Top Gear Live Amsterdam bowling May

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really what people prefer to play dart they prefer to watch dogs and I'm not surprised you see the last race of last year in Abu Dhabi I don't know what it was like him and our commentators kept telling us that our hotel was incredible and the food was amazing and the hospitality was incredible I'm here to watch a race at home of my television when we got 22 young men driving around in single file for two hours or in his hand where you actually get this well going on tell you exactly where I'm going Formula One is complicated it costs you much money and it's done so we thought could we invent a new type of motorsport for X we have now this is much cheaper than for me to warn I keep my pants cheaper and it doesn't rely on sponsorship because what it is is human tenpin bowling pins we've set up down there on that side of the stage over here is the ball it's a shopping joy that we've modified so some of it goes in it and can steer it towards the it's going to be involved by well this is all car here which is a it's a contact that's going to pull it behind and Bowl the trolley towards the pit that's how it's going yes it is now unfortunately we do need somebody to go into the into the ball I can't do that because I'm just too tall that really I can't yeah I can't do it because I'm cut it off going fast in a straight line limited control sometimes yes the thing is it was going to be boom but he's now raising money on television for Haiti so look at it this way if something goes wrong here you will be another casualty viewers quick you're getting their model copy their jail is going to get ya sit down zones so they talk you through what you've got to do get something be comfortable help it fit yes okay right what you're going to do is second down into the ball remember you are giving me some stealing that's operate above these these handlebars here now there's some brake levers there they're really just somewhere comfortable to put your hands everything would not know what's going to happen is Jeremy will just nudge it behind you in a little little car and he'll give you a push slowly and yet I will then stop about halfway across the floor and from that point on you're on your own you are the whole focus even more simple way towards the plans go for strike there this is the launch of an entirely new form of motorsport it's a big moment we should be proud okay Laura got a car can you just tell them to go a bit you know a bit gentle with the car I will have that on one of these bottom think it's got one that door is trust region trust me this one has traction control okay then letters you get the character hide you are you ready can't you really excited right if we're ready then three two one Wow [Applause] the best thing we've ever invented what ha ha where's the cancer why is he one of them listen the problem is they look very similar and powerful I'm just accidentally boy in the wrong car obviously confused I'd say yeah I'm really sorry James but you are really able one night let's be honest so it didn't really matter Jesus get attacked by cutter do you know what makes it worse James the coming aggression attached to your own hairstyle a part of you because it's now time for you to have your punishment what your punishment what for because your suitcase failed miserably or we said it would be advanced what we agreed to losing with you haven't you boys
Channel: StyleNL
Views: 258,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Top Gear, Clarkson, Hammond, James May
Id: l7mA_C4TBO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2010
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