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[Music] foreign it's beautiful amigo perfect but useless i have something for you diego give me your hands papa now the grenade is simple it has four basic parts the shell which contains the explosive diffuse the handle and of course the pin what are you doing breathe breathe the pin simply holds the handle in place it is only when you let go that this grenade goes boom follow me now i am el presidente which means that someday you will be a president and our people they do not know how to be happy they are torn apart by opinions noise indecision strangled by their own freedoms and even if you have love in your heart even if you want what's best for them if you only want to save them from themselves [Music] they will hate you diego everything you say do believe will be wrong [Music] [Music] they will answer your screams call you evil a monster and give you this so you tell me are you even are you a monster because our country is like this grenade except it has two basic parts our people and you and you must clutch them nice and tight or we all go boom [Music] do you understand now prove it [Music] [Music] you tommy detective normans how long you've been a dumb three years the energy of a reload case right out of the gate that's what the paper says and what's it to you these must be getting pretty cold by now or you got something might warm it up yeah i might have some what do they call you son thomas thomas angelo sir [Music] they are heartless godless barbarians they murder and kill blindly they scar the lands of england lands they will never defend never love the time has come to speak to them in a language they will understand [Music] please [Music] somebody tell me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] odin is with us [Music] [Music] me what is [Music] now that is an entrance i was just some weird kid from jersey who didn't fit in the kid is inhuman we did this and she needs your help people believe in the avengers we can't just sit around and do nothing good is it a thing you are something you do [Music] [Music] foreign you see things others can't hear threats others don't fight when others won't [Music] it's up to you to save tokyo [Music] [Music] [Music] oh when my father saved my life he told me never to forget who i am where i come from but in this place nobody even wants to know my name getting attached is deadly because when darkness comes i might be gone virus tore society apart but i won't let it turn me into an animal alive became the essence of our existence yet life must be more than just survival every day the disease tries to crush us and make us forget who we are but i keep fighting [Applause] [Music] my name is aidan and i am infected [Music] we have always known war it forged our empire turned heroes into queens and kings and decimated our foes [Music] now our oaths are lost forsaken and you must face the monsters our sins have borne [Music] is an oath worth the weight of a crown [Music] luis torres i've seen your future global risk is scared of the weapon you will become destiny chose me to save this [Music] and world will see it done [Music] blacklist we make our own path we protect our own can you protect me from fate 17 seconds soon the entire world will burn all because of him the ghost is here eggs [Music] i can't take them giving engines full [Music] think you power escape this is gonna get [Music] [Music] close pilots you are the empire's strength we do not accept defeat remember why we fly for hope for the new republic vengeance will be ours [Music] seize that moment when the perfect shot makes history pilots one squadron the galaxy's finest [Music] [Music] so [Music] so well howdy stranger ah wang where are you can you hear me demons they're trying to break through the gates i'll track you down [Music] whoa who the hell let you out of the circus i think i just peed a little yeah oh i bet that had to hurt stay frosty honey i'm home i love this town the city of endless opportunity ready to get your cherry popped yeah come on city like any other it's bigger no mana not just any other city legends are born here the major leagues we're only here because dex is pulling the strings doubt that puts us in the same league as them but we are they just don't know it yet but if you got the cojones and you know how to use them you could do damn near anything unless you catch a ball even then you go out with a bang right you know you can make heaps more eddies as a motivational speaker yo mr v a pleasure so what's the game dicks you meant to come out in one piece how about we go over the plan there's this prototype tech biochip to be precise jobs to grab it guessing it belongs to a court arasaka we are robbing some heavy hitters thought you could blackmail me [ __ ] high risk have a war first rule of the afterlife baby goes without saying we do this on the hush ideally nobody not a one sounds simple enough these lead [ __ ] is it going to be dangerous don't you worry miami we're bulletproof get your ass moving now what the [ __ ] just happened in there can't stop digging night city [ __ ] happy now jackie yeah that's [ __ ] high oh my god we're so [ __ ] [Music] dicks what the [ __ ] gamers could be and you who are you [ __ ] i doubt you could even imagine it that which commanded the stars giving life its fullest brilliance the elden ring oh elven ring shattered by someone or something don't tell me you don't see it look up at the sky it burns so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the world is filled with stories of legendary heroes [Music] and treacherous villains [Music] of fantastical creatures and wondrous places where nature and magic live in perfect harmony not all stories have happy endings [Music] but yours has yet to be written [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen london is but don't worry we've got our best man on the case because if anyone can fix this mess it's this smooth super spy oh well looks like we're recruiting it's a state of emergency move in and lock down the city in the chaos private armies have taken the streets albion securities contract has been extended indefinitely a crooked spy agency lurks in the shadows it's basic tradecraft want to sell a lie weave it into the truth and organized crime has grabbed the old city by the the kellys have got a human organ black market no but i've got to keep tracks on my merchandise and i the government's literally letting albion shoot us in the street you need to build a resistance recruit anyone in the whole city and i really mean anyone genius hackers hard crafters idiots everyday people with something to fight [Music] for [Music] with [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] crew of the consensus can anyone hear me this is [Music] oh the old ones perished a thousand years ago their great cities turned to graves and their place came new life [Music] and new dangers i must find a way to stop it or it will get worse and worse until it destroys us all there's nothing i wouldn't do to save this world no depths i won't explore no secret i won't unlock no barrier i won't cross this mission is mine alone if i falter if i fail there won't be anyone left to stop what's coming [Music] so but whatever comes [Music] i will be ready i know you are kind [Music] you sense the power that flows through this land yet you do not fully understand it driven by the belief that you can help these troubled spirits but you cannot hide your weakness from me you have no power here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] ah uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a hero's just someone who doesn't give up your dad said that he was right now it's your turn go be a hero miles okay let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cook do you hear me roger the crew is dead drunk in my sickbed after eating your miraculous space chilling well i have no idea what you mean our food is healthy invigorating captain to crew dead monkey in the crow's nest i repeat monkey down space chili strikes again copy that captain hey paige i bet we could use your space chili to overclock our engines you can melt my circuits [Music] keep laughing fools the key ingredients to good cooking um knox come in what have we got on the scanners jack [ __ ] nada hey hey hey wait i see something three o'clock starboard it it's massive i get back here sonny hold on lock down the bait give your authority engines deploy shields now [Music] gods protect us jade hello black reef cult my predecessor has been pronounced guilty of treason he is to be shot on sight and forth in perpetuity your assistance is appreciated and mandatory the real party doesn't start until he's dead she is none making this easy [Music] so [Music] damn [Music] good morning black reef another day another death our time looks fun [Music] for everyone else on this island this place is paradise a never-ending party where hunting me is the main attraction and no matter how i try to escape they always cut me down but i'm once dubbing [ __ ] every loop i'm learning a little more piecing together the puzzle there's eight targets and they all gotta die before midnight [Music] there's just one little snag you thought it was going to be easy juliana blake black reef's protector and a real pain in my ass she may kill me a million times but eventually inevitably i will break this [ __ ] loop [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] i don't like watching you die i like killing you there's a difference [Music] this city will bleed you dry [Music] you're young you'll fight over scraps safety is bought with blood [Music] yours there's ours make one mistake [Music] and it's over [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will come to despise it as much as i do [Applause] but i've waited so long to see it again [Music] is many things peaceful tops that list until that day you're the one in the driver's seat sam i can't make you do anything coming back to basswood was your idea just try and make sure you don't do anything stupid i know you think that the only thing waiting for you down there is purpose you might be right the good news though at least you don't have to do it alone [Music] consider your predicament one skull two tenets and no solution in sight i could fix it all like that try to cure yourself shop around beg borrow and steal exhaust every possibility until none are left and when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair that's when you'll come knocking on my door [Music] oh harry what have you done [Music] i've traveled so very far to find you how strange that your trail ends here [Music] very island of my dreams when you left i was withering away but here on this extraordinary isle i dare say i found my strength again i'm scared of what it means i feel the call of something deep within whispers of things long forgotten will we be forgotten too what did you find here harry it all starts with a dead girl a forest the moon scent of pines and then the gunshot every story has two sides a regular rational one but also a darker and deeper truth not unlike a nightmare i can see both worse i can lift them hello anyone there what is this place [Music] [Applause] and everything [Applause] as the last remnants of humanity destroy themselves the signal is still out there and with it lies the key to our salvation we journey from the ruins of our old world and into what lies beyond the things i've seen even i do not believe them where i am taking these two there's no coming back you think you're dreaming this is real it's the end of the goddamn world out there hold this persistence this world is crashing down and what will be left beyond here there's only death i'm finding that signal this [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh you are no longer a slave abe they believed trusted followed and it led them here you may have escaped the murderous blades for the fate of your entire people [Applause] is up to you [Music] oh cool [Music] [Music] i'm oh [Music] uh [Music] lost this war months ago your people are broken scattered hunted defeated by me i wish i could tell you it was difficult but it wasn't we are one step ahead always the ring is already under our control soon the auditorium is well the hard and the banished share the same goal we fight together to honor the will of atriox but without challenge i grew weary lost alone but here you now stand this is my last fight true test of legends our story will outlive us both set a fire in your heart spartan bear your fangs fight hard i will [Music]
Channel: Svirok
Views: 109,830
Rating: 4.7341976 out of 5
Keywords: Svirok, New Amazing Upcoming Single Player Games, Amazing Upcoming Single Player Games, Upcoming Single Player Games, Top 40 New Amazing Upcoming Single Player Games, Amazing Upcoming Single Player Games 2020 & 2021, Single Player Games 2020, PS4, PS5, Xbox, PC, Upcoming Single Player Games 2021, Amazing Upcoming Games 2021, Amazing Upcoming Single Player Games 2020, Upcoming Single Player Games PC, Upcoming Games 2020 & 2021, Upcoming Games PS5, Games PS5 2021, Games PS5
Id: s9PrKRTF4zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 16sec (4216 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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