Top 5 Destinations to Travel in 2024 - Long Term

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we've been traveling now for 2 and 1/2 years and we get asked almost every day where would you go long term what are the top five places where we would consider going to the most right now when we are saying that we want to stay someplace longer term or where we would stay longer term we're looking at kind of 3 months to longer now we have at this point been to over 20 countries and so that includes a lot of towns that we have visited so narrowing down this list wouldn't have been very easy to do but one of the things we have kind of done along the way every time that we go into a town is we both just over a month in a location you ask each other God do you see this as a place that we could come back to and you know those places just come with a general feeling to them they feel like a place you would come back to for multiple reasons and uh you know we used to have like a checklist of boxes it needed to check off we don't necessarily have that anymore done away with that it's more just a a Feeling we have when we get to a place that it's someplace we can see ourselves coming back to yeah and when Carrie asked me what my top five were um she gave me kind of a criteria but not really it was pretty loose and you know I had to eliminate some places uh that I didn't really want to eliminate right you know I got more than five but it has to be the top five has to be the top five and we are now going to see if our top five align with each other are we going to be traveling together in the future I I certainly hope so I certainly hope that you agree with me now now what was your top what was your fifth place Choice my fifth place Choice was changai Thailand now I can't disagree with that but I do I do disagree with that I love Chang ma but uh I like theang uh just a bit better changm to me from pretty much the moment that we got there just spoke to me it uh had everything that we were looking for short of one thing it did not have we were not near the water now I thought that was going to bother me quite a bit uh but over the month there have the amazing grocery stores having um the massages for $10 each having street food that was fantastic my little fruit cart down the street I mean just everything was accessible everything was walkable there was a lot to see and do and the night markets there were some of my absolute favorite night markets we've ever been to well you're coming close to convincing me but not quite I do like the beach I like the water I like being on the coast now the food is fantastic can't get past that um how many times can you go to the night market um and still uh find to be entertaining I think that you can go a lot of times because food changes and that was one of the places we enjoyed going and getting our street food and it's not that you're going there and buying things at the night market it's more just the vibe at the night market and walking around and getting dinner and there's usually some music playing and it's just entertaining it gave us something we're not big evening people so to have something in the evening to go do we enjoyed doing well and I I think for me I like the beach Vibe more I like sitting on the beach and having a beer um just I don't necessarily have to get in the water I don't have to get all Sandy I just like being on the beach and and the beaches I will give them that the beaches in dang are fantastic we loved we loved sitting uh there at our favorite little beach bar and uh grabbing a beer and just watching it had this incredibly Long Beach and waves that were big waves coming up on the shore and so you could hear it you could see it it was a really cool place but it just didn't check some of the boxes for me one of the very big lacking boxes was the grocery store situation um they did have grocery stores but a little bit harder to come by as far as a bigger plan and I like going on my long scenic walks uh walk runs and get some exercise in uh dang fit that perfectly and that's something that I really enjoyed yeah and that was something that was lacking in uh my because you know you just you had a lot of blocks that you could walk and but you're navigating around scooters and stuff and so where in dang they had that prominade walk all along the beach I enjoy a good prominade that was a really nice positive and I think both locations but D dang so one for you is it had a few more day trips from there as well that you could go do and maybe some I went say more sights to see because Chang ma also had the sights to see but I think for as a long-term stay or a place that we could go to for three months CU we're not real crazy about southeast Asia for a longterm stay um I could see myself being very happy in changmai now on to our fourth place pick uh what was your fourth place my fourth place was Split Croatia um again it was on the beach I had a prominade I could go for long walks um it was very Scenic there were things to do I I really enjoyed split for whatever reason it seemed like a place where I could just hang out and call home mhm now I picked baraja of Roman that area to me once again not on the water that is a surprising factor for me because when we first started our travels being on the water was like ranked really high on our list of things that we were going to need but I quickly realized that wasn't actually so much of a necessity year round for me and so braa for me had once again really great grocery stores and that may sound funny to some people to be like pointing out the grocery stores but when you're staying somewhere longterm and you're dealing with not really great accessible grocery stores it can get really old so that's a big plus for me then also the mountains that was a huge selling point was the mountains are just right around you from the mountains now that's where we call home back in the Pacific Northwest there there's mountains all around there's also water all around now when Carrie told me her fourth place was bra of I almost changed mine but I I I I held strong I didn't let her persuade me to to go along with what she wants to do even though she's very good at doing that this time I I I held strong and stuck to my uh my fourth place choice now I really enjoyed split um and but it just didn't check the same boxes for me I guess I didn't feel like you know it had the Oldtown area which is very beautiful but it's also incredibly busy with tourist and The Cruise Ships coming in I did have the beach there that was great but you know it's a rocky Beach it's not Sandy uh where in brov you were able to go and explore I don't know there was hikes to do there was um well the the Old Town itself was very very Scenic very pretty I will say thisav Romanian in gen in general uh had better beer they had great craft beer so that was something that we we actually enjoyed doing because it was a third the price of what we were getting back home uh so that is something that boy it was tough to knock brj off out of my top five um but it's not in the it's not in the water yeah and I think that braa for me also checked the Box because the food was so great in Romania just in general uh and I know that we're not comparing as far as pricing goes as as as a whole of what it cost us to stay in this locations for an entire month but just the general cost of living when you are in a location and you can go out and you can eat and enoy enjoy the food or enjoy the beer and not have it cost you a lot that takes the the enjoyment Factor up a level right because you're able to go out and do those things more often so you know to me like the people in bra English was pretty well spoken uh we were able to communicate pretty well we were able to um I don't know just really enjoy that area they had the nice big mall they just had everything that you needed to make your long stay there very comfortable yeah split was just a little bit better though that's the only dise that's the only difference now I think we both agree on our third place and it was one of our original stops we stopped in the very beginning of our travels we loved it and we we said to ourselves even at the time well we'll see how much we love this place two years from now and here we are back to alacante Spain um we loved it now one of the criterias was not price we're taking price out of the equation so costs don't matter in this particular video but alacante really had everything we wanted it did have everything we wanted and even though once again we say that we're taking price out I would say that our top five that we are sharing with you are still reasonable places to travel to Well everywhere we've gone has been reasonable yeah we're budget Travelers yeah but alante it was interesting because at the very beginning of course we were super excited we loved it we thought it was amazing but you know we were realistic because we were 2 months in at this point and we're thinking or we're month in we this is our second stop and we're thinking okay we're going to be seeing a lot of other areas this place may fall off of our list so surprisingly to see that it is still there it had so much to offer um I think one of the main appeals to alante for us was that the ease of getting up and down the coastline and going to the different beach towns for an incredibly affordable rate I mean it was maybe a dollar something $2 to go to another Beach town down the coast so well Spain a lot to do you know Spain's just it's gorgeous it's got It's clean they've got the public transportation down to a tea it's got the beach um they got the topest bars they got everything that we could think of that we would like to have well they had our favorite little sports bar there too they had a little the little red Corner sports bar we really enjoyed that and we know a lot of you have gone to that sports bar since we put that video out and uh I think we've been mentioned a few times yes they uh yeah and then I think the sports bar actually posted us on us think because we had mentioned it a few times yeah but that was a great area uh once again and the the grocery store situation probably wasn't the best but it wasn't bad and then one thing that is so great in Spain is that you do have all of the farmers markets and so you can go and take advantage of that they have the big like Central Market which was where we were staying at the time just pretty much across the street from there um yeah I just think that it really once again it had great sh shopping um it had the beach it had um just affordable being able to go out and have a beer for a couple dollars we could we could we were free to do what we wanted to and that includes getting out of town um which is something that sometimes is difficult to do when you don't have a car so um if you're relyant on buses then that sometimes that's just it's not worth your time but to jump on a tram and head up the coast two or three hours um you know we did it several times yeah so I can see us maybe at some point going back and staying there for a 3 month stretch and just being able to relax and enjoy that area it' be nice now second place comes to actually one of the newest additions to our list and that is fettia turkey uh we just left there it immediately checked the box of being a place that we wanted to come back to and we were a bit hesitant in the beginning to put it on that list cuz we wanted to uh and we were like no let's wait let's go through our full month because you're pending can very much change uh like we said it has to feel like home it has to feel like a place you want to spend that time well after a couple weeks you may lose that feeling but we sure didn't I think that's the the biggest part of it is does it feel like someplace you could stay long term um it doesn't you know we're living we're not vacationing could we live there for three months and really um take advantage of the the grocery stores the markets um the long walk along the water all those things included um fedia went up that list really fast really quickly yeah we fell in love with this area uh we fell in love with it for so many different reasons if you didn't see our just recent video on this we had just put that out so check it out uh I hope you fall in love with it as well we heard from a lot of people they want to go there um this is an area that once again the farmer markets were absolutely I would say one of the best farmers markets that we've gone to um and once again we're not talking affordability as far as the full amount you're paying but being able to go to the farmers market get whatever you want for just really so little um being able to go out there the restaurants were endless so many restaurants to choose from if you love coffee it's a great place to go because there's a coffee shop byly like three on each block um I just everything that was available there met a lot of people you know um there were a lot of Brits uh some locals that we met um and that makes it a lot more fun as well you feel like you're kind of um you know making friends it's not just the two of us a good time right and that's a question that we've had from a lot of people that are say traveling solo or they're traveling as a couple and there is that concern of of meeting people and with a language barrier and everything there were so many different people and you can get involved like we've mentioned many times before get involved in some of these Facebook groups before you go to location but we met so many different people which granted a level of that comes from they knew us from our Channel but there were so many other people that just are super friendly that you're talking to sitting right across from you having a beer yeah they just hey where are you from and you strike up a conversation that Happ happened several times so so that was um quite enjoyable it made it made it fun for us as well now I also think that a huge highlight was the prominade and being able to go on the Walking path and I know we've mentioned that on a lot of these locations and that is something that we really enjoy doing like we said you're in a place for a very long stretch of time you want to go do the things that you may just enjoy doing on a daily basis because we're not always sightseeing uh so you want to be able to just go for that walk and their walk just went on and on you would actually go down to cish beach yeah I'd walk all the way to kalish Beach and back was about eight miles and they do have a beach you just have to get all the way out to it now there's the foot fairy we could take that we did once um but they do have a beach if that's something that uh if we go back maybe we will stay on that side who knows but uh you know they had the beach they had the promedon they had the food they had the people um it was It was kind of an Easy Choice yeah it was easy choice for second but honestly it was a hard choice to not put that in first place as well so our first place like we mentioned anybody who has watched us for a while probably knows what is going to be here is the Algarve in Portugal now we while we were in fedia were kind of like oh my gosh which one I would kind of say that these two places bounce within the first and second place for for different reasons uh one of the reasons for us that we did put Algarve in first place was simply because of maybe a little bit easier access as far as flights uh it's not maybe as far but really it comes down to being a few hours difference few hours difference not a big deal you know for me it still comes in at number one uh because of the beaches you get the sandy beaches you get the white sand in one end it's easy to get back and forth up and across the Algarve now the trains aren't always reliable in Portugal especially in the Algarve but they are available not like Spain but they are there it gets you back and forth all you need to do you can also Rent A Car relatively easy in The Algarve and and drive the highway back and forth so I just think that the algar had everything we wanted we could stay in different towns from Loos to T Vera uh and Beyond right and I would say that that's one area where we did V like uh change as far as my favorite location is Villa real day San Antonio and then your favorite was M was L just simply because it's easier to pronounce than than well and they could be more opposite ends of the coast there the one on the furthest side of the other so uh but the area that I liked villal uh you know I loved because it is a nice smaller quieter Town it was right on the river that separates in between for Spain so you could take the foot fairy over for the day and go explore Spain for a couple dollars and we walked over one day we went over and had a sangria and some tapis and uh walked around very cute town over there uh but then you could also hop on bikes and uh go to Monte Gordo which you could be right on to an absolutely gorgeous White Sand Beach uh it was it was amazing to me that area just kind of checked all of those boxes uh and then logos was also gous yeah just different kinds of beaches that's all I mean basically it's the it's the Loos is a little bit bigger great grocery store in Loos um so you know it's just hard to get away from the Algarve and we're going to someday we think MH have a number one that's not the Algarve but for today two and a half years in the Algarve still takes that number one spot yeah I think that logos for me still I would I would say logos I would go back to as well it had it's just more the Marina Town feel but it also had the great walks down uh on the marina and plenty of things to go see and do and a lot of day trips around there as well so both of those areas are honestly any of the areas in between on the Algarve we just like the Algarve in general so those are our top five now we're always looking for recommendations we're always looking for ideas on where we need to go where I going to South America next year um you know Mexico goes on on the way this year so there are some destinations that we're going to that could pick any one of these off they could bump any of these off yeah now these places that we have mentioned to you today like we said these are places we're looking at for say a thre month stay that's kind of where we the range we're in but for a longer term stay because on most of these a 3 Monon you're going to be able to do within a Visa uh for a lot of these you are going to have to do a little bit of extra leg work and figure out if you can stay long some do allow like an extension of your Visa or they'll have other visas available for a longer term stay so you'll want to do the work and look into those but for a 3mon stay most of these you can just go and you're going to be able to stay for 3 months well we hope that you found this interesting we enjoyed actually compiling this list and going through like what we really liked because for us it's kind of just reminiscing and going back over our travels which is a lot of fun to do so like Brian said if you have any other comments you want to add below of places that we should check out please put them down in the comments uh and then also make sure thumbs up if you enjoyed this video and hit that subscribe button and we will catch you next time cheers [Music]
Channel: Brian and Carrie
Views: 95,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian and Carrie, travel destinations 2024, 2024 travel, travel tips, best places to travel, budget travel, 2024 travel guide, top 5 destinations, top budget destinatons, budget friendly destinations, top destinations to travel, long stay destinations, travel destinations around the world, bucket list destinations, cheap places to travel, where to travel now, where to travel in 2024, Budget travel, travel guide, affordable travel, Travel couple
Id: YGxMw4R5xpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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