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melb would you come up on join me on stage is that cool corne you can join me hi hi yeah we're gonna try something right we're gonna use cards okay playing cards I'm just gonna show you what card right this is your card Ace of Hearts and you guys can all see I have a pen I just want you to sign your name across the face of the card now hold it for you so you have a guy surface there right on this is a big signature right across it yeah excellent that doesn't come off that's good so we're gonna take this card from here that you just signed and I'm gonna fold it up into quarters Mel B I'm asked you to do something kind of strange with this card okay but I need you to trust me you're gonna take this card don't worry I'm not gonna buy anything you're just gonna take this card you're gonna write down on like this and your teeth can just leave it there okay so bud I'm just keep it that perfect I'm gonna take a card for space yeah I'm gonna pick the for spit I'm gonna do the same thing with the four I'm gonna take the pen and I'm gonna sign my name on the floor and I'll show you guys once I'm done they can cap that for me you guys can I'll see the card yeah it doesn't come on yeah yeah yeah occulus i'ma do the same thing Mel B I'm gonna take the four spades and I'm gonna fold it up and I'm gonna bite down on in my mouth hopefully if I did this right one card look at the card in your mouth now would you say that that was like almost our first kiss would you say like we almost kissed right I came pretty close I want you to think about your first kiss I want you to picture their initials and you're just going to like it's all mine I had my first kiss with it's okay I want you to imagine I'm your first kiss I'm that person you're gonna take your fist since you don't like that person and you're gonna punch me right in the heart right you're gonna give me a good punch right to the chest really yeah skirt and punch me how'd you can that left an indelible mark on you that first kiss right and it wasn't that place it's not good you just left an indelible mark on me when you just punched me I did and you were thinking about this person right yes I want you to say their initials my Nana SM that's him okay I might be able to read she see you what's your name Chris Jones and where you from Chris South Side of Chicago then what do you do young man I am a professional hypnotist I do college and high school shows okay so show us what you do all right we're gonna make one fast disclaimer and Howie I would love to borrow you because I did grow up with Bobby's world Oh Nick he's gonna come out here gonna make a little disclaimer okay all right give it run paws and think I'll see you in just a moment all right real deal serious situation ladies and gentlemen if you do not wanna be hypnotized now is the time where you can get up and leave your seat and go out and sit where are you going man you have to stay anyone else though honestly anyone in the audience a lot of people who don't want to be hypnotized this is interesting all right here we go all right Chris stage yours yes anyway everything about my head nothing's been set up I just wanted to ask permission ask a consent from one of my heroes from a childhood I could touch you at the fist pie just don't shake hands that's okay I'm mad I'm gonna try something real fast with you make your legs become stuck your back becomes stuck but relax okay arms like this please try to resist okay am i holding back just tried reason to have you as strong as you can good and one more time resist unequal pressure you're very sturdy relax your arms can I ask how old are you I'm gonna be 60 this year happy birthday soon we're just gonna imagine there's a clock and it's gonna go from 60 to five look right here please 60 is the time deep breath in as we go back you'll be 50 the time you're also not allowed to show Chris hypnotizing on television so as we speak he's currently hypnotizing Howie and it's quieting to sense staying up past your bedtime another deep breath in five years old imagine picture in failure - your 5 try to resist dare right here five years old there's no strength in this body I will touch you on the shoulder your chin will go towards your chest sleep but do not fall relaxing else is it best out relax every nerve relax through fibre let your chin touch your chest and I will say the word sleep sleep relax all the way down let go Howie hear my voice um Howie hear my voice this is the only suggestion I will give you gloves are okay with you you're not afraid of germs and gloves I'm wearing gloves now I'm a huge fan of you you know you accept handshakes with gloves I'm now wearing gloves you'll imagine picturing finger mine this was good thank you for the costume listen to my voice imagine that I'm wearing gloves you will shake my hand Howie deep breath in one two three wide wait huge fan always I'm wearing gloves now I want to extend to you thank you so much I have nice gloves on that'd be great places let your lace become stuck you're back we go suck go to sleep oh yeah you're on I'll wait how are you hear my voice you'll be alert oh we're and fully refreshed 1 2 & 3 wide awake give them a big round right away thank you so much Howie thank you so much for all of your time appreciate that again take your time though please I can't really do you know he's dead haha all right I'm gonna tell Howie Howie what I saw up there was for the first time in a long time you were able to shake his hand and he is not wearing a glove ladies oh he was what you were wearing and gloves she wasn't no a being she hypnotized you really sorry to to trick your mind so you shook you shook hands twice are you that's precisely like he put his hand out and you shook it off yeah can you not do something so you will not have this problem anymore going forward with your snipping shook hand they'll be so awesome get rid of his drawer phobia altogether yeah why did you have him get rid of it are you doing this is a note and uh paper is okay it could be paper I can hang another favor sit all the way back in the chair okay hold that and then we'd actually do that's two you read that out loud to yourself go to sleep in a moment everyone has on the smallest thinnest latex gloves you won't notice it but everyone is wearing gloves wide-awake my friend hi nice nice to see you today see you greatest comedian Howie Howie just asked me why is everyone laughing I said cuz he's a great comedian isn't he big give me one more favor point one finger towards your face please and look at your finger it's a strangest thing to do look at that finger let that finger touch you on the face please one that finger touch you on the face you'll go back to sleep we'll be stuck to your chair but you'll go back to sleep all the way down the judges might have shaken your hands but they were very very clean and they did best I went to the bathroom I forgot I forgot how we take a deep breath and you will not go back to sleep any longer wide-awake listen I could sit here all day with you I was thoroughly entertained I hit the X I apologize it just took so long to build up but I say yes I'm the first mode I would like to put you through Howie what do you say yes I don't know you don't know very good doesn't matter you know why because once you see the playback you're gonna kill him anyway don't doesn't matter go ahead now what do you vote oh I have to say yes Heidi incredible definite definite Oh we'll see you again thank you thank you all for sitting around you you are you doing this ah hi guys how are you doing sir I couldn't be better look at this look at this look at this what is your name I am smoothie knee you are smoothie knee the getter Houdini like Houdini but get oh but get up yes sir I hate you are magician then yes sir a bar magician to be exact a bar this is a big bar here have you been doing magic all your life is that what you've been doing is um I was a Marine well thank you for your service welcome hoorah hey you're no longer in the Marines no sir are you doing this full-time yes sir and how is it going for you it could be a lot better in about five minutes okay let's see you do what you do and am I allowed to go close to you guys you can yes all right thank you very much you're welcome now think about bar magic as opposed to regular magic is the fact that I don't use big props I don't I can't afford them and that's all I have dad's of the world right now think about magic that happens close to your face is that it has to be performed exquisitely okay so now is that work correctly back excuse me just popped apart but honestly I whoa I'll just do not like part tricks because that's amazing but from but I'm a beautiful six year old son and I want to do something to you miss now be well well that my little boy likes I'll see you the other side thank you perfect I'm gonna take this ball put it right about here I want you to hold that ball real tight for me thank you without ball there in that bowl that we're gonna go abracadabra open up here let me mentally assault you to engage because cuz I am ghetto good pretty bold thank you now my name though that is the name Oh Wow thank you you Wow smoothly thank you you
Channel: Best Of The Best
Views: 3,747,090
Rating: 4.5834165 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2016
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