First Ever Zach King Magic Tricks - Best Oldest Zach King Vines

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okay so we just got a Pikachu you gotta check this guy out did you good job okay this is how you change your shirt color you know when life gives you lemons turn into candy oh so this is how I go swimming every time I use the mouse this is how Asian solve Rubik's cubes look mom this is how I empty my trash this is how I eat rice krispies mmm this is how I brush my teeth yeah parents lied to us money does grow on trees printing your pets when you don't have a printer oh you don't need one I'm gonna run through the wall when you can't solve the Rubik's Cube yeah how I get into an airplane this iPhone app cooks popcorn so I installed these clap on lights state them I'm pretty cool back to nighttime this is my bedtime routine just bump whoa think of popcorn you've got a big bag of popcorn ah here's the crazy part why I thought is floating just kidding a little computer magic so this is the box of never-ending candy juice the candy just bring it home the bacon hmm good piggy cook a ping-pong balls for breakfast mmm yummy focus oh yes this is fruit swapping this is using the force this is how I eat cereal check this out oh you've got red and yellow that makes orange sharpen cool you haven't seen this yet oh yes copying and pasting money you know what they say time is money sometimes these my computer's waffle maker check out the pizza printer oh man man I love Easter candy we're about 2000 so put it down take an apple make it a banana and then the gay corn for breakfast oh I just I want thinking wrong okay there is a cat in hat that's how I eat cars just checking my drawer for sock no I knew it [Music] that's why you always wear a helmet pillow fight hey what [Music] I'm just clowning around magic door zap no magic there it is you ever just crave Christmas ornaments mm-hmm this is what I do with my leftover wrapping paper I'm having this weird problem with my phone see watch when they're very sweet no here be some water and a goldfish it's awesome getting ready in the morning [Music] holy that's amazing we're bunnies come from bunny from the orchard this is Twitter in real life go ahead and tweet but I'm lost in Korea I'd be like Oh jumping through fences lock your keys in your car closets whoa that's crazy you don't think y'all know my idea does anyone else have Shukla phobia the irrational fear that when you crack an egg grabbing a souvenir from France Oh merci beaucoup [Music] Zach you wearing any green today time for a little pinch just heating up some popcorn okay wait you dude you're gonna throw that at me yeah one two three this is the laundromat accrete out and voila so I've got this goldfish here he's gonna be blue now he's green and now he's white wait sinter like comments they can rip you to shreds [Music] this is how I hitchhike water balloon fight [Music] a million followers with party you
Channel: JokerIsME
Views: 47,056,137
Rating: 4.5623693 out of 5
Keywords: Zach king, Zach king magic, magic tricks, Zach King first video, First, First ever, Old, Oldest, Zach king best, magic vines
Id: 8XAwi_CQLlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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