Top and Tilt Install - This is a Game Changer πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

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hey it's brock here from rock hill farms and today i'm going to do a really cool upgrade to the tractor that i've been wanting to do for quite some time if you've been following along you know that i've been running a hydraulic top link for close to a year now and that's been a really popular video on the channel but there's been a couple issues with that top link that i want to show you guys maybe help someone from having the same problem and then we're going to add the tilt cylinder so that we can not only change plane this way but also this way that should be really helpful with a box blade but really could be useful for a lot of three point attachments so in addition to those two hydraulic upgrades i'm gonna show you a couple of other recent upgrades i've made to my three point and i've got some new boxes in over in the corner that i'm pretty excited about so i'll kind of tell you what that is too every time i do a video in the shop i get questions about what we do up here so at the end of the video i'm going to place links for these upgrades that i've made and for the product that we manufacture in this shop but what the upgrades are is to give you versatility and ease of attaching your three-point attachments that don't use a quick hitch so when you're attaching a three-point implement you have to line your pins on the implement up to your lift arms that can be a little bit tricky to get it perfect especially if you have any kind of slope or anything like that you're dealing with so this first upgrade i want to show you is extendable lift arms if you're off say that side's perfectly lined up and this side's an inch off rather than pulling back and forward two or three more times you just push down on this extend that out when you're done it pops back into place pretty cool upgrade very easy to do on this exact model of tractor the next thing is telescoping sway links so if you need to adjust this you pop a pin out move it where you want to put the pin back in it's got several different hole combinations so you've got a variety of places you can stop this at that can be done to pretty much any tractor except for some of the sub compacts the link is just too short i know specifically a 1025 can't get those from the manufacturer i got them from about half of your compact tractors will already have these telescoping links if yours does that's cool but if it doesn't you might check these out all right so here on the table we have the top link that came with the tractor pretty straightforward then we have the hydraulic top link that i've been using i'll go ahead and hold that up here where you can see that the end of this has a broken bushing right here it's stretched and it's twisted and that's because i didn't recognize clearance issues that this cylinder has and this happened to it very quickly and like i said i want to see if i can help prevent you from having that problem then we have our new hydraulic top link our hoses and the hydraulic tilt cylinder so let me show you how this top link got damaged basically there's no way for me to show you this without looking like an idiot but i'm just going to do it anyway so i bought this hydraulic cylinder and i put it on hooked up an attachment everything looked good i used the middle of the three holes here which is what i've always used with my my non-hydraulic top link and put an attachment on raised it went up cycled the top link back and forth everything looked good i was going to use it i let it down it was a box blade and it wouldn't go all the way down i was like four inches off the ground i thought what the heck and i looked and the back of the cylinder was bottomed out on these ears right here i thought what the heck is going on with that so what i did and this is the idiot part is i took the cylinder off i noticed that this side your eyelets closer to the cylinder body than it is on this side so i just turned it around put it like that hooked up the hoses and just start using it i noticed that every once in a while if i fully retracted my cylinder i would hear kind of a weird squealing noise and i didn't understand what that was but i just went on and didn't worry about it too much so i used it that way a couple weeks and then one day i i heard that squealing noise i said something's not right let me go see what's going on and i'm getting ready to show you what was happening but first let me show you what i should have done all i had to do with this cylinder is lower it down to that bottom hole now in the bottom hole you have full range of motion such a small thing ended up costing me this new cylinder being damaged let's go back over here real quick there are three boxes at the end of the table i'm pretty excited about those are from condors water solution and they are part of my new aeration system that i'm really excited to get installed and show you down at the pond the effect that aeration can have on cleaning up a dirty or old pond but if you haven't already guessed it that noise that i was getting was this same frame where it's very close to this eye was bottoming out on my quick hitch it made indentions on the quick hitch and it stretched this eyelet out so that's how to ruin a hydraulic cylinder 101 now this cylinder i got for the same price as that one but it came with the hydraulic hoses so that's a big cost saver and there is about an extra inch of gap between here and the body of the cylinder so i should be able to put this in any of those three holes meaning i can use it in whichever way it's best suited to be used now i'll tell you another mistake i made in that video ever since i published it i wish i could take it back but you can't you can't remove parts of a video or edit them after they're published so at some point it just is what it is [Music] my other mistake that you'll barely be able to see on here or maybe not at all is i put thread tape on these and you should never use thread tape on hydraulic hoses or fittings yeah you can definitely see on this one where i put that thread tape on so now we have our old hoses and the new hoses the new hoses are a few inches longer than the old ones so we'll put the new hoses on the tilt cylinder and the old hoses on the top cylinder the big takeaway from the whole conversation about the what to do on the threads is you don't want to introduce anything new to your hydraulic system so whether it's this compound or something else you don't want to put it on the last thread one video i saw said to do two full turns as a torque spec so i've got these hoses on let's go ahead and put this cylinder on then we'll start on the tilt cylinder i could start by putting this in this bottom hole like i found out i needed to do on the last one but let's just find out if this one works in that middle slot that i normally use yeah full clearance so if you buy the right cylinder you don't need to worry about which hole you use so advantages to this cylinder for the same price it came with hoses it has clearance on this end and it has a cylinder hanger rod let's go ahead and get the other cylinder ready these have a nice swivel end so you can thread them in without spinning your hose so that's kind of handy we'll get a little bit more of our compound and get these suckers screwed in and we'll be in business i cannot wait to have this out there and see what difference it makes in actually using the tractor i'll put a link in the description for the cylinders i'm using now if i have a problem with these cylinders i will update that link to the one i currently think there is the best one i've found so far anytime you see a mistake in a video whether it's mine or someone else's read the pinned comment because if we make a mistake a lot of times we'll correct that mistake in the pinned comment so that anyone who goes to comment and tell us can see okay they've already figured that out it's a good place to get additional information after a video comes out now these are the hoses that came with the top cylinder and they would have screwed into the top cylinder just fine but there's a different thread on the side cylinder it is this thread slightly smaller so these elbows go into that side cylinder and this will not thread in so i need an adapter that goes from this to this that is an elbow or i need new hoses it feels wasteful to get new hoses so i'm headed to a hydraulic shop to see if i can find an adapter from this to this i ran to a local hydraulic store and i got two adapters it took two to go from those two thread sizes but even for two sets of two different adapters it's like 12 bucks so no big deal on that but they had to go from this elbow that screwed into the cylinder up to this larger size that was a different thread type and then an adapter to bring it back down to what i need the guy at the hydraulic shop said i don't need any thread sealant at all these actually have a gasket on them or an o-ring not a gasket these have an o-ring on them so i'll go ahead and get this put together and let's get outside and operate this sucker when i received the hose it had these two brass washers on one side of this bowl and you're supposed to have one on each side so make sure you relocate one of those to the other side that kind of acts as a seal when you thread it in so in this video if you look at what i used as step one i've kind of skipped a couple things that would be step zero so the first thing you actually have to do well the very first thing you have to do is make sure your tractor has the hydraulics to add a top and tilt you need additional hydraulic outputs on the back of the tractor usually referred to as dual rear remotes if you don't have those you'll have to add them or figure out a way to route your functions from the front to the rear the next thing you need to do is find out how long do your cylinders need to be to do that you extend your manual adjustable top link all the way out measure it retract it all the way in measure it that gives you a ballpark of the range you need now you don't need it to get as short as extended all the way in but you need to take some measurements of your existing hardware and see what they need to be because the cylinders that i'm showing you right now will work on my john deere 2038r if you have a coyote you might need a longer cylinder or a shorter cylinder who knows what so the important thing is just take those measurements before you order it now on the top link i found a bunch of different lengths available on this side link this was about the only one i found and of course i stopped looking when i found it but it's got these three pins here and there's probably less variation on a compact tractor between the length of this then there is the length of the top link but you do have these three different pins here that give you three length options in one cylinder when i say that i found these i actually didn't find them at all farm on the range youtube channel found them so take a minute and check his channel out so on my tractor this is going to be really easy to do you're going to pull this lynch pin at the top slide this off the end and then the bottom just has i guess that'd be like a cotter pin terminology is not really my thing i don't focus on it i recognize the different types of pens but i never know what they're called so you just pop that pin out and that's it all right so i'm going to start with the second hole put the pin in there slide it through and once the pin is through i'll just put this clip back in now that we have the bottom connected i'll just lift this up over the pin again i actually put a thin layer of grease on that whenever i took it off and we're good to go now all we've got to do is plug these hoses in looks like i should have these swiveled this way so i have to take this loose swivel them and tighten them back up i've seen some people suggest taking your adjustable arm and putting it on this side there certainly wouldn't be anything wrong with that i'm going to wait and see if i have a reason to want to adjust this side if you want an extreme angle and you want to take this one as far down as it'll go and then raise this one up you've got that flexibility you know as i sit here and talk about it i think i will go ahead and put that on real quick it only takes a minute to swap them back and forth and a cool benefit of doing all these upgrades is i now have backup parts for almost everything i have lift arms and stabilizers and top link and side link and if i break something i'll have replacements take that loose swivel it is that going to be in the way of anything it's like about there is a good natural angle as soon as i finished filming this video i realized that i'd put the top link on backward the way i ran it previously and it would work fine that way but i did turn it around because it puts less stress on the hoses at some point i'm going to want to identify which one goes in which side so i can get comfortable and familiar with the way my levers function i think before i pick up the box blade and go all the way outside i'm just going to make sure these are articulating the way they're supposed to [Applause] [Music] so as you can see this can now achieve a wide range of angles and positions very quickly and easily when you look at this driveway and the big crown it has if i needed to reshape that crown or if i was building this and i wanted to initially put that slope on each side i can do that really easily now and just like digging the swales i did a little while back i found another method because i didn't want to adjust my box blade back and forth now that swale would be really easy i could just tilt my blade run it tilt it the other way and run it and continue that until i got the swale i was looking for as a matter of fact i may clean it up that way still i feel like this was really a success i appreciate you watching this video i'm gonna put more of our videos on the screen and i'll see you next time
Channel: Rockhill farm
Views: 39,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top and tilt, top and tilt kit, hydraulic top and tilt kit, installing a hydraulic top link, installing a hydraulic tilt cylinder, 3 poin hitch upgrade, hydraulic top link, John Deere 2038R compact tractor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 26sec (1166 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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