Top 5 Cocktails with Color Changing Gin

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[Music] welcome back to flat leagues okay this incredible June arrived in a really cool box and they also included opener well thank you so much impress gene for such a beautiful opener but already got like hundreds of them so I'm going to sign it and ship it to one of you as a gift so we haven't done any giveaways for a while let's do it this way if you would like to win this opener go to Instagram next level bartending follow that page and leave a comment what is your favorite cocktail or what kind of cocktail you would like me to make here next I will choose random winner and ship this opener anywhere around the world so let's do this oh wait before we start can you guys please hit the like button if you're not familiar with this spirit I wanted to mention that Empress Jean is distilled in Victoria British Columbia and besides traditional botanicals that's used in the gin they added butterfly PT that gives the gin magnificent color and it changes once it's mixed with citrus juice let's go okay first we're going to make Empress gin and rosemary cocktail I will use a mixing glass oh and hope you guys like my new measuring cups don't you get to see everything I pour okay so we need one ounce and a half of gin next I will pour a quarter of an ounce of italico to the curb and if you're not familiar with the italic use is basically Italian spirit based on rose petals and bergamot next we need rosemary infused syrup which really easy to make which this sorry it's just water sugar and fresh rosemary pour it into a clean bottle and label it you will love this cocktail so much so you will need a lot of syrup and it's gonna last for a while since for each serving you need only half an ounce let's get my favorite cutting board and this will be a last ingredient fresh lemon juice I'm going to use squeezer and measure it usually I squeeze right into the mixing glass or shaker but these limes are so juicy so I want to make sure it wouldn't be too sour so it's really nice to see how it's becoming prettier and more purple when you add an aluminum juice now I'm gonna clean this area a little bit fill it up mixing glass for ice coverage with my favorite Boston shaker and shake it pretty hard for it in seconds I keep my glasses in the freezer so I will use pre chilled coupe glass and is always able to command to use regular and fine strainer while you enjoy this beautiful sexy pour can you guys please hit the like button thank you so much for the garnish I will use fresh rosemary and we'll just pin it to the glass rain now time for the sexy b-roll so to make you feel like you have to go to the store and get all the ingredients right now next we're going to make empress tonic I'm going to use large wine glass fill it up all the way to the top with small clear ice cubes okay let's bring back our impress gin and we will need one ounce and a half you can try to mix with original I'm sure it tastes great but here I will be using elderflower tonic also it's personal preference but I wouldn't recommend to pour more than 3 ounces lightly stir it one time with a spoon and since it's not a traditional gin tonic we're not going to use lime we'll need one slice of grapefruit to make it look prettier I usually try to put it right on the side of the glass well let's clean this up so I can show you little bit closer how pretty this impressed tonic is next I'm going to show you how to make impress Aviation well classic version comes with a creme de violet liqueur but for this version we're not going to use it I'm gonna start with gin and we'll pour it 2 ounces next I'm gonna pour half an ounce of maraschino liqueur you can use any brand but I believe most of you will be using Luxardo since it's the most popular let's bring back my favorite cutting board and I need to squeeze 3/4 of an ounce of fresh lemon juice prepare for another color change and go okay now fill it up all the way to the top with ice can I also go on to shake it for like 20 seconds or so I will use small childress then strain with regular and fine strainer well let's enjoy another beautiful four and make sure that you really subscribe to this channel for garnish here we'll use lemon zest squeeze it on top of the cocktail and toss it right inside and this is your Empress aviation cocktail make sure to let me know in the comments which one is your favorite so far next I'm going to make a really cool version of electric lemonade let's go first I'm going to make lemon zest since we will need to squeeze this entire lemon and while I'm at it I'm going to cut it now next I need chilled highball glass fill it up all the way to the top with medium sized ice cubes well let's get right to it and pour 1 ounce and a half of gin and this already pretty color is about to change next I'm gonna squeeze 1 ounce of fresh lemon juice and did I mention that color is going to change depends how sweet you prefer a pour 1/4 to 1/2 an ounce of simple syrup stir it for a few seconds with a bar spoon now we'll use lemonade and going to fill it up all the way to the top and it shouldn't be more than 3 ounces total now really lightly mix it with a spoon and it will garnish it with lemon zest that I made in the beginning for when I'm still trying to save Turtles one little straw at a time it's ready to go but I wanted to try and have edible believer just for the presentation and they have teal purple and blue so I decided to go with purple and check it out now I think is a pretty cool version of electric lemonade but you get let me know what you think and now boys and girls were going to make a really really exciting version of Negroni we're going to mix it in a stirring glass so let's start with one ounce and a half of Empress gin I will be using Qin's an Avianca three quarters of an ounce and by the way you also can use black solid or bitter Bianca next we need to add orange bitters let's do two dashes three quarters of an ounce of dry vermouth now I'm going to chill this thing growing it really really well so I will have a few pieces of ice and stir it for like 20 seconds let's get the julep strainer ready of course chilled double rocks glass one large cube of ice in slowly strain our beautiful delicious Negroni on top of the ice for the garnish will will need a grapefruit zest or if you prefer you can use grapefruit slice I'm gonna Express oils from this grapefruit zest and put it right inside thank you so much guys for watching and again if you would like to win this beautiful opener please go follow Paige next level for attending and comment under this video you never be afraid to make something new and I'll see you the next video
Channel: Vlad SlickBartender
Views: 1,045,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gin, gin cocktails, gin cocktail recipes, gin cocktails at home, easy cocktails, gin drinks, empress gin, color changing gin, best gin cocktails, aviation cocktail, electric lemonade, gin negroni, Aviation Recipe, empress gin color change, empress gin review, empress gin cocktails, Recommended, Vlad SlickBartender, best bartender, Cocktails, Cocktail, Classic Cocktail, Home bar basics, How to mix drinks, Cocktail recipes, Cocktail ideas, Make cocktails at home
Id: Hh88h6bXxhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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