Top 5 Procreate Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind!!! // Ghost Paper

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[Music] hello everyone welcome back to ghost paper you know what time it is today is time for another mini video tutorial here on Procrit and for this video guys you definitely don't want to miss this one this one I'm gonna teach you my top 5 advanced tips for procreate and that is for advanced users users who would just want to turn on the pro mode here in procreate this is a video that is not to be missed and also a video that you definitely want to watch until the end but also just before I get into these tips if you're new here to this channel and if you want to learn a little bit more about digital illustration or even how to improve your skills as a digital illustrator make sure to hit the subscribe button down below and also turn on the bail notification icon so you don't miss anything now without any further ado let's get to it alright so tip number one is using an activating the quick menu the quick menu is something that I use quite a bit and I've also customized my quick menu for my personal use so what do I mean by that what I mean is that here on the left side I've actually customized these buttons in fact I've customized all six buttons and here are my painting and race so whenever I want to just go paint a paint here it raised right here and it just becomes very very fast as you can see I can keep painting and raising just by using the quick menu and I don't have to drag my hand all the way here to the right or even by mistake leave anything behind on the illustrations such as a glitch so I can also create new layers I can also merge down my top layer and I can also flip the whole illustration horizontally and that is just a design trick that a lot of design designers actually do in order to check the balance of your picture because your brain does get used to senior the picture that you're making a certain way and now by flipping you'll be able to know like in fact here I can honestly say that there is more actually elements hanging on this side of the frame so if I wanted to make a balanced composition I could have done here I just added another plant or so just so I could like balance decomposition but this is a finished drawing I'm just showing this the the power of actually flipping the images but now first how do we activate this option of quick menu and then furthermore how do we customize these buttons so the way to do that we click here on the Tools menu and then we're gonna go into preferences and then we go into gesture controls if you're in gesture controls we're gonna click on Quick Menu and here you're gonna choose your preferred way of activating this option in my opinion my preferred way here is the touch and hold and have also decreased the time to access that future feature to something around 0.15 of a second so it's really really fast and that's exactly how I want it to be because then allows me to to be really really fast and I also have here as my last option I have the eyedropper which is something that I forgot to show you so I pretty much have merge layers creating new layers paint and race and my eyedropper so I have a lot of options here to actually continue my production as fast as I can so now how do I actually customize these options so for example let's just say that we want to change the new layer here button to something else all we have to do is just hold on to that button and then you have here the whole list of possible actions that you may want to replace so you just select that action and that will replace that button the next one is something that I call the quick shape undo hack as you know you can draw some really loose and abstract lines here on appropriate and also shapes what you probably also know is that you can draw something that resembles a line as much as possible but keep holding the tip of the pen onto the canvas and procreate will transform that shape or stroke that you just made into a quick shape and you can also hold one finger onto the campus as well and you get 15 degrees increments and you probably also know that you have the attitude capability which allows you to with two bears here in the case here of a line you can further edit this line but the one thing that you probably don't know is that once you exit this box there's no way to actually continuously tweak this line it it doesn't it's not a vector anymore and then it becomes pixel art or pixels so what if I tell you there is a way to create a hack that allows you to do an undo action which allows you to actually continue to add it the last quick shape that you create here appropriate in fact that is and I'm just going to show you if I click here on this little square that I have here between the brush size and the brush capacity I still have this option here that pops back up the Edit shape and now I can continuously edit my last created shape or line so what I'm trying to say is that if I now create a new shape here and you quit shape and I'm just going to make it into a circle I'm I can edit the Bezier curves and I'm just gonna leave it as a circle but now that I've exit the the just left the menu that I had here at the top I'm gonna click on the little square you want to click Edit shape I am only able to add it again the last created shape here on my canvas still this is a really powerful thing and it's really helpful to have one more chance to actually edit your shapes before you're fully committed to whatever you're trying to make so how do we actually activate this option well we have to once again go here into tools and we're gonna go into gesture controls and now we're gonna head into the quick shape submenu if you're on the quick shape submenu I have in my keys here I have the tap the square the little square which is that button that I just showed you between brush size and brush opacity and that will make a shape from your last stroke so let me just show you what happens if I don't have that option selected now if I just create a shape and actually has to be a quick shape sorry so I'm just gonna hold the pan it doesn't matter I can just click here at its shape I'm gonna edit this a little bit and now that I've clicked away there is really no way to invoke that option so I will have to do another quick shape which doesn't make sense because I want to edit my previous one so once again really really powerful tool I actually always have that one so I'm just going to go back into gesture controls a quick shape and in my opinion I've activated with the tap the little square there our other options which such as touch the three-finger swipe but also in this video I'm gonna show you the list that I have for my gesture controls and you will see why I have for this case I have the tap the square and for other ones such as copying and cut and copy I do have the three finger swipe and then for touch I have something else as well the next one here is something that also happens quite a bit which is taking a look at this illustration if you are an organised illustrator such as myself or at least somewhat organized you probably have your illustration broken down into layers and as we also have that at the illustration broken down into layers sometimes you want to edit something really small let's just say like the shadows here on this plant or you want to make a tweak to the pattern double you see here on this boss but it is a little bit you know you have to find these layers and sometimes a graphic as small as this procreate creates this like little little thumbnail with whatever is the summary of the layer and sometimes that little thumbnail is so small that you don't really have a chance to actually see it as clearly as possible such as for example the lenses on the glass or the skin on the character and other elements that I have here broken down into layers but what if I tell you that there is a way to actually find and get into layers without even having to touch the layer control panel in fact there is so we're gonna go here once again into tools we're gonna get into gesture controls but this time we're gonna go into layer select now what I do want to show you is that I will use for this option I'm gonna use touch for finger touch will invoke sky layer select now if I keep that option checked on and I just scrub the illustration with one finger I am now able to stop whenever I want and it will tell me what's actually contained in the region that I that I'm actually scrubbing so for example right here I have the the reflection on the glasses I have the skin of the character everything is kind of like around this region and let's just say I do want to make a change to the skin of the carrot lair I'm just gonna click lair 22 and in fact now when I paint this and I'm just gonna paint this with blue and I go into my layers panel I am in fact on layer 22 and I actually so in a nutshell I've selected the layer that I wanted with the my just like scrubbing through the canvas and then I've actually made edits to that layer and I haven't even haven't even opened the layer control panel right here so I do have to say I use this options sometimes because in fact the more gesture controls you have activated the the bigger the chance you actually may turn something on by mistake or you're actually selecting a layer you don't actually want so I still use this option but I actually do use this option once um towards the end of my illustrations once I have like a very good sense of the numbers not the number of layers that I'm working with and I want to make changes and they don't really want to keep going here on the layer control but in fact if you do have a lot of layers this option might be really really helpful for you the next one is something really simple but in fact is a bit of a pain for a lot of us who actually use procreate and that is once we have the selected when you click here on the arrow and you select the contents off the layer whatever layer that you have in this case we're still here on the skin layer of our illustration and let's just say that you want to zoom in into your illustration when I got closer you want to do something maybe you're actually in the process of scaling this layer you're transforming but you do want to just get closer and see if your scale is actually hitting the bright parts the problem is is that once you do pinch procreate understands that as a scale but we can get around that by actually using a multi-touch feature so I'm just gonna rest my pencil here for just a second with one hand I'm gonna hold the arrow which is the selection arrow and with my other hand I'm just gonna zoom in into whatever area I want I can pan I can do whatever I want and I'm just gonna leave the selection box here so you can see that is actually working and now that I'm now that I release the arrow I can keep making edits so I'm just gonna scale this a little bit and again I can hold the arrow again I can go into this image I can and around and I can check for anything or any areas that I still want to tweak so once again is something that a lot of people don't know that by using this multi-touch feature you can zoom in and out with the selection box activated and now for the last tip of this video follow me as I'm going to show you what is my gesture controls list so you can pause this video at any time that you want you can follow the you can see that all of the screens and you can check or uncheck options on your side on your iPad but make sure to test all of these options just so you can see if that workflow actually works for you as well so we're gonna head into tools we're gonna go into gesture controls and let's actually start from the eyedropper for the eyedropper here I actually have it activated with the little square plus a touch and that will invoke the eyedropper I'm not really um I don't really mind this option here too much because as I've just showed you I also have the eyedropper on my quick menu so in fact the reason that I have this is that I have a secondary or a second way of activating the eyedropper which is always a good idea moving on to quick shape once again tapping the little square will invoke the quick shape option to have the undo hack and also my drawing hold timer or the time that it takes for appropriate to change my abstract line or shape into a quick shape in my case here is about a third of a second 0.34 so it's somewhere around a third of a second so in fact if you have your delay number here a little higher say like a second a second and a half and you are indeed the actual path you are actually using quick shape quite a bit I would advise you to actually lower the number so you can be more productive the next one is quick menu and for that as I've showed you at the beginning of the video I have touch and hold for this one and as I've also showed you I have a very very small timeframe for that to be activated 0.15 of a second the next one is full screen and that is something that I see a lot of people who actually also make videos here on YouTube having that on and is with the four finger tap onto the canvas then finally clear layer is something that it is useful from time to time is not as easy to activate and you do have to practice a little bit and for that I do have the scrub activated which basically you just need to scrub back and forth with three fingers to clear the layer on the canvas however you do have to be a little bit fast in my opinion with the motion so that so then you don't actually activate the copy and paste which is our next one for that one I do have the three finger swipe which is just a vertical swipe of three fingers well invoke the options off copying cutting whatever is the contents of your layer and finally one of the options that I've showed you here on this video as well is the layer select with the finger scrub on your canvas I also made a video just for this tip but I do believe that sometimes these videos they are not as not as big as other ones such as the fill how to fill layers quickly which is a video that's actually performing really well in the oldest channel so I do find this layer fine they are really really helpful and and a lot of people don't know about this one so once again here it is is with these the first option the touch so I believe that about covers all of these features and tips and tricks that I have my top 5 list for advanced things that you can do here on procreate to speed up your productivity if this video was helpful for you in any way shape or form if even one tip was actually helpful for you please make sure to drop a like to this video I'd be really really happy and thankful if you actually leave a like leave a comment if you have any other tips that you may find or you have discovered that weren't covered here in this video and you think it could be helpful for the community and also please subscribe to the channel if you're new for for more videos on tutorials and speedpaint videos that I also published on Saturday mornings so thank you so much for watching this video and I'll see you guys on the next one ciao
Channel: Ghost Paper
Views: 172,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 5 procreate hacks, top 5 procreate advanced tips, top 5 procreate tips and tricks, procreate advanced tips, procreate advanced tutorial, procreate advanced settings, procreate advanced, procreate pro mode, procreate pro tips, procreate ipad pro tips, procreate hacks, procreate advanced hacks, procreate hack, procreate quick menu, procreate zoom with arrow, procreate, hacks, advanced, tips and tricks, procreate tips and tricks, top procreate tips
Id: PYDt04U_ER8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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