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Wow supposed to eat it raw yeah you cut it oh oh I'm gonna see I don't know hi lucky name's Josh lucky blue Smith Sheena they get a modest job please welcome lucky blue steel [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] lucky sugar you wanna humble Vernon 12 apples and a whole dance I definitely don't get joy our children handbook or Egypt come on it will get it get it now this look so good I've never had premium barbecue so no way yes that's it mate this needs to happen I know firstly and welcome to Korea thank you today we're gonna be trying my favorite type of Korean barbecue which is from Jeju Church there is it's an island off the south coast of South Korea or beautiful volcanic island I eat it over these like hot coals amazing and this is called super super yeah probably the most common type of frame bob do is pork belly it's not that kind of like fatty cut of me they're full of flavor this specific one it's a type of pig that's actually put a black pig they bring the pig in from jeju really each day yeah yeah so this is like legit Jeju black pig okay we're getting the real thing right now yeah my taste buds and my mouth watering right now I start eating just like staring at I saw you upload it on your Instagram a picture with sigh yeah that's cool that was epic I was tripping when I saw the song of his that like blew up and got crazy that's how I was obsessed with it when I was 8 or 9th grade or something like that and then we had the opportunity to go see one of his shows and then I got to meet him which was really cool his like energy on stage amazing length another that he just brings it and his style what he was wearing I loved yeah it like this cool bell bottom pants you're approved I've proved okay prove we've got a few different options oh yeah just grab a piece now this is kind of the most like classic thing to eat it with is this sauce here which is ssamjang and then just go for it all right [Music] Wow No welcome to Bob do you my friend thank you okay this is that was so good like my stomach and my taste buds are like right now I need more and anymore in the state to have a bear free food yeah have you had anything that you like I really haven't tried much but I really did kimchi nice have you ever had kimchi barbecue before no okay let's make that now and let's do it so what's that's the question so this is like a fishy sauce this is kind of one of the specialties of the Jeju hook - edgy style of barbecue yeah so dip it in sauce nice and hot it's got a little bit of cheese in there so it might have a little kick but not much my seafood hmm so good how old were you when you started lotlinx I've heard it was young I first got scouted or like noticed by someone that was like 10 years old it was weird because I didn't care you know I just wanted to go fishing and like hang out with friends and stuff and then I got signed when I was twelve twelve okay started doing like a lot of stuff when I was like 15 16 I think my body at that point grew into the size of my hands and feet okay and so and so I kind of started getting a couple jobs here and there a few like editorials and then I went to Europe for a fashion week and that's kind of when it like Wow started - that must have been pretty surreal my mom went with me she used to model when she was younger that's cool that's really cool it was nice having her there cuz it was really overwhelming I bet just like go into different countries and like going into like castings and stuff yeah I was crazy because I always think of myself as like little kid version of me with like big teeth and just like this weird smile and just like goofy and so every goofy teenager pretty much yeah pretty what we have here is in dung G game which is kind of like a stew and if you can see it's like rampant let's stuff so you got like it's a crowd in there there's a seafood you got onions chilies some tofu nice this is like my favorite fake tap with Korea BBQ different tastes [Music] yeah I love that it's spicy it's got a kick oh my gosh that full of flavor that's amazing yeah yes I'm glad I'm glad what do you generally eat at home cheeseburgers rings classic answer is diet like the most classic American you can think okay wait how hmm what do you mean you look amazing yeah I gotta give all the credit to my hands and my metabolism yeah yeah of the two of us my metabolism about three times the speed of his so we often will do these eating challenge videos you know I have to buy new clothes this is called a gimmick and we're gonna wrap that like a nice little baby cozy in a blanket there we go mine's not as well wrapped as yours but we'll deal with it [Music] mmm different flavor yeah well you think you're really good yeah I'm really good okay give those ready yeah and she's ready you ready for some kimchi yeah that's good it caused you I'd dip that in there and then get this guy right on top boom right there barbecued kimchi and old upside all in one package flavor explosion good I'm not just saying that have you ever had anything that tastes like that before mm-hmm you must hear all the time your model like you must have the most glamorous lifestyle ever how was your personal experience because it'll live up to everything you expected or my best friend to this day like he still says like dude I just can't believe what's going on with you yeah yeah and then when a lot of stuff started to happen I got a lot of hate in my hometown really yeah ha I did The Ellen Show yeah and I remember seeing a bunch of kids just like ripping on me like in my own family it was weird I guess with the whole image of it being such a glamorous lifestyle it can be really easy for people to kind of disassociate it and kind of forget that you're just a human right here just another person yeah it was really helpful because my parents were like really we're really close so I always had them to talk to and like keep you grounded yeah exactly so it didn't feel like such like an intimidating thing and you all sisters are models as well yeah it's awesome cuz a lot of the times I get to shoot with them it's just nice to have that person that you just look at them and they know what you're thinking yeah you can have like a little like funny moment with each other and they're not afraid to call me out on my crap everybody make sure I not like me and only actually we also talked about this and we're like it's just crazy being in the public eye I mean your level is like on a whole different level than us but like I imagine if you were doing it alone it would be so easy to kind of lose your head oh you lose your feet there's a way it's a weird yeah you think of yourself like but I'm normal like kid like yeah I'm weird like I'm a weird person yeah why are you like freaking out so you know then why these people following me on Instagram but yeah just to do and are in Korean if you want to say thank you you say comes our harmony bar comes armed either oh you came prepared that's good I'm Contras well we are expectations of Korea before coming here because you've had a little bit of contact I think you were in a cover of like a Korea Dazed and Confused yeah a while back we'd never been here yeah I've never been here first time I've been working with Hajis they're doing like skincare it's been a fun like a couple of days with them if I've done a really great job of showing me Korea and taking me to places and making sure I'm having a good time you know oh that's so good I hope you do that I especially like I definitely worry with liberties we've come to career her first time it's so quickly just in and how you know I'm often have to stay in the hotel have meetings all the time and like I'm glad you're getting got around I know I'm glad I got to experience it you know yeah yes have to come back I know I need to yeah I need to just for this even if it's just for this volunteer very good what's your favorite part of Korea like what was your favorite thing about it I'm gonna be honest right now I'm eating a mouthful of grilled kimchi and put Betty now all I can think is Korean barbecue it's the best thing in the world literally is there anything better on this planet nothing yeah I mean I have to say the people in the food yeah people are just so welcoming and warm I really noticed that yeah I got here and then the food is just so diverse it's like they do like all these different types of barbecue different meats as well and then if you're going to spicy food I can handle some kick I love spicy foods my favorite they do like spicy Korean rice cakes oh I see chickens feet Oh where's chicken's feet yeah yeah yeah that could be interesting yeah I mean [Music] we got some more food now this is copped a key in Korean this is literally just pork skin this pork skin pigskin yeah cool we thought this would be quite a fun thing to have with you as a model because this is like specially really high in collagen mostly good for your skin after you really need it you got all right very good skin but I noticed Koreans have amazing sky oh yeah the creates Dunamis or out they look so young yes yeah they know what they're doing yeah in carrying careers like another yeah we're good to eat the company now all right this to keep our doing I like it the more I eat it in the more I like it yeah my skin feels better already happy this is got a key and this is something we call new prey and it guesses what that is does that look like to you it's like sometimes big yes be a bit of a okay and okay we're not name is apparently because it's Robbie okay oh you're supposed to eat it raw well cut that yeah you cut it I mean I wouldn't be in it if we started okay week and I'm down to try to get rallies try it yeah let's try it okay we're in Korea I mean let's do it [Music] no pressure no no I wouldn't eat if I don't want to so she's just gonna mix it with it and this Korean stop it's quite an interesting experience I feel like for someone who is not used to Korean cuisine yeah I'm pretty excited yeah all right Robbie Robbie you ready yeah how you feeling now this no I'm not nervous no I just I just slipped it into my mouth like a noodle I like the flavor but the texture wow the texture bro Fallon Oh the flavor is good though okay good thank you so much for joining us on a journey through Korean barbecue I hope this has been eye-opening experience for you as especially that yeah I really like Tommy Hahn oh it was so good it was like explosions yeah and that that's the fire yeah I love beginning yeah yeah before you go we prepared a little something is really not much but it's a little present for your daughter and oh you didn't not have to do that but it's like a traditional style Korean - I'm gonna love that it's gonna look so cute in there think you did thank you so much it's so excited to try it on out there to see you here again yeah Stacey another hominin yogi hi guys [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 10,431,943
Rating: 4.9397063 out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 댄, 단, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자, model, 모델, Lucky, Blue, Smith, 럭키, 블루, 스미스, 흑돼지, 육회, 오겹살, 된장찌개, 한복, 딸, 선물, 그래비티, Black, pork, pig, belly, 깻잎, Raw, beef, gravitiy, 헤지스, Hazzys
Id: 0s9xaIGqL9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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