Top 5 Hidden Early Signs That Big Smoke Was Going To Betray CJ GTA San Andreas Lore

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hello youtube how's everyone doings professional here so today i wanted to make a top five video for you guys in san andreas i still have the sweet character analysis video coming up and a few other san andreas videos but i wanted to make this video in which i would highlight pretty much most of the major um hidden signs that big smoke was going to betray cj now if you are playing san andreas the very first time like when i played this game the very first time i had no idea that big smoke was going to betray cj however though if you replay the game a second time and this is what makes the san andreas story so awesome there are actually hidden signs that big smoke is actually going to betray you and it's really cool so in this video i'll be talking with a top five hidden signs that big smoke was going to betray cj early on so i hope you guys enjoy this one so starting off here the very first sign that big smoke was going to betray was actually in the very first mission in the mission carl goes to his mother's funeral he meets up with sweet they get into an argument kendall walks away and then what happens is the ballast combine a drive-by and they shoot at the gang they hit big smoke's car which blows up the gang then gets on bicycles and tries to get away when they're getting away on the bicycles the ballast car will not target will not i repeat target rider or big smoke they will not shoot or chase rider or big smoke however when you get to the intersection you will see they're clearly going after sweet they're trying to kill sweet sweet does escape from them and then carl and carl falls rider and big smoke and when he gets past the freeway area right here and he starts going down the main street towards grove street the ballast car reappears at this point even if carl is ahead of big smoke and ryder by a lot the ballast car will pass both big smoke and ryder and will actually chase cj and shoot at him now some people might argue all this just because the ai was just programmed to target cj specifically however there's other missions in the game where you have allies like sweet for instance especially at the end of the game and sweet will actually get shot by the bottles and will actually die so dybalas will actually target allies of yours and other missions they specifically do not target big smoke and rider in this mission and there's a reason for that next at number four we have not shooting at the ballas in drive-through and changing the subject now this is that infamous mission where big smoke makes that huge order pretty much every san andreas fan knows this mission the mission starts out with carl going to sweet's house and he sees sweet big smoke and ryder exiting the house big smoke and sweet are actually in the middle of an argument in which big smoke actually says that respect has to be earned just like money sweet then says what are you saying you don't respect me to which big smoke actually immediately changes the conversation he changes the subject talking about food making a joke out of it big smoke in this aspect i think he was questioning sweet's leadership but i think that when sweet stepped up and got in his face i think that he immediately changed the subject take a look at this saturn with you riding respect has to be earned sweet just like money so what you saying you don't respect me what i'm saying is speak up [ __ ] i'm hungry man man cannot live on bread alone i know i tried that [ __ ] carl you look a little thin man you gotta be hungry man yeah what you fools trying to eat that's right some tacos tacos again hell no chicken man no distinction i want no chicken but there's even more hints that big smoke will betray grove street in this mission when cj is driving the gang to kluckenbell cj will actually ask sweet what happened with his mother's death to which actually ryder will actually say that some people saw a green saber driving away this is correct the green saber is the vehicle that the killers used in the murder however though we know that ryder betrays grove street later on now it's unknown why ryder brings up the green saber he would have known about it it's either because the developers did not intend for him to be a traitor and then made him a traitor later on or something else but regardless writer does bring up the green saber to which big smoke will actually try avoiding the subject as much as possible he'll try diverting the conversation elsewhere and then when cj actually finally pulls up to the drive-through when everybody's ordering their food cj is still talking about it and then big smoke completely tries to change the conversation into food take a listen to this and watch what big smoke says exactly we all got to talk about it they was going for sweet how you supposed to know that you know what people are like say they have love for you but won't say a word too damn scared some people say they saw a green saber doing the work then speeding away yeah but people like to talk don't they anyway that's half a santosh you talking about jim you right my bad hey bruh they sprayed the house i see [ __ ] hey sorry bro you know i gotta know about mine i know cj i know i'm just trying not to think about it i mean i didn't know she was hit until it was all over yeah right right right right right let's eat however the biggest hint at big smokes betrayal in this mission is right when cj spots the ballast car the gang chases after the ballast and opens fire on them the ballers are shooting at them and cj ryder and sweet are shooting at the ballas but big smoke is not he is not shooting at the ballast he's saying that he's eating food he's hungry now this is why rockstar are geniuses when they wrote this story because this all comes together this proves big smoke's betrayal when somebody's playing this the first time they won't think that big smoke is a traitor they'll just think oh that's part of his character he dislikes eating food that's why he's not firing up the bottles but later on it makes much more sense damn that was some serious [ __ ] yeah man those baller fools won't try that again let's get back to the grove all right i'm only oh man that fool filled a hole you chubby [ __ ] next time you better start blasting i'ma blast you myself smoke you wide man i mean why and that's why you love me baby at number three we have moving out of grove street and into bala's territory now in the exact same mission drive through cj finds out that big smoke has moved at a grove street so he decides to drop big smoke off at his house and note big smoke is not just some random grove street member he is second in command he is the under boss of grove street if sweet was to die he would take over grove street so think about it this way why would the second in command of grove street move into not just some different neighborhood but would which idol would is bala's territory he moved into bala's territory he bought a brand new house in ballas territory and when cj asks him about it he just makes some generic excuse saying that my my aunt died and she gave me the money it just doesn't make much sense somebody playing this the first time this is something that somebody might catch on to because this just seems really suspicious hey smoke tell me why you moved out to grove man got some money for my aunt i mean it's a nice place and all but the grove is in my heart baby it's where my dogs is at yeah okay homie the reason that he moved into idlewood is simple because he wants to be closer to his new business partners he wants to be closer to 10 penny who constantly frequents the area 10 penny if he was seen around grove street going into big smoke's house constantly everybody would talk about that but him being in idlewood not a lot of people are going to talk about that and the balance sure aren't because dybalas are his new allies moving on to number two we have crashed repeatedly at big smoke's house now in the few missions that cj does for big smoke we can see crash exiting exiting his house in the opening cutscene by crash i mean the corrupt police force led by frank tenpenny and second in command eddie pulaski so the first time that cj sees them is in running dog and then in the second time that cj actually sees them as he'll see them in wrong side of the tracks let's watch those two cutscenes really quick right now [ __ ] yo carl see you around the [ __ ] they doing over here anyway those nosy [ __ ] won't leave me alone think i'm mr big or something but i don't tell them [ __ ] for me it's all about my homeboy car yeah whatever you say the gang is real important cj you know that you down to represent baby yeah look my cousin is coming in town for makeup i gots to go scoop her up all right dan come on hey carl keeping busy i hope you know me officer 10 penny yeah i know you carl i know everything about you don't touch me you're that's right carl i got my eye on you and like i give a [ __ ] we're watching you carl [ __ ] what was that all about baby you tell me oh hell man they got their nose and everything can't shut without tim penny taking an interest to hell with him yeah i guess what's really uh ain't thinking of taking a little ride three deep mentioned a little something that might put us deep in the game all right i'm damn so cj witnesses 10 penny and pulaski being at big smoke's house several times and cj doesn't think much of this because he's being blackmailed by 10 penny himself because 10 penny killed officer pendlebury and he used in is using that to threaten cj to get him basically to do whatever he wants however though what is noticeable here is that what big smoke says exactly about them being at his house now big smoke says they got their nose in everybody's business but then what i noticed is that big smoke says i don't tell them anything and here's the thing usually people that are innocent of something that haven't done something if they just randomly blurt out i didn't do it when they weren't even accused of something that's usually a red flag not always but it's usually a red flag when somebody blurts out i didn't do it when they're not even being questioned on it listen to what big smoke says here [ __ ] won't leave me alone think i'm mr big or something but i don't tell them [ __ ] for me it's all about my homeboy car yeah whatever you say the game is real important cj you know that you down to represent baby yeah what was that all about baby you tell me oh hell man they got their nose and everything can't shut without tim penny taking an interest to hell with him yeah i guess what's really uh ain't thinking of taking a little ride three deep mentioned a little something that might put us deep in the game all right i'm down notice how big smoke just constantly changes the conversation saying oh we gotta go take care of this business he immediately stops talking about it doesn't want to talk about it immediately change the subject but then at the end of wrong side of the tracks there's this dialogue in which carl drops big smoke off at his house and big smoke says carl you better head home i don't want crash to pull you into something and carl says okay i'll leave thinking that big smoke's being friendly to him but in reality the reason that big smoke is saying this is because he doesn't want cj to catch him and ten penny conspiring in the act hey you better clear out cj i don't want those crash fools trying to pull you into some [ __ ] all right homie you be careful with those cats i'ma see you later before i reveal the number one early hint that i think big smoke was going to betray cj i wanted to make a few special mentions and special mention number one is being way too friendly now there's nothing wrong with being friendly but big smoke is just way too friendly to cj he almost never argues with cj or insults cj in any way cj left los santos five years ago just abruptly left without telling his friends or family pretty much abandoned them everybody was pissed off at him early on in the game except except big smoke big smoke was totally fine with that and in my personal experience working in retail for so many years i know we can't really compare you know retail to a video game storyline but the point that i'm making is that when i interacted with customers and those customers were just way too friendly they were more friendly than normal just way too friendly they were almost always trying to pull some kind of scam they were trying to trick you into something so when somebody like big smoke is just way too nice just keep that in mind that's also a red flag there another special mention that i have here is his name think about it what is his name big smoke has that implied he's a traitor not his full name but his initials and i can't believe i didn't realize this until so many years later but when you look at big smoke's name on the map for his missions what are the initials bs i think everybody knows what bs stands for additionally we have special mention number three which is that none of his missions are grove street related if you think about it all of his missions have nothing to do with grove street some people might say well oh gee lok does og lok is more of a sweet mission because sweet is at big smoke's house so you go to pick up og lok from jail and og loke ends up betraying cj anyways think about it this way running dog what is that mission cj drives big smoke to another part of town in which big smoke tries to buy weed from the vagos another mission in a wrong side of the track cj drives big smoke to the train station in which he has cj chased down and killed a bunch of vagos gang members that were meeting with the santhir arifa a gang from san fierro how does big smoke know about that and then his last business mission just business in his last mission big smoke is doing some major deal with the russian mafia and it just goes all crazy and even cj says big smoke there's something that you're not telling me so none of his missions have anything to do with grove street they don't benefit grove street in any way possible it's something you ain't telling me man look carl all i know is they real pissed with us right now hold on we also have ryder not coming back now this one focuses more on ryder but i decided to still throw it in there because it hints at his betrayal now in the mission house party what happens is a grove street member goes up to the gang and tells them that the ballas are going to attack grove street they're sending a lot of people over here writer at the beginning of the mission runs off and says i'll go get some backup to which ryder never returns it's because ryder was actually possibly hoping that grove street would be wiped out in this case but they didn't another special mention is big smoke makes statements in the story that just make no sense take a listen to these what was with you back there smoke man if you can eat your food while everybody else is losing theirs and blaming you you straight huh what nothing nothing just some poetry i read what's going on man [ __ ] seem pretty [ __ ] up people have to open their eyes and their hearts cj what are you talking about i'm talking about the choices all men face brother sometimes they seem real but other times there's no choice at all at least you still talking [ __ ] you ain't changed a bit who me no never and the final special mention before we unveil the number one hint that big smoke was gonna betray grove street is big smoke and ryder almost abandoning cj and sweet at the motel now in reuniting the families sweet meets up with the other grove street families in hopes of linking them up and putting their differences aside what happens is the police raid the motel and big smoke and rider immediately drive off they just leave cj there now cj fights his way through the motel and gets the sweet when he gets the sweet he tells them that big smoke basically bailed on on them now the reason that i think big smoke actually came back a lot of people are wondering why would big smoke come back the reason i think he came back is because big smoke knows how capable cj is he's seen how many gangsters cj has killed so he was probably thinking cj could possibly get sweet out of this and cj probably would have gotten sweet out of that situation even if big smoke hadn't arrived so he was probably scared that if cj and sweet got out sweet would have gotten rid of smoke the second that he got back especially after the drive-thru incident of not shooting in this case he came back to try to make himself look like he was loyal when he really wasn't and number one the number one hint that big smokers gonna betray cj and grove street is trying to push crack take a look at this cut scene in the introduction hey fool we losing the streets man nah we are standing by our principals homie but our principles are making us [ __ ] man everyday ballers get stronger and you and i get weaker you and i get poorer man man that shit'll blow over oh that always does [ __ ] playground craze man this is the biggest money-making opportunity that guys like us will ever see i got all the [ __ ] i need man i thought we using this for the hood not destroying the family man it's gross street [ __ ] that's right throughout the story and the introduction to san andreas there's a few instances in which big smoke will actually defend crack distribution now the main difference between grove street and the ballas in ideology is that grove street is completely against drugs grove street believes that drugs will destroy the neighborhood sweet has no toleration for crack selling whatsoever on the other hand big smoke is completely open to that idea and says that it will make them a lot of money now this is extremely suspicious considering the fact that all of grove street's enemies the vagos the ballas they are openly distributing crack and then sweet the leader of it says no crack whatsoever but the second in command constantly questioning him and plus all the other suspicious things that have gone on through the story somebody if you look at everything put it all together even before the betrayal you look at all that very carefully you can see he's going to betray sweet in order to be able to start selling crack in order to create this crack empire just take a look at this dialogue right here in which he argues with sweet about selling crack you ever made a gang type oh no man what's up y'all what's up cj what's crack man all they care about is smoking and money you can't knock the homies hustle sweetie mark say soldiers hey idiots trying to be businessman yeah but they down with us man all they down with is money cj go down there and show these fools you mean business these chunks from the balls are sweating the homies go put pressure on them let's do it we've been putting time in the hood but we got to get the homies back together like the old days yeah yeah you right so you and ryder gonna handle your business man they're slang to their own mama they don't care about nothing you're naive my friend we gotta keep our focus the reason this is the biggest sign of betrayal in my opinion is because think about it this way big smoke is taking the exact same position as his enemies the ballas and constantly questioning sweet's leadership when somebody in your group is taking the exact same position as the enemy that's pretty much saying that betrayal is right around the corner and on top of that there's this extra cut scene in the introduction in which big smoke is talking the writer and tells him that we got no choice when he says we got no choice he's talking about 10 penny forcing him into this crack empire but at the same time as he's laughing about it and telling ryder that we'll make a lot of money which shows that he doesn't care at all about sweet he doesn't care at all about grove street and then there's this scene of tenpenny walking of pulaski in which he says that fat guy would see it our way he's talking about big smoke i knew that fat [ __ ] would see it our way yeah always do once they understand the choices we're offering say frank what the hell are we gonna do about this hernandez coming on board with us additionally there's a dialogue where cj will tell big smoke what's going on here is all the problems because of drugs and big smoke will actually refuse to comment on it and this is in the mission the wrong side of the tracks was it always like this was what always like this always [ __ ] up around here or is it because of the drugs what you think man i don't know that's why i'm asking you yo hey don't ask a wise man friend ask a fool that's what i was doing well if you gonna make this thing personal i ain't speaking on it no more so that is that for this video i had a lot of fun making this video i hope that you guys enjoyed it i wanted to explain the top five hints that big smoke was gonna betray cj the reason i wanted to make this video is because there's a lot of hints in the storyline and it shows what a masterpiece the san andreas storyline is the second time you replay it you start to notice a lot of these things so if you guys enjoyed this video please drop a like and if you're new to my channel to my content subscribe additionally if you want to know who killed cj's mom and you're confused on the lore of it i have a video that i made explaining in detail who was behind the plot to kill cj's mom i'll have that video linked at the end of this one so thank you guys for watching i'll see you guys on the next one take care everyone
Channel: TheProfessional
Views: 2,364,762
Rating: 4.8997355 out of 5
Keywords: gameplay, gta san andreas, grand theft auto, rockstar games, big smoke betrayal, ryder betrayal, early signs that big smoke was going to betray cj, wrong side of the tracks, gta san andreas lore, commentary, reaction, nostalgia, betrayal in gta games, hidden things gta san andreas
Id: ai6gNJvn774
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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