Top 50 MOST ULTRA REALISTIC UNREAL ENGINE 5 Games Coming 2024 & 2025 | PC,PS5,XBOX Series X/S | 4K

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[Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus oh Jesus Jesus Christ [ __ ] take it easy Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] [Music] said stay away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] I've seen lights in orbit with no home I've seen Ark roaming the streets of buried city Hunters by [Music] day Reapers By Night Raiders playing with fire everything to lose but even more to gain [Music] in city of ADV all hope and Innovation it's worth the whis mention and we face theion this city is a miracle of progress a finely tuned delicately balanced machine what promise do the fut but it only takes one rebellious little gear to ruin everything if you resist my rule if you alter our past if you threaten what I have built there is nowhere in space or time where I will not do destroy [Music] [Music] you oh no what did I do any last words before my friend puts one in your [Music] scout play it day one with Game [Music] Pass [Music] m a [Music] [Applause] I [Music] [Music] SE what happened to this place it was sephra can't be he wants to finish what he started and rule over the planet you coming way ahead of you we have to help them let's get to work you are truly a model Soldier people we can handle this ah I will reclaim our [Music] world people don't like you very much do they sent here to the living lands by an emperor who couldn't bother to come himself to investigate some plague that seems to be corrupting our very [Music] Souls you want us to trust you but the truth is you scare us the way you fight the power you wield the secrets you keep you're either here to save us or destroy [Music] us so now that you have all this power what are you going to do with it play it day one with Game Pass can you see it not yet long last friend NS if we do welcome to bishers ghosts of new Eden an immersive action RPG that takes you on an exhilarating Journey between Life Death love a good day to you and sacrifices you assume the roles of two vanishers a couple who are experienced Spirit Hunters entrusted with the daunting task of lifting a mevolent and ominous curse I know you're here Ana is highly skilled in control and self- assured she has demonstrated her worth peace on your soul while red carries guilt and self-doubt and serves as both her devoted partner and Apprentice wait wait for what with vanishers their profound love binds them together with a shared conviction that the Realms of the living and The Departed should remain distinct but after an ill-advised attack antea is killed leaving her lover in solitude and profound despair unable to move on to the next plane of existence she returns to red as the thing she despises most a [Music] ghost torn between their vows to protect the living from malicious spirits and the nightmare of Ana's condition they wander the Eerie Wilderness of North America seeking to liberate her from her new plight whatever the price to pay while the bishers adhere to the Mantra of life to the living death to the dead your own Affliction may lead you down a darker path when you find yourself confronted with the daunting choice of sacrificing the living to sustain the love of your life with their souls guilt taints not only the lives of others but also your very own how far will you go to save Ana you embark on a powerful Adventure where love and grief shape your story we made an agreement but you having second thoughts explore the beautiful lands of new Eden trapped between the Realms of the living and the dead banishes to the end uncover Secrets navigate mysterious landscapes and meet memorable but tormented characters whose fate rests in your hands who are you why do you follow me each one of them has their own story and a profound personality he's lost his hand you are nothing I'm a monster needing a thorough understanding of their motivations before taking any decisions you can't come in back you monster your voices carry substantial consequences that must be taken seriously come no closer but who shall judge you banisher when judgment time has come as they face life or death situations will you hold them responsible you are no more even if it means sacrificing their lives for their actions will you banish The Souls of The Departed I Bish condemning them to suffer ER in the void consumed by torment or will you choose to elevate these souls go in peace freeing them from Eternal sorrow granting them Serenity new Eden is full of occult dangers and not every wandering soul is willing to cooperate play as both characters combining Red's Weaponry with Ana's Supernatural Powers a mix of combat styles are available thanks to Red's rifle sword and firebane alongside anas ethereal attacks unleash devastating spiritual abilities from teleportation to spectral damage zones that upgrade your Arsenal time for me to shine I'm going to need a hand here as you face increasingly malicious foes some Essence remains upon it for now it will do me progress in the skill tree empowering your abilities and talents granting our couple another measure of power and Tea's abilities extend beyond combat giving her the possibility to navigate new Eden with greater ease enhance her spiritual perception to reach higher areas with her spectral leap revisiting places you've already been to can reveal new areas and uncover hidden secrets just F dive into an immersive action RPG becoming a Beacon of Hope in a world consumed by Darkness how much will you compromise your ghost hunting vow for the sake of [Music] love you always think you have more time and suddenly you don't he h [Applause] I [Music] stop warming your balls and get over here hey are you listening to me sure I I am you hearing me you ain't listening leave off Granger look at him or I'll make you boy calm down will you all right I'm looking what did I say then he for the pain that's it that painted armor bloody Savages didn't I say yeah you s it Granger get off him oh you think he's got blind sometimes it's hard as to spot yeah gets in your veins first plugs up your brain infect it before you know it he's dead poor bastard RS probably dead for days you're new to this it only gets worse after they're dead make you more sorry for him my ass doesn't feel too sorry keep looking yeah steart honorable steart steart steart Mighty Steward do you hear us Steward do you hear us steward are you listening [Music] steart the great storm wipe the world clean let's take it back but how the steward will choose our path steuart build us a better home a home for everyone Stuart we still lack so many things people are starving more people more mouths to feed they treat us like animals left to suffocate we need a place to work us will feed our families Steward his Scher will kill her where are the HS you've promised can we all receive equal rations hospitals are not a place for experiments free education for our children secure and stable grow City for a citizens Steward hear your people we want to say in now we run the city the time of killing has ended our delegates will make sure of that let them vote Yes vote steart do you hear us steart steart what about ours what impossible stward did you hear that the city the city must not [Music] a [Music] e [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] oh what [Applause] for [Music] f [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] for [Music] look [Music] [Music] [Music] if this is to be the end then I will tell them of the beginning of how your spark was ignited of your will to survive of the power that flowed from within you into this enchanting realm of beauty and Decay your flame has grown strong but in the end it was not enough you answered the call but who answered yours none but the darkness the malice the Relentless Legions of the Mist alone no one stands against the Shroud but you are not alone for now we come with Iron and Steel and the flame of the Ancients in our veins together we take back what was stolen we reshape this Earth to our will together we declare if this is to be the end it will not be ours Talons are resourceful I'm sure every village has something to offer saer was the best place to spend your holidays fishing for secta is much more dangerous than catching the smaller fish that we used to maybe I could use my Jetpack to skim across the sea and stun this [Music] syus what can you tell me about keys are isn't it the best of all places on ad Dela so you're the mysterious stranger so what's Pana about shame and the Nostalgia of a once sacred sight built on the roots of the essence [Music] Vine it took many sacrifices to understand the true meaning of the yach's message it's showtime welcome to the num nom [Music] race go oh slow oh boy what the hell what [Music] is a a delivered CH going to cover P Roger that on move get on down go down by 2035 we have formed a new breed of elite special forces who are better prepared to manage these latest threats to our Global societies no fear no [Music] retreat those P Recon Arrow out it smoke scen powering up let's do this told you you're depleting their numbers try to finish them off hold the line here comes to last shot for [Music] you [Music] [Music] ch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he NE Berlin 2087 they're all fighting to take control over the city inside the new berland w allall the corporations control everything the elites live in luxury Rebels try to destroy it all and the rest just fights to survive the nightmares keep getting worse terrifying dreams become reality the police chief has been murdered I'm special investigator Nolan I have to track down his daughter Natalie she saw what happened whatever she knows must be big a journey to save her I hope I'm not too late whoever's responsible doesn't want this to be solved I'm being followed targeted but the truth is always a threat when corruption is in control maybe I can stop this city from falling into [Music] chaos [Music] [Music] [Music] how do you save Humanity if no one's fully [Music] [Music] [Music] human for for [Music] [Music] foree [Music] fore fore [Music] spee fore spee [Music] foree fore foree fore speech [Music] fore [Music] for Papa he's enough [Music] [Music] [Music] truth the Olympic Peninsula the Crown Jewel of the Pacific Northwest its unmatched views and quiet Solitude offer everything you need in the most beautiful place on Earth there is no cause for alarm take shelter in the closest pocket of stability in your area and please refrain from thoughts or memories of home the chain of events were in plain sight strange accidents leading to the government's claim of eminent domain and subsequent seizure of the peninsula the evacuation of 100,000 people and the attempt and abject failure at containing the rumors that spread like wildfire 10 was hours before arter came to extract us some Zone secrets are best left secret eight seven I don't even look up at the sky anymore six was she a myth martyr or Monster five nothing had more potential than limb technology four and look what it did to the Olympic Peninsula 3 2 [Applause] 1 I have the distinct honor to introduce to you the American people a new scientific Frontier with a raw power the potential is [Music] Limitless on this day we welcome oh very future all we wanted was to start over leaving our family our friends behind and we were so eager to hand ourselves over but we just ended up the same what's been going on down here this wasn't an [Music] [Applause] accident hello h [Music] help me please don't leave me what the [ __ ] are you doing to there's no get the [ __ ] out of here all this just start our me life lots of people lost things in the blackout I was lucky I just lost the job but now they want me [Music] back picking through the pieces being someone else in places that no longer exist that's where you find me search me in the Land of the [Music] Dead [Music] my daughter a new threat comes to our Shores and I must call you home restore what has been broken unite old enemies Forge New BS you are a hero but you can be more you can be a [Music] leader you are Wonder [Music] [Music] Woman [Music] could she really be here waiting for me Mary died of that damn disease 3 years ago in my Restless dreams I see that town Silent [Music] Hill I know what you are I know why I needed [Music] you but it's all over now I don't need you anymore I'm [Music] ready Mary [Music] my dad tells stories of a terrible war that happened across the sky Heroes fought and died to give us a chance to start over all that I know from their Earth are the creatures they sent along with [Applause] us and here on a Roth every day is a fight to [Music] survive but if anyone can in this new world we [Music] [Music] [Music] can you asked me about my good luck charm remember it's an empty shop decided to play Soldier with me Demetri and I were just discussing a certain puzzle we found in the zone but we can't quite seem to get all the pieces to fit maybe you can figure it [Music] out it reminded me that we used to be puppets I took just one awkward stack and my whole world blun Ed Into Darkness I'm sorry strer that was the day the fields were turned off suddenly the voice of monolith was gone I felt as if I was Awakening from a yearl long coma and through the scope I saw the the body of an unknown soldier fall we had a simple Choice sit back and just wait for another Super emission or take a chance and get control of the anomalous energy only I didn't choose that path unlike you [Music] [Music] shots fired shots [Music] fired [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Music] where the [ __ ] is Oscar fore speee [Music] he [Music] she fore [Music] for fore [Music] speee fore foreign [Music] fore [Music] foree foreign speech [Music] foreign [Music] for [Applause] [Music] speee [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this allows us to bring all disciplines together with a unified vision of enhancing the gameplay by seamlessly blending it with polished visuals vinyl cinematic performances and our ever improving technology you didn't see the boat kid you're good to keep going we're also dialing in gameplay features such as the ship flight model for both atmosphere and space which covers Master modes control surfaces and our gold standard HUD and mfds our interaction system for both the world and your character have also seen additional improvements allowing us to hone and craft environmental puzzles unique to each location while allowing us to tell the story of the world around you the military multitool is an essential piece of equipment for every pilot that integrates all attachments into a single handheld device and allows us to create really interesting challenges including physics-based puzzles using our dated rope Tech unidentified vessels this is the UE Navy power down your ships and standby for processing you off the coil's ass godamn our scanning targeting and marker system has also seen an overhaul allowing us to highlight only the essential information that you need such as key objectives Mission targets and high level scan information while keeping your overall view as clean as possible damn skag take them off me no no no no no tactical FPS combat and stealth which has seen a suite of improvements from improved looting weapon feel and balance realistic Scopes and smoother Locomotion alongside our new and improved FPS radar and scanner that provide you an overview of the battlefield but at the cost of ramping up your own emissions we've also seen the introduction of our melstrom powered destructible environment which adds a layer of dynamism to the experience alongside her improved AI that can now have hundreds of combinations of traits that allow us to create unique and challenging combat encounters that really push your Tactical awareness and skill 3 [Music] grenade what's your plan knowing you have only 66 Days to Live just run away [Music] it won't make any difference at the end of the day you know better than anyone else that no one could Escape everyone wears a mask you too this is a real face he let you live what secret did you sell [Music] him only a dead person can kill [Music] [Music] secret going where that damned place you're suicidal one last toast and we're all [Music] [Music] done [Music] [Music] patience is the key [Music] master time is not on his side all we have to do is wait yes let's kill him with [Music] time what's your plan knowing you have only 66 Days to Live get my heart back [Music] [Music] he the must be [Music] there ah [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] he on [Music] [Music] set [Music] [Music] e [Music] spee spee fore [Music] fore fore [Music] fore [Music] foree [Music] foree fore [Music] spee [Music] for Fore [Music] foree [Music] fore for Fore fore [Music] foree fore [Music] fore [Music] [Music] woman [Music] foree J come [Music] [Music] spee [Music] sh more [Music] for [Music] foree [Music] foreign [Music] a [Music] w [Music] [Music] GL [Music] oh [Music] l [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] n n n n n n n n [Music] one spitten sh what goes around comes back around multiplied by [Music] [Applause] 25 it's written in the sky no drama lama Bad come won't pass you by no matter how hard you try so easy does it now go look up to the we were chasing cars and breaking burs everything Sun good times nothing but blue skies way back when [Applause] La nothing but blue [Music] skies nothing but [Music] blue what you've done did you mean to hurt yourself or anyone Under the Sun so easy doesn't go look up the STS we were chasing cars and breaking everything was Sun good times nothing but blue we back [Music] when we cars but still Som everything sunshine good times nothing but Blue Skies [Music] back look up through the Stars remember when we were chasing cars and breaking Burns everything star shine good times nothing but Blue Skies we back when the stars remember we was Ste cars but still somehow everything Sun good times nothing but blue skies [Music] [Applause] back BL [Music] SK nothing but blue [Music] skies SP sh what go around comes back around multiplied by 25 it's written in the no drama lama Bad come won't pass you by no matter how hard to try so easy does it now go to the when we were chasing cars and breaking burs everything was sunshine good times nothing but blue skies we back when but [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] blue consider did youan hurt or anyone [Music] [Music] [Music] e everything [Music] [Laughter] [Music] good still [Music] everything good Blue [Music] [Applause] [Music] Back keep yeah [Applause] [Music] lift your [Applause] [Music] head now open your eyes [Music] slowly take a breath and look around you get it together BBY fate always tests us you have to fight until the end I'll find [Music] [Music] you [Music] finally I found you trampled by the one who trusted abandon from your king you thought you were a [Music] hero now you are just one of us [Music] [Music] [Music] this is no ordinary ghost you'll have to risk your [Music] life [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] re where you at did you get itate change years we can working on it resp [Music] back extraction inbound good to go easy in Easy out that's our ride [Music] I own an island off the coast of custa really spectacular spare no expense for this place I wanted to show them something the PO an illusion something that was real can anyone hear me this is Dr Maya josi I've been left behind on East l [Music] [Music] nubla [Music] is anyone there [Music] help [Music] [Applause] [Music] Play Station Max we need to head back hold on I'm getting a reading Max wait Max what she found that day was a miracle it would be our Salvation to fight against the celestials Humanity's greatest enemy this is it they found us to stay down the celestials hunted us down I knew they'd keep chasing us until they ripped our ship apart and I had to say gave her I led them away from this world away from her we both knew the cost of using the gates when you travel at light speed time slows to a crawl it was only days for me but an entire lifetime passed for her and in the chaos of those final moments we never said goodbye come with me wait please Tom I love you our service our sacrifice discovers worlds seeds hope breaks Empires We Are The Travelers [Music] [Music] so the hungry purple dinosaur ate the kind zingy Fox the jabbering crab and the Mad whale and started vending and quacking the hungry purple dinosaur the kind zingy Fox the jabbering crab and the mad and started vending and cracking the hungry purle dinosaurs ate a kind singy Fox to ding crap and the M whale and started wending and quacking [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] tear it [Music] open [Music] mommy I'm scared mommy please push now it's going going to be okay the demon is here it's the demon it's the [Music] demon follow me [Music] [Music] their minds yearn to a send yet Fame still holds sway their Glory Fades through time in tombs of somber grave you too want to be an [Music] immortal Master are there more good folks in the world or bad more good of course then why is there always suffering and why do the bad folks always win because goodness without teeth punishes not it only ferments evil cleans the world with blood and grow lotuses in it that is your Destiny I The Keeper of the new West Welcome the destined one the destined one who doesn't even know what he's destined for those old Rascals they surely know how to name tell me then is my kind destined for extermination you're given my groy not destiny so this is the face of the deed one it will fit me just as well bathed in blood yet preaching peace oh you Immortals pray enlighten me what justifies your [Music] superiority [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] such a destiny do you still want it I've dreamed of this this place of fear and fury do you hear it the heartbeat of the lost ones I can feel them with my skin each death in and [Music] blood I won't stop fighting for [Music] them until the very last [Music] beat Fades [Applause] away you want the truth all the lives inside me tell me to let go the shadow will always hang over [Music] [Music] me what will I [Music] become [Music] [Music] e [Music] oh
Channel: GameV
Views: 302,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best games of 2024, best games 2024, top 10 best games of 2024, unreal engine 5 realistic graphics, unreal 5, unreal engine 5 body cam game, unreal engine 5 demo, fortnite unreal engine 5, ue, body cam game unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 games, ue5, record gameplay, unreal engine, new games 2023, unrecord game, unreal engine 5.3, unrecorded gameplay, unreal engine 5, gta 6, starfield, tomb raider 4, witcher 4, witcher remake, gears of war 6, mass effect 4, mass effect 5
Id: gf2wy2CTACk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 24sec (7644 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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