Top 7 Hardest Ultimate Weapons To Obtain (Final Fantasy Edition)

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ever since the original Final Fantasy released way back in 1987 players have embarked on quests that have seen them trying to defeat the evil foe that's trying to rain down fiery hell on civilization but they've also been on more personal quests to try and unlock the most powerful weapons in the game so that when they did choose to square off against said evil foe there will be no quarter shown it would mean the ensuring battle or battles would be swift with damage caps being hit at every turn now some of these weapons have been relatively easy to obtain as they can naturally be unlocked through progression with the main story clouds Ultima weapons brings to mind here as does lightnings Ultima weapon in lightning returns but for every ultimate weapon that's just handed to you on a silver platter there are many many more that require either plenty of time skill just sheer luck or a combination of all three in order to obtain them some of them as I'm sure you can appreciate are much more difficult to obtain than others and this was a topic that was actually suggested for us to cover by one of our premium patreon supporters by Ana a turn as they wanted us to run through what we feel are the hardest ultimate weapons to obtain across the numbered series titles now for reference has pretty much all of the celestial weapons in Final Fantasy 10 are particularly difficult to obtain orbit for different reasons we've made the decision that we're only going to be featuring one of them in this particular video we also won't be including weapons that are difficult to obtain on blind playthroughs because as a player you just didn't know any better examples of this would be Barrett's missing score or the zodiac spirit from the original Final Fantasy 12 and while we're on the subject of exclusions we will also be admitting sighting graph from the zodiac Age as even though it should be an absolute brat to obtain astute gamers have now found a way to 100% guarantee its acquisition so it therefore is much more of a formality and isn't that difficult to obtain so anyway with those disclaimers after the way my name is Darrell and these are in my opinion at least the seven ultimate weapons that are probably the hardest to obtain starting with the relic weapons in Final Fantasy 11 as Final Fantasy 11 looked to expand beyond its initial tentative steps into the realm of the MMORPG Square Enix launched its first expansion which was dubbed rise of the zilart this added a whole host of new content including new jobs new characters new regions new story missions and most importantly new weapons now anyone who like me played final fantasy xi back in these heady early days knows that almost everything about the game was based around patience dedication and teamwork and unlocking the relic weapons back then was perhaps the biggest testament to this upon obtaining level 65 rank 6 in any of the starter nations and by fulfilling some rather specific requirements players could work towards obtaining a relic weapon by entering the realm of Dynamis an alternate universe version of vanity l that was quite literally the stuff of nightmares once inside players would have an initial time limit of one hour to defeat as many enemies as possible with the hope of obtaining a relic starter weapon and as much ancient currency as possible as this would be needed to upgrade the start weapon to its ultimate form now including the initial start weapon that were 5 stages you would need to go through to unlock the true potential of a relic weapon and as you'd expect at each stage the requirements for either time or wealth would get more and more demanding as a general rule of thumb the first upgrade would need approximately three to four hundred of an ancient currency the next would need 1400 to 1600 the next would need six thousand to six thousand 200 and the final stage would need another ten thousand in today's market if we're going by prices on the asura server if you were to purchase what you would need for just the third stage from the auction house then this would cost you approximately 2.6 million Gil for paracin the last stage would cost you approximately 20 million Gil and then you'd need to add on all the time spent at each stage to not only acquire the Gil but to farm the non-tradable or actionable items that can only be obtained from defeating enemies in Dynamis this process was an absolute ball egg back when I played Final Fantasy 11 between 2003 and 2006 and I'm not exaggerating at all if memory serves correctly it could take months for an alliance of endgame linkshell members to obtain just one I repeat one of these maxed out relic weapons and it meant that if the person who was lucky enough to be the recipient of said relic weapon then just happened to leave the link shell well then let's just say that people could become very angry very quickly I don't know if any instances where it led to actual aggravation in real life as we saw in some other MMOs but either way it wouldn't be a pleasant experience now as the game has developed further the developers have built upon the concept of relic weapons and they've also made them easier to obtain although that's not really saying much as they're still extremely difficult according to death on the Final Fantasy 11 subreddit obtaining a relic weapon can still take around a month or so to obtain but it could be as little as two weeks if you have the cash to splash in the auction house ultimate weapons added in the newer expansions such as the mythic weapons Imperium weapons and ionic weapons they are also still tough to obtain if you're playing Final Fantasy 11 now but based on the historical significance of obtaining a relic weapon in general they are the ones that are considered to be the most difficult to obtain next up we have Lulu's onion nights in Final Fantasy 10 I mentioned in the intro to this video that these celestial weapons are in general hard as nails to obtain and that isn't an exaggeration to obtain a weapon and unlock its true potential by obtaining a crest and sigil you have to undertake some pretty arduous tasks these ranged from completing the kacct or sub quest on Bicknell island through to undertaking the butterfly minigame in mac Alanya and even achieving a time of zero seconds in the chocobo race against the trainer needless to say obtaining the majority of these weapons in their completed form wasn't for the faint of heart but there was one weapon in particular that pushed things even further loulou's Onion Knight and more specifically obtaining the Venus sigil for it to obtain this elusive key item players have to venture to the Thunder plains where they are required to dodge 200 consecutive bolts of lightning now the catch outside of this just being incredibly difficult is that outside of counting in your own mind you have no idea how many lightning bolts you've actually dodged and if you leave the area before dodging enough the count resets to zero now if you consider that lightning bolts arrive approximately every three to four seconds in game that means you're looking at around eleven to twelve minutes of constant focus and if you make one mistake during this time it's back to the drawing board now there are some tricks that you can employ to make predicting the lightning bolt a bit easier but you still have to actually dodge them and as you get closer and closer to that 200 mark the pressure really starts to build perhaps the worst part about this whole thing is that once you hit 200 you don't instantly just unlock the item no you have to venture back to RINs travel agency avoiding lightning bolt on the way to see if you actually even hit 200 because if you didn't and you miscounted well as I said you just reset your total and you have to start all over again harsh very harsh some may argue that obtaining the jupiter-c jewel is also rather difficult depending on your tolerance of bits for as you need to play quite a lot before it appears as a prize in the league but the Venus CID you're still just takes the cake for me and in my opinion it makes Lulu's onion night the hardest ultimate weapon to obtain in Final Fantasy 10 third on our list is the torna soul from final fantasy 12 even though they removed some of the more annoying quirks for obtaining weapons with the release of the zodiac age some of the weapons found in this game are still rather taxing to try and acquire due to the bizarre system the idea behind this system is that it's a special shop where you can sell certain items that you've acquired during your travels and what you do so new items will become available for you to purchase it all sounds pretty neat right but it can be incredibly time-consuming due to the network of purchases that are required in some instances to get the more advanced items perhaps the hardest weapon to obtain through the bazaar is the torna soul but if you're rocking the night class it's probably worth hunting down it so anyway to go through this process you have to acquire the sunflower which isn't as straightforward as it probably sounds not only do you need to have 600,000 Gil just lying around you also need to acquire three gem steel three Imperial souls and three serpent arias the challenge is that none of these items are drops from enemies they are instead also acquired from the bazaar system serpent arias for example needs to serpent eyes for snake skins in one heart inna while the gem still needs to Damascus steel to hell gates flames and one Scarlett ID and if we look at these items well you can start to see why this might be a little bit more time-consuming than initially meets the eye serpent is for example only drop from basilisks but they can also be obtained by poaching a basilisk or a grey Malta as a drop with no chain there is a 1% chance of obtaining a serpentine but if you get it up to a level 3 chain it's at least a 5% likewise poaching also offers a 5% chance to drop and don't forget we need two of these this one item then you have loot such as the high Arcana which also needs to be created in the bazaar by finding 10 normal Arcana a face stone and the soul of the massa needless to say obtaining enough loot and Gil to even get to the point where you can purchase the sunflower takes a lot of running around and a lot of farming but if you have the patience you'll end up with a pretty decent sword in the end our next weapon is from final fantasy 5 and it's the ultimate handbell the Tinkerbell with Final Fantasy 5 featuring such a diverse array of jobs it only seemed fitting that the developers would also choose off a whole host of related weapons that can be used to beat down the game's various enemies and meant you could choose from more traditional weapon types like swords axes and bows but it also meant you can explore the more interesting possibilities promoted by weapons like boomerangs whips and hand bells now with there being so many categories it does mean that there are a whole host of extremely powerful weapons to obtain but perhaps the most annoying to obtain is the ultimate handbell which is called the Tinker Bell to obtain this rather powerful weapon you have to square off against twin taenia one of the demons of the rift that resides in the interdimensional rift this probably doesn't sound too challenging but what makes the acquisition of the Tinker Bell so tough is that outside of it being a troublesome fight in general it's also a one time fight so if you don't get it when you beat twenty Nia you have to reset the game and try again outside of that you also have to be mindful of which attack phase twin taenia is in when it's defeated as this changes the rewards from the battle for reference to have a chance of obtaining the Tinker Bell you must defeat twin tinea in its non charging form or else you will see them or asami instead and if you do happen to defeat it while it's in its non charging form then you still only have a 6.25% chance of receiving it as a drop which is incredibly harsh especially compared to some of the ultimate weapons you can obtain in this game next we have the weapons that are obtained by defeating the weapons refrain in Final Fantasy 14 now we've been chastised in the past about not including content around Final Fantasy 14 but it just so happens that obtaining the game's Ultima weapons is an absolute nightmare so there was never any question about their appearing on this list not too long ago as part of patch 4.3 one which was referred to as under the moonlight the development team decided to add a second ultimate difficulty raid called the weapons refrain with the aim of making it even tougher than the first and in that regard it did not disappoint it was five days until there was a successful completion with the free company called entropy claiming the glory and after ten days only three other free companies had tasted victory so what made this particular fight so tough well first off you had to face ultimate forms of garuda Ifrit and titan in succession and the mechanics have been purposely changed from their previous difficulties to confuse players and make them have to rethink their strategies once you defeated them well that's when things would start to get even more interesting as you would have to square off against ultimate ultimate weapon who continually summons the previously defeated primals needless to say completing this raid is a particularly serious endeavor but upon doing so you will receive the ultimate totem and this can be exchanged for one of the Ultima weapons which if I do say so myself look really rather cool alright so op an ultimate weapon on this list is the onion sword from the Final Fantasy 4 remake when the decision was made to re-release Final Fantasy 4 on the Nintendo DS the developers looked at how they can supplement the original experience with new content and one of the ways they did this was to make it possible to find more items that you could trade with the tale collector in the original version of Final Fantasy 4 you could only trade the rat tail and the pink tail but in the DS version they added new tails which were black blue green yellow and red these allowed players to unlock a new suite of onion equipment but for the purposes of this video we're going to focus solely on the onion sword now I will confess that compared to the other weapons on this list the onion sword is perhaps the easiest to obtain but it can still be somewhat time consuming if luck really isn't on your side once you're strong enough you will need to head to the lunar sub terrain but before you do so make sure you buy plenty of sirens once you're on b8 9 or 10 you will need to use a siren and once you do a red dragon will appear if you're successful in defeating it then there's an or point four percent chance of acquiring a red tail which means while you may end up having to fight quite a few red dragons as that odds of a drop happening every 250 fights the good news is that if you utilize the treasure hunter aukmen then you can increase your odds to not 8% but that still isn't particularly high if you do manage to stick it out though and get yourself a red tail then you'll need to head over to the adamant oil grotto to exchange it with the tail collector or the onion sword which is rather beastly not only does it provide an attack value that is equal to double of your character's level it also has accuracy that is equal to your character's level plus 50 and it also adds strength that is equal to a third of your characters level so yeah it's pretty henge and if you're able to afford the time and the patience it will make your life a lot easier if you're so inclined you may also want to think about getting a second one as the weapon can be equipped by both Cecil and Kane and with that we are now going to move on to the PSD resistance Stein is Excalibur - in Final Fantasy 9 there are only a few weapons in Final Fantasy 9 that are classified as the knight swords and they are all pretty beastly but it's safe to say that none of them compared to Excalibur - and that's in relation to both its stats and the massive ordeal you have to go through if you want to think about obtaining it now I have no idea which clever soul on the Final Fantasy 9 development team came up with this idea but all I have to say to them is kudos because it's perhaps the harshest weapon acquisition mechanic in the entire franchise instead of just saying you have to beat this enemy or you have to complete this minigame they made the decision to have the speed at which you play through the game be the deciding factor as to whether or not you can obtain Excalibur - in short you have to make it to a certain point in the game within a certain time and if you don't you can't get the weapon simple right well that certain point is the gate to space room that resides right at the end of the game within memoria and once there you also need to defeat lich before you even have the option to actually pick up the weapon catch is that this all has to be done without the game clock exceeding 12 hours of play time which if you played Final Fantasy 9 is harsh very harsh and in the original version this was actually made even harsher for those playing in Europe or other pal as the game ran approximately 20% slower on those systems but the clock did not it meant you would actually need to reach the destination in under ten hours of real time as opposed to the twelve that was required in the NTSC version it should be noted though that with the new steam and mobile versions of the game it is a little bit easier to acquire Excalibur - as you have the ability to skip cutscenes you can also choose to disable random encounters which help to shape even more time off the clock and for this particular challenge every single second counts if you do manage to obtain the weapon though not only will you have made Steiner pretty epic you will also be greeted by a lovely know that's been written by Enki D where he explains that after having the option he actually decided to take Excalibur for himself leaving Excalibur - for Gilgamesh to pick up later and with that my list has come to a conclusion so yeah there were seven ultimate weapons that I feel are probably the hardest to obtain in the franchise are you in agreement or are there any you feel we've missed out as always let us know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video please hit that like button and subscribe to our Channel also if you'd like to join our growing community then make sure you check out our discord server there's a link in the description below and why not consider supporting us on patreon you get the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to support us in the creation of these videos and you will be rewarded by amongst other things getting your name at the end of videos like these guys you're seeing right now alright guys this is Daryl signing out I will see you all next time for more Final Fantasy videos [Music] [Music]
Channel: Final Fantasy Union
Views: 745,194
Rating: 4.6100955 out of 5
Keywords: relic weapons, onion knight, tournesol, tinkerbell, ultima weapons, onion sword, excalibur ii, how to get tournesol, how to get excalibur ii, how to get onion knight, how to get onion sword, ultimate weapons, final fantasy, final fantasy x ultimate weapons, final fantasy 9 ultimate weapons, final fantasy 7 ultimate weapons, final fantasy ultimate weapon
Id: GSUoZl-M1iQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2018
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