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hello and welcome to my guide on greatsword this is gonna be a basic fundamental guide teaching you how to play great sword and teaching you the basic skills you're gonna need to improve your great so against me quicker than everyone else and be able to pick up in the rank to really quickly it's really interesting weapon taking aspects from a lot of different games when it's combo system and it on the base level that's really tricky to play on tricky to learn but it's really easy when you get the hang of it and you can get some cool combos get some good damage really quickly this weapon so let's go straight into it I've learned a great sword from blabbing it for a bit in training but mainly from the bro hollowed every ninja should also helpful to watch if you want to because they teach you a lot about how the weapon works or so from my experience in other fighting games this has become a lot easier to learn and many people may struggle with this so let's get straight into it if you haven't already please subscribe and follow me on Twitter on TV slash little some that'd be really appreciated thank you so first things first let me tell you the approach option but move that you're going to be using the most neutral game which is download now like has absolutely tremendous hit boxing and unless you see all the way from out here it has amazing hit boxing all the way around and this is gonna be your main approach options down Lancer and a dash down light can cover almost half of the stage if if done right and this is gonna make this move good it's also a relatively quick especially for a heavy weapon this move comes out quick but this is gonna be your main tool of approach when they're grounded and your and another thing you can do is a grab cancel down light but as you can see this is red and this is where I'm gonna explain to you how the weapon works so you have a opener which is the first move you do to attack let me show you this but hey that's an opener this is also an opener this is also an opener as you can see the move the island first which has no knock back is an opener all openers if flan if landed as an opener so as you can see right down it doesn't move them a talking seven hundreds in the car right here so I'd like doesn't move until sound like doesn't move until neutral it doesn't move and thought this because these are openers these moves these moves don't kill they are not meant to kill and all they do is open you up opening me up for the next attack as you can see after an opener I can move straight away this is called a bridge these were usually yellow and if you can't see they are yellow it's still a bridge but what isn't a bridge is a closer which is after mature opener bridge closer and the bridge is no the closure is red over time the close is all you can be regular lots of different closes one for each of your moves in fact you have a Down light closer eye side right closer and a neutral light closer right so the side light closer would look like this the red one just a stab the down necklace like this they spin and then you try to close it close it is a jump these all have well their force now you don't know have amazing force but they all they all kill they all have a relative amount of force as you can see that kills that was a bridge and then art now I'll do it into a knowit excellent sound like that kills yeah as you can see they all have relative force okay pretty good for us so now your kill options closes and this isn't one of the most important things when you graph cancel you always do the closure so as you can see they are always red so if you want to get a kill without trying to do a combo this is a very good tip you're going to use this a lot just do graph cancel moves because these will all have force and they will cure and we just took the bots like 700 quickly or grab can't talk LLL kill see so you can't do combos in the air unfortunately but you can do these combos on the floor and you can kill him here which is a very good most your kills are gonna come from these graph councils when people learn to dodge so now as I said your main approach tool which your down like right because your down light can also go into other moves as you can see but for ledge down light is - very very bad mix it'll send you off most likely if you don't space it perfectly and even if you do space it perfectly it's disjoints not a good but side on the other hand is amazing look this covers over the ledge and then after down after side like this is going to be a great team if you don't want to go off stage right after sight like you do download as a bridge do the down light bridge the reason why this is so strong is because if they try and punish you have a hitbox right on top of them they try and punish this right this hit and you're straight into a Down light and there you go then you are getting covering the ledge to this right here it's gonna be the main way you get people off ledge the main way you can't pledge as well if you're they're trying to get Mike on so remember down light is your is your main spacing tool and it's going to be extremely useful but neutral but side light is your offstage tool you're ledge tool and this is what makes the weapon occur because it's very versatile and this is also important your neutral light you couldn't be using for jumping opponents a lot very people look at this hit boxing this hits so far above you but it's I'll give you one of the best antes in the game especially because if you land it you can do another move and it hits grounded because that's how the weapon works but if you want to finish a combo straight away this right now is a tip if they don't have a dodge and you'd only get back so you can do through a bridge right see that's a bridge it wasn't they didn't anyway but if you hit the same direction twice so if I hit down light down light it will go straight to the closer no bridge but if I do down light side light you'll go to the bridge and then I'll have to do another closer or a different closer so you can see here that there's lots of different options but if you want to get the kill you go straight into bridge and how you do these bridge and closer combos it's very easy just match the same button mash the light attack button or if you know their timing time the light effects button and then hit which direction you want to go so this this is I'm now I'm going to cover aerial bridges aerial combos from from air so all the aerials on greatsword have a grounded hair books like axe diamond axe Donna has a garden here box and so does all of this at all of these aerials and the cool thing about these aerials is you can even after landing in the air you can on the ground are throwing their wrong around you get to do a closer and a finisher now a closed bridge and a finisher but if you're in the air you don't get to do things if you don't land you you don't get to do it but if you land then you can bad you can see right there that was one Dodge frame this is gonna be one of your most important combos because it is one door train and it's difficult to get one doctrine but you need to practice this because this move is really good if done right - down there - down there is you know also a great approach option your face nut if they can be out your downline put you in the atom and stamped you down and then set you up for an instant one dog train hit which is difficult to dodge and then you can go into more after for two doctrines so if they're countering your error you're down light do a jump jump - damn it and same with cider you can do a John - cider but this is more difficult to do and let net you a lot more dodge frames if you try and come up and that high percentages side light air still has force is the issue so down might remain tool to open and then you can do down light neutral light to be quick but down that sideline you have all of these options after you do this but remember once you landing once you down with your opener you always should follow it you should always go for the follow-up or you can go for the Dodge read one thing that people aren't going to account for is people dodging people a lot of time people are just gonna whiff and try and do the same combo again and again not realizing that all of these adorable see if I try and do this he dodged it but I can always wait for him to use his dog and then do other combos as you can see so this weapon is not only got combos you think do a lot of things with the reads and that's gonna be extremely important I'm gonna cover spot dodge reads now only in this video I'll make more advanced guys on reads of great sort because spot does what people going to be doing cuz they're going to try to mash out off if after landing a sigh like they spot dodge do a jump - down there or chase or some lamps down it because then you can follow up with a lot of combos just wait and then do it down there and then you have lots of options after that way they can't dodge as I'll show you that is one and depending on where you landed down there if you get them to pop up and you get them if you get them to go in the floor depends on or what you can follow up but for a Down light it's the same thing I recommend I recommend going for that down jump that down there because it's safe on a wake-up as well because you jump above them or if you do it down light I recommend just going for another down light as in this game you can use the same thing over and over and it's to do the same damage on my other flying games so and then after easily after a neutral I just do another neutral light but this is an issue because you'll do a closer so if you want you can wait and then do the bridge down light but it takes a lot of timing and then you can get the combo if you wait as you can see and if I don't move I can actually wait a considerably large time to do a to do a bridge as you can see it's as long as he has the sword behind him and he's in that stance ready to do it you see how he puts a sword behind him that is how long I can do the bridge for and overall this weapon is going to be extremely cool to lab and people gonna find some really cool things especially if you're mixing weapon throws into the equation I'm not sure this weapon might be extremely strong and I hopefully this gets using competitive to spice up the meta a little bit and I'm really excited to give it more some more labbing but overall this was just a very quick guide on teaching you what to approach with because once you know how the weapon works with the bridge and closes and you know what moves to approach with like down like down right right it's gonna be your main approach tool if you're watching let's take one thing out this down light is probably great swords best move it's absolutely crazy the range the disjoint it's amazing so this is also really good so make sure to always go for the downwards and also what many people aren't going to factor in is that you can bridge signatures so I'll go silent I can instantly do an end to go through this is gonna be good for looking for kills or reads because it takes longer of course so you can see there's 21 Dodge Ram so it's not like it's gonna be an unlawful thing but this is going to be extremely extremely good if you want to get reads as you can see that right there was a bat that right there is a neutral one back read if I dash into it and I can do a backhand boundary there's many different things I can do but over what I want to show you that the weapon had grounded hitboxes in the air which is very important and that this weapons best grounded move is down low and that you can always follow up with a bridge and a closer I'll be making a more in-depth guide about specific combos and reads after and I'll definitely be a and I'll definitely be showing off the weapons a month so more things is that ground pounder has a ridiculous here box it may not be extremely good vertically but if you're trying to catch someone on the ledge you can cover an insane amount of this ledge as you can see I cover the entire thing quite wide as well which is a makes for a pretty good ground pound and I can also see that recovery doesn't look like it goes far but it does go pretty far and also it's going to be very hard contest horizontally as it has a huge sweeping here box this weapon is the new heaviest weapon the game in my opinion but it also has strings and combos and I really like what BMG has done here so killing you can always kill with the closer but this is very important the girl the ground cancel down light is so quick has a good launch angle and kills rule pretty good for pretty well for a light attack and is safe on Miss as you can see I move down our fries sweet making it harder to punish and although it takes a very long time to jump out of you can still you can still not get punishes it very hard it's very quick and good on here whereas a move like sidewalk just has a bit better range a bit of a better lunge and neutral light is a jump up which is going to be very good for a carving to stage so if you're recovering to stage what you're going to want to do if they're gonna contest you above you directly above you is do a graph contour neutral line and as you can see the hitbox on one that has a massive hit marks above you so no one familiar to get through that wall I appreciate you guys for watching this has come out very soon after greatsword so if I missed some things obviously I am very sorry but I will be making a combo guide this is just to get you started into great sort as I think it's really good for bra hollow right now it's gonna be a very strong weapon thank you guys for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Lilsun
Views: 153,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brawlhalla, brawlhalla guide, btawlhalla greatsword, btawlhalla greatsword guide, brawlhalla diamond greatsword, brawlhalla greatsword combos
Id: wnjwwZ4Nl7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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