Top 50 NEW INSANE Upcoming Open World Games of 2021 & 2022 PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, XBOX, PC (4K 60FPS)

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the old ones [Music] perished a thousand years ago their great cities turned to graves and their place came new life [Music] and new dangers i must find a way to stop it or we'll get worse until it destroys us all there's nothing i wouldn't do to save this world no depths i won't explore no secret i won't unlock no barrier i won't cross [Applause] [Music] this mission is mine alone if i falter if i fail there won't be anyone left to stop what's coming but whatever comes [Music] i will be ready [Music] so greetings raven welcome to kumar your unique skill set is once again required for the past 20 years the state was under the oppressive dictatorship of president omar al-baqar and his wife bibi rashida their regime was both cruel and brutal but we saw no reason to interfere till now [Music] we have actionable intel that rashida is now planning an offensive against and a war here could prove catastrophic we need you to remove the limbs and sever the head line raven rashida's war must be stopped by whatever means necessary i'll be in touch oh [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah uh hey [ __ ] [Music] um [Music] [Music] hi the rods seem quite fond of you they're usually timid [Music] something tells me you did not come to our village looking for forest creatures hello spirit i seek passage to the sacred mountain shrine our village is bound to the shrine's energy but that power faded long ago [Music] trapped spirits linger here [Music] tangled in the tragedies of our past [Music] you must help these spirits if you wish to reach the mountain shrine it's okay you have to go now you must move on uh the path of a spirit guide is a lonely [Music] one [Music] yeah you all right back no way [Music] it appears that the dimensions are collapsing on one another if we cannot get to get to right the ship i mean we can't be that far they have found us ratchet i would steer this thing ask nicely slow down please that's not listening the dimensions are weakening considerably how bad is it well it is certainly not good right where are we it's me get off me ship oh creatures ratchet we are too late ratchet [Music] who what you'll never ever break this loop there's no never here just you me and the rest of these maniacs bring it baby this is ramblin frank's matinee this little ditty goes out to the handsome [ __ ] trying to break our loop cold the visionaries are ready to dance are you [Music] falling deeper [Music] face to face with the guns [Music] before [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] you're done somebody's feeling spicy [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's do it again tomorrow [Music] attention crew four minutes cook do you hear me roger the crew is dead drunk in my sickbed after eating your miraculous space chili well i have no idea what you mean our food is healthy invigorating captain to crew dead monkey in the crow's nest i repeat monkey down elf space chili strikes again copy that captain hey paige i bet we could use your space chili to overclock our engines negative only you can melt my sockets [Music] keep laughing fools the key ingredients to good cooking [Music] [Music] i see something three o'clock starboard it it's massive but get back here sonny hold on yourselves [Music] gods protect us [Music] jade [Music] [Music] oh foreign when my father saved my life he told me never to forget who i am where i come from but in this place nobody even wants to know my name getting attached is deadly because when darkness comes i might be gone virus tore society apart but i won't let it turn me into an animal [Music] staying alive became the essence of our existence yet life must be more than just survival every day the disease tries to crush us and make us forget who we are but i keep fighting [Music] my name is aiden and i am infected [Music] the world is filled with stories of legendary heroes [Music] and treacherous villains [Music] of fantastical creatures and wondrous places where nature and magic live in perfect harmony not all stories have happy endings but yours has yet to be written [Music] [Music] the winds are strong and the day is clear that means more merchants to rob but also more rival pirates out looking for a quick score according to your intel the convoy is selling past a portuguese fort taking advantage of the strong winds there she is that fort is too strong to simply sail past its cannons can blast you out of the water you need to find a way to sneak by before the convoy slips away captain deception is another tool in the pirates arsenal let's fool these black guards disguised as a portuguese merchant you try to creep past the fort captain if we engage they will see it through our guides this island provides perfect cover for a surprise attack plus the optimal course for an intercept rigging your sails for speed you want to catch your victim off guard [Applause] let's get out of here [Music] [Music] your attack has alerted a powerful portuguese warship at the helm is a commodore too tough to handle on your own even worse you could lose your loot you need help and you need it fast that one's with us other captains have answered your call four against one should even the odds your site forms a tight squadron using a coordinated battle plan the enemy strikes first the first ship goes down breaking your [Music] formation the commodore turns his cannons on you brace for fire absorbing the first blow your allies maneuver for position the royal fortune acts as a tank drawing the commodore's fire it unleashes its special ability siege mode once anchored it can fire its cannons without limits [Music] the jaeger slips into position with its powerful cannon its special ability delivers eight shots in a single blast increasing the odds for a critical hit [Music] the royal fortune can't hold out much longer it's up to you to land the killing glow the battle is won but the glitter of gold can turn new allies into deadly enemies for there is no honor among thieves [Music] foreign it's beautiful amigo perfect but useless i have something for you diego give me your hands papa now the grenade is simple it has four basic parts the shell which contains the explosive the fuse the handle and of course the pin what are you doing breathe diego breathe the pin simply holds the handle in place it is only when you let go that this grenade goes boom follow me now i am el presidente which means that someday you will be el presidente and our people they do not know how to be happy they are torn apart by opinions noise indecision strangled by their own freedoms and even if you have love in your heart even if you want what's best for them if you only want to save them from themselves [Music] they will hate you diego everything you say do believe will be wrong [Music] [Music] they will answer your screams call you evil a monster and give you this so you tell me are you even are you a monster because our country is like this grenade except it has two basic parts our people and you and you must clutch them nice and tight or we all go boom do you understand now prove it you all know the target shiva's dominant and only the dominant how do we even know the girl will be a monk our kind do not question orders we follow them sergeant let's summon their icon i can't i think's a bloody mountain our foe will not relinquish their mother crystal easily this will be a bitter fight you should not be out of doors we have discussed this come joshua your father will be expecting us i am joshua's shield [Music] i'm sworn to protect him what do you mean you refuse did you not pledge your sword to our cause what does it matter it was the dull necks who drove back the crusaders in the battle of the twin realms without the blessing of the mother crystal we cannot defend our realm from the spread of the black [Music] imperial vipers do they really mean to invade us it's the archduke's son the phoenix [Music] but that's impossible the legacy of the crystals has shaped our history [Music] so long enough [Music] i'll kill you if it's the last thing i do [Music] [Music] so [Music] the time draws near you must prepare yourself [Music] the [Music] [Music] uh uh [Music] [Music] around right oh [Music] ah uh [Music] you see things others can't hear threats others don't [Music] fight when others won't [Music] it's up to you to save tokyo [Music] [Music] [Music] our world has a rhythm we all sense it [Music] but only a few truly feel it it is found in the smallest moments in every step of a perilous journey in the symmetry of ritual [Music] in the bonds we share [Music] and in moments of stillness it teaches us to look beyond the expected to be a light in dark places to seek answers and to stand watch over our world our world has a rhythm we all sense it [Music] but only a few truly feel it [Music] most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction but i have seen the face of time and i can tell you they are wrong [Music] inside the hourglass is a marvel no living man has ever seen only the dagger can unlock the sands of time [Music] come with me then but i warn you i moved pretty fast you'd better keep up the dagger [Music] give me the dagger never [Music] [Music] i brought this on us you are brave let's go foreign the dream continues to haunt me old friend it always starts with a journey to a distant land there i find a city in flames streets choked with corpses unthinkable destruction i witnessed senseless slaughter brother against brother pure hatred and then executions agony suffering surrounded me until my turn comes they burn my eyes break my bones i awaken in terror there's no one left to stand against them huh so so you think me mad old friend but i know these dreams they tell of the future hell is coming brother hell is coming [Music] where the hell are you i'm going in we lost the target repeat task x has lost the target damn it argus 3 is taking heavy fire get to parkridge asap don't worry boss we got this hey boomer lay down suppress and fire keep it down these are still ringing after that last bonnie what is that australian for hangover i believe i can translate boomerang has a concussion from the enemy you missed in our last encounter guess those teeth are sharper than your eyes shark man i never never met [Music] smooth well that should knock a few years off the old sentence that's reminding me of something oh yeah waller's stupid alpha target so we supposed [Music] oh look it's superman the mighty superman has just rescued that pilot assassination mission here no no so figure out who we're killing yet [Music] magic both beautiful and powerful binds together our long history that common bond we share is the legacy of hogwarts [Applause] now it is time to add your own story to these hallowed halls and quite possibly shape the future of the wizarding world every corridor every portrait every stone in this castle tells the story witches and wizards who came before here you will meet lifelong friends and grow into your own magical abilities in the classrooms of the world's most talented professors and while your journey begins at hogwarts brewing potions taming fantastic beasts and mastering spells there is a larger world beyond these walls a world filled with dangers you can't yet imagine an ancient knowledge long gone from this world that strange and mysterious talent you possess may be the key to unlocking this dormant power your potential is limitless [Music] but what form will it take the journey ahead will reveal what you stand for [Music] the choices you make now [Music] will define the legacy of hogwarts this city will bleed you dry [Music] you're young you'll fight over scraps safety is bought with blood [Music] yours theirs ours make one mistake [Music] and it's over no one's hands stay clean [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will come to despise it as much as i do [Applause] but i've waited so long to see it again i doubt you could even imagine it that which commanded the stars giving life its fullest brilliance the elden ring shattered by someone or something don't tell me you don't see it look up at the sky it burns [Music] [Music] we have always known war it forged our empire turned heroes into queens and kings and decimated our foes [Music] now our oaths are lost [Music] forsaken and you must face the monsters [Music] our sins have borne [Music] is an oath worth the weight of a crown hi i'm patrick redding creative director on gotham knights on behalf of the whole team at wb games montreal i'm really honored to give you a quick look at our gameplay elliot center is covered in ice whatever's causing this is localized at the top we're going to look at a short clip from one of gotham knight's villain crimes in a pre-alpha build this mission is halfway through the mr freeze storyline and we're playing batgirl a dozen or so hours into her character progression [Music] all units at elliott center air support inbound hostile's opening fire on upper floors air support can you do a fly around freeze has recently returned to gotham with a mysterious agenda that involves manipulating the weather to flash freeze the city an important goal for gotham knights was that players can play all of the game either solo or in two-player co-op learned how to access the justice league satellite for short-range teleportation and while that girl has mastered some more familiar techniques and developed a few new ones of our here hurt you own there having some fun fun's one word for it just a heads up that chopper's under orders to fire on anything that moves [Music] inside the storm is getting worse you need to hurry and find a way inside your center the gcpd chopper made that part easy this doesn't look up to code whoa if anyone asks i meant to do that i won't say a word tours were still going on when freeze came through those poor people they didn't stand a chance gotham knights is built to let players approach each challenge with their preferred style and their preferred build this only take a second check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] not the safest time to take the elevator you'd rather take the stairs these cables on the floor guaranteed they lead to freeze we need to stop this now almost there i see the weather machine ready with the disruptor that thing's drawing so much power feel this rusher's in place it's charging get away from my storm engine is that what you're calling it you don't want to be on the roof when this disruptor goes off trust me irrelevant i already have what i the need has risen over god nothing can stop it we'll see about that an important element of gotham knights is that as the player increases in power and ability their foes keep pace so confronting a villain like mr freeze can be a very different proposition at level 5 or at level 15 and not just in terms of stats but in the kinds of attacks and defenses they bring to bear and that was just a short peek at gotham knights we're gonna have more to show you in the future it's time to go hmm um [Music] uh oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um huh [Music] [Music] [Music] lights out old friends [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] so uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes yeah yeah so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] mariah [Music] [Music] on december 24th 2030 a global blackout occurred the world lost access to electricity and consequently the internet and communication a global conflict followed treaties were broken in a matter of hours guns medicine and food became the new currency governments fell and economic growth ground to a halt as survival and protection became the sole necessities [Music] struggles for dominance continued for years as ordinary citizens battled against famine disease nature and each other but various groups still attempted to salvage what humanity they could creating enclaves of survivors we soon discovered that a few of our emergency satellites still worked and with a bit of tinkering we were able to connect them for communication we used this to our advantage locating other survivors around the world who had discovered the same method their suffering was no less terrible than ours but their spirits were just as strong once the conflicts had calmed down survivors started returning to the cities to revive a normal lifestyle this was a mistake law had been abandoned justice was subjective bloodthirsty merciless gangs ruled the streets and could only be fought with mutual intensity but we knew we had to fight to restore peace to restore civilization we knew we had to venture forth into the nightmarish remains of our past and attempt to stabilize the world and this is what we did [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so get to safety the hunting grounds are not worth it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so ready [Applause] everyone bites the dust [Music] tag you're dead [Music] sometimes i impress myself uh all right [Music] i'm really making progress here i'm really making progress here making progress here [Music] what now [Music] making progress here oh where that came from [Music] when we wrote out a farewell without sarah i knew that we were leaving everything behind what did you do everything that mattered was gone [Music] oh [Music] hold down [Music] enemy synchronization in process hi guys ignition secret starts five four three two one lift off [Music] [Applause] um hey man get up [Applause] [Music] are you seeing this something right there is nothing [Music] this is black iris to transport should carry on you are cleared for landing [Music] hide is that a [ __ ] dragon is it gone yes and we should leave this place as well why that thing out there [Music] foreign [Music] hey buddy now it begins [Music] take care son the madness of our curse will chase you while you're in there [Music] but if you don't succumb to it you may arrive at the other side and engineer son you never asked why we do this but now you can uncover whatever you wish here is where we find out who we truly are [Music] you never doubted a word i said to you while you prove yourself a capable engineer i beg you to doubt all that you encounter this may be the most important trait an engineer can have then i ask you do you have it [Music]
Channel: Svirok
Views: 263,720
Rating: 4.753129 out of 5
Keywords: Top 50 new insane upcoming open world games of 2021 & 2022, svirok, new insane upcoming open world games, new insane upcoming open world games of 2021 & 2022, PS5, PS4, XBOX ONE, XBOX, PC, 4K 60FPS, upcoming open world games, upcoming open world games of 2021 & 2022, upcoming open world games of 2021, insane upcoming open world games, open world games of 2021 & 2022, open world games, 50 new insane upcoming open world games, insane open world games, new insane open world games
Id: Zl6j42leHnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 12sec (6432 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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