Top 5 Silliest Animal Moments! | BBC Earth

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[Music] but before being reunited with her family she still has a mountain to climb it's a big ask for a bird that can't fly standing less than half a meter tall but it's now that rockhoppers live up to their name incredibly strong toenails rip the rock the beak makes a good climbing tool the more experienced penguins make it look easy but it's a steep learning curve [Music] it takes youngsters a while to get the hang of it [Music] misjudge it and it's back to square one [Music] at the top of the cliff the going gets a little easier she's following the footsteps of generations forging deep tunnels through the tussock across these pathways connect around 20 different colonies spreading up the hillside she's got to find her way through nearly half-a-million rockhoppers but she knows where she's going returning to the same colony each year unfortunately that happens to be at the very top of the island [Music] [Music] finally after a climb of two kilometres she's made it [Music] and I've lost it's time for dinner some messy business but the chicks not complaining the Arctic millions of square kilometers of empty ice polar bears are normally solitary you might think they're just finding a partner in this desolate landscape would be the challenge but they have an excellent sense of smell and can detect another bear from over the horizon [Music] male bears can spend weeks tracking the scent of a female who's ready to mate they sniff closely to size each other up she'll raise her Cubs alone devoting herself to them for two even three years it's a huge commitment of time and effort so it's vital to pick a male who will provide strong and healthy genes for her offspring it looks as though she's going to put this potential suitor through his paces she needs him up and down the slopes it's as if she's testing his fitness they start to play [Music] courtship is one of the few times that adult animals play together [Music] this slope is rather steep for the heavier male [Music] it's no good he can't quite manage it [Music] but she seems to have decided that he might be the one whilst he seems to have lost interest [Music] it's her turn to do the chasing and she's got a few tricks up her sleeve [Music] that was enough to entice him out again in this tree there is one of the most extraordinary predators it's one animal that I don't need to sneak up on boo this extraordinary creature is half blind half deaf and this is just about as fast as it can move that's what can happen to you if you live on nothing but leaves it's a slice it's not exactly an enthusiastic leaf eater a couple of half-hearted chews and the leaves go straight down to its stomach leaves however are not easily digested the sleds technique is to give them time then eventually this mobile compost heap pulls itself together and starts on a long and dangerous journey this is a very unusual sight a sloth in a hurry it wants to defecate and the only place it's happy doing that oddly enough is down on the ground it only does it about once a week but why does it come down to the ground to do it and why does it nearly always choose to do so in exactly the same place whatever the reason it must be very important for a sloth on the ground is almost helpless any predator could attack it and it doesn't have the speed to escape why it comes down in this way is a mystery now it's finished and Becky goes up to the safety of the canopy leaves are not very nutritious the slows way of compensating for that is not to eat more but to do less it's claws hook over the branches so that the sloth can hang without any effort of its muscles which have been reduced to thin rhythms and to save energy it spends most of its time hanging around half asleep in the treetops so with very little muscle and a reaction time only a quarter as fast as ours how does a sloth stay compared with our day in the time it takes me to write a few letters the studies just about manages to groom itself while we have our lunch this slave's nibbles a few leaves and then as we phone the sequence for the series it's time jinghuan a three month old female abandoned by her mother after only a few days she is being hand reared pandas have twins 50% at the time but choose only to keep the strongest it's nature's survival of the fittest [Music] meanwhile wasn't chosen by her mum so the nannies go out of their way to spoil her rotten she is already outgrown her incubator and is piling on the pounds puppy fat on a baby panda is good at 11 pounds jung-hwa is filling out well you need to know your pandas growing probably so everything is weighed and measured their robust at this age and a little bang it's all part of the fun when baby mammals are hand reared you have to do everything that mum does and that includes encouraging them to weave in the wild they can't do this on their own so mum helps when licking their behind it's happing Ling Hwa's back-end is the next best option and simulates what panda mums do with their tongue to encourage going to the toilet [Music] this will need to be done on each panda multiple times a day pretty much after every feed so when you count them all up that's a lot of toilet training with the herd stay in one place our spy cams can be everywhere even a tree stump spies on the calf's every movement [Music] Boulder County was first used in a film that spied on lions now it finds a new generation to entertain as always the Lions first reaction is curiosity but these cats are more inquisitive than most one cub has taken to it in a big way Boulder cam doubles up as a baby walker [Music] [Music]
Channel: BBC Earth
Views: 1,472,035
Rating: 4.9107189 out of 5
Keywords: bbc documentary, bbc, bbcearth, bbc earth, top 5 silliest animals, lions on spy cam, penguins try to climb, polar bears playing in the snow, david attenborough saying boo to a sloth, david attenborough funny, rockhopper penguin, penguin waddle, polar bears playsing, arctic wildlife, compilation, animal videos
Id: 2Njmx-UuU3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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