Top Linux Distro Meets Best Hypervisor: Debian on Proxmox Tutorial

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I'm going to show you how to install Debian Bookworm so 12.5 which is the latest version of Debian as of the 9th of May 2024 we're going to be installing on proxmox so we'll make sure the uh qmu guest agents's installed uh we've got sudu running and the uh apps is working properly so we're going to do that now one thing I'm not going to be doing is installing a graphical desktop we'll be a we make sure SSH is running so we can ssh in and access a system remotely but we're not going to need a graphical desktop for the next few videos that we're doing so I'm doing this because I don't want to reinstall deban or show a video of me reinstalling Debian for the next couple of videos I'm going to be doing so by the end of this you'll know how to install Debian on proxmox and you'll just be able to follow this video for any of the future videos that I'm doing that require deum for an installation Sheridan computers it Communications support logged into po marks the first thing I need to do is obviously to grab the ISL from Debian so we're going to head across to download so this link here and then move on to copy this de 12.5.2 4 hyen net ISO so I'm going to write right click that and I'm going to do copy link now if we go back into box MOX obviously I need to get this ISO into proxmox so I've only got one node I'm going to go into here going ISO images and want to download from URL I'm just going to paste that URL in there and then query so 629 Megs pick the file name up uh and we're all good to go now you can put the hash in there if you want so if we get the signature sorry wrong one oh there sha that one to make sure we've got the right one then we're going to do algorithm just to verify the uh signature so sh 512 Su so we want sh 512 and then we can just paste that check them in to make sure we get the right one we've got download it's going to go ahead and download that so you can see down here it says calculating checkum so the checkum is optional but it just ensures that you uh you have got an untampered image so that's it's completely optional but it's something that you should get used to doing so now we've got that so you see deban 12.5.2 and then under OS we want the image obviously once it's set to Linux storage CH your correct storage place graphics card I'm going to leave this as default um for this so I'm going to leave qmu agent unticked and we'll go to discs I'm going to choose my ZFS pool under storage uh and I'll leave it at 32 gig for this in fact I wanton make it useful so give it 80 gig I'm not going to take SSD emulation or anything like that the cash I'm going to set to right back then when we go to CPU we leave it at one socket and we can set it to two or four cores depending on how we want um if you only have one node um or all you nodes in the CPU types are the same then you can go ahead and set it to host if you have multiple nodes and the uh CPU types are different then just leave that as default um so you don't have any problems moving them between the nodes go to memory so I'm going to leave it at 2 gig I don't want ballooning so I want it to dedicate the two gig two gig of memory and next we'll leave the network device next and then we'll go ahead finish and then it should appear here in a second so our deban 12 machine has now appeared so I'm going to select that and we're just going to go ahead and hit start go to the console I'll do the graphical install obviously choose a language select your location so for me it's United Kingdom and then your keyboard layout so British English for myself so my network is auto configured by DHCP so if you've got DHCP enabled you should be good and I'm just going to call it Debian 12 continue give it aain name so put whatever you want in there choose a password F rout uh and then we need to create another user because we don't want to be using the system as root all the time so enter the name of the user the username for the account so that's a name that you're going to log in with again choose another password make sure they're the same so I'm just going to go with guided use entire dis for this if you want to set up dis encryption then you can do but I'm not going to cover that in this one so select the hard disk and then I'm going to do all files in one partition and then finish partition and write to disk we want to go ahead write those changes okay so we don't have any other media that wish to scan in this case so we're just going to click next and then configure the package manager so we go next for United Kingdom uh you can leave deb. I'm just going to use popularity contest you can opt into that if you want okay so software selection so because we're setting this up as a server um we have the options here so Debbie and desktop environment I don't want that tick so we don't want a desktop environment because it's going to be a server environment um but we do want this standard system utilities and we want SSH so we can SSH into it and then we'll go back down to continue so at this point we need to install a GRUB boot loader this is the only dis that we've got in the system so we're just going to go ahead and install it on the primary drive so leave yes ticked and select continue choose your drive and continue okay so installation is complete so we need to remove any um installation media so that we can can reboot into the new system so now to do that go to options L PX Marx don't s options um and then we want sorry it's not under Hardware then DVD drive choose do not use any media okay and if we got back to the console and we can continue now we'll go ahead and reboot okay at this point login as rout and whatever password you set I can't remember what I said there we go and if we get the IP address um so 17 so we can SSH into it so we no longer need the console so I'll go ahead and do that we'll pull our terminal window up a bit bigger so we can see it now we can go ahead and SSH into tum so SSH your username at whatever the IP address was yes to the fingerprint and then put your password in and now we are logged into theim so sudo doesn't work so we're going to Su and then log in as route uh in fact we do a APT update then app upgrade and we want to make sure that the um qmu guest agent is installed so I'm going to do at install qmu guest agent so it's already installed so it was installed as part of the process so I'm just going to shut that down real quick so so I'll put the Su space hyen at the end of it so it's got the environment then we'll just do power off okay so I just want to nip back into prox Mox and find me host so you probably could have just TI um guest agent since it installs it automatically but we're going to go into options qmu guest agent and we're going to turn that on okay then we'll start that again let's get the machine booted up again okay so we boot it up so we can SSH back into it put your password in um so if I make this a little bit bigger so you can see what we're doing okay so Pudo is not installed so we'll go ahead and do that so Su to rout so do su space hyphen and then enter and put the root password in we can do at install P sudo this is fine so then I'm going to go and edit the let me just install app install the of them yeah I know VI is installed but we'll just install this real quick so with pseudo installed uh we can go ahead and add the user so we can do user mod AG sud sudo s Sheridan or whatever your username is to add you into the group uh but I'm actually going to go into Etc and within the ETC directory that's pseudo is so I'm going to edit that file so enm so is make this a bit bigger going scroll down uh if we scroll down on the route where it allows route to sudo we've got allow members of the Pudo group to execute any command now I'm going to set this to no password otherwise you're going to have to enter a password every single time so just going to insert here no pass WD call for SL the all and we'll go ahead and save that let read only so re okay so now if we SSH out of there and go back in we should now be able to use pseudo without any restrictions and we come so the next thing I want to do is update the APT source list and we can do that by doing pseudo and then envm Etc at sources list uh and I'm just going to edit this file so um uh BW Main and then I'm going to add the contrib ones in so contrib and nonfree uh same here contrib n three Tri n three probably copy and paste these in would be easier and quicker and then just going to save thato app update sudo app upgrade now we're gone we're done and we're uh good to continue with the next video in the series so that's Debian 12.5 installed which is the latest version of Debian as of the 9th of May 2024 um we've got a lot of videos planned coming up and I didn't fancy install in Debian for each of those videos so this gives you a good starting point if you're going to be installing um a self-hosted bit Warden or anything else that you need to do which is going to be installed on Debian so that's it for this video and I'll see you in the next one don't forget to like And subscribe and hit that notifications icon
Channel: Sheridan Computers
Views: 898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sheridan computers, proxmox ve, proxmox tutorial, virtual machine, virtualization, how to install debian on proxmox, how to run debian on proxmox ve, proxmox debian vm, debian proxmox, proxmox, debian bookworm, debian 12 bookworm, debian, debian bookworm install, debian 12, install debian 12 on proxmox, install debian, debian install, debian 12 install, debian proxmox vm, install proxmox debian 12
Id: E8hwV9y8OR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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