Top 5 SADDEST SCPs (Part 1)

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the scp foundation contains anomalous objects but this doesn't mean that all scps are aggressive monsters in fact the stories of some scps can even be called tragic in this video we explore the top 5 saddest scps number 5 scp-2053 object class safe scp-2053-1 is a cube puzzle which appears identical to a standard rubik's cube the puzzle can be solved in the same way that a non-anomalous cube can be solved and the object shows signs of wear and tear presumably an indication of heavy use however occasionally scp-2053-1 will enter an active state and its faces will begin to rotate on their own accord and after several rotations it will enter a passive state for 20 seconds the object will then become active again and return to its solved state where it will become dormant once more scp-2053-2 is a computer file labelled i love you jake please read this not pdf the file appears to be 1.2 megabytes in size however the number of pages contained within the document far surpasses the number that should be possible however the tank that connects scp-2053-1 and this file is the fact that each page of the document depicts a two-dimensional polyhedral net equivalent to a three-dimensional rubik's cube and below each diagram is an english phrase or sentence this implies that for every possible permutation of the cube there is a corresponding phrase and that by rotating the faces of the cube to match the pages one can communicate with 2053. of course an interview was conducted right away and 2053-1 began by asking if it is speaking to jake the researcher responded with yes and right after 2053-1 said that it is jake's dead the cube continued stating that it has never spoken to its son before and said that it is so happy it found a way to communicate and when asked to elaborate 2053-1 said that the doctors claimed that jake would never be able to talk again after the accident with his mom the scp then apologized and said that it loves its son and after this message the researcher became disturbed and ended the experiment and in another test the doctor decided not to lie about his identity and asked 2053 about his origin however the puzzle requested to talk to jake and when it was denied it displayed the message where is my son and ever since 2053-1 cannot be rotated so as we see jake lost the ability to speak as a result of an accident and his father somehow became a puzzle because he wanted to talk to him once again as such out of all scps the story of 2053 is definitely one of the most heartbreaking number four scp-451 object class euclid scp-451 is a caucasian male that used to be a foundation field agent however one day he was sent on a mission to retrieve a very dangerous artifact and he never returned as such he was reported missing in action but one day he reappeared at site 19 however it quickly became apparent that whatever he experienced it transformed him in such a way so that he cannot perceive the presence or the actions of all human beings as such he was classified as scp-451 also changes made to the environment by other humans are sometimes noted and sometimes not and finally when the agent does notice something he often misinterprets its meaning for example when people tried to communicate as for the artifact he was supposed to recover it remained at large of course as you can imagine not being able to perceive the people around you would make you go crazy and this is exactly what happened because an scp 451's journal which was somehow recovered the agent states that from his point of view all the people in the world disappeared as soon as he touched the artifact and when he visited site 19 he noticed that despite the lack of people the cafeteria was still active and after wandering around for more than a month and sneaking into the offices of his colleagues he began to feel like his being followed another month went by and he decided to end his own life so he entered scp-173's chamber and closed his eyes but the statue didn't attack him as such he got his hands on a gun and tried to take his own life but he survived and instead he terminated someone else by accident also 451 noticed that all the documents in the facility kept moving and changing in front of him leading him to believe that he is constantly traveling between alternate realities and finally 451's journal runs out of space and the agent swears to find the alternate reality where he thinks he disappeared so as we see the story of scp-451 is quite sad because being trapped in a world seemingly all alone and unable to end your own misery certainly sounds very tragic number three scp-1192 object class euclid scp-1192 appears to be a juvenile male cockatoo approximately one foot in height however 1192's appearance is deceiving because the animal is actually sapient and exhibits intelligence and common knowledge consistent with that of a human child between the ages of 6 and 8 furthermore scp-1192 doesn't behave as an ordinary bird of its species would because it's unable to preen itself and has difficulty flying despite being healthy the bird was discovered and brought into containment by an agent who at the time was embedded as an undercover agent scp-1192 began following the agent trying to attract his attention because of his police uniform the agent became suspicious due to scp-1192's unusual species and erratic behavior and a containment team was dispatched after it was contained 1192 was tested however the animal immediately gravitated to a pencil and paper and began to attempt to write crude sentences the first thing 1192 wrote was who are you and when the parrot was told it was in a hospital it revealed that it's called timmy when asked if it knows what happened scp-1192 said that it has no idea and wrote i wanna go home the bird even wrote down its former address which led to a residential home in montana of course undercover agents were sent to the residence and they determined that the house is inhabited by a man a woman and their son timothy age seven however apart from the fact that the child's name and age coincided with that of scp-1192 nothing out of the ordinary was observed as a result 1192 remains in containment and the bird is allowed a wide range of toys but timmy shows little interest in such activities instead the bird writes and makes drawings for example timmy often practices his writing draws race cars and writes sentences such as why am i a bird also on one occasion scpe 1192 drew a small child holding the hands of two adults but the child was scratched out and the paper was ripped the sentence i want my mom was written on the backside so as we see scp-1192's origin remains totally unknown one thing is certain however timmy's life story is definitely heartbreaking number 2 scp-1230 object class safe scp-1230 is a green book that displays the phrase a hero is born on the first page while all others appear to be blank but despite of this unusual appearance scp-1230 doesn't seem anomalous at first however upon falling asleep all readers will enter a lucid dream where they are the protagonist of a troubled land the exact description of this world varies and seems to depend on the imagination of the reader but in general it appears to be a fantasy world full of adventures and in the mind of the reader these dreams will last anywhere from 45 seconds to over 200 years but in reality the reader will sleep the usual 8 hours and after waking up the reader will remember every aspect of the dream also so far in all dreams induced by scp-1230 there is a character called the book keeper appearing as an old man and a green cloak who claims to be 1230 himself this entity also called scp-1230-1 is very friendly and helpful also it has stated that it enjoys creating these worlds and it expresses sorrow when the dream comes to an end but if scp-1230 is a bug which gives you a good dream then what makes it so sad well just imagine that you live in a perfect fantasyland for over 200 years where you fulfill all your desires only to wake up and realize that it was just a dream this is exactly what happened to a level 4 researcher who had a very long dream because right after he woke up the scientist took his own life this left the bookkeeper heartbroken realizing that despite of his intentions he was responsible for the researcher's demise and right after all of scp-1230's pages became soaking wet with the same message on every page i'm so sorry i never intended for this to happen i just wanted to make people happy however another scientist requested to visit scp-1230 with the intent to learn what happened he found the bookkeeper sitting in a puddle subbing profusely and 1230-1 explained that the researcher had grown too attached to this world and upon waking up he was disappointed with reality and having learned the false story the researcher awoke from the dream but in the end he decided to slip a note inside the book and soon afterwards scp-1230 returned to its usual message and when asked about the note he said that it was just some friendly advice so as we see in the end the bookkeeper overcame his sorrow but nonetheless the story of the first scientist is quite sad and this definitely makes 1230 one of the most tragic scps number 1 scp-1762 old object class safe 1762 was a cardboard box that had the words here be dragons written on it it was usually empty however 1762 opened from time to time and instances of scp-1762 exited these instances resembled various types of dragons but appeared as origami models after exiting the box the paper dragons flied together and interacted playfully with any nearby personnel and after some time all instances flight back into 1762. however the most important thing about this anomaly weren't the cute dragons themselves but rather their backstory which was revealed through the notes they left in these notes the dragons said that the box was a mere shadow of what their world once was 1762 was originally a room that was created by a family that could change reality at will but this wasn't an ordinary room it was a porto to an alternate reality full of magical creatures such as dragons and these magical people were not only the dragon's creators there were also their friends however at some point they couldn't maintain the room anymore and the place began to shrink eventually turning into a cardboard box because of this weakened state the dragons appeared as origami models but this wasn't the worst part the biggest problem was that without magical aid the dragons were losing a war against other creatures and their world and often asked for help despite of this the foundation ignored them and did nothing in the end the dragons left the location that connected them to our world and left their last message we are sad we love you we will not forget you we are scared will you forget us shortly afterward the text on the box changed from here be dragons to hear were dragons and after years of inactivity the box opened revealing a crystal with the words one last time and a book that described the species that once lived inside shortly afterward the box disintegrated as we said earlier the story of scp-1762 is very sad because 1762 didn't contain aggressive dragons that wanted to eliminate us but instead housed magical and friendly ones but despite of this we can understand the scp foundation's decision not to help them the agency's goal is not to help preserve magical creatures but instead to protect us from all anomalies that can be considered dangerous and unfortunately this includes dragons in the end we can be happy that this beautiful world once existed and if the family ever creates another one let's just hope it doesn't end up getting neutralized as well if you enjoyed this video then go watch our top 5 useful scps video and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of our upcoming videos
Channel: SCP Exploration
Views: 686,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scps, sad scp, saddest scp, tragic scp, most tragic scp, scp animation, scp exploration, scp explained, scp foundation, scp wiki, scp containment breach, the rubber, scp creatures, animalies, scp theory, scp 2053, scp 1192, scp 1762, scp 451, top 5 saddest scps, sad scp story, secure contain protect
Id: rSvxKAkZ6rA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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