Top 5 Brawlhalla Greatsword Combos & Strings

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today we got a few tips for great sword and combos and dodge reeds for for you guys to use for your own hollow gameplay and uh we're just going to start it off with a dodge in read a dodge and read that stays lower to the ground so whether you do a side light a down light or or a neutral light they all they all tend to be low okay so as if they dodge at this low low area here and not dodge up and there's our first dodge reed as you can see a dodge read in uh and that's that's the probably the biggest uh string you can do with grey sword and actually guys the chance to punish now at the end there they have a chance to jump out of it so you could do something like this instead and it kind of has a a little hit hit up instead of a side hit less chance to kill but you see how it does a uh kind of a hit up like that instead of a side light that has a less chance of killing but they can't jump out of it uh you can also do something like this something without the dodge like dodging in you can do a dodge back away something like that you can see similar uh but that's how they dodge in if they dodge away you have a less of a runway to do your your ability so you can just do something like that instead of doing a full combo something like that now let's say they're doing the similar thing but instead of instead of dodging down they're dodging up so they're still dodging in but they're dodging up and you can't do a down light you can't do a side light just not working what you do is change it for a neutral light and that is your number two tip when you're doing uh when they start dodging up on you just do a neutral light read uh and you can either do a forward one which will catch a straight up dodge uh this will do a reverse or like cross dodge and then you can do something like that you can also string it a little further if uh if you have enough runway and make it a side light instead something like that it's a little slow and you can see it doesn't complete all the time we got it your basic one is gonna be that one right there that is your basic up up dodge a uh through read uh but you can also do this if they're going away if you don't do it too quick like that so if your dodge read is up and away just kind of dash towards them instead those are two of your biggest and best combos for the ground now you're gonna might have to pause it i'm not gonna go into a lot of detail in this video regarding how to perform those uh exactly uh it gives you the idea if you can slow it down a little bit on what moves are exactly what three the next string i like to do that is in the game that i like it's just a a down air nailer real easy really actually it doesn't if they have perfect dodging uh they cannot dodge this but a lot of people don't have the perfect dodging and they are able to or not able to get out of this it's a one frame dodge window so like i said they can dodge out of it a lot of people don't but just just to jump down here and there you can't be doing this if you're going downwards because you just follow the ground like that so you have to be kind of going up like that and you have to be pretty much close to the ground so they can bounce off of it and do to do the nair off the ground you can continue that combo with a jump recovery like that afterwards and then maybe a gravity cancel neutral light and it could it could possibly kill now once they once they after the down air to neutral air it's kind of like where are they gonna go type of deal you could go way over here over this way and then maybe instead of doing a neutral you do a side light so far so far but it's just kind of a reading where they're going to be there in there after that now here's a cool tip i learned uh watched the other day it was very it's pretty precise and very hard to do uh but it's a kind of like a psych out tool where you use a down air right on the ledge you see how i fall down right there so watch this if i can do it if i can do it right is it right almost perfect to where it stabs your your uh sword into the snow there or into the edge of the stage and then you fall down like that so you see exactly how i did that there what it does is it kind of scares people to the thinking that you're going to down air them off the stage so it looks like it's going to go in off the stage but it doesn't your body then slides off the stage where you go down below and then you hold down and push another down light again and then it hits kind of off like that and so people who get try to get away from the down air jump out of the stage and then they get hit like off to the side the next one we have next and final tip we have for today is a off stage tip i learned from somebody who was teaching who taught me a little bit about a great sort about offstage and it's if you do a down air off the stage you can follow that up with a gravity cancel down light or gravity cancel side light uh to punish them jumping back to the stage really quick oh look at that see right there is someone who is doing a jump immediate jump after you get hit so let's see if we get this guy here look at that and it kills sometimes they like to jump away from the stage so if you if you get someone who's gonna jump away from the stage you can do a side light like that well guys let me know in the comments if you like this kind of video i try to make it as quick and concise as i could uh if you guys think i need more explaining let me know in the comments also if you guys want me to make a video more describing how to do these uh chase cancels uh do all these cool strings let me also know if you would like that because i know there's quite a people who still probably don't know how to do a lot of these strings or how to do these chase dodge cancels so let me know and i might make a video on that because i've been playing a lot of great swords so hopefully you guys will like that um but yeah anyways thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed hopefully you learned a little bit more about race or that you may not have known a little bit ago and good luck with your great sword out there [Music] you
Channel: SkillzWG
Views: 55,387
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Keywords: brawlhalla greatsword combos, brawlhalla greatsword guide, brawlhalla greatsword, brawlhalla greatsword infinite combo, brawlhalla greatsword gameplay, how to play greatsword brawlhalla, brawlhalla how to play greatsword, brawlhalla how to play greatsword 2022, brawlhalla greatsword gameplay 2022, brawlhalla greatsword 2022, brawlhalla, gameplay, brawlhalla gameplay, brawlhalla diamond, brawlhalla how to, brawlhalla combos, brawlhalla diamond gameplay, diamond ranked brawlhalla, pg
Id: kiK5RwlCl48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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