Top Investments for 2024, Economic Outlook for Next Year, & Cost of American Dream with Caleb Silver

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all right guys welcome back Ark Mondays yes last episode of the year been Str great then like we started on money man 51 weeks in a row man congratulations to both of you um this is no easy feat man we've dedicated ourselves to being here every Monday for the people yes people have made some money people have made enormous amounts of money shout out to all y'all that have been executing all information yes yeah but congratulations to to the whole team man I know Mike's in the back watching right now so shout out to the whole team and the whole Mondays alumni man everybody that's been on the show we appreciate y'all for the whole year of 2023 and Beyond Love Is Love absolutely yeah show um made a lot of people a lot of money one of the only programs the only ever ever um shout to the Tweet deleters the only and the leaders yeah yeah choose Choose Wisely yeah it's a I I texted to you the other day and yeah I I think I sent you the same message this is like a unique moment in time where you can rely on something every week get information from it go back Tuesday Morning use it and actually have Real Results man it's such a unique moment in time that hopefully we don't take it for granted um because you never know what happens but while we here let's run it up but listen every time y'all say that people get scared I get a text y'all leaving us shout out to everybody who say I sold my soul at the VP dinner I didn't it's going to take at least Bilderberg Group to make me do that a 1. two I'm still here right it's just a a humanoid cover for a reptilian body so application still pendant 1.2 get the job done though hey but while we're here enjoy if I made you money please put yes in chat like you said it's one of the only shows that makes people money um the opposite the Kramer effect shout out the Kramer I love him dearly but you know we may have dropped one or two balls over the last year but cost some Grand so we talking about hub spot before we started doing kind of good right Nvidia doing kind of good right yeah down Tech doing kind of good right I'd say yeah 350% I'd say not bad take it and y'all had an amazing episode I I know we gonna get to the Show lineup for this week but I watched the twice shout out to y'all shout out to loom the 1750 per th downloads is crazy though persective is key yeah yeah for sure for sure um yeah we gonna end the year straw um you know you guys have uh succeeded all of you uh disgruntled people and naysayers you literally have made me sick um so I hope hope you happy about that but uh pray for my brother Rashad let's get him some th flu he's going to finish it like the champion he is the show must go on F game Vibes for sure so big week for Ernie Alicia we got we we um have Sonia Lewis so student loan this is something that we just this is a state of emergency situation because there's a few student Alan situations that are expiring um December 31st so we actually was planning on putting out in January but we moved it up because this actually extremely time sensitive with um Joe Biden's uh student loan forgive me he just forgave like $6 billion student loan there's a lot of um there's a lot a lot of uh confusion around that they don't really people don't know and like I said some of the some of the stuff you have you only have like a week left to actually put your paperwork in actually get so long story short this is a very important episode Tuesday tomorrow one o'clock student loans so if you have student loans or if you have a child with student loans or if you have a child that's going to go to college soon or if you you're married to somebody with student loans or know some St loans this is this is a very educational episode talk about stud loone forgiveness talk about the different programs talk about you know debt consolidation all that type of stuff so like I said it's actually extremely time sensitive because um 2024 is some things are going to be changing that comes out tomorrow and then um today is the last episode of the season for ass reliability Shout Out b b you went to trbg out Houston uh yes shout out to Houston and um yeah we tasted the TR Burgers immaculate we interviewed uh bun at Trill bger um and that comes out on TV today and then the YouTube comes out Wednesday and like I said this will be the last Mark of Mondays of the year next Monday is um Christmas but we do have a bonus episode of uh earn your leisure next week so We're Not Gonna Leave You completely stranded um but next week we'll be in Ghana so we travel um on Christmas night and we'll be in Ghana on December 26 so got a week a week to get you tickets um it's almost over for that as well so uh that's going to be a crazy crazy show we have um Kevin oerry who is a billionaire in the oil and gas sector from Ghana he will be joining us on stage yep we got a few other surprises to that we will be bringing people out can't wait some of your favorites sprinkle sprinkle few be good yeah how we do so yeah we going to be in Ghana all week we're GNA be braing the New Year in Ghana and all that so yeah man um definitely and bringing the slides out for sure for sure so uh P ready yeah targets new targets to announce CH get your tickets get your tickets Link in the bio um get get your tickets December 27th December 27th and then I also since we're not gonna be here next week definitely want to give a happy birthday to my son nir his birthday is next week um so be 13 Tom Tom floss teenag D that's crazy I was standing in this room when you called me to say that he was Bor I was like literally right there like what sure your dad happy birthday God bless birthday n uh and yeah um let's head into 2024 um your brother's birthday too oh yeah my brother's birthday December 29th happy birthday to yeah for sure it's a lot of birthdays Cal C season yeah yeah yeah shout out to all the Cal cars out there that's a fact um so yeah we had in we had in 2024 and um we got a lot planned for Market Mondays we'll be announcing some information soon um thank you to Ali again for sponsoring the world tour that was so much never been done before you know we did uh La Chicago Toronto twice London and then Ghana we G end the year in Ghana so that was something that we did in 2023 uh Market Mondays World Tour we've done the Apollo with Market Mondays we've done mass square garden with Market Mondays Houston um so yeah 2024 maybe we might have a little different type of experience things up a little bit made an experience yeah for sure sure no more more Elite type Vibes for select few people as opposed to the masses I mean we already gave got a garden you know we gave everybody opportunity um but maybe we might do a little bit you know sometimes in light blesses more uh a more curated experience for sure yes hands on Hands On Learning yeah we'll figure it out we'll figure it out um so yeah that look forward to that 2024 and uh yeah once again you know thanks everybody for their support and we're gonna have a great show today we got Caleb Silva our guy Chief editor Investopedia to talk about a variety of different factors and we G talk about the market and um yeah how much I was right this year too clap it up for [Laughter] E hey yeah y'all get your popcorn ready I know s leather jacket coming back this week but I'm going do suit you know what I mean uh yeah this year was great I appreciate you guys so much thank you for listening if I made you money please put us in chat4 will be even better and uh send some blessings to my guy Rashad they tried to put the little dust on them to you know y'all Y love voodoo tricks on my guy that's all right you know how this works man do your own research our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent Financial advice from a professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on this show and wish to rely upon whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise continue to do the research even when you hear it here do the research when you hear it elsewhere do the research and when it's great research share it make sure you give credit to the person that gave it to you all right so let's get into it um all right fizer fizer are we witnessing the death of fizer as the pharmaceutical industry Wars heat up or do you think that they will have to recover in 2025 you've been very big on fizer so is it over that's a death is such a like a finality right we're not there are we there we're not there yet but they've grossly mismanaged uh um the company too much debt and also they're Blockbuster drugs they no longer have the exclusive on and we've seen Eli Lily race to the Forefront um fizer didn't rush to the weight loss drug epidemic mismanaged a few things over the last couple years and then they're saying guidance is down for those of you in stock Club I told you it was coming down to these prices five months ago so for those of you who are listening who are like starting to loow the boat now um great job but I don't think fizer is over but I would say that they're Junior Varity in that pharmaceutical space now um Eli L is clearly the leader there Novo is great um you have a couple other players that I like a lot in the pharmaceutical space a lot more but fizer kind of took their foot off the gas and got comfortable also when Co panned out to be what it was ah you know um that had an effect on the bottom and top line so um I've been big on Farmer but I told everyone in stock Club 6 months ago this is what happened here we are um and this is why publicly I've always loved Eli Lily because the management is a hell of a lot better the drugs they have lined up for the next 10 to 15 years Immaculate and they manage a lot better so they Eli L is like the apple of the pharmaceutical space um I do like fizer if it drops another 20 bucks for like a long-term position to hold into 2026 but um anything before there is triage yeah you know what it's interesting I thought you going to leave with the the Corona virus part because we always talk about stocks that had tremendous benefits from being in obviously in the pandemic fiser was one of them yep we've obviously seen a pullback but you know when a company reduces his guidance for the future that's never a good sign that's never a good sign right and so that was one of the reasons it's like all right here comes a down tick in it but when you think about Innovation where are they at everybody in the pharmaceutical sector is talking about their weight loss drug their weight L Eli already has one fizer is behind on that right they haven't quite had one that's to Market that's been as successful in addition this year is kicking in one of their when we always talk about merges and Acquisitions one of the Acquisitions is Cen they paid $43 billion for that that kicks in at the top of 2024 yeah so if you're looking at declining sales right from post pandemic you're looking at the future guidance being lowered you're looking at Innovation and now you're looking at debt that's being added to the the the bottom line all the all these signs are negative signs when we're talking about the evaluation of company now this is a strong company he's been if he is but when you look at the trend the trend is not in its favor I don't know if we're GNA I'm putting death on this yet not yet or maybe not ever but the declining trend is definitely clear I mean walking pneumonia uh lost 140 billion in market cap this year and Fir has had always had these tough declines in 2000 they were at 45 bucks they dipped down to about 16 they got to a high of what 453 they're at 27 now I mean if Firs gets to 14 I will load the boat I would like it at that price um I know they are expecting CGM to be like a blockbuster cancer drug but after what happened during the corona era I don't know if people would trust them for a cancer treatment drug the one thing that Eli Lily does have in their favor and with 2024 is going to be the year of things getting exposed and revealed I don't think um fiser has enough trust and the one thing that Eli Lily does have from the people is trust and great management um they expect to do 8 billion in Revenue from his covid vaccine I don't see it how you think Co is going to ramp up going into an election it's not going to happen so but the thing that I do love um when I talk about like a decade like pullback uh swing or loow to boat opportunity we may have one if it cracks 14 definitely if it gets under 14 gets anywhere back to those 12 areas from like the 1996 area era I would love it but um always study how much a stock draws down they have a history doing it this happened in the 2000s happened in 2004 um of course 2008 recession was tough they're just going through that same cycle again uh set your alerts are 14 bucks if it gets there hold at for a fiveyear period be great they said one of the things on the horizon for them is that they're going to start licensing their pharmaceutical assets which could be a revenue generator like we always talk about especially when we talk about retail we talked about people licensing uh content licensing retail that's what Adam did with Lena right say it again that's what Adam did with Lena he licensed the content out he licensed one of his assets it's never like why would you license out an asset so this is actually this is actually in their report what so they they're projecting to have an additional 30 to 45 billion in Revenue by 2030 and this is one of the Topline things that they're saying that could add it so just wanted to put that in there pause this kind of like when they was saying um a certain only fan star was making $30 million a month and it was like we saw her and it's like I don't know if you got a Swiffer in your house like it sounds good I Rashad you ever called me and say the Steve Harvey episode we gonna get the license and the material but not always a bad thing right we've seen Disney that's worked for them right we we've seen them Li is it working no it has worked for them it might not currently be working for them but even some Studios have licensed out the content and now they're getting it back and now you're kind of see like oh now that you know Netflix would be a prime example right yeah Studios license out material to them and yeah it was great on the books for that point in time but then streaming becomes prominent and now you want your content back but you don't have the platform to actually put it out and so now you're seeing merges between these streaming platforms so at one point in time it worked just not as well as as it used to and the words of Jeezy if it's taken too long to lock up bring it back she was short anyway so bring us that hey fizer get y listen we was in a room this past weekend so I'm learning not to say too much about too many businesses thank you thank you but you guys need to get your Affairs in order like we're seeing a change of a of a guard like we're almost 25 years into the century at one point IBM and AMD were the hottest thing in the chip space Nvidia came and took that crown kind of like when LeBron came into the league we're seeing a changeing of the Guard fer great company but Eli Lily clearly is the king now and viid clearly the king get a chip space this is not a good sign but I do like it at that $14 level I love it at that level and I will probably exit at 35 bucks three or four years later and you can also put some options on it too but not a good sign not a good sign when you come out and ladies this is the equivalent of your man coming to you December 23rd and say baby I'm broken I don't got it you ain't got nothing coming next year either baby it's over with tough you can sit it out you may have to do that in your relationship and sit through a tough year or two but in a stock I don't want to do that sit this holiday season out yeah let's bring up our esteemed guest get your Affairs in order ah you know who always has in order this gentleman right here yes one of my favorite people on Earth Caleb how's going on my brother how you doing good to see you guys see good shirt good shirt you kidding me this is my uniform hey appreciate it appreciate it so yeah Caleb Silva good friend of the program has been on the show a variety of different times invest Fest Royal labah Hall um and uh he recently well he's the chief editor of Investopedia a website that um I've been using for years we yeah for sure and I highly recommend it anybody that's interested in learning more about investing in financial terms and financial literacy and business and stuff like that um but recently made some some news by uh publishing a report that said that uh the average American um Family parents would need $3.4 million to pay for the American dream for themselves and their family so that's one of the Hot Topics that um you know we definitely have to discuss and you know just going into 2024 um thought it would be a good idea to bring Caleb here and talk about you know yearend stuff as far as the markets what to expect going into to next year you know investing and and all all types of stuff um always has a lot of value whenever he comes on so first and foremost thank you for joining us appreciate it so glad to be here it's an honor to join you guys I love it and I'm so appreciative of what you're doing for in educating people about investing and educating people about money here in your invest Fest Gatherings just in everything you guys do been a joy to watch you grow and I'm honored to be part of it we we appreciate you wholeheartly and you sit in the unique space Caleb of actually getting to see what people are interested in what they're searching what their habits are the things that they want to know about so I I think it's incredible to have you here uh this week man thank you for sure so let's get into it first question is yeah let's talk about that $3.4 Million number um American dream and uh yeah can you um give us some more you know details on that sure absolutely so we're always looking at what people are looking for on Investopedia and when we come to the end of the year we look at the terms that pop the most what were people searching for the most either at one distinct period of time or what definition or term had the most consistent search and American dream was our top term of the Year people were looking for that throughout the year so we got into that a little bit why were people looking up the American dream and we the more we looked the more we understood that it felt like it was Out Of Reach For A lot of people especially young people who feel like they're not going to be able to have a good Financial life as their parents they're not going to be able to do better than their parents they may not ever be able to buy a home given mortgage rates given the high price of housing these days so we got into it a little bit more and we said why don't we actually put a number on it what would it cost today if you wanted to build the so-called dream and to be completely candid my dream and your dream are very different and the dream of everybody listening is very different but a reasonable expectation to build a family raise a family have a couple of kids send them to school for a couple of years have a couple of pets that live 15 years on average each own five to six used cars over your lifetime pay for health insurance the cost of raising a kid having a little bit of money 3/4 of a million bucks set aside for 10 years of retirement when we total that up it came to $3.4 million again your dream and my dream are different but these are reasonable expectations for raising a family today in this country and that does include buying a home not everybody wants to buy a home but if you wanted to and that was kind of what the dream was purported to be right being able to do whatever you wanted to do in this country no matter who you are that's the the purpose of the dream the American dream was actually coined in 1931 uh by an author in a book called epic of America James trusso Adams he wrote about the American dream in the depths of the depression when he was talking about dream of a a dream of a land in which life should be better richer and Fuller for everyone with opport for each according to Ability or achievement well the financial services industry over the last 30 years turned that into owning a home having retirement assets being able to afford a college education for your family being able to afford insurance health care and all those things so just taking the reasonable expectations for what that is today that's $3.4 million but the problem guys is if you take the median income over a lifetime of earning you get to about 2.3 million so there's a million plus dollar gap between what people are actually earning and what it costs to have those reasonable expectations to raise a family today so what would be being the average American is going to earn less than um 3.4 million right uh what would be the suggestion like what's the the outcome of this study so one thing is like okay you got and actually I asked chat gbt and they said that uh it's they they actually put it at 1.7 million for average person um but just so the first thing I was say is obviously it would pay that to be in in a two income household cuz then that 1.7 turns to 3.2 and no 1.7 yeah right 3.2 3.4.4 3.4 yeah so that will put you right there actually um if you're married um according to chat gbt but uh for people that are not in that category and and um are not on Pace to earn that much money in their life span what's what's the takeaway what what what can they do to actually improve their situation to meet that challenge they they should invest right how do you fill the Gap where's that 1.1 million or whatever you're missing going to come from it comes from growing your money right it comes from investing that's one way of doing it or changing the framework of your dream maybe you never wanted to own a home maybe that's not important to you maybe you don't drive maybe you don't have a kid or don't want to raise a family but if you want to have those reasonable expectations for raising a family today you're going to get to around that number but you can change the numbers any which way depending on your lifestyle but let's just say that is that 3.4 million and you're far away from it investing is a way to fill the Gap making your money work for you while you're working is the way to make sure that you're getting to that number or beyond that number so you can leave live even a little bit more comfortably that's the point of this program right that's the point of what you guys are doing helping people build wealth helping them find different Pathways to build wealth over a lifetime that's what we believe in and I think that's the answer and plus with the rate of inflation going up so high it's going to be a mistake in 10 to 15 years if you don't own a home so I know there's a big uh agenda for people to not own but you have to invest for the long term and you definitely have to look towards owning a home because if not I think the prices will probably double in the next 10 years yep own a home or own real estate properties that produce income for it you have to have ways of producing money for you outside of your normal occupation there's two ways to look at it right when you work that's your labor those are your labor dollars that sustain you but to put your money to work while you're working get those two things going at the same time that's how you generate wealth over the long term and that's how you build generational wealth but a lot of people just don't learn that which is why I'm so impressed with what you guys are doing you've been teaching people how to do this for a long time that's the point right you have to build your wealth and have your money work for you yeah so in order to get to to this 3.4 that there's obviously things you said like investing but I I wonder when you look at the search the results from your searches did anything stand out to you right because if I'm look I'm looking at your top 10 number 10 was racketeering which is pretty interesting number nine assumable mortgages uh number eight bricks which we've spoken about number seven treasury bill number six debt ceiling uh five inverted inverted yield curve number four uh certificate of deposit uh number three artificial intelligence which I probably thought would be number one uh number two bank failures and like you said the American dream so as we're searching for these things what's what's staring out to you guys as a company saying all right well we got to feed more information we got to figure out why people are looking at these things what what was glaring to you as you got those results coming back yeah artificial intelligence was actually our reader pick for tour of the year and it makes a lot of sense Not only was it a huge investing theme note Nvidia note a lot of the AI related stocks that had enormous outperformance this year but AI touched every single industry that we pretty much encounter right it was behind the right and uh the writer and actor strike in Hollywood it was behind a lot of what's going on in the Auto industry in terms of what that's going to turn into over the next few years you just mentioned chat GPT when you asked it how much it would cost to uh you know how much a dual family would earn over a lifetime so it's involved in everything that we're involved with today and I think it's going to be a dominant theme going forward so we have to do a lot more content around that not just as an investing theme but what does it mean for Industries what does it mean for the future of productivity in this country and around the world but when you look at other things like bank failures well those popped because we were having bank failures in the spring Banks were supposed to be boring but they were anything but boring earlier on this year when they were failing and the treasury and FDIC were seizing them but also taking Extraordinary Measures to bail out uh customers of banks right the FDIC only guarantees and we did a show on this with you guys when this was happening back in last spring it only supposed to cover you for 250,000 well the treasury Department said we're going to cover you Way Beyond that so that was really interesting um we've been in an inverted yield curve in one form or another all year and that usually precedes a recession we've been kind of waiting for a recession now for about 15 16 months not saying we won't have one but the fact that this the the Dynamics have changed right if we had an inverted yield curve 5 10 years ago we would had a recession like the next minute but things are really different these days so we had to get into more of that and also the assumable mortgage that really stood out to us why because this is a way if I want to buy your house I you just transfer your mortgage to me instead of me going out and getting an 8% mortgage it's a unique way of doing uh transferring a mortgage and actually selling a house to another person this was popping for us because people were looking for ways to actually own a home be able to buy a home for the first time so that's why this term was popping more okay in light of the bank failures and um the excitement around AI do you think with all the measures the government is taking that we're actually going to have a recession or do you think they're going to push it off as long as possible and change what the definition of a recession is cu like you said when the yield curve inverts normally uh the recession happens relatively quickly we've been waiting I think 16 months now do you think it would ever happen or do you think them absorbing some of the banks allowed us to not go into recession how we did in 2008 and 2007 yeah remember J pal the Fed chair said that the bank failur actually served as a for of monetary tightening in and of themselves because what happened when the banks failed Banks got a lot tighter about lending so money supply was even scarcer which served the fed's purpose of tightening money supply and right and making sure that inflation was coming down so in a way you had that but also the moral the lack of moral hazard right if we always think that the treasury is going to bail us out if a bank fails or the treasury's going to bail us out like they did during the great financial crisis or the Tre or the fed's going to supply you know bring rates down to zero and start quantitative easing again when things get a little bit gnarly around here then there's never going to be a recession it's never going to get that bad right so there's that notion that's going around out there that we're always going to have some backup one way or the other so that you know that kind of changes the the risk mentality for a lot of people think about it the fact that we've been in an inverted yield curve in one form or another for the past 15 to 16 months haven't had a recession not only that guys the stock market's up 22% right we had bond yields north of 5% the stock market's up 22% these things shouldn't normally happen but the fact that there is no moral hazard I think gives people an opportunity to take more risk makes them feel Bolder about taking more risk and investing in stocks and risky assets look at crypto so there's that that's going on as well and also the fact that you know things are different right the the appetite you guys have been talking about bricks this year I've been hearing watching the show the appetite for us treasuries is not what it used to be so if the US Treasury is not as attractive to investors like the bank of Japan and the People's Bank of China like it used to be who's going to be the customer for the most important most widely held safest in quotes asset on the planet that brings a lot into question and where are you going to put your money in that case so um the stock market uh has been going up this year and mainly because of a few stocks in the tech sector and we spoke to Mike novag Gratz uh in the summertime he said that he thought that there would be a AI bubble but not for a while and he said that U you know his guys early on told him Microsoft and Nvidia with the stocks that you know would lead the charge and they've obviously done extremely well so um you know being at artificial intelligence is obviously searched and talked about a lot and that's been one of the major Catalyst for the stock market going up for 2024 do you think that that Trend can continue and we'll see another you know wave of of tech stocks riding this artificial intelligence wave or uh will we start to see some some turbulence yeah I think that AI is going to be a dominant investing theme for the not not just next year but beyond is are we potentially in bubble territory well you look at Nidia up over 250% so far this year you have to scratch your head a little bit Nvidia is a great chip company and it makes uh chips for AI related activity but so do a lot of others and they've done very well at the same time but I do think it's going to be the theme like like uh crypto was like um the early days of the internet like the early days of Telecom like the early days of the railroad these themes usually last two to three years we survey our readers every two months to see where they think the biggest bubble is they think the biggest bubble is in AI that doesn't mean it's going to pop anytime soon it just means that's the most crowded trade that is where institutional investors and Retail investors have been putting their money and so far they haven't been proven wrong eventually the air will get let out a little bit but it is going to be the theme in which you can build a portfolio around going forward and it doesn't mean it's AI it's got to be AI stocks on the nose it's going to be the AI ecosystem that's going to generate a lot of enthusiasm from investors so everything from the chip companies that are supporting it because chips are basically the transports of the 21st century to the companies that are implying AI to increase their productivity to improve their gross profit margins that will eventually raise the share price yeah I think you spot on Caleb with with the the term the AI eagle system because all Industries are going to be infected uh infected by it be affected by it uh just because the technology that it brings I wonder what your thoughts around media right even for for for your business now right when we talk about AI there's talks that open AI is actually about to purchase political which has business inside which means that they're getting information from Publications how does it affect your business is that something that maybe you're looking to now incorporate inside of Investopedia yeah we have to because it's here right and you think about what we were founded on we provide originally definitions to financial terms well AI can do a pretty good job of that you don't really need us for that if AI can do it they're just scraping the internet including our site to come up with those definitions so that's a Potential Threat but think about the way people come to Investopedia you guys and even me I go to Investopedia all the time I'm sitting right in it but also we come for a very distinct reason right we have intent we looking up a definition because we want to get smarter about something or we want to make a decision Roth IRA 401K what should I do with $10,000 ETF mutual fund right you're trying to make a decision you have intent so the way we think about using AI is people are on a journey when they come to our site they're on a journey to figure out what to do with their money and sometimes that means again this or or that but we think we can use AI to help people go further down the journey to get what they're actually looking for which is not to say that it'll ever write our articles we're always written and edited by actual professionals but to help people find the next step in what they're looking for that's a pretty useful way to use AI now across the publishing industry and across the media industry AI is going to be a disruptor there's no doubt about it the question is which companies are better set up to use it effectively so that they don't get their lunch eaten but also to use it effectively to help their customers to help their readers to help their viewers get what they actually want I think a great use case for AI That's How We intend to use it for 2024 what business or sector do you think um are enough people not looking at that could provide some good gains next year yeah I think obviously AI is the big dominant theme but if you look around that but also what's coming up we we're probably going to get approval of Bitcoin ETFs right spot Bitcoin ETFs by the SEC that's going to be a pretty big deal so it's not just the crypto tokens that are going to do do well and they've already done really well in anticipation of that but the picks in the shovels right the ecosystem around crypto around blockchain really that's going to do pretty well because these products are be going to become mainstream and I think that's going to be super important for retail investors but also for financial advisers that have customers like me that want exposure so I would look at the ecosystem around crypto not necessarily the tokens themselves because they're unpredictable except for a couple of the big ones but the entire ecosystem I would watch that pretty closely also um you know this is going to be one of those weird election years where there's going to be a lot of headline risk but watching the entire Market in a in an election year is very interesting people are always think well what's going to happen if so and so gets elected to the stock market usually nothing usually there's a lot of noise around it but what you usually have is um a lot of noise but not a lot of movement in either direction but I would watch especially the the solar areas all that green technology that was was part of the inflation reduction act that was really a climate bill in disguise a lot of those things are going to come into fruition this year and depending on who wins the White House next year that can continue going into the next few years so Green Tech climate Tech I think climate risk is probably the biggest risk out there so anything around climate Tech is going to be really important this year so so um let's talk about housing because I'm sure that that's probably something that searched on your site a lot as well real estate oh yeah and real estate been going crazy um for a long time uh recently for the first time in a couple years Manhattan rents have fell um also I saw a Wall Street Journal posted a report a few people have posted a report we we even post about this but yesterday they posted a report saying that it no longer makes sense to buy a home as far as um you know the price for a mortgage relative to the average rents they you know what I'm saying like it's actually not in the best interest of most people to actually buy a home so um and then you know we talk about hedge funds buying a lot of single family hes stuff like that so where do you think we're at in the housing market right now and um how do you how do you see that playing out yeah we know home affordability is at it's weakest lowest point ever right relative to people's wages what mortgage rates are and the average price of a home so mortgage so home affordability is pretty much out the window for a lot of people that said buying a home is a huge emot decision but it's also the biggest asset most people are going to ever purchase in their lifetime it is also in a lot of cases the foundation for building generational wealth why you buy a home you potentially hand it down to your children who hand it down to their children becomes the family home so I always think it's going to have that special place in our hearts the fact that it's not affordable these days is kind of heartbreaking if you think about it so either we're going to have to have a lot of construction of new homes which means there's going to be have to be demand which means mortgage rates are going to probably come down which we know they're already coming down so we're going to have a boom in building of single family homes to meet the demand for the new home buyer that really wants a piece of that so-called American dream I think the spring and the summer is going to be a Reawakening for the housing market as mortgage rates have already come down below 7% when they crack that 7% number guys activity heats up right away mortgage refinancings mortgage applications all that comes back right away because people are so hungry to buy whether that is individuals who are trying to buy their first home people trying to buy their second home and remember people that own their homes 50% of people that own homes in America today have a mortgage rate below 5% so they have been disincentivized to sell right they're not going anywhere because they're not going to go out and get a house at 7% or 8% so they're stuck they can't sell buyers that want to buy can't buy this is all going to crack and thaw come the end of the first quarter beginning of the second quarter going into the spring season I think we're finally going to have a Revival of the housing market which is great for housing stocks and great for the stocks around housing right to furnish your home to add the sun room onto your home to add a new roof or whatever you need to do I think you're going to have a Reawakening of that and I think that's going to be good news for the economy also good news for people that are trying to get into their first home that's great you just said that and that that was in the The Wall Street Journal yesterday buyers are ready to buy but the sellers are not selling right because we are you have a large population of people that have interest rates that are pretty low and they're like all right we're just going to sit here and wait one of the other percentages um in a piece I was reading was the amount of Americans that own stock I think the number is at 60% which is really encouraging right when we had a year like 2022 I'm assuming and you can correct me if I'm wrong is the amount of traffic that you're seeing declining as the stock market goes down and now in a year like 2023 when we see the NASDAQ is up the S&P is up Dow is obviously up we start to see that traffic increase how does that e and flow work for a company like you yeah no we get a lot more traffic when the stock market is hot right we need volatility and we need a lot of action in the stock market it's natural people would come to Investopedia during a time where they're making decisions about what to invest in should they invest how to invest the flip side of that is it's not just stock and Equity related information on Investopedia so in 2022 when we were in that dire bare Market things were spinning out of control the flip side of those rate those higher interest rates was that there was finally money in the bank right you can get 5% in the CD 5% in the money market 5% in the high yield savings account so when traffic goes down in investing it goes up in Saving for us and it goes up in things like insurance so we have kind of a balance think about it like a basketball team the second unit comes in and they're better on defense and maybe working the ball up Court that's how it works here at Investopedia but we prefer a bull market 100% of the time because that's where a lot of the activity is um so this year has been good but it's kind of been a slow grind higher right it hasn't been this boom Off to the Races now the last few months have been more aggressive as the FED has indicated it's done raising rates and now since last week when the FED said there'll probably be three rate Cuts next year traffic's been on fire because the stock market and the crypto markets are really hot right now but we always have some balance one way or the other we just prefer a nice hot bull market uh what advice do you give to a person who may have missed out on the Bull Run of this year um and I also want to get your take on like all the information is there on Investopedia all the definitions insights strategies why do you think people have such a hard time uh sticking with the plan through and through even though it's proven to work over the course of time right here Ian yeah this is our problem right between our ears it's our animal spirits that tell us to run when we should stay tell us to stay when we should run right we let our emotions take over instead of having a plan now what I love about what you do uh through red pan and everything else that you do is you actually have a plan you have a strategy if you Veer from the strategy you do it for a very specific reason and you make a note of it right there is a plan if we're breaking the plan we better know why we better make sure we we we knowe why we did it people don't go with an investing plan they go with an emotion or they heard something on Market Mondays or they heard you say something in another interview and that's why they're going to do that and then it doesn't work out and it's like going to the casino for the first time and you flush $60 and you leave because you had a terrible time yeah this is not a casino this is a long-term Marathon right so having a plan and sticking with the plan is super hard it's okay to Veer from it as long as you understand why so I think that's it anybody that missed the bull market of 2023 or the the recovery from October really of 2022 to now guess what and we were talking about this earlier this year there's always a bull market somewhere right AB so if you missed you know the big runup in AI stocks if you missed the NASDAQ 100 50 odd percent run so far this year guess what small caps are popping right now there's a bull market happening right there um if it's not small caps it's going to be another part of the market that's going to move so it's about sector rotation like knowing which way the wind is blowing so you can say I think it might be time for this sector to to activate or just saying look I'm comfortable being an index investor as long as I contribute regularly I know I'm good for 8 to 10% a year on average and that should be good enough for me as long as I'm consistent with my investing plan I'm the editor-in chief of Investopedia I have exposure to the most high-end professional investing research there is but I don't go out and speculate and buy individual stocks I'm a boring index investor and an ETF investor because I'm not smart enough to outsmart the market I'm smart enough to keep consistent with my plan and keep adding every month to it every single month like clockwork until I'm done investing and that's not for a good 25 30 years so let's talk about about politics um so is political season and a political election so historically the S&P 500 has uh risen 6% during the first year of a presidential um term and then slightly lower than average for the second year the third year historically has shown 17.5% increase in S&P 500 which is interesting because it's actually up 20% this year so it's like right in line with that and then last year is usually 10% so I have a few political questions but the first one is that um if all indicators point to this then um we should see another double digigit year in stocks next year as the last term of um at least the first term of Joe Biden's presidency so a what's your thoughts on that and then also I have a follow-up question for politics so I did some research and um 10 of the last 11 recessions after World War II happened during a republican presidency one has happened during a democratic presidency so a lot of people say that Democrats are better for the economy obviously right but then you can make a case well it might have been caused from the previous election candidate and then n kind of res that bleeds into the next presidential cycle and an interesting thing for Wall Street who traditionally had backed Republicans but last presidential cycle they actually broke from that and they backed Democrats more um and they gave Biden more money than they gave Trump which looks like it probably would continue this year I would think and it might even be a wider Gap where you see uh Wall Street Wall Street put $2.9 billion into the election last year which was a record and it'll probably put more money this year they probably before this year yeah so there's a variety of different questions and and statements that I just made there but um yeah what's what's your thoughts on the political process Democrats Republicans Wall Street and uh what should we expect from the stock market I'll answer the question but let me ask you guys a question first of all these presidents which one had the best returns while they were in Office Clinton Obama Reagan Trump Grover Cleveland right Bush two which one of those presidents or Biden which one of those presidents have had the best returns during their time in office I believe it was um Obama at least for the first at Le he was there for eight years so but at least for the first year because I know that um that I was a financial adviser working and I know the stock market went up like 40% but it was down like 35% the year before that when uh junior um had it took over yeah so uh that was a disaster are we factoring in quantitative EAS and or taking it out because that that just just during their term so I would say I would say Obama say Obama and then Reagan second see everybody thinks that but it's actually Clinton why I was gonna say Clinton I was gonna say Clinton too I I didn't give him my answer was president during the internet boom right oh yeah yeah yes yes yes so did President Clinton have anything to do with the internet boom not really he just happen to be in the Oval Office during that time he had a lot of other Al invented the Internet that helped right Al Gore invented right so that helps the president loves to take the credit for a booming stock market and take no blame when things don't go well when Trump came into office what did he do he cut the he cut the tax rate the stock market took off everybody thought when Trump goes into office stock market's gonna gonna tank what did he do he cut the tax rate right which was a big boom for Wall Street which drove the stock market really high until covid right which then tanked the stock market then so it's like they're they are subject to whatever is going on at the time and they love to take a lot of credit so I don't like to give presidents a lot of credit for what happens during the you know to the stock market because they don't have a lot to do with it that said they do appoint the chair of the Federal Reserve and a lot of the FED Governors which can affect monetary policy do I think that Biden picks up the phone and says says uh J pal I think you better pencil in three rate Cuts next year uh and you better tell everybody about it because we need a little kicker here going into the uh you know into the next 10 months here going into the election maybe they say they don't I don't really think that they do that said if you look at what happens when a democrat's in office and a Democrat gets elected president or reelected president the return is something like 11% that year if a democrat's in office and a republican is elected the return is like 12.6% the follow following year pretty even right yeah if it's a republican in the white house but the Democrats control the Senate then you have gridlock good for actually good for investing because nothing gets done or vice versa if nothing gets done and there's gridlock investors can see the future and the fact that you can see the future is what we need as investors we need Clarity right we need visibility if you don't have visibility and things are unpredictable that's when things get a little cooky in the stock market and that's when things don't go well so it doesn't NE necessarily matter in my opinion who's in there it does matter if it's a Republican president and a republican controlled house and they can do whatever they want or a Democratic president Democrat Democrat controlled house and they could do whatever they want that does make a difference but ultimately it doesn't make a difference who's in office right we couldn't figure out who was who had the best returns they are they are literally subject to whatever's going on around them at the time so that's something I would pay attention to what's more important guys is the question of what happens to the stock market the year after 20 20% plus returns guess what the market usually goes up between 8 and 10% that next year that's the thing you need to pay attention to not who's going to be there on January 20th taking the oath do do you do you have to take into account deal political Affairs right totally China us China Taiwan obviously what's happened Ukraine and Russia what's happening uh palestin Israel 100% you would do that how do you how do you navigate that as a publication inside of an invting strategy yeah well if let's just say you know the middle e the situation in the Middle East which is terrible let's say that gets worse and then we have other countries getting involved and all of a sudden that entire area and where Oil comes from is impacted well we thought that was going to happen but guess what it hasn't happened right oil prices have done nothing but go down since uh October 7th right in you Russia Ukraine the first thing that happened was oil prices spiked till about 125 bucks a barrel wheat prices and bread prices spiked that actually makes a difference 10% of the supply comes out of there guess what those prices have all come down except for bread prices so it does matter and it does impact things in the near term in the long term though we haven't seen that big of an impact but you have to pay attention to it and when we come out with our 2024 Outlook we'll be looking at geopolitical things like you know what will be the what will oil prices do next year well right now they're below 80 bucks a barrel around that range what's going to make it drive them higher it's going to be OPEC and OPEC plus tightening Supply even more or an intensification of activities in that Middle East area where more countries get involved and then we then you know anything can happen I know you love index funds but if you were to pick a sector that doesn't give you a bunch of stress if you had to put a bunch of capital into it what two sectors do you really like that will give you a uh some calm or ease going into it for 2024 yeah Healthcare Health Tech right A lot of them are big dividend payers um I think we're an aging population I don't think that goes out of style at all health care prices are just continue to go up health insurance premiums just continue to rise every year I think that's just going to be with us now there's the you know the promiscuous side of that which is risky stocks but I think the you know you were just talking about Lily uh a little while ago a lot of these stocks are creating these you know have these Blockbuster drugs are in a good position to serve an aging population that sector is pretty reliable I like utilities just because of the dividends right uh pretty consistent dividend payers overtime there's there's no there's not going to be a lack of demand for utilities going forward so those will make you sleep a little bit easier at night I think the banking sector is still a little bit risky um but ultimately it should be a pretty steady boring business hopefully it returns to that uh at the end of the day we'll see about that but if it's got to be healthcare for me and utilities so uh you said that um you only invest in index in in uh ET ETFs um do you favor like one sector like QQQ or you just kind of spread it out like you know XL y xlk like what type of ETFs and index well index I'm assuming S&P 500 but what type of ETFs do you do you personally favor yeah the qes for sure uh give me the I I have the Need for Speed um but you you know hard to get hard to be wrong with the cues um but also you know years ago I started buying these water related ETFs right water producers private water owners uh Robotics and AI I was buying that as of a few years ago I always buy the semis because I like I said I think and I borrow this from uh from Josh Brown or Jason Perez one of them invented it but they are the they are the transports of the 21st century right yeah and then anybody that's using our data and that's everybody using our data these days um as a as a currency I think th those sectors are important right now so those are the ETFs that I generally buy but but I do spread it out I do stay away from oil gas and Firearms I'm married to a conservation biologist so I'm not allowed to invest in we are not allowed to invest in in uh in fossil fuel related ETFs so I stay away from those socially responsible so QQQ SMH what's the word socks the socks Philly conductor Philly semiconductor index Robo um the water one I don't have in my hands also the dividend uh ETFs Noble I think is one of them and there's a couple others that I buy Schwab has a good divid I think it's sdd that's the Schwab dividend ETF I like that one a lot too I keep buying those pretty consistently and then I also have custodian accounts for my kids and my nephews and we pick ETFs together that they like very wise investor Caleb this is going to be a perfect segue right now because you've written down your six golden rules of investing uh and so I would love for you to lay it out for the people going into to the New Year having a strategy maybe they can Implement some of the some of the things that you're using as an experienced investor uh they can add add to their portfolios yeah I'm gonna do this but I want you guys to chime in because I've been really looking forward to sharing this with you first one's obvious start early right the earlier you start the better I always tell this to kids I I do a lot of high school classes and I say how do you double room what's the easiest way to double your money and they always come up with oh buy crypto or you know buy a house no if you put $10,000 in the S&P 500 10 years ago and you went away and joined the circus and didn't look at it what would it be worth today 25 Grand right that's how you double your money the earlier you start the better yeah so starting early is the answer to everything and you don't you know compounding is one of those things where we talk about yeah over time your money produces money when you're young you don't feel it but then I think you guys will appreciate this you see compounding every you see it all at once right it's like nothing nothing nothing and then oh my gosh yeah you look at your portfolio and you're like for you're like whoa that's time that's the magic of compounding that's why Einstein called it the ninth wonder of the world so starting early really helps you realize that if you start at 25 at 45 you're going to give yourself a huge hug right that's the obvious one number two determine your risk tolerance what is your sleeplessness Factor right what's that commercial sleepies like what's your sleep number what's your sleeplessness Factor how much of a draw down can you before you can't take it anymore and you tap out Ian what is your Sleepless number 55% 65 55 55% yeah what about you guys Sleepless as far as like the draw down like yeah I can't take it anymore draw down R is more conservative so like 15% what you say 20 20% yeah I I had to this is I'm glad you put that because it's something that I actually had to figure out for myself um I've seen draw Downs go 70% I'm like what am I doing so then I had to implement a plan so now it is around that 55 to 60 range if it gets there it's like all right done this didn't go right let's go back to the drawing board and figure out what we did wrong yeah also too really quick I think people have to figure out what their tolerance is for missing out um I don't know if you guys saw the report but uh if you invested in Home Depot um after compounding you'll be up a million perc from 1981 so like we have to also determine if you miss out for seven years if you miss AMD for seven years or Nvidia for seven years what is that going to cost so not only factoring the draw down but how much you're going to miss out on the upside as well right that's a great that's a great Point people don't do that math what's the's what's the bulletproof number that you need in liquid and liquid investable assets to become bulletproof do you think I love this talk it depends on who you are and how much it cost to be you ultimately I mean you live in New York you live in Manhattan so you know we have similar type of Lifestyles you personally or your circle what's my bulletproof number where I need to be liquid enough yeah probably about a million bucks that's it and probably [Laughter] more getting expensive I'm about to say Cale are you riding the skateboard when I mean when I mean bulletproof when I mean bulletproof I mean like yo ride ride ride off into the sunset like I could just leave okay I leave tomorrow live off my investments that's seven to eight seven to eight mil I can live I can live off that okay okay I can definitely live off that number but it would not be in this town it' be out in New Mexico or I'm actually from yeah we're packing the skateboard up we're right that's right we're riding West so so again determine your risk tolerance that's number two and and you mentioned it uh Troy it's like what's your draw down it remember this a 35% draw down requires a 50% gain to get you back to park right a 50% draw down now you're talking about 100% yeah so as as you get deeper into the draw down it takes a lot more to get you back um I remember we had Kathy Wood at and vestvest you know last August and who was terrific but that fund was down something like 75% it's made a comeback but it's still got ways to go right to get back to par um but you could buy it at different levels and a and dollar cost average your way in all right number three know what you own and I know Ian you really believe in this as well you asked me about what index funds and ETFs I invest in I invest in those that I think are around sectors that I think are going to continue to grow and be important over time but you have to unpack the ETF or the index fund to see what's actually in it and knowing what you own whether that's an individual stock or an ETF or an index fund or a bond or whatever it is is critically important to make sure you believe in it for one and B to understand the financials behind it because if the balance sheet ain't right it doesn't matter how attractive it is or how much you like the CEO or how cool the product is if you don't know what you own you don't really understand what you're investing it I agree um number four and we talked about this earlier taming your animal spirits shutting your mind up right because they will tell you to run when it's time to stay they'll tell you to be greedy when it's time to be fearful they'll tell you to be fearful when it's time to be greedy so taming them and actually having the plan because I can't tell you how many times in 2022 and I'm experienced I was like I gotta get I gotta get out I got I can't take it I can't I'm glad I didn't right yeah I'm back way Beyond where I was in 2022 in my own portfolio because what did I do I didn't jump out instead I said let's reassess let's sector rotate a little bit let's trim some positions here do a little tax loss harvesting and then let's dollar cost average into the things that I believe in the things that I believe in which were the q's which were the semis those have more than doubled this year so you know being able to actually tell your tame your mind is super important that's it how off The Reptilian Brain though yeah what's that how do you shut it off yeah you when you go to reach to that cell button you have an electric sh shock uh that sends a shock wave through your arm into your brain that says don't do it no it's it's actually having the plan and in my case also have a financial adviser so I have my own portfolio that I do stuff with and then I have the big pile that they help me manage and we actually had a lot of conversations about it so every time I was tempted and got them on the phone they' be like remember we actually have a plan so you can do this but this is the ultimate consequence of this if it doesn't go the way you want it to so having that understanding and that education and professional advice was super important for me but I've also been burned so many times I've been on the show we talked about my worst mistakes and my worst mistake was was Leman Brothers buying it at 80 buying it at 50 buying it at 20 buying it at 9 buying it at 2 and then ultimately losing $10,000 when I was like 32 years old and I couldn't afford it that hurt um so I got the scars to prove it do do you have do you have the button as well on the upside because I mean i' I've even experienced that I'm sure Ian's experienced as well where you're watching a company that you had in on in your portfolio in your watch list you were waiting you were waiting I know Chipotle was one of those for me even some meta this year you're watching like oh it's at an alltime high don't I'm going to do it I'm going to do it no my my my intelligence my experience my talent tells me wait for a pullback wait for it to come down what is my target number yeah you have to have the target numbers and then once you buy something I always like to put the stops in and the limits in just because it'll get me to stop making bad decisions so once I put that stop or limit in I'm like it's there I set the yeah that's so that's a new Apple feature I was tell like anytime you do something like a hand gester like a thumbs up it'll put that up so you just probably put your hands up cration yeah no you got to hold if you hold your thumb up it'll put a I like that yeah yeah oh I like that um yeah so you know those will help you those will help guide you now I can always adjust it if I'm like I put the stop I stopped out over here but I feel like there's still momentum then I can raise it a little bit but I make the conscious decision and you know professional Traders and I'm not one of them but I actually use some of the some of the tools is your you make that note to yourself on this day I raised my stop because I felt like there was more momentum why did I do that this is what I was thinking at the time I want to be able to refer to that so when I look later I say why did I actually make that decision there's a record of it it's important to actually have that journal um all right said it but don't forget it rule number five people always say uh you know no don't look at your 401k don't look at your brokerage account that's BS look at it it's yours it's your money so don't look at it obsessively don't look at it every hour don't look at that in the middle of a market crash but it's okay to look at it look at it know what's going on it's your money you should you if you want to just be an index investor and set it and let it go that's fine but make sure you're looking at it at least two or three times a year definitely quarterly and definitely right at this time of year if you're only going to look at it annually to make sure that you are comfortable with what you have right regimes have changed sectors have rotated the stock market is in a big rally mode right now are you still sitting back in the oil and gas stocks from 2022 I know I'm not but things that did well last year aren't going to do well now right so know what's in it make sure you're comfortable with it rebalance it right uh that's really important so anybody that tells you don't look don't look look it's yours it's yours to look at it's yours to manage it's your money you're the CEO of your own money it's your responsibility last one be a tax smart investor especially this time of year right if you got losses tax loss Harvest use those losses to offset your your income tax right your your tax penalty but also think about it you shouldn't trade in your 401k because that triggers taxes right you shouldn't trade your Roth IRA you can keep adding to it because that triggers taxes think about what you're buying if you're buying things like munif funds that's a tax advantage product if you're thinking about what to start you know Roth IRA uh Ira uh s seep account like what's the most taxed advantaged account that you could put your money in so taxes are big part of investing Rashad you know this you're a a financial adviser people don't realize that and when people trade a lot they hyper trade they're generating taxes also those long-term gain those long-term capital gains or their short-term capital gains those eat away your returns over time so be tax smart about it and don't just think that it has no you have no consequences on the tax R you always do and you have to be aware of those those are my six golden rules if there was one mistake for 2024 you want everyone to avoid when it come com to investing uh what would that be I think it's going to be really easy to want to follow the herd and the herd is going to be buying aggressively buying stocks as the as interest rates come down um interest rates are going to come down but know this when the FED lowers interest rates it's not always because things are so good right it's because there could be trouble in the economy and they're lowering interest rates to jumpstart the economy add more money into the system right make money cheaper to borrow that's generally good for stocks but the stock market is way ahead of monetary policy it's always been that way and will'll always be that way yeah right the stock market and the economy are very different so the the the Temptation will be to follow the herd and we may have had a lot of that big rush into the cues and into the growth part of the market and certainly into the crypto market and we may not see that follow through throughout the rest of the year I do believe we'll have solid gains in 2024 like I I said the year after a 20% plus gains year is usually pretty decent but it's pretty much on average with the stock market which is 8 to 10% of year so don't think that the Champagnes are going bottles are going to be popping all next year as the FED lowers rates the stock markets anticipated that a long time ago so before you leave last question for me um and thank you for coming brly appreciate uh crypto that's going to be something that's going to be really big in 2024 what's your thoughts on the overall crypto Market market and uh yeah what's some commentary on on crypto yeah um look the Bitcoins have remained the big coins right Bitcoin ethereum right these are the most widely held and we're going to get approval of these spot Bitcoin ETFs going in in the first probably the first quarter if not the second quarter of 2024 which makes this a more retail product right crypto has been for people that have been a little more adventurous we know there's some big whales that own it but all of a sudden you're going to have an ETF rapper around a spot Bitcoin ETF and you have the biggest asset managers in the world that are ready to custodian those assets so I'm talking about Fidelity and I'm talking about Black Rock yeah Franklin Templeton this is like 150 year old money management firm that sells mutual funds is going to be able to custodian your crypto assets it's going to become a lot more mainstream plus we have a big having event for Bitcoin coming up in April what does that mean well as you guys know Bitcoin is a software that is ultimately mined right and there's only 21 million or so Bitcoin ever out there as was intended by Satoshi Nakamoto the creator of Bitcoin when Bitcoin haves it takes longer to mine or process a Bitcoin right you go from six and a quarter to three and an8 takes longer to mine them which means the scarcity aspect becomes even more important and it usually drives the price up of Bitcoin it always does beforehand and it always does after so I think even though we've had pretty big gains for Bitcoin I think 150% so far far this year yeah I think you're going to have even more as it becomes a much more widely accepted retail product through the ETF rapper custodian by the biggest asset managers in the world plus a big having event at the end of April I think that's pretty good and as Bitcoin goes so are the other coins right they're they kind of bitcoin's kind of the big dog and the other ones kind of follow in its wake um even though some of them have other purposes I think it's going to be a good first half of the year for cryptocurrency especially Bitcoin and you have it ladies and gentlemen uh appreciate appreciate your time as always thank you so much definitely would recommend everybody to go to Investopedia if they have any uh questions and yeah any last words for the year that you would like to leave the audience with yeah stay invested keep investing but be smart about it keep watching Market Mondays keep following these guys because they have been educating you and their audiences for years about this and you guys are doing such a tremendous job it's an honor to be a part part of it and I wish you all well but this is a year where you have to be smart but also stay in the game stay invested always we we appreciate you my brother Caleb Silva uh it is always a pleasure and uh we you still owe us to Carell I I didn't forget about that I was I was gonna drive it up today I'll drop that off you like the sprinkles right uh sprinkle sprinkle he does real quick we appreciate you I appreciate you so much brother thank you guys I appreciate you have a Happy New Year you too man all best of the fan oh man Caleb's a great person super knowledgeable man super yeah sure and and it's just a great human being yeah great person to be around yeah outside of you know him being you on Market Mondays coming to invest Fest he will just randomly texts information uh he always checking in on how we are doing but more importantly he always asking how can I add value how can I help what and then he follows up and does it oh my gosh and I'm glad he brought up Kathy Wood it was one of those things when he he actually initiated the contact with her team was like can I how can I help who can I reach out to I'll do it I would love to and you know he reached out to Kathy Seaman that we were able to get an invest but that was because Caleb saw that we were adding value to the community and wanted to help us um so again just just a great human being yeah and even a person he was trying to connect before that like oh we're not done we're not no we're not done with that we can't we didn't I I left that out very intentionally left that out very intentionally Ian we still working we still working Cliffhanger y'all show some love to my boy Rashad Flu Game still dropping buckets sure so yeah shout out to Caleb man no highly respected journalist um you could play games or you can make money choose Choose Wisely choose better to make the mola every time yeah been with made people connected people who you been [Laughter] with chain snatching pocket picking stop it uh stock Club call will be this Wednesday um at 900 PM Central will be the last one of the year um tunit to asset of reliabilities who who's the guest oh um bumb bun Trill bger Trill Burger grab and a veggie Burger's fire too incred yo Immaculate fire right yes yes yes def Bun B yeah yeah um all right EV Market um has the EV Market flopped in light of recent attempts or do you think he will make a comeback next year uh um GM and Ford is having a hard time I'm going to go on record and say Yes um they're going to push clean tech of course one day we going to have an honest conversation about the EV space it won't be this year uh maybe how many more years you gonna do the show that last year that last episode oh I'mma tell y'all some things about EV but until then Tesla preeminent leader you know whenever I say preeminent I'm about to Cape Tesla pre-eminent leader for sure um but I think GM and Ford don't have the capacity nor the trust now the only issue that Tesla has well not only but one of the main issues they have is they don't have the best relationship with the White House and the White House is trying to make sure or the Biden Administration and trying to make sure that he does not gain further dominance in the space but um overall I don't see that many people wanting to buy electronic vehicles and Teslas are having a big issue of remember when we talked about discount in prices if you own a Tesla from two years ago you're under water so imagine buying a car and driving it off the lot and you're losing $10,000 in value but then two years later your car is undervalue by $32,000 it's amazing to be able to layback like you in a mayback and it drives itself um but it's not good when your car is underneath that much and like I said Tesla has to decide if they're going to be a luxury brand or affordable because of inflation almost every brand Earth is going to have to move into the luxury space to be able to have enough money for R&D have enough profit margin hire employees and to be competitive so I think we're see seeing the end of the era uh when we're having low price features but if you look at Tesla over the last 10 years return has been 2,434 per. hope for the long term you'll be good it's still one of my favorite stocks still a top pick in red panda stock Club but um most of the other players like rivian uh Lucid Motors they have not fared too well even though I do like the rivan truck when we was in Miami I saw a couple yeah but but I don't like the stock yeah I don't know about the the the sector itself I know Canada just made EV mandatory by 20 uh 35 uh today which is interesting we've seen a couple of of States here but it's not on a federal level yet uh I think the production is a is is a is a part that people got to really take into account right when we're talking about the amount of vehicles that Tesla can produce and yes there there has been an increase over the past three years um but on a large scale for some of these other traditional uh Motor companies it's a fraction right and then you have new companies like rivan and with you know we're celebrating 100,000 made it in a quarter and with and and it's no KN to rivan but the production when it has to be a large scale for for a mass uh around of people it it just hasn't gotten there yet um even from a tax incentive I know you know people who have got EVS there's tax credits but depending on who's in the administration that tax credit could be going right I know it was like 7,500 there's some talks if there's some models you can get up to 10,000 in rebates but December 31st of this year that could change right like it you you just never know um and so the incentives to have it have been dwindling uh so we'll see I don't I don't know if it's dead it has slowed down um because Tesla is so far they're so far in the front um that I'm not sure he's sick of y'all too GM I'm keep it a thousand listen just don't invite me to the Secretary of Defense house or whatever the case may be you gotta stop you got Rashad SAR and these hybrid vehicles it's not hybrid the w got them being and electric efficient cars what Char stations sick of them all yeah but I don't know if it's that but this there's definitely the excitement around it has has changed and shifted over the past uh I I definitely over since the pandemic when Tesla was a thing to have and you saw a lot of those vehicles on the road the excitement around it has changed substantially I would say yeah and we need less clout chasing in in sectors as well um if you're going to be now that g that Cadillac truck that I saw not bad um but we I think we need not more Innovation but we just need better products and better design Vehicles that's the number one thing that is going to remove the the lipus test on if people are going to buy it CU Prius for a long time it was economic I mean excuse me eco-friendly most people don't even care about the environment enough to want to get anything EV related when the tax it did sound good though and the commercials marketing was real colorful and it was nice nobody really wanted to JY that let's be honest yeah it's like when people say they're looking out for the culture but like bro stand and look out for you I'm a stop okay not you them yeah got you you know but what do I know what's your target for the S&P by the end of the next year oh baby get your pens ready I have to write this one down um I have the S&P by end of year going to either 53 3365 so $ 5333 65 or 58144 um election years are normally great Caleb made a great Point normally when a stock market goes up 20% the next year on average you should expect it to go up between like 10 to 12% andv video will continue to have a great run um this year Apple Microsoft my babies hold on real quick let me bring this up um Amazon's up 75% Apple's up 50% uh Microsoft's on par for 47 election year the market is not going to fall unless we have like a huge geopolitical event or we have some other health related worldwide illness that happens and affects the planet but overall um the market is GNA push up pretty high so I have my target set my highest Target is 581 1440 where I would look to take some profit there but um on the lower end 53 3365 is where I have the S&P going and if I've made you money please put yes in chat it was a lot of talk a lot of conjecture did he lose it he's arrogant he's pompous he won't put on the suit him and Rashad won't fight what else do y'all want from us we got to hit the e trade button too and hey hold bu and hold stay there yeah there there was there was some reports um 5300 I mean most conservatives had it at 50 51 hitting 5100 um by year end of 24 so 5300 would wouldn't fit in the conservative range but that's why you like it I'mma say this humbling your name is your name they are me I'm just say clip that part up so y'all do your little hate campaign shout out to y'all yeah 5300 is where I have it going uh and the thing like I always say the market is rigged to like y'all just found out two years ago that the NFL script was rigged right as a WWE Fan you can see I'll tell Pi this weekend you think it's coincidental that the Patriots won the year that 911 happened and then the Saints won after the levies broke okay so the stock market deploys capital or the hedge funds into it so if I buy this paper and it's a asset I'm going to do everything in my power to have propaganda behind it to make sure that it stays up for a long period of time Goodell please don't resend my invite I appreciate you so me as an investor I want to put my money along side the Wales that know these assets are going up um do I still think we a recession should be announced if they're playing by Fair rules yes but even in a recession the market is only going to come down to favorable buy points that hedge funds want to buy into and then the market will go up but yeah 5300 as well I think we like I think that that was something that intelligent that Caleb kind of said and kind of we didn't elaborate on it but he was like look we're we're looking at what sectors institutional investors are putting money and right now it's AI right so retail is following institutions right and that's one of rules you have like if that's where the whales are then you should be in there right the only time is that you just make sure that you're educated enough and you're doing as much research as possible to know because they will exit they will exit and it won't be public news that they are exiting but you got to know when that's why you set your Target price to make sure when to get in and get out of some of these Investments or trades that you're making everyone put in chat investment is simple follow what the big boys do also too like follow what Auntie Pelosi does so I'll be looking forward to what trade she making in January I'mma keep my eyes peeled incredible track record but investing is really easy the hardest part like he talked about is sticking to playing even on stock Club call Saturday everyone was asking like how did you how many trades you end up taking for the year it was less than 80 my guy Mike asked me like why don't you take more and I'm like once you hit your target sometimes you have to know when to stop you can overshoot or overstay the party too long um so make sure when when you're writing your plan for next year you write it when the market is closed these are the number of Trades I'm going to take these are the number of companies I'm going to invest in and I'm going to say for 2024 whatever money you put into the market for 2023 you need to double it for next year you need to double it inflation is not coming down these games they are playing with how like for the first time in history they're saying from their publication man it's better for y'all to rent to even buy buy our banking product houses are banking products banks are telling you it's better to rent now inflation is going to keep creeping up so um what's your top trading tip for the Year this is going to be a controversial one I think most people should stop trading if you have not had success in the last two years and use your trading setup to go into long-term investment so if you're trading off of EMA or vwap or RS if you've been trading the last two or three years and you have not seen traction and you're not following your plan you're not being consistent um you should hang it up but use that sniper skill set to buy assets for a long term once again I don't know any Traders on the face of the Earth maybe with the exception of part the Jones who makes more money trading than they would if they put the Investments there long term um for those of you that have had traction my top trading tip for you is always going to be the same pick the number of Trades that you're going to do for next year write it down now but also you have to go learn how to trade other things so for me next year I'm looking at warrants looking at options I'm still keeping my Futures bag but now I want to add because I want to run the entire tradeing totem poll Forex everyone in Forex you're having some issues I don't know what's going on with mt4 I don't know if regulations are going to come to the market but when I'm seeing people's accounts are getting shut down or they're froz that is never a good sign so as a hedge you have to learn how to be able to trade um everything but if trading is not going well for you I it's time to wrap it up but use that skill set to buy your position for the long term so you can't become wealthy and I'm not saying it because I don't want y'all to win and don't want y'all to have money don't want to get off his throne all that he said if it ain't working the past two years hang it up it's not gonna happen it's not gonna happen but I mean if you think about it right from a perspective standpoint always look at perspective you have a pullback or a bare market like we did in 2022 right so if that's when you started you had the NASDAQ down 30% yes right S&P down nearly 20% yes same if you started in 2022 you should there should be gains in your in your portfolio you should be up you should definitely be up up and stuck so I hear it sounds harsh but understood it right away what you're saying right like if you're coming from that if you're starting at the bottom and we saw some appreciation over the past 18 months then you should have some gains as well if you didn't then something went wrong something vitally went wrong you was messing up like if you can't score on a seven foot Rim the little Peewee bro and it's okay because you end up making more anyway I know people like to cap on Instagram and but look most people who are posting a whole bunch of games are not for most people's not materializing um the way that you think just invest for the long term you'll be good now if you have been dedicated and you have been disciplined like you said to get perspective or if you're going to follow a plan going into 2023 great keep at it but even for me like it took me a while to get my formulation down but like in my first year I had success though um I wasn't like two years in with losses and like draw Downs all year um but if it's not working out for you you definitely should go to long term and maybe come back when you're more disciplined even trading trading's gotten a lot easier too just by following a plan and blocking out all noise like now I don't want to talk to anyone when I trade um it's not about the indicators it's really about the plan once again use one short Target then follow up by using a long Target like my short Target is like a cash flow trade my long Target like helps move big Alpha in my account and gives me higher percentages stick with that plan you'll be good most people should do 24 trades a year be done and call it the day uh what about Uber hit a 52 we High recently and um it's about to get in uh put into the S&P 500 so what's your thoughts on on Uber Troy no no Mike bring me back here Troy shout out to D I would like you to be uh be mindful of of the rooms that you're in D shout to everybody at Uber I'm Lear I appreciate you starting there yes had had a good time seeing him work the room right yes um shout out to Brady yes caping segment is brought to you by superc um them being included into the S&P 500 is going to be good for them I'm not saying that to to be in favor with them but and Uber Eats me talked about this before it may be my one of my top five apps that I use like I'm not I don't love the margins there but I do think then being included in the company that they replaced they definitely deserve to so I think this will definitely give them a boost um if we do have those three or four rate Cuts you should see the stock go up like they are very dependent on inflation and how sensitive the inflationary environment is um I wouldn't put it in my top 25 but I do think them being included into the s&p500 is going to give them a boost uh next year and I'm not just saying that because of who was in the room with DAR but they definitely deserve to replace the company that uh was booted out in exchange for them yeah I mean and if you're saying the S&P is going to 5300 this even makes more sense right like if they're part of that index then they should have a 15% bump easy easy right if it's going that far yeah yeah yeah I mean Uber would you consider I guess this would be a great R for both of you since you use it would you consider it a need-based business for you personally for me it is because I can't C yeah I would say it's a knee based SL Transport company um the only thing I don't love it let me look at the margins real quick is if the margins were better I would be more in favor of it that's the only thing that keeps me from loving um the business they've done better like on the safety concerns but let me see Uber but yeah I will qualify as a needs-based business um profit margin negative 28.6% gross margin is 38.33% um return on Equity is not bad 12% and the EIT the margin is 3.4 so if they find some ways to like make those margins better I would be favorable on it for sure yeah and there's still room for growth from Global expansion so there's still some points that they they have to to gain more Revenue yeah Dar look like he a body slam me ain't it like I like he look like Brian pman or something like he look stalky all right hello to all all our friends over there how are you for real Kudos all right uh get your tickets to Market Mondays Ghana yes that is happening next Tuesday very very very very important um get your tickets we will be out there in the motherland bringing out New Year's excited about it any any other you want to talk about I um I know you're not fing well I do want to go through Baron released their top 10 can we do that I was gonna say can we do that I got you all right so Barons they they released their top 10 stocks of 2024 um which are uh which of the picks uh from their 2024 list do you like or should we stay away from so I guess the good bad the ugly from what they said based yeah on your professional opinion so I'll run down some of the names and then you you do your part right okay all right so let's start with Alibaba absolutely not I haven't seen Jack Ma I love the company and if Alibaba please write this down outside of the inverted yield curve the number one indicator that I'm looking for that the economy is back to being fine is Alibaba and Chinese stocks have an uptick consistently I like it if it gets to 37 bucks um at 17 I love I'm not saying that it's going that far but 37 I love it but because of the political stuff and I haven't seen Jack ma there's no way you can invest in Alibaba no way all right uh let's go to Google love like if Apple was not here Google would be my number one so yes I I love Google um it's probably third in their Tech race but they're going to be great I know everyone's worried about if uh AI is going to cut into their search margin one thing Google has always been able to do they've been find they always been able to find ways to cut um into different sectors and find a way to keep that profit margin high in Search and I think AI may even make the search better and it will favor them long term So Google I love yeah we kind of w went over was that last week we're talking about the integration process where it's not a plugin it's actually going to be part of the the Google ecosystem all right let's talk bar gold gold um will it be a stock of 2024 technically all long-term assets go up so I will put it in there I it wouldn't be my top 10 I would probably have it 12th but yes for gold all right Burk Shire halfway B not to be confused with a um I like vo better uh rest in peace Charlie love Warren so I can't say no to Warren if I have to pick between Berkshire and vo I'm picking vo but Burk is good all right let's go to biotech absolutely not no way no how Rob Parker no way like in 2024 if it is not uh tier one great investment we're not touching it no no room for speculation not doing it we talked about uh oil and gas Chevron is on their list what's your thoughts you everyone can do what they choose to do shout out to the good folks over at Chevron and all the dinosaurs that you turn into fuel for our cars I appreciate you am I getting better um but I won't be I won't be invested in Chevron in 2024 Chevon that was an interesting another interesting one and we had this probably early on in our Market Monday uh we we we gave it the the Vital sign of not going to survive Herz is on their list Herz clobal Holdings what's your thoughts how how did this make the list I'm I'm I'm interested out of all you could have picked I would have picked Dogecoin over this I'm not even gonna lie you could gave me safe Moon you can give me any of those alt coins um no Herz yeah I'm glad that they're still surviving and looy is in still in critical condition as a result but no hurts hell no under no circumstances that was an interesting one the next one they had was MSG Madison Square Garden Sports uh owned by James Dolan people get confused they think that all right just owns the Knicks and the Rangers he actually owns m squ g Sports which just put uh the the sphere out in Las Vegas they actually own that as well what's your thoughts on MSG uh shout out to Dolan uh Blanco half but no I'm not investing in m I I've seen how he manage the team shout out to Jaylen jayen been killing but if you manage a team like that I can and that's public facing I can only manage with the management is like behind the scenes you wouldn't let Oakley sit at all the games no I'm good I'm good doing that no yeah they have an interesting business uh structure uh MSG dictatorship structure interesting stru I mean we talk about New York Transit and the role that they play inside of that as well so if if you you're not familiar with MSG I would definitely do the research on that company uh the next one they have is Pepsi PepsiCo what's your thought I actually like Pepsi a lot especially for the space they're in um in that food and beverage space great management like the CEO um well run yeah I like Pepsi Pepsi's a good one and the final one on their 10 was U-Haul I was shocked at this one that it made the list but when I looked at the chart looked at the business I like this one um at 4593 is where I would like to buy in like Caleb said the stock market and economy are two different things the stock is doing incredibly well margins are decent in the business but also too um it's one of those utility businesses that will not go away and as rent is going up no and people are moving out of homes uh time to move is going to come quick and U-Haul is probably the most trusted and well-known brand in that space is definitely a good investment I like it at$ 45.93 those are their top 10 10 yeah yeah probably not my top 10 I don't I think Google wouldn't be my top 10 my 2024 list I'll do end of January for uh top stock of the year we get back I think Google might have been the only one on that 10 that I probably would have had yeah yeah my final question for you guys what is the top business lesson that you guys have used or learned this year that's had the biggest impact on your business and if you can't share I totally understand might clip this out for sure now you know being able to um have enough Vision to see bigger than what you currently are and um you know you got to find different verticals how to actually make money and expand you never really get you know really rich from what you're actually doing like even if you look at Jay or yay or any billionaire from hip-hop they never really got billionaire stats from rapping or music you know they made billions from you know liquor or they made billions from you know clothing or different things like that so you know being able to use your influence to actually you know spread out and um invest in different companies and see different opportunities and stuff like that I think is uh extremely extremely important um and you know just having enough uh Vision to to see that you know it's not the Finish Line it's only you know whatever you thinking is is is pretty small in the grand scheme of things so you got to have enough Vision to understand that you know you can't can't focus on small things only focus on big things so trying to do things to just make a you know a couple hundred thousand or a million dollars that's not really no real money in a grand scheme of things so what's real money let's TR to talk um 100 million or billion you know that's like something that's real money so it's like you know it's kind of hard to get people to understand that um you know most people they just want to just focus on small things and run a mediocrity race but you know when you when you I like when you sick sh shotty shotty when you focus on the big things and you understand like you know how the game is played on the highest level so but it's just being able to have opportunities to talk to like you know billionaires and people that's that's running companies and stuff like that you start to have a different perspective on things know have um you know just look at things a little differently pride and ego is something that's extremely um you know it's a deadly sin for a reason um you know pride is pride is one of the seven deadly sins and um the reason why it's one of the seven deadly sins is that it could kill you so um you know if you're too prideful or you have too much ego you know most of the time people that are extremely Pride for have tremendous ego it didn't really work out for them and um you know we even look at like hip-hop culture you know there's a lot of people that are very revered in our culture but very prideful people and they're great people you know some of them are actually our friends but um it didn't really work out for them ultimately because their ego and their pride got the best of them and um now they're actually just living off of old memories and nobody wants to be a husband in life that's something that's extremely important like you know you want to you know maximize the time that you have on top CU you never know how long you going to have the time on top so you want to maximize that but it'll be extremely you know unbeneficial if you squander that moment you know with Petty fighting and insecurities and stuff like that then you look back on it like 10 years later it's like D that that's not going to happen again you had your opportunity God blessed you with a tremendous opportunity to change your life to change your family's life and then you look back on it like damn that that wasn't even really worth it like you know what I'm saying like damn I wish I wish I could have done things differently and like I said we actually have the opportunity to see that firstand from people that we know personally in hip-hop world um and uh you know a wise person learn from the mistakes of others so I think it's extremely um beneficial and vital for people to to look at other people's mistakes other people shortcomings and not let that happen to them yeah that's a lot um I didn't expect you to go there yeah I mean I I'll I'll turn it into the world of investing because I think from a business standpoint everything sh just said makes a lot of sense and it speaks to kind of our relationship but it speaks to eron Elia as a company in in in totality from an investment standpoint though I would be mindful of the mistakes that you make um and how you can learn and adjust from them and I'll give you I'll take it back and if you watch Market Mondays you go back to 2021 I I I was big on on Salesforce um CRM I was talking about the investment in slack um I invested it and then what happens in 2022 Nas that pulls back Salesforce pulls back and I lost on that that investment but what I did gain was the knowledge of that sector right and so now I'm more familiar with crm's and what they can do fast forward to this year I never stopped looking at Salesforce as a great company but what it did is open it up to other companies and so in Chicago when I was able to talk about HubSpot it was because of what I saw Salesforce do and so when we talk about Ai and the AI ecosystem there are plenty of sectors that are going to be available for gains right we're talking about media we're talking about Cloud space but we're talking about Enterprise and inside of Enterprise is RCM and so when we think about who's the largest obviously Salesforce but who do they they cater to they big corporations well who speaks for the everyday person who's the CRM that does that and that led me right to HubSpot and so that one of the best investments I made but had I not made the mistake of investing in 2021 CRM I don't know what that company is and I don't know what the sector does yeah and so when I looked at I'm like all right and I I I gave you this comparison Ian earlier I'm like well how would I explain this to the everyday person what this is comparable to I'm like oh I think I got it right if we're talking about the early 90s of the technology boom and the internet we're talking about a company like IBM right where they have stuff that are specifically designed for corporate accounts and Enterprise functioning that works but for the everyday person what are they using right because they may not be able to use IBM well here comes this thing called Microsoft Office and now that can be used by the everyday person in their homes in you know in the small office small business more cost efficient and it's way more cost efficient and so this is the similar type style when we're talking about CRM so sale force is that Enterprise but HubSpot becomes that everyday person small business affordable option for people that are looking for crms and so that's why I know like I I talked about why I did the investment I was looking at the charts but understanding that industry was what led me to having one of the the the best returns that I've had this year um so learning from the mistakes being able to adjust but realizing like all right this sector still is going to mean something how can you take advantage of it so learning from your mistakes would be my my biggest uh lesson of the year out on a personal level inside the world of investing I love it really quick the last 10 years um nvidia's up 13,000 per Bitcoin is up uh 4,000 AMD is up 3,000 tus up 2,000 Microsoft up 1,000 Apple up 1,000 Netflix up 700% Amazon 676 meta up 523 and Google is up 400% hold for 10 years please put in chat what four stocks will you hold for the next 10 years I can't believe next year gonna be four years yeah man four years 51 weeks a year crazy it's a lot it's a lot you're supposed to be number one on a body lists right you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying black give me a call man let's set something up these are just our thoughts and opinions at the time there there's no personal vengance towards any company we're just giving our thoughts and opinions so after Jay put out the album he took over Death Jam right T no Black Album after the Black Album got you okay yeah yeah after he retired then he came back with the the Kingdom Come joint got you oh I like that album yeah we forgave him for that yeah it's okay intro's hard absolutely man yeah yeah yeah show me what you got still Beach CHS on there got some joints yeah got some joints Rashad quit letting these people cough on you yeah don't cough on me man the light all this this whole place yo man it's been real um I'll tell you one thing about 2023 what it did right with with all of the information that's been given all the love that's been ped even some of the people who haven't had the kindest things to say about us um it has brought our Brotherhood even Closer Closer oh feel yeah I feel like I mean people yeah we do this show but we just really enjoy each other's company so like being able to bond being able to travel the world uh be able to to relax amongst us ourselves as brothers man I think it is it is it's only intensified our love for each other man so and I'm proud to say that like I feel like man we we can say that to each other so I love y'all um 2023 was incredible I know we going to Africa next week to really top it off but 2024 gonna be more Immaculate man so I'm happy to share this with everybody that's watching and I'm happy to share it with y'all man I wouldn't want to be on this journey with any other dudes man so love is love I appreciate that yeah I appreciate the b i yeah I will say that has made us closer than ever I know some of y'all hate it Ain nothing y'all can do we can do Pod Wars whenever y'all want we can do the complex list of who making what whenever y'all want yeah let's get to it 1750 per thousand streams boy y'all digital prostitutes I hear you loud and clear hey I am trying to end it on the high hi Mom we've open there yeah see it's my fault Mom and Dad I see I brought the suit back I was trying to be good no leather jacket TR can this on a high note can we end with like a him or prayer or something yo man continue to do the research uh continue to share the research and when it's get research give it to to somebody in desperate need of it um you never know man one piece of information can change your life so imagine what 51 weeks can do imagine what four years can do uh and that's what we've been doing man so again I'm proud that everybody that's tuned in all the thousands and hundreds of thousands and millions of people that have tuned into Market Mondays over the course of the four years this has been an incredible run and we not stopping we got a lot more to give because information happens every day and so we gonna give it to y'all the way we know best happy merry Christmas if you're celebrating Christmas happy K Quanza if you observing K Quanza Happy New Year's um as we head into a new year um we gonna be in Ghana happy birthday to my cousin Ariel as well sure happy birthday we gonna be in Ghana man a lot of y'all can't get visas and we not talking about the credit card shout out to Visa though um but shout out to the ah a it shout out to Visa yes shout out to them you can't be where I be dog you need a visa um you know y'all never seen tape London packed to capacity 3,000 people outside 20 degrees outside Toronto Canada like cine wrapped around crazy right just remember you always be a nobody never forget it's important ethereum never forget that part Dogecoin we gonna just name it all the assets by real estate by media Amazon's looking like a great iwm looking great xlk XL Li Yes Man yes yes yes Kudos thank you to all the guests that we've had on this year how you be feeling when the attention get got you no man it's good man we always good man trust me yeah shout out to all the guests that appeared on on the show um and added so much value man and we got more we got so much more that's the crazy part we got more we just gonna make this thing better every every time uh we get new ideas we able to implement them because nobody controls us so we can make our own decisions big facts and I'm going back over charts to come January too so let's do it let's do it bring my chart swag back they bring bring I'm bring the Lether jacket back one one or two times next year oh manice I'm in such a happy place though like what I learned to was the the pineapple juice was this year right yeah because I was thinking what's my favorite moment for Market Mondays yeah and it might have been the the pineapple juice I think it was in you was you was in Puerto Rico maybe I think we had came back from Puerto Rico you were still there yeah and uh one of the one of the best moments in 202 to a lot of Truth prophecy of my first joint was the paperwork was a paperwork joint 23 too no that was 22 get paperwork in order oh my God classic classic moments classic moment wait yeah that's what I'm saying what top monologue of the year we gotta probably put something out we got to have our own list the top monologue of the year which one got the craziest trure think middle class mindset that one got you in some trouble that was huge yeah that definitely got you in that got you in some com coms midle mindset didn't give me the one that was controversial with the $10 million you need 10 million to to um have Financial Freedom I'm not in trouble but like yo why he say that like middle class mindset probably that one that was received pretty good middle class mindset I think that's Scott had posted um that video middle class mindset it was a few mind logs that um were the Jay-Z one that I would take the uh the dinner with Jay-Z which I still I still stand still I don't care what Jay says I'm taking the dinner but like I said there's a rationale behind that but um shout out to shout out to H shout out to Joe Button podcast yes is you my dog and I know when you better come up here in January like you promised you don't went to see the thing is and shout out to Joe Button podcast shout out to cam and Ma's show um we like I actually like that show a lot mace was a little uh flimsy with a situation that we had but what can you do I'm still I'm still actually supporter of the show I like the show but he's kind of he got a little weird BR when we when we travel that's what we watching we watching it's either Joe or we watching it is what it is so shout out to cam shout out to M shout out to stat baby love it love it yeah shout shout out to their show like I said c um cam I've always been a fan since dipet um and I really like I really like what they going on I like M too he's just acted a little weird about a situation um but he wasn't maybe he didn't have the right information who knows um what other podcast out there uh shout out to Lon good dude Shon sharp night cap night cap is crazy I just watched I watch it last night with um they had uh Prime on there with Dion yeah yeah that was that was crazy my man said I'm in a portal n he went different he I never heard that who di n sh like sh Shay went crazy yeah shout out to him um who else out there that we watching I don't really oh shout out to norer drank champ sure they just hadz I gota watch that episode but shout out to Nory and uh shout out to ye DJ efn um shout to Charlamagne the god absolutely and um everything that he's been able to you know put forth and you know really um just saved that whole situation single-handedly has been pretty remarkable so shout out to charlam and Shout you know who we should shout out and huge huge shout out shout out to S shout out to Steve Harvey we I mean it kind of gets overlooked every year that he just dominates radio um but he does right he's the most listened to guy so shout out to him and and everything that he's done for for us and our development of our brand obviously you know um with invest Fest as well so shout out to him shout out to the whole sh team Bey Brandon a whole team shout out to y'all yeah um we showed up to Lake com on a black tie event with no black tie I know black all the smoke all the smoke too shout all smoke my people oh n85 of course oh 85 85 family C I appreciate fly I got fly some stocks too yeah shout out to 85 South for sure shout out to good mom's bad decisions yeah shout out to um nav green that is hilarious shout out to uh shout out to the ladies What's that show on 85 poorm shout out to poorm every every show that we went on this year man shout out toble decisions yeah they invited us cooker yeah man he's cooking everybody man everybody and everybody that started the show this year man you know I love watching everybody's growth man everybody taking that Venture it's not an easy thing to do so I applaud everybody Shan shout out to shans shout out to MAF haa yeah everybody man killing it shout out to ma shout out Mikey Mikey been putting out a lot of content I was getting Mikey was going there shout out to Mike man shout out to Mike um what he's doing with social media right now he he's hit the algorithm man so shout out to him all the work he's been doing I know it's tough um but his grow I I personally call him to tell him that I'm proud of him about the growth I've seen him as not even as a Creator but as a man um because you know this is my brother so like I'm watching him grow it's beautiful thing even like as a father now as a fiance as a businessman shout out to him yeah for sure shout out creu season is one of my favorite shows uh I know it's a lot of men versus women topics but like uh the way he approaches it is real dope uh crew season yeah they got a dope show they got a real Dope Show shout out to yeah shout out to all the shows out there you know that's been putting in work oh of course highle conversations oh my gosh shout out to 19 Keys killing the game um as always man shout out to 19 Keys High Level conversation needed very very important it's needed yep it's needed um so shout out to to 19 keys in his show for sure sh you making a jump shot Miami too oh I had no choice had no choice put me on put me on a spot on the spot yeah yeah put me on the spot one shot one shot you got a short perform with that one shot right one shot kill That's it man yeah sniper but yeah you know it's been it's been real uh been it's been an eventful year yeah it has invest Fest we might do invest Fest next year we might not who knows you on some today oh my God perhaps my not whatever perhaps give you six billionaires and you want to complain about no no that's not we're not ending it like that in the market we got to end it we can have we can have fun shoty I got you back screen what's up P same thing that we started love man always love man if you even if you wish us the opposite man much success to you what can we do to foster a culture of appreciation leave you gotta leave gota leave that's the only thing people respect is absence so you gotta leave sometimes you just gotta just leave let it let it all fall apart um yeah yeah honestly see I I took off the suit we're talking about Futures H I don't see that much I feel you we going to go Abby Dubai yeah for for sure never going to appreciate things until they don't have it anymore that's just human nature perhaps not everybody but a lot of people so just got to leave um the make them pack up strategy after they want to pack work every time yeah sure for sure all right y'all this is it man this is it 2023 It's a Rap Man love to everybody we appreciate y'all for rocking with us for trusting us more importantly also using the information to your benefit Love Is Love we'll catch you shout out to to too I got love is love man we'll see y'all 2024 be safe man love each other I'mma miss y'all so much
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 135,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Jpe5Joy8Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 4sec (7024 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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