Top 5 Glitches BOTW | The USEFUL Ones

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what's up everyone are mfh today I've got a quick little top 5 featuring the glitches I find most useful in breath of the wild before we get started I'd like to give the spotlight to the breath of the wild speedrunning community seriously you guys and gals are amazing thank you for your valiant efforts credits for these glitches can be found in the description below an easy one to start out with is the infinite sprint this glitch can be performed by pushing the left analog stick forward all while holding down on the d-pad to whistle and continuously tapping the B button this will allow you to sprint without wasting any stamina and comes in extremely handy for speed running purposes the versatility and ease of access for this glitch is what helped it make it to number 5 next we have the infinite arrow glitch to perform this one you'll first need to make your way to the Caracara bazaar once there head over to this cooking pot equip a bow that shoots multiple arrows and make sure to light your arrow on fire aim near the center of the pot let them rip collect the arrows rinse and repeat something about the ground in this specific area allows the arrows to stay in frame instead of just disintegrating instantly like normal as of right now this glitch still is yet to be patched it's extremely useful and better yet it's one of the easiest glitches to perform all adding to its placement in the number 4 slot [Music] now we come to the ever so famous bow spin while this glitch isn't all that much powerful with the normal two-handed weapon it can be an extremely useful technique with a great frost blade or a great Thunder blade when performing the spin with either of these weapons the elemental effect still transfers over to the bow allowing you to continuously freeze or shock enemies at a rapid rate of speed this is another glitch that is fairly easy to perform hold down Y with either of the two-handed elemental weapons of your choice once link has started this spin attack animation press B and Z are at the same time to pull out your bow and you're off to the races the amount of damage and stopping power to this glitch puts out is what earned it the number three spot [Music] honestly the bullet time launch has to be my all-time favorite glitch this one is now in a central part of most glitch to breath of the wild speed runs if performed correctly the bullet time launch can send you flying across the map in no time at all I'm not the best at this but many people have been able to make it directly to Hyrule Castle sanctum in about a minute or so this glitch is performed by shield surfing on a rag-dolled enemy while shooting an arrow in bullet time mode sound complicated that's because it is first off the bullet time launch can be performed normally on red ball Koblenz but any enemy above that must be frozen before attempting this glitch step 1 start out by freezing your enemy near a platform step 2 make your way up to a Ledge high enough to get a decent launch I recommend using a bow Koblin archer platform as they yield the best results step 3 aim at the frozen enemy hold z-l jump towards the enemy press a to shield surf and immediately pull out your bow to enter bullet time mode before landing on the enemy once you make contact press Y to shield spin this will send link flying off into the distance at a rapid rate of speed the bullet time launch can also be used to make it up towers in an instant as shown here one thing I found interesting about this glitch is that if you direct the launch straight up and then let go of the shield at the top of your launch you can perform a bullet time double jump of sorts before we get to number one here are few honorable mentions the infinite Spurs glitch shield clipping and the infinite stasis glitch [Music] this last one is simply epic have you ever wanted a full set of hearts and a full stamina wheel in breath of the wild well it's now finally a thing while this is one of the more convoluted glitches on this list it's actually fairly simple at the same time I'm sure you're dying to know how to do this one so here it goes to begin with this glitch has some prerequisites number one is having the sheikah slate camera rune unlocked number two is at least having viewed one memory and number three is at least having one heart container or one stamina vessel unlocked though I recommend having multiple before attempting this glitch once you have these unlocked to make your way over to the curse statue in hata no village the curse statue allows you to trade in heart and stamina vessels and in return gives you 100 rupees using the statue you can reallocate heart and stamina vessels by buying them back from the statue for 120 rupees for this glitch we'll want to start by trading in all of our heart and stamina vessels and then saving the game immediately afterwards once you've saved the game go back and buy all of your vessels then make your way up to the shrine in hot - no village this is where the glitch gets a bit complicated once you've entered the shrine head up the ramp to this control panel in front of the control panel make sure you have the camera ruin selected hold down ZL and press both l and the Crouch button at the same time once you're in the camera state move forward and press X to make sure that you perform this part of the glitch correctly if you've done it right links should be able to walk around while still being in the camera state now while still in this glitch camera state take a picture right in front of the control panel by pressing a doing this will snap a photo of the control panel with the photo taken click delete and then immediately press the start button if timed correctly you should be thrown into the pause menu from here have link hold an item and then quickly DoubleTap the start button if you followed my directions with the photo part of this glitch then link won't be holding any item like so however if you weren't close enough to the control panel link may still be holding an item here don't worry just press X to stop holding the item and then press L to open up the event row log section of your menu enter the memories panel click on a memory and you'll notice it won't actually play now press B to fully back out of the pause menu if done correctly you'll be in what I like to call examination state in this state you're able to move around is linked while also still being able to control the puzzle inside the shrine on a side note this trick can be used for another glitch while definitely not as useful as this one it's still rather fun to mess around with moving on from the examination state reload the SAF file from in front of the curse statue notice that you have a lot more than just the original three hearts that you saved with go back up to the statue and talk to it you'll find that all of the vessels that you traded in are still in the statue as well now just trade in all of your hearts that you currently have and do it all over again until you can fill up both your heart containers and your stamina wheel after grinding to your heart's content you can finally say you've collected all of the heart containers in all of the stamina vessels and breath of the wild and here at the end do I really need to explain how useful this glitch really is and that wraps up today's top 5 how'd you enjoy it let me know down in the comments below while you're at it tell me what your favorite mod is I'd love to hear it before I go here's one last thank you to the breath of the wild speedrunning community this video wouldn't have been possible without you talented peeps thanks for watching remember to Like comment and subscribe and I hope you have a fantastic rest of your week peace out you
Channel: RMFH
Views: 997,965
Rating: 4.9198699 out of 5
Keywords: Top 5 Glitches Botw, Top 5 Botw Glitches, useful glitches botw, working botw glitch, best botw glitches, botw glitches 2019, Botw Glitch, Botw Glitches, Breath of the Wild Glitches, Breath of the Wild Glitch, glitches in breath of the wild, Zelda Glitches, glitches in the legend of zelda: breath of the wild, Zelda Botw glitches 2021, New Botw Glitch, infinite hearts, Bullet time launch, infinite hearts & stamina, botw glitches 2021, 2021 botw glitches, botw 2021 glitches
Id: me6Lxv6WlK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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