Top 5 Disney Myths That Won't Go Away

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enter the house of mouse where rumors abound tell her welcome to one by one before we begin we publish new videos every day so be sure to subscribe for more great content in today's installment we're counting down the top 5 myths about Disney one of the biggest myths the one that Walt Disney was cryogenically frozen but we already talked all about that in our top 10 myths about American icons video put Walt Disney's hat on the phone then wake it up fear not though Mouseketeers there's still plenty left for us to debunk on behalf of this Magic Kingdom mistake it's all wrong it's all wrong myth number 5 Walt Disney's famous quote if you can dream it you can do it like any other massive corporation Disney has weathered its fair share of criticism over the years let me stop fighting I won't Disney created you to spread happiness not bigotry but Disney has arguably done a lot of good over the years to be it's in their partnership with the make-a-wish Foundation or just their general ability to inspire Walt Disney's legacy has kept magic alive for generations of kids teaching them that anything is possible the man behind the magic has had numerous inspirational quotes attributed to him over the years but sadly many of them are not his own words Tremont enjoyed this particularly poignant line was actually written by Disney employee Tom Fitzgerald in the 1980s for the Epcot ride horizons for his part Fitzgerald has called the misattribution amusing but flattering myth number four a disgruntled employee drew a penis as part of the Little Mermaid Castle and now for a final touch Disney has frequently been accused of subliminal sexual messages you've got that hard to hear line in Aladdin and kookie take off climb down the reported se X in The Lion King and of course the presence of penises in the Little Mermaid did the priest have an erection no apparently he just had nobly but the phallic-shaped spire of the castle on the theatrical poster and cover is hard to explain rumors circulated that it was an intentional move by a disgruntled Disney employee who had received his notice of termination but it wasn't even a Disney employee who drew the image the job was outsourced and according to the artist it was totally accidental a result of him rushing to meet a deadline myth number three Donald Duck was banned in Finland for not wearing pants where is a top and no bottom whereas Mickey where is a bottom and no top you may be too young to remember this one but according to legend Donald Duck's exposed bottom was simply too much to bear for the people of Finland and so he was banned it makes for a funny story but any media outlet that reported this particular incident should be regarded as a bunch of quacks because Finland never established any such policy in reality a local party representative mr. Magoo Holopainen simply suggested that the city stop purchasing Donald Duck comics for the community youth centres as a means of cutting costs during in the economic downturn but when elections rolled around in 1978 he was labeled as the man who banned Donald Duck and the media ran with it will you just relax myth number two no one can be declared dead on the premises you've never been to Disneyland and that's the happiest place on earth Disney is allegedly so concerned with the reputation of their theme parks that they forced paramedics to remove bodies from the grounds before declaring them dead we have to take him to the doctor while Disney likely does everything possible to keep the death toll down even they don't have the clout to pull off this sort of arrangement when someone dies in their theme park it's a matter for police and paramedics just like anywhere else in some states paramedics can't declare death until the body is brought to the hospital in others it can be called on-site whether or not Disney encourages paramedics to delay that declaration until they've left the premise is still hotly debated the truth is people have been declared dead within the parks on multiple occasions myth number one Walt Disney designed Mickey Mouse ah-yi while Walt Disney is credited with the creation of Mickey Mouse he was not the man to actually design him so not true that Disney created man in his own image after the loss of Oswald the rabbits universal what was desperate for a replacement and came up with the idea of a mouse named Mortimer his wife allegedly hated the name and suggested Mickey as a more fitting moniker he took the concept at uyb iWork who in 1928 designed the first recognisable iteration of the character we know today including his trademark shorts with the large buttons and the circular head and ears for a mouse yeah let's do that in 1929 the white gloves got added in 1938 animator Fred Moore made Mickey's body more pear-shaped and introduced the modern eyes as well as a skin tone face hold by so did you believe any of these disney myths for more magical top tens and animated top fives be sure to subscribe to well I guess it's back to the grave Disney out do you agree with our picks check out these other great clips from WatchMojo and subscribe for new videos every day [Music]
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Rating: 4.8782272 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10, Top 5, List, Disney, Myths, Myths about Disney, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Oswald the Rabbit, Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Lion King, Mulan, Beauty and the Beast, Star Wars, Sleeping Beauty, Drama, Lies, Facts, Finland, Ub Iwerk, Walt Disney, Disney World, Disney Land, Banned, Illegal, Hidden, Compilation, Mythbusters, Pixar, Frozen, Tangled, Murder, Mystery, Weird, Conspiracy, History, Origins, Fake, Alternate Facts, Fred Moore, Michael Wynands, WatchMojo
Id: NURxkJzizzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2017
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