Top Reasons Apple Cider Vinegar Works With Fasting For Weight Loss & Health

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Hello Health Champions. Today I want to talk about fasting and apple cider vinegar. Can you do them together and is it a good idea? Coming right up! Hey I'm Dr Ekberg I'm a holistic doctor and a former Olympic decathlete and if you want to truly master health by understanding how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell so you don't miss anything the reason people are looking into lifestyle changes more so in recent years is that our degenerative diseases are through the roof we spend more money on so-called health care than we've ever had but we keep getting sicker and sicker and sicker so things like obesity which isn't necessarily a disease in itself but it's related to a lot of other processes then we have type 2 diabetes we have hypertension cardiovascular disease arthritis stroke and then we have neurodegenerative diseases like alzheimer's and parkinson's and what do all these have in common it's that they are related to insulin and insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome and what makes it so important to be aware of this and to understand these mechanisms is that this affects 90 to 95 of us in the western world today and usually at this point someone gives me the excellent argument that well you can't live forever you have to die of something so even if you avoid all these things what good is that going to do you but that's really missing the point because it's not about whether you die from something it is the way in which you die the goal is quality of life and the goal is to live for a really long time and to die for a very short time when you have these conditions and which again the majority of people do then you typically spend the last 20 to 30 years of your life dying and suffering what then does apple cider vinegar and intermittent fasting have to do with that long list of conditions well all of those conditions pretty much comes down to two dominant factors and that's insulin resistance and toxicity and insulin resistance drives most of that and what they have found is that apple cider vinegar there's some mechanisms that help reverse that so in recent studies they found that if you take a bunch of people that are insulin resistant and obese and type 2 diabetic and you just give them one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar per day and you don't change anything else then you're gonna lower their insulin levels you're gonna make them more insulin sensitive you're gonna reduce their belly fat you're going to lower their blood pressure and you're going to lower their cholesterol among other things so this is so closely tied into the mechanisms of everything that we saw on that previous page and the good news is apple cider vinegar does not break the fast it has no calories it has no impact on blood sugar other than it helps lower it through these mechanisms then what about fasting well there's some more mechanisms with fasting you're going to get all of the benefits all of the mechanisms that you get from apple cider vinegar are already included but then you get some additional benefits and the main one is going to be increase in human growth hormone that anytime you fast human growth hormone is going to start climbing after 12 hours it's already significantly elevated and after three days i think it's up to about fivefold and after seven days it kind of plateaus and stays at a high level another hormone that increases is brain derived neurotrophic factor which is like nutrition it's like fertilizer miracle grow for the brain and this is important whether you're going to learn something new or whether you're going to repair some damage so if you're a student or if you just want to be mentally sharp then these two hormones is what allows you to make new connections and incorporate new knowledge if you have a concussion then these two hormones in conjunction with autophagy is the best way there is to start cleaning up and healing and repairing that concussion an autophagy is a mechanism that kicks in when we don't eat when you stop putting new nutrition and resources into the body then your body has to get much better at using the resources that are already there so it up regulates the recycling team and it starts going out looking for debris old dead cells red blood cells tissue that's just kind of sitting around like loose skin but also immunity goes up because some of those leftovers some of those resources the protein that it's trying to recycle is virus and bacteria yeast and fungus so you're up regulating your immunity as well and if you go long enough you're also going to increase stem cell production which is associated with longevity and really sort of foundational repair if you want to go back and repair a tissue and kind of bring it to a younger age at an earlier point in time that's what stem cells can do so let's talk about how to approach this that in research they very often in placebo control double-blind research they often try to just change one variable that's how they know how that variable relates to the findings if they change two variables they don't know and that's fine with research but i'm not a big fan of doing this when it comes to your health when you are trying to take care of yourself because you are an organism you are biology and you are influenced by thousands of different factors so the more that you can understand all or as many as possible of those factors and start living a life that sort of lines up with how your body wants it the healthier you can be and the more profound changes you can make in your life so rather than just changing one thing i would suggest you change and do as much as you can and then you want to learn about as many of these factors as you can and you keep learning and you don't have to be perfect in the beginning but you take little baby steps and you do that consistently and you get better and better so let's start with fasting i think that's a great foundation i think that's a building block that we should have as a base and let's say that fasting gives you x amount of benefit well why would you stop there if there are other things that you can do so let's say that you add low carb low carb makes it easier to fast it keeps the insulin down once you start fasting you get into your fat burning and your autophagy much much faster so if you add that now there's a multiplication effect then there's more things you can add meditation to reduce emotional stress and cortisol you can improve your healing ability you can allocate resources to where they need to go in the body you can exercise to add some more benefit and then apple cider vinegar would be like icing on the cake and of course i'm not talking about an actual cake i'm not suggesting that these are actual numbers they're just examples i threw in there to give you an idea that there is a multiplication effect that when you do more than one thing then the benefits add together and why is apple cider vinegar such a good idea because typically you get out of something in proportion what you put into something so all of these the fasting low carb meditation and exercise their commitments they're going to require you to restructure your life a little bit you're going to have to make commitments you're gonna follow through you're gonna change some things but apple cider vinegar it's just so simple it is cheap it's easy you measure out a tablespoon you mix it up with some stuff and drink it and if you could get any benefit from something that simple then why wouldn't you do that if you enjoyed this video make sure you also check out that one thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: Dr. Sten Ekberg
Views: 138,721
Rating: 4.9712739 out of 5
Keywords: Apple Cider Vinegar with Fasting, apple cider vinegar, acv, insulin, acetic acid, apple cider vinegar benefits, apple cider vinegar health benefits, benefits of apple cider vinegar, dr ekberg, wellness for life, intermittent fasting, weight loss, apple cider vinegar weight loss, intermittent fasting weight loss, health benefits of apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar diet, apple cider, lose weight fast, fat loss
Id: US9oBCoKdpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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