BEST Bicep Exercises For Men Over 50 (GET RIPPED ARMS!)

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Flex it at the top control the bottom Flex it control it as you lower it hey man Gary Walker here and welcome back for another video if you're like most guys I'm sure you spent a lot of your earlier years trying to build bigger biceps it's one of those muscles that's captivating and here's the thing with this video I'm going to give you my top three bicep exercises for men over 50 when you're younger you can do a lot of different barbell curls and that's going to you know allow you to grow your biceps somewhat but the other thing that does is it destroys your elbows and even your shoulders if you're not keeping everything tight when you're doing your reps so as a man over 50 there tends to be a lot more wear and tear on your elbow joints and on your shoulders so the exercises I've chosen for this video have that in mind so this is going to allow you to to build bigger biceps and keep those joints healthy with that said let's start with the first exercise the first exercise we're going to do is going to use one of my Trion techniques all right so let me grab a couple dumbbells real quick Trion hopefully you've seen enough of my videos now to know what Trion is if not there are a ton of videos just basically go into YouTube search and say Gary Walker Trion is going to pull up a lot of my Trion exercises but for now a Trion is going to be nine total reps the middle three reps are going to be 10c isometric holds and that's if you're an advanced person if you're somebody that's new to my trions or new to working out then these holds can be 3 seconds 3 to 5 Seconds that's good for beginners if you're intermediate you can shoot for 5 to 7 seconds but typically the end goal is to have 10c holds so let me show you what that looks like the first exercise we're going to do our dumbbell bicep curls but we're going to do the close grip variation meaning I want the dumbbells being as close together as possible and you're going to do a Trion version so Trion is going to be nine total reps the key Point here to keep you safe is I want to keep your shoulders back shoulders back chest out and keep your elbows pinned to your side as much as possible all right from this position we're bringing the dumbbells in and then we're going to do the first three reps full range of motion reps just like this three full reps and then you go into your holds right here you're going to squeeze as hard as possible th one th2 th 3 th four th 5 6 7 8 9 10 full stretch back to another one one 2 3 what this does is it's increasing the time under tension on these biceps without putting your joints through all of the range of motion for all of these reps and it also allows you to do this with lighter weight which is key for an older guy you don't always want to have to max out the amounts of Weights that you're using all right you're going to do your three full stretch and then three full range of motion reps to close it out all the way up all the way down all the way up all the way down one more of those up down all right that is a dumbbell bicep curl using trions and it's the close grip so one thing about the close grip I do want to point out typically The Wider you work your bicep this is how it works put your finger right on the middle Palm straight forward finger there anything in this motion is really going to put a lot of emphasis right here as you go wider look where my finger is it's more inside the short head of that bicep as you come in it's more out just one of those little visualizations that you can use to determine what part of your arm is getting the bulk of the work when you're doing these exercises but that's exercise number one now let me show you exercise number two all right the second exercise is called 21s so when we're doing 21s basically it's 21 full repetitions per set but you're doing three different movements I'm going to explain what that means in a minute the other thing we're doing with this we just did the close variation close grip now we're going to do wide still to set up your base the same chest still needs to be out shoulders back elbows need to be pinned but instead of hands being together they're going to be wide apart all right so for the 21s now we're going to set up chest out back you'll see they're wide here we're going to keep them wide as well also keep a supinated grip meaning Palms should stay facing away from your body a lot of times you see bicep curls you're doing alternating just like this all right you'll alternate side to side and you'll also r rotate these aren't going to be rotated locked Palms out wide keep your core tight for the 21 so basically we're going to go all the way to the top and only halfway down and back up for the first seven reps seven 7even seven that's how these are going to be designed all right halfway down all the way up one two 3 4 5 6 6 7 now the bottom half all the way down full stretch and then halfway up one two again keep these under control you don't want to just drop the weights you want to squeeze them and lower under control five think I may have miscounted but six seven and the last seven full range of motion reps all the way down in this fully stretched position all the way up one two see keeping them out wide 3 4 five you definitely feel these six and seven all right so basically no rest between these you're going to have 21 total again seven top half seven bottom half seven full 7 s s 21 full reps you would rest about 90 seconds and do set number two rest another 90 and do set number three typically with biceps I like to work nine six to nine depending on whether you're a beginner or an advanced lifter if you're just starting out maybe do six total sets for biceps if you've been working out for a while you're just trying to get some more stimulation in your biceps or arms then add a another three sets so nine total all right so that's exercise number two now for exercise number three all right the Third exercise your biceps should already be full of blood you should probably feel something by now the third exercise that I really do like is a hammer grip variety Hammer meaning your palms are facing each other so again you heard me talk about supinated earlier that's Palms away from your body facing each other that's a hammer grip or a neutral grip when your palms are facing down that is a pronated grip basically with this we want the hammer grip variation again Palms facing each other and then we're going to do an alternating Hammer grip curl but we're going to do it across the body so that's going to really allow you to focus on the outer portion of the bicep so for this one same setup chest out shoulders back tight core squeeze lower squeeze lower and I like to shoot for about 8 to 12 reps when I do this exercise just make sure you're really ch challenging yourself with the movement and uh you don't want to sit here and slack off you also want to make sure you're controlling it again Flex it at the top control the bottom Flex it control it as you lower it just like that and I do want to make sure to point this out one more time I want to reiterate you keep your chest out shoulders back the biggest issue I see is people try to go too heavy so again I'm using 15 lbs to demo this you don't need a whole lot of weight when you're doing this exercise if you're doing it correctly because what tends to happen is people will cheat by shortening the range of motion so what I mean by that is coming up when it gets heavy my shoulder see my shoulder going forward they'll do that and then they'll dip shoulder should be back and you're in this position if you're doing that it's a lot harder to cheat so and if you can't lift it without getting the shoulder in then it's too heavy lower the weight same thing with the lowering phase that Ecentric phase once up here 1,001 1,002 1,3 the reason I say that I'll see people use momentum to bring the weight up and drop it waight up and drop it you want to control it control it control it the more you're controlling that the more tension you're going to place on that bicep if you just lower it there's no tension there same with throwing it up you can see a lot of people throw the weight up and that's using momentum so there's a lot of ways to cheat your biceps so all you have to do is keep that position I keep telling you about chest out shoulders back pin those elbows into your side keep locked into that position keep your core tight but if you're doing that then that's going to set you up for success with each of these exercises so these are three of my favorite again I said men over 50 but all men over 30 40 50 60 and Beyond I like all three of these you don't have to just do these three every time you do your biceps take one of these or two of these and plug them into all your bicep workouts to get the most bang for your buck and get great results so I hope you like this video do the workout do some of these exercises come back leave it in the comment section let me know what you thought of these exercises I love to know what you think about my Trion stuff more specifically even the 21s that's a great great exercise that brings a lot of blood and lactic acid into your biceps with that said thank you so much for watching my video and as always get busy get after it and God bless
Channel: Live Anabolic
Views: 506,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best bicep exercises for men over 50, best bicep exercises for men, bicep exercises for men over 50, bicep exercises for men, exercises for men over 50, exercises for men, men over 50, over 50, best bicep exercises, bicep exercises, how to get bigger arms, bigger arms for men over 50, big arms for men over 50, biceps for men over 50, biceps, how to get big arms, bigger biceps, big biceps, big arms, arm workout, exercises for biceps, exercises for arms, bicep exercise, men, 50
Id: zRivDGay0aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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