Top Billing catches up with Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters in New York | FULL INTERVIEW

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living in Manhattan allows dem Ely to fly anywhere worldwide easily and since moving here she's barely been home I'm coming to you from the sexy streets of New York City where I'm about to meet up with our very own Miss Universe Demi Leonel Peters she lives in one of these incredible New York apartments and I'm gonna go and find her now which one is it it's a big city for someone who grew up in Sedgefield but the business management graduate from Northwest University is settling in nicely so happy to see you are not so far as I think it's so good to see a fellow South African oh this view is incredible I think it's gonna be even better and summer so are you loving living in New York what's it like here what's your day-to-day life in New York life isn't this just a dream city and dream destination I am just so thrilled to be living in New York City how crazy and you share this apartment with Miss USA I do so my roommate is mr. USA and I'm so happy to have her on to show me around you know the city better than I do so and just to not be so alone so it's great to have a friend one day she's packing meals for a US charity the next she's in Indonesia it's been busy day me your life changed overnight after being crowned Miss Universe how did you respond to the drastic change it really is an overnight change and I don't think many people realize that the one day since I was in South Africa but they make really Miss Universe I've gained eighty nine hundred thousand followers in just one eye beneath the next morning I've got up at two o'clock to move to New York City with my three suitcases nineteen-year a girl you'll know how difficult that is I think that was probably my most difficult deficit but it's been an incredible journey and I couldn't have wished for anything more or better so on the night of your crowning when they're named you Miss Universe I don't know if you'll remember it because UV protection will win with you were standing in you're waiting for them to announce the names and everyone had these serious looks on their face and for some reason your face and you have this big beautiful smile on your face do you think somewhere in the back of your mind you thought to yourself yeah I've got this do you know a night when I thought I might have this as when I saw which crown may have it's the Mikimoto crown and it's got pulls in and pulls on my breasts but no on this year is mad I was just so fun things with the whole process and I just knew that I've done everything my capability to be the best version and the best representative for South Africa next face so I knew if it was my destiny will happen and if not I was contained knowing that they together all these superstitious because that pearl things I'm not superstitious but I throughout this whole pageant after I just got all these like a little sign like what um so my sister is disabled and she was born without a cerebellum and the charity to where all the money that was raised went to with the National gift auction went to a hospital for people with mental disabilities and I mean we were 93 girls I was 1 out of 5 to be chosen two of us at the hospital and I just you know when you just have this feeling like obviously a large scale of numenera my donkey and I mean she is really my biggest inspiration in life she motivates me to just take every single opportunity to grab it with both hands because something that makes me so sad is people that waste potential and waste their opportunities because there's people out there that will never have those opportunities Wow well you certainly someone who isn't wasting any opportunities and we so proud of you are you loving living here are you happy it's funny because New York kinda feels like home when I'm in New York it is such a cosmopolitan city and yes I get stopped in the street for pictures and stuff but when I'm in New York I feel like I think kind of be normal when I went back to South Africa it was so crazy and I loved every single bit of it but it's hard to go to a restaurant and not be asked for pictures and which I appreciate imagine if every wanted to take but New York really feels like home to me and I look forward to coming back here every time I travel getting to my room unpacking my things let's talk about your apartment in particular this is quite a slick parrot how much of it is yours have you made it her so no the living area all of this was yeah but it's beautiful I love it it's similar to my style I think the the fridge I have made my own already and my what's your favorite part of the apartment your favorite space our breakfast table I'm a little intern corner it has a beautiful view of Central Park and I make a point out of it to get up early in the mornings and have breakfast at the table overlooking Central Park and just have that 10 20 minutes to myself so considering you've got the best view of Central Park I think we're gonna have to go and have a look you know why I've not been to Central Park a what you're gonna need to put on something let's call us yeah with a million people following her Miss Universe does spend a little longer getting ready Davey I'm just gonna take a little look around sure make yourself at home she did say make yourself hmm edamame soybeans kale an apple a day keeps the doctor away and eggs well now we know how she looks so good yeah but it's good to know the girls will order pizza both on the Instagram and her daily interactions with New Yorkers Demi Lee is an open book she reflects a woman as at home on a fashion shoot as she is discussing tough social topics from disability to carjacking she is relatable and it's winning her many friends so here we are your very first time in Central Park but what a pleasure that this is literally on your doorstep and you know if you do a lap if you run around it it's taped alive it's in your life in suburbia hips so cold enough hotter i I love running but not in the cold it's make any kind of protocol or unwritten rules or what who's universe you sent to some kind of a finishing school no I mean when I became Miss Universe the organisation treaty it would be Who I am I mean I won for a reason I won because they saw something in me that they liked and I think one time I realized that and I remembered that it makes your life so much easier and they truly just want to bring out the best in you in her short time here she's already walked at New York Fashion Week for American label Sherri Hill you're a huge role model at the moment do you feel a lot of pressure there is a lot of pressure I try not to look at it I try and to see it in a positive way and and I know what a big inspiration previous Miss Universe is and previously South Africa's have had in my life and I've tried to be that same inspiration to even just want to go out there now since being named as Miss Universe you came home for your homecoming what was that like going back to the first time I was blown away by how many people my little town I did not expect so many people to show up I think everybody just came and welcomed me and just the whole country I mean I was all over the place that you're in a different city town every single day so um that that was it was so heartwarming and I think for the first time it really hit me that with the title comes an extraordinary schedule of events as well as charity drives the Super Bowl in Minneapolis and a trip to Kuala Lumpur Demi Lee was a celebrity guest at the Black Panther welcome to Wakanda fashion show this is where we met Miss USA Kyra McCullough Miss USA welcome to Top Billing you look a dream thank you and you look wonderful too I see you adapted well so not only do you have the most coveted position in all the land in America but also you've got roommates without very earned a Molina what's it like shacking up with Miss Universe it's good she's so positive very organized of course and it's good to have like another roommate and bottle for another sister she's actually put on the move a lot and so have eyes so hopefully we have some more downtime to really like go out together we recently went to Phillipe Chow for dinner so that was like a really fun girls night so now I've never lived with anyone before but I'd like to think that if I lived with a girlfriend like we do things like braid each other's hair and have dinner and like lots of red wine at night have you had any of those kind of nights not yet our nights actually are like alright good night and we shut the doors so our days are so long but hopefully she can braid my hair one night and I'll do the same for her the Black Panther superhero theme and Demi's unbreakable campaign to empower women are a perfect fit now you look incredible on a red carpet [Music] [Music] [Music] considering we're both wearing the perfect red lip I think it's time for us to go and paint the town red let's go ahead and join you it's quite a balancing act mingling on the red carpet then pressing for progress on women's rights the next day if anyone's up to the job it's this achiever
Channel: sabc3topbilling
Views: 132,998
Rating: 4.8602152 out of 5
Keywords: Top Billing, SABC3, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, New York, Miss Universe, beauty, interview, Central Park, Jeannie D, Manhatten, Sherri Hill, New York Fashion Week, Kara MCcullough
Id: hI7aW8l7pQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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