Top 5 SCP Doctors and Researchers

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the scp foundation contains and studies thousands of anomalies and because of this they need a lot of security and research personnel and of course many of these scientists have interesting origins and some of them are even anomalous in this video we explore the top 5 scp doctors and researchers number 5 dr cliff auto clef came to the attention of the agency after he published a research paper which described an item resembling an existing scp as such he was contacted by the foundation but when the o5 council saw how competent he is they offered him a job instead of terminating him once on duty clef quickly earned a reputation for being swift elegant and surgically precise when it comes to terminating scps as such he was promoted to the head of training and development a department which trains foundation field agents however it was soon realized that cleff's ability to terminate scps was no coincidence because he was in fact a former member of the goc a group of interest which focuses on destroying anomalies also it is known that the name autoclave is not real and clef himself has stated that his real name is that of an a major chord played on a ukulele which he carries around with him at all times furthermore clef is very good at dealing with reality vendors to the point when he even wrote a book about them however this is also not a coincidence because dr cliff is actually a reality bender himself for example it is impossible to properly photograph his face as it is always swapped with the face of a random animal but still it is known that clef has three eyes one green one blue and one hazel also many people believe that dr cleff has had an interaction with scp-336 also known as lilac and that the two have a child namely scp-166 and finally in various documents it is hinted that cliff is related to the abrahamic religions and he himself has implied that he is the literal devil however clef is also a pathological liar so we can't really draw a conclusion in any case autocliff is definitely one of the most interesting and mysterious researchers number four dr gears charles gears is a veteran of the foundation because he joined the agency shortly after it was founded it is unknown exactly how he impressed the o5 council to the point when he was offered a job but nonetheless he was recruited into the research department of site 19. in contrast to dr cliff who is highly anomalous gears seems to be an ordinary human however he does not appear to possess emotions or even a fight or flight reflex for example during an experiment he became partially blind and even began to bleed profusely but despite of this he requested for the testing to finish and then walked to the medical ward on his own after the experiment as such he is widely believed to be a robot or even an scp though gears himself states that he is just good under pressure nonetheless his no-nonsense attitude and his willingness to complete any experiment helped him rise up the ranks very quickly as such he became the director of euclid-level containment at site-19 also gears has been involved with a shocking number of anomalies and he has researched more than 40 scps also girz's philosophy regarding anomalies is very interesting because instead of believing that scps actively want to harm humans dr gears believes that this is just their nature and this philosophy even attracted the attention of the o5 and a council member asked for a private explanation so as we see dr gears is definitely a figure of great influence within the foundation as such he definitely deserves to be on this list number three researcher taloran james talleran was an experienced level three researcher that worked on multiple keter class objects he was known for his professionalism and loyalty and he was very good at his job however not much else is known about researcher talaran apart from the fact that one day he mysteriously disappeared however during a routine inspection of site 118 his body was discovered in the containment chamber of scp-3999 and to the foundation surprise no records of such an anomaly and such a containment chamber existed also the four guards that had been assigned to this scp had significant memory loss and could not reveal anything about the anomaly but apart from tolerance body a note that he had written was also discovered using the document it was determined that he had been assigned to scp-399 an anomaly which possessed significant reality warping properties this entity breached containment at some point destroyed reality as we know it causing a zk class and of reality event and then rebuild the universe around researcher children with the sole purpose of tormenting him for example one way in which he was abused consisted in his entire family being in front of him the bodies were then outside of his office and while he was forced to watch and according to the note this inhumane treatment continued for millions of years before researcher taloran found a way to destroy scp-3999 but at the cost of his own life not much more is known about the anomaly but according to a very popular theory the scp was created by researcher talarant himself when he unwillingly altered the past however the researcher realized this and took his own life which destroyed the anomaly using the grandfather paradox and having defeated scp-399 reality reverted to its original state so as we see even though talaran likely created scp-3999 he also destroyed it and if it hadn't been for his sacrifice the world as we know it wouldn't even exist number 2 dr kandraki blunt antisocial and not a fan of lab coats dr kondraki is a researcher working at site 17. he joined the foundation at age 35 starting as a low-level researcher with little prospect of promotion however he was a master photographer and this ability quickly proved useful because he spent lots of time accompanying field agents photographing and documenting new findings and after the successful discovery and containment of scp-408 kondraki was promoted to level 3 as such he is often commissioned with photographing various scps including objects which are imperceivable to the human eye however in contrast to his harmless assignments khandraki is an avid supporter of scp weaponization and he has led the development of 33 scp weapons also during the discovery of scp-408 khandraki developed a unique relationship with this anomaly and ever since he keeps a hive of butterflies around him which he can control using his mind but most notably khandraki is known for a specific scp test which became very dangerous on one occasion khandraki was supposed to terminate scp-083-d which is a male that becomes aggressive if he hasn't consumed a human every 12 hours and during this termination attempt things went wrong and 083 began to chase kandraki through the facility while the doctor defended himself using the various scp weapons he has made this incident is very interesting but it is also very long so we will have to explore it in detail in another video but long story short khandraki ends up on scp-682's back and the doctor writes the reptile as it is running around the facility and of course having utilized scps without permission and having written on scp-682's back the o5 council did not appreciate kondraki's behavior and the slightest as such many people believe that he was assassinated but in any case khan draki's antics are more than enough to make him a part of the most interesting researchers in the foundation number one dr bright let's be honest we all saw this one coming dr bright is one of the most famous scp researchers and for good reason because thanks to his amulet called scp-963 dr bright is effectively immortal his amulet was discovered in an apartment where a cultist had performed a ritual and had taken his own life dr bright was then assigned to scp-963 and was carrying it across the facility when scp-076 reached containment and terminated the doctor however as a declass was cleaning the site he discovered the amulet and when he touched it the consciousness of dr bright took over the body and it was soon discovered that this effect was permanent and every time the host of dr bright expires the next person that touches the amulet turns into the doctor and finally if a host keeps scp-963 for more than 30 days he will retain dr bright's consciousness even if the amulet is removed as such the o5 council has put several versions of the doctor to work on secret foundation projects and even though immortality sounds like a gift at first it is also an affliction the fact that he will outlive everyone else at the foundation has a very negative effect on his mind and because of this bride secretly wishes he could expire as such he often takes unnecessary risks and performs reckless experiments and of course because of this the o5 council has compiled a very long list of things he isn't allowed to do also he isn't the only member of the bride family that is working for the foundation for example his father and his uncle are members of the o5 council his brother sscp 590 and his sister as scp-321 however despite of the fact that two members of the family are all five members scp 590 and 321 don't get any preferential treatment so as we see the fate of doctor wright is quite tragic because due to his immortality he is forced to eternally work for the foundation let's just hope that dr bright remains loyal to the foundation and that he doesn't take over scp-682's body in order to vent his frustration if you enjoyed this video then go watch our top 5 scp friendships video and make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos
Channel: SCP Exploration
Views: 140,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 5 scp doctors, scp researcher, scp scientist, scp doctor, doctor bright, doctor clef, doctor kondraki, doctor gears, dr bright, dr clef, dr kondraki, scp, scps, scp exploration, scp explained, scp foundation, scp wiki, scp containment breach, scp animation, the rubber, scp creatures, animalies, scp theory, anomaly, secure contain protect
Id: knRYYCsoGjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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