How dwm makes me look cool on the internet!!!! #unixporn #soydev

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all right it's been a long time since I've actually done a video on my window manager it's been like over a year and people are doing these videos all the time why am I not doing him all right I'm gonna do it this is gonna be showcase of my window manager all the fancy Bynes that I have of course every single key on this keyboard is bound to something because it's all about minimizing the difference between mind and matter every single thing every little operation you want to do should be a little key press if you're doing it often why not just bind it to a key that's my eye I'm sorry that's just my way of thinking about it so anyway nowadays what's the big difference the big difference is now I've been using dwm I've been using it for a year I love DWM so I want to talk about my configuration of it which if you use my config of I 3 all the stuff in I 3 is in my build of DWM just some extra stuff as well ok so at a basic level let's say you just turned out you don't know what any of these DWM you don't know what any of this stuff is at a basic level this is a tiling window manager what that means is if I bring up Windows if I bring up terminal windows with super inter or whatever they are automatically tiled so that you can see them all on your workspace of course you have multiple workspaces I'm on workspace one right now or really it's a tag maybe I will talk about that later but you can go to different workspaces you know one two doesn't matter all the way to through nine okay so you can have different workspaces but on a particular workspace you can see everything that's going on you can have terminal windows you can have Brett your browser I've my browser bound to super W for web I guess so that is nice to have so all the major programs I have are bounded keys and of course all of them are gonna be tiled so it's very nice when you're looking at them when you're doing you know let's say your look doing some work in one to one dough and you know we're looking at other things in the other window that you need all right so what's the big thing about DWM now DWM is based on a stack what I mean by that is windows in DWM are ordered by prominence so let's say I'm gonna just bring some random programs up okay I don't know well we'll we'll do the classic of modifying the config for DWM in the DWM video so let's say I'm working something here the idea behind the WMS windows should be ordered based on how important they are to you so this window on the left is the one that I most recently spawned I've wrote most recently been modifying it is going to be biggest where it's called the master window all the windows on the right which you can cycle through notice that I'm cycling through my windows with J and K but all the windows on the right they're gonna be slave windows ok so they're gonna be less prominent they're gonna be less visible that's why they are a little smaller now at any point in time I can say okay well I have this audio controller highlighted I can press Super in space to bring it to the most prominent position or super space to switch it you know that the most prominent window and the one right behind it so that is a nice that that's basically the idea behind it so you're gonna be moving you know let's say they take the example of my webcam let's say I want that to be prominent I press space it goes to the top and everything else gets moved down in the stack okay this sounds a little obscure and arbitrary and if you're an i3 user you're like oh this is confusing looks so complicated okay no just try it just try it in real life because this is actually exactly the layout that is most useful when you're actually doing stuff because the the window that you're using is automatically most visible and then windows are more or less ordered in which ones you've edited recently that's the nice thing about it okay now if you don't like the default layout the great thing about DWM is it comes with a multiple layout so that you can easily add okay so this is gonna fault layout it's bound to super tee but it's the one that comes out by default if I press super shift T here's an alternate layout where the master window is still on top oh well it was still on and now it's on top and the slave windows are on the bottom you can still cycle through these windows do the exact same thing you can bring one to prominence or whatever but the only difference is the layout okay or there's the Fibonacci layout where instead you know all of these they they spiral so that less important windows are very small very important windows are very big or so that's why super why is dwindle I think is what this one's called so you have different layouts for your different settings and I should be clear let me bring my face the most prominent position all of my layout bindings I like binding to like I think it's tyu I all of them are right next to each other okay I just like them being very memorable so there's tiling Fibonacci there's also I forget what this one's called I don't know but it's like the master on one side all the other windows are sort of stacked on top of each other so you can go through them you can press a V to return to the master window and so all of the it's like for them to take up less room or Center and master another favorite where you have the master window in the middle and all the other windows are on the side so all of these keys you know tu T Yui they're all been to different layouts and if you hold down shift they're a slight alternative so here's floating centered master as I put you know it's I versus super I so that's how DWM works and again all of these even if they look like they're not in an order if you key through them with J and K you will see that you're actually going through them in the order of which one you you know may prominent most recently okay and that's the nice thing about DWM it might sound very obscure at the beginning it might sound very alien if you're an i3 user but I guarantee you once you use this in real life like to actually do stuff you're like wow this is so much more efficient it's I seem so it seems so silly - like manually configure where your windows are going like manually say oh i want it to the left or to the right just seems pointless now of course in addition to all this layout stuff you do have things you know for example you have full screen you know that's super F on my build or if you press super shift F or actually even before I talk about that in just then the default tiling layout I can take any window you can click you can actually click and clicking is very nice than DWM you don't always have to use your keyboards but if I hold down shift and I left click this window I can actually drag it around so it's actually you don't have to you know grab it by like the title bar and move just any part on it as long as you're holding down the super key and if you're holding down the super key and press right click you can actually just resize a window okay no matter what window it is that can go for any window you can just pull them out of the the tiling arrangement you can return them to the tiling arrangement with super shift space on my building now additionally as I said there is super shift F if I press that it doesn't seem to have done anything but now what has happened is basically every window is now floating okay you're in floating mode and if I start a new window it's gonna appear here right so this is floating mode every window is floating you can move them all around so it's really just like a Normie workspace and you know I don't know just like just like windows if you want Windows but at any time you can just press ok I want to tiling the layout BAM everything's back to normal wow that's nice that is nice and convenient so that that's that's how layouts work okay so that is open to be clear so again go through windows with J and K also so you might wonder now this isn't like i3 where you're like moving over to a window using vim keys or sudo vim keys with hjkl you just need J and K or yeah J and K so what H and L do well they actually increase the size that the master takes up so here the master window if you press H it'll get smaller L it'll get bigger and that'll be the case for any other layout okay I can go to any other layout and it'll change it now the patch I'm using for this is vanity gaps it's it's very nice because it adds in an option of having all these different layouts and actually a lot more layouts that I'm not using there are so many layouts to choose from I only use the ones that I I think are most effective but vanity gaps adds in the ability to you know change all of these layouts like that and of course as its name suggests manage gaps so by default DWM has no gaps I can toggle my gaps with a I can increase them with Z decrease them with X that's usually how I have it arranged or returned to the the default gaps with super shift a that's just really nice I like having those bindings as well because there is occasionally we something you need a little more padding to be able to see it to make sense of it better so you want more gaps or there are some things you just got to see it a certain size so you uh you know you you you just want don't want to have your gaps you can also get rid of the bar as well with B so anyway those are some defaults vines now I have all the programs I use on a daily basis bound to different keys so let's say I think I already brought up my web browser that's super W that'll bring that up take a long time because I think because I'm doing the recording I think that's it usually it pops up pretty quick so additionally I have Ranger that's super R oh and I don't know if I mentioned it but you know super key was get rid of a window maybe I should have said that earlier I maybe I did say that I don't know but super Q gets rid of a window anyway super ARS the file manager which is LF I don't use Ranger anymore I haven't used a ranger in a while actually LF is still sort of in development there are some things they haven't added but I just vastly prefer it it's easier to do like shell scripting and stuffed in it stuff in it and it's actually good bit faster than Ranger it's written and go rather than Python and I have some other I want to say have note-taking bound to super in I also have email bound to super e and news boat RSS reader bound to super shift in I don't think I'll bring those up I don't know they might have sensitive information I'm not quite sure D menu is super D so you can type in any command I don't know brave bring brave up because why not even though I already have a binding for that I'm trying to think what else oh actually I should just say I actually have a readme not just you know well I have you know man DWM built into my build which I think I'm pretty much keeping this up to date but more importantly I actually have if you press super f1 it brings up the large readme and this is now built into DWM if you want to if you well you need like satura installed because basically just auto compiles the graph document blah blah blah I don't know who cares and gives it to this ethera but anyway so you can actually just read if you download my dot files and stuff you can actually just read oh look all the stuff I'm telling you right here is right here let's see if there's anything I've missed let's see oh yeah sticky windows so let's say you know if I go to different tags of course they're not gonna have any things on anything on them but let's say I go to my webcam and I press super s now it's sticky so wherever I go it's gonna follow me very nice okay or if I want to unstick it BAM it disappeared where did it go well it's back on its home workspace on number one or yeah although it's not technically a workspaces it's technically a tag so to be clear there's a difference between that let's say I go to three here let's say I say you know this is on tag three okay so this window here is on tag three now I'm on tag one one of the nice thing about taxes you can go up let's say I right-click on tag three well now the content on tag three is now visible to me I have two tags active I have tag one and tag three both of them are visible so you can view multiple tags at the same time that's the thing that makes them better than workspaces okay so there's that and something else I was gonna say with tags probably very important anyway I have a whole bunch of stuff bound to keys so backspace is quit out well okay it actually gives you a menu if you want to lock the screen leave DWM and logout refresh DWM if you make some change to the source code and recompile it hibernate reboot shutdown stuff like that and there are a bunch of different other things oh I also have like a whole bunch of audio controls so I'm gonna make this black because it just looks looks a little better so I have a music player of course I can play music you know let's play some classical music so that's played playing an MPD I can increase volume with plus decrease it with - so you can probably hear that hopefully this isn't copy room copyrighted I think it's old enough let me turn that down but you can go to the next track with period previous track with comma or whatever so all the bonds you usually use or pause with LP so all the binds you usually use they're gonna they have bindings built into DWM let's see and the thing I'm using right now recording a screen or recording a screencast it actually has a barn for that as well just super press plus a print screen I call super mod in this manual I don't know why I call it that anyway so anyway but I should say a lot of the stuff in this manual is it's not just stuff in my DWM build it's stuff in my my dot file so a lot of the scripts and things like that let's say you know the ability to mount a drive with f9 that's a script in my doc files that you'll need DWM will look for but you need of course that script to work so it's best that my dog files in my more importantly my path folder or the the my scripts folder okay so I think I want to say that that's about it I don't know I really enjoy using doing it DWM it has a hundred percent of the things that I liked in a 300 and I guess another thing people ask about is like drop-down terminals or like um you know scratch pads so here's a you know here's a scratch pad so you can hide that that's super shift in ER I can go somewhere else bring it back up you just sort of hide it I think I have another thing of BC calculator so let's say you know I can just do math something like that hide it that's a super quotation mark or yeah whatever yeah but that's what it does apostrophe whatever you want to call it so yeah I feel like that's a good rendition of the kind of stuff I've added in again has basically everything of oh yeah this is what I do what I want to do the next video on the status bar up here okay because now I have you can actually actually what I just did not only is my status bar clickable in dw1 but you can shift click things to edit the scripts directly and do stuff like that so I think I'll talk about my status bar in another video but I think that's enough for one feel like I've been rambling for a while I actually took another take of this video so I don't know what I've said or not said in this one so hopefully I got everything anyway I encourage you to try it links are in the description to my build yeah install ARBs go to larvas thought XYZ see you next
Channel: Luke Smith
Views: 139,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwm, dwmblocks, wm, i3wm, i3, i3-gaps, window manager, linux, gnu, lf, tiling, twm, rice, ricing, unixporn, unix, suckless, st, terminal, configure, custom, customizing, customize, readme, larbs, information, desktop, environment
Id: xnREqY-oyzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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