Top Jeep TJ Myths

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[Music] sup guys so today we're going to talking about six different myths on the Jeep TJ or kind of jeeps in general icers my opinions on what I think about them so uh we're gonna talk about them RT so for the first one is going to be jeeps are really tippy so with the earlier jeeps back in the 60s and 70s with the CJ jeeps the wheelbase used to be very short the track used to be a little bit narrower she had a very you know short wheelbase it was narrow so therefore that's kind of where that you know T penis I guess came from but then even when they went on to the YJ they increased the wheelbase and then even farther with the TJ increasing the wheelbase as well as having coil spring suspension all the way around it's definitely a lot more stable and not as tippy as people say they are now if you're an idiot and you're driving super quickly on the freeway and you're you know really cranking on the wheel and doing you know evasive maneuvers yeah it's more tippy than sake Toyota Camry would be but they're not as tippy as people like to say that they are another thing that is another myth would be that jeeps are very unreliable now I'm not exactly sure where this comes from maybe from people who have had jeeps that have been not taken care of and kind of beat on and not maintained now any vehicle that's beat on and isn't maintained is gonna be you know unreliable vehicle it's gonna need lots of repairs and things like that but as far as reliability wise the four liter that comes in the TJ is an extremely reliable engine if taken care of you know oil changes things like that it's basically a bolt prevention you ask anyone with a Jeep Cherokee Comanche or even the TJ's if taken care of right they last for hundreds and hundreds of thousands of miles so so for the third one is I hear this a lot is that soft tops are super loud now this is partly true it depends what soft-top you have so I have the original factory top from when this was brand new and the factory tops are very thick material versus like an aftermarket top is gonna be depending on what aftermarket top you go with it's gonna be a lot thinner and now when a top is thinner that's where you're gonna run into your issues with being loud flapping in the wind stuff like this but I was out driving around even with the windows out our windows zipped down and it's not loud at all so like I said it's going to be the thickness of your windows the thickness of the top that's gonna differentiate whether it's going to be loud or quiet another thing to take into consideration if it's a bolus top so if it doesn't have these metal bow supports in them it's going to be louder even still so if you have a proper set up where you have all the the bow hardware on a nice thick top and thick windows it's gonna be very very minimal noise now is it gonna be louder than a hard top yes but I've had both I had this Jeep actually came with a hard top so I've experienced both of them and the soft top is maybe just slightly louder but it's not to the extreme that people say oh you can't you know talk to other people in the Jeep when you're riding around and that's just not that's just not the case so generally speaking if you have a good soft good quality soft top you're not gonna be dealing with any weird noise issues this one's a little bit of a controversial one but what a lot of people say at least on the forums and on YouTube and stuff is that when you upgrade to bigger tires that you 100% have to re gear your Jeep now this kind of has a couple different I guess perspectives that you can take so it depends what you're using your Jeep for also depends where you live what kind of terrain you're in and it also depends on the engine and transmission you have on your Jeep so for my instance thirty five inch tires I have a dana 44 heavy-duty rear axle and a five-speed manual transmission with the four liter and I have a gear ratio of 373 so a lot of people say you have to go to 48 or 513 so to even run 35 so for the street which most of my time is spent on the street with this Jeep 35 s and 373 s is plenty good like there's no oldest things a dog it's undriveable nothing along those lines now if say you lived in a super hilly area or you lived in the mountains or something like that you might want to renew your Jeep if you're you know constantly going up inclines and things like that where you want that extra you know you'll want the engine working a little bit less and the gearing will help you there or like a lot of guys you know are super big into off-road you know you're gonna want is the best low-end torque and the easiest way to move those big tires is by rearing to the proper gear sights so another thing so that's what the manual with an automatic with especially with the TTIP at the street three-speed you might want to read gear I don't have experience with the automatic and how that would be how that would react with 35s on the automatic so that being said I have 373 s and it's totally fine I could upgrade to 48 or 513 s or something along those lines and the Jeep yes would be you know get up to speed a little bit quicker and be a little bit more peppy I guess you could say if you really need it but the myth is that you cannot drive you know on 35 s it's gonna be slower than all get-out and that's just not the case if you have a manual with the four liter now I can't really say for the other jeeps with the four cylinders and automatics and things like that then you might if you have a four-cylinder I probably would recommend rege earing just because you're not gonna have the the torque and the horsepower that the four leader has and a tree gearing is just gonna help you out a lot but with that being said definitely a myth that you it's not a hundred percent you have to depends what you use your Jeep for and kind of the terrain you know that you're driving so that is number four okay number five now this is just kind of a misconception for actually a lot of it a lot of different Jeeps is that you have to get rid of death wobble which is I guess if you guys don't know what death wobble is it's basically when the when you're going like 40 45 miles an hour you hit a bump basically the tires start freaking out basically going back and forth all themselves and the steering jet the steering is shaking like crazy with that being said a lot of people what they think all you have to do is upgrade your steering stabilizer and that is not true so death wobble is caused by there's a couple schools of thought on it number one is your tires they could not be properly balanced and that would cause that could possibly cause it other things that could cause it loose tie rods bad ball joins bad wheel bearings confront control arms so there's pretty much a whole there's a bunch of different things that can cause death wobble or be contributing to your death wobble by just adding a steering stabilizer you're just probably going to mask the actual problem so that's just something to keep in mind if you have death wobble it's not your steering stabilizer it's probably something else that's loose in your steering system another thing I forgot to mention sometimes in alignment will call a bad alignment can also be a cooperative death wobble so make sure your Jeep's property line all your all your steering components and suspension components are nice and tight see you then you can actually figure out why your Jeep actually has the deaths death wobble in the first place another one that I have heard is that Jeeps they they drive very poorly so you know they're all over the place when you're driving down the road and you know I was lucky enough to find a Jeep TJ that builds basically brand-new I found it with 9,000 miles so I've had a good experience on basically what a brand new TJ drives like with the stock tires and then with thirty fives on so that's completely untrue jeeps don't you don't need to be constantly correcting when you're driving down the road those are at those are probably going to be actual steering like I was talking about with the death wobble if your jeeps all over the road you probably have some loose steering components a bad alignment or a mix of kind of everything but my Jeep drives perfectly straight down the road collectible the steering wheel it'll keep going straight so that's just kind of another myth that is coming even I've heard of even people say that with the JK and stuff and people say oh they fix it with the jail I don't know what they're talking about jeeps drive like any other SUV with solid axles it's gonna drive so you're not all over the world the only thing I will say is you know if it is windy that is the only time that the Jeep may be a little bit harder to keep I guess in a straight line is if it's super windy obviously it's basically just a box on wheels so so anyway so that's just kind of my thoughts on that too is if your Jeep is properly set up and the parts are fresh you're gonna drive straight you're not gonna be constantly correcting anything like that so anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this video kind of maybe learn something new let me know down in the comments below if you guys have heard any other myths that you don't think are true but anyway guys I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please give the video a thumbs up definitely consider subscribing that helps me out a bunch and we'll see you guys in the next video you [Music]
Channel: KyleSVT
Views: 198,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oRajpex6H50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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