it lacks the Aleph perhaps the B is to be pronounced Novi Novi or something else then that's citizen town of nerve but of course it can't be Navi prophet as I said the lack of the Alice when we in modern Hebrew word man rugby pronounce the name Navi you don't feel you don't hear the olive but it was felt it was pronounced although there are other explanations the weight of evidence strongly indicates that this is the seal impression of Isaiah the prophet consider first it is indisputable that this seal is inscribed with the Hebrew name for Isaiah while this name was undoubtedly common in ancient Judah it is rare for an individual to have his own private seal only important officials or royalty bore their own private seal so whoever this Isaiah was he was important second the position of the text in relation to the outer edge of the bulla suggests that there is space in which added lettering would almost certainly have existed third consider to that there are only three potential options for the identity of the missing letter in Navi the most logical and the most natural explanation is that it was an Aleph with an Aleph the word Navi means prophet forth and most importantly consider the archaeological context in which this bola was uncovered the Isaiah bola was uncovered at the same time as the Hezekiah bola in the same location in the same assemblage and in exactly the same strata of soil what are the chances that we have Justin moon of somebody Chou and his very summer family name is Navi it can be but it's kind of imaginary really the - bulan of these two people that were so closely together described in the Bible I found insane layer just one mirror its distance from each other the same context the same layer so it strikes very clearly they are talking about the same two people and to think it is not this person it's a mandala Shia and his name is La Vie which is a prophet in Hebrew ok missing The Aleph still that can be there and his name is Navi the family name is the V it's a not only under imaginary kind of it's it's it seems like it economy consider what the biblical record says about the relationship between King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah 2nd Kings 18 and verse 5 says that Hezekiah was Judas greatest King second only to King David but the books of Kings Chronicles and Isaiah also reveal that the key to King Hezekiah success was his remarkable relationship with the prophet Isaiah there are 15 occasions in the Bible where the names Hezekiah and Isaiah are mentioned in the same verse whenever King Hezekiah faced a crisis or needed counsel he turned to the prophet Isaiah and the Prophet inspired by God guided King Hezekiah and all of Judah through the crisis this was one of the most remarkable King prophet relationships in the Bible when you consider this seal impression in the context of biblical history how likely is it that a seal impression discovered within a few feet of the Hezekiah bulla and inscribed with the name Isaiah belonged to a man other than Isaiah the prophet you can read dr. mizar's article on the Isaiah bola in Biblical Archaeology review [Music] you this discovery might have shot to the top of the list if there was some way of identifying who this statue head depicts but there's no name or inscription the best clue to his identity is the band around his head suggesting a crown this tiny two inch sculpture was found in 2017 at Abel beth maachah a site near the border between Israel and Lebanon but caught the public's attention when it was placed on display of the Israel Museum last summer it dates to the ninth century before Christ so it could depict a king of the Northern Kingdom Israel such as a ham or Jihu but just as easily it could be king has Al of Damascus or Kenneth Oh Billy L of Tyre their father of Jezebel you [Music] the name of Pontius Pilate the Roman procurator who interrogated Jesus and then ordered him crucified has turned up for the second time in the archaeological record the first time his name and title were found engraved in a stone discovered in 1961 in secondary use at Caesarea maritima scientists announced that a seal ring excavated in the late 1960s at Herodium a desert palace just outside of Bethlehem also carried the inscription of Hill eighths the inscription on the badly corroded ring was finally read using advanced photographic techniques the copper alloy ring was probably not fancy enough to have actually been worn by Pilate it was more likely worn by someone who was authorized to act on pilots authority and who would use the seal to create official communications [Music] [Music]
Channel: luisetReneeandBill
Views: 225,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Archaeology
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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