[Top 5] BEST & WORST Episodes of The Powerpuff Girls 2016 Season 1 (Part 2) {10K SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL}

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in case you happen to miss part one of this countdown I've left a link in the description of the video for your convenience so that you can go see the first half of my list before continuing forward if you have already seen the first video and are here to see it continue then welcome back I'm glad you decided to stick around before I continue on with the third worst entry I'd like to take this opportunity to give some brief announcements regarding a few things first and foremost this is just a reminder that I have done review videos on every single episode of season 1 of the Powerpuff Girls reboot and I encourage you to check them out if you haven't already especially if you're new to my channel as mentioned at the beginning of the previous video shout outs to bug-eyed freaks for her continued support over the past year and a half I sincerely cannot thank her enough for all she's done for me there is a link to her tumblr blog in the description of this video just like the last one and I encourage you all to check it out as well I also want to give another shout out to dolly spiral for this awesome piece of fan art that they drew for me not too long ago I really love the added details and shadowing effects here pun intended special thanks to unlucky Fae as well another artist who graciously drew this hilarious picture of my himself looming over me shortly after I released my electric Buttercup review on top of that shout outs to dy w14 for animating this absolutely incredible gif of my Powerpuff character dabbing this was something I never expected to see but she went the extra mile and I cannot thank her enough for creating such a masterpiece and as always shoutouts to Paragon aura for continuing to draw these avatars for me I wouldn't be able to make these videos without her help links to all of the artist accounts are in the description below if any of you watching and made fan art for me and are interested in sharing it feel free to tag me on Twitter or submit it to me on tumblr as those sites are where I'm most likely to see it I'm always more than happy to share what you've made yes yes yes it shouldn't be any surprise that I've included the most notorious reboot episode of them all is one of the biggest nosedives of the season there's a lot of wrong going on here I mean a lot of wrong yeah I could sit here and comment on the twerking for the millionth time because that's the most overused detriment the show has ever had to date but then I'd be beating a dead horse and where's the fun in that no pain boat isn't just taking the number three spot purely for its attempts of trying to be hip with the kids and sexually provocative dance maneuvers performed by children no that isn't enough to earn that title pain boat earns its number three spot for being an all-around incomprehensible mess ranging from a blatantly obvious plot hole that is impossible to miss to an LSD induced panda antagonist that makes me never want to go to a party again top that off with a lesson that lacks any relevance to the events that inspire it and we've got ourselves a total disaster the episode features Buttercup pulling practical jokes in order to interrupt miss Keens class until a rainbow appears out of nowhere and brainwashes every single citizen in Townsville except the girls why the girls aren't affected despite looking right at it I don't know blossom and bubbles get put under the spell later on in the episode so clearly they're not immune to Allegra's magic if something like this is going to have an effect on every single character except for the main ones in the story there needs to be a better explanation for it besides they're the main characters plot armor isn't a justifiable reason as to why this is acceptable later on the girls figure out that this rainbow has been causing everyone to act out of character well I would like to criticize the behavior of Townsville citizens these two stop signs are facing the completely wrong directions so I can't really blame these people for wrecking their vehicles and once the trio fly up into the clouds they discover this perplexing pop cultured panda raving to EDM and sending good vibes everyone's way despite his measures to make sure that nobody bums out his chill vibe as the show puts it the girls attempt to stop him and return their city to normal well two of them at least literally can't even it's just a cruddy bear oh yeah thanks bubbles you're you're really making a contribution there appreciate it trying to describe allegra as a villain is like trying to explain why we as human beings need sleep yes it's common knowledge that sleep provides a useful function by allowing our brains to take a break and reorganize themselves but to this day at the very moment I'm recording this video anyways we are still incapable of explaining exactly why we rest similarly it is apparent that Allegro obviously serves a function in the sense that he's present to be the antagonist of the story but what is he trying to accomplish what motivates him there is no information no intent given as to what his end goal is in all of this and to add to that there is no explanation for who he is what he is or why he has the powers that he does it is revealed after buttercup taps him on the arms a few times that Allegro is actually just this tiny blue bear thing but what does that mean why does he put on this outer panda shell does it give him his powers does it contain his powers does it limit his powers so many questions are left hanging here that could easily be answered in a span of 30 seconds or less let's look at the introduction for every main villain from the original 1998 series for a brief moment here Mojo Jojo is an evil super genius trying to take over the world him is the literal devil who wants to make the girls suffer princess is a greedy rich kid who wants to be a powerpuff girl but can't the amoeba boys want to commit a crime despite being the most incompetent bunch around fuzzy Lumpkins is a hillbilly that just wants to be left alone and gets angry when people touch his property the gangrene gang is a group of teenagers who get their kicks by messing with people the Rowdyruff Boys were made for the sole purpose of defeating the Powerpuff Girls and sedusa uses her looks to steal priceless jewelry and get rich quick every single one of these antagonists are given an identity that informs the viewer of who they are and even if some like sedusa doesn't have an explanation for where they got their powers we're at least given some motivation for why'd they do the things that they do in the very first episodes that they appear in Allegro gives us nothing as distracting as it might be a 30-second exposition dump would be extremely helpful in alleviating this issue I'm not expecting an encyclopedias worth of information shoved in my face all at once but it's important to establish a character so that your audience can understand them on top of that Allegro doesn't give us anything to understand he's just a panda except not a panda that loves drugs and partying again we don't know what he's trying to accomplish who he is or why he has the powers that he does and while we don't necessarily need an explanation for why he has his powers at least explain what the deal is with his tiny squishy blue bear form compared to this panda shell I really don't know what's going on here and on top of that Buttercup learns a lesson that's essentially ham-fisted in there just for the sake of teaching kids something despite there being no instigation for Buttercup to come to her conclusion at all as you've probably noticed I've been glancing over to the minor instances here and there that reference bubbles is tween girl personality with the can't even joke and such but at this point just talking about it any further than bringing it up would simply be redundant as much as I want to sit here and an ironic ly say hey LEM ow my dudes that's totally Savage let's get lit af fam I'm not going to do that because it's going to make my dialog more distracting and given a few years time when people may be watching this in the future that phrase will already be old enough to make this entire video dated since it's already too late for me to take that back I just like to say that the current 2018 version of myself apologizes greatly and hopes that future me can forgive current me for my past mistakes we both already know how much we detest the first go I had at reviewing this episode back in 2016 and my early 2018 self hopes that this segment I just did makes up for it I also discussed more of Payne Bo's issues in my review of the sequel episode somewhere over the swing set so if you're curious to hear more about what that's like go ahead and check that out along to collab I did with Jay I highly recommend them I think I've dwelled on pain bow long enough at this point so I digress on to number two it is fair for most to assume that the new villains introduced during the Powerpuff Girls reboot first season aren't nearly as fleshed out as some of the more popular ones from the original series based on what I've covered with characters such as Allegro and silico it would seem that this new roster of antagonists is pretty lackluster first there's Allegro whom I've already said was an unspecified acid tripping Panda who just wants to throw a party all the time silico is again a potentially threatening villain that fits the new generation who ends up being wasted potential there's man boy who exists to essentially Mock the old-fashioned male stereotype and then there's pack rat who is honestly so forgettable that I debated whether or not he was even worth mentioning but there is one villain who has stuck out to me in both of the episodes that they appear in because the two of these episodes show them as an elaborate scheme er who knows how to adapt to any situation and manipulate the will of the unsuspecting people to get what they want Silke style and everything vile these were the ingredients that once made the terrible twosome shanice does of course I'm talking about Bianca bikini a fashion crazed or of dastardly deeds who works together with her sister barbarous and hopefully read the world of the Powerpuff Girls once and for all there's been some discussion regarding the redundancy of Bianca's a villain given the fact that already established characters such as sedusa and the lesser known mask SCARA exist although given Bianca's more modern appeal for lack of a better word I'd rather she be a separate entity than an updated version of a previous villain as for the episode in question Bianca and barbarous exhibit their best appearance in fashion forward an episode in which the two of them pretend to turn over a new leaf and start their own company selling the next big trendy item scarves okay they're not actually scarves but they're basically scarves the pair has decided that they've given up their villainous ways for good and instead want to make a contribution to society by providing a good that people will want to buy so they can earn their money through the magical world of capitalism they present their rep formation by making an appearance on an in-universe show known as the turnaround tank and intentional parody of the popular show shark tank for those who are unfamiliar with it this broadcast is actually a clever delivery of exposition as it not only introduces who the fashionistas are as characters and hints at some of their motives but it also establishes their role in the remainder of the episode the television show manages to combine a brief backstory with an opening set up in a quick dose of exposition that doesn't overstay its welcome as the commercial goes on the focus shifts over to the girls and their peaked interest in these new fangled neck warmers that are sure to become all the range in Townsville just as most trends tend to come and go the professor on the other hand doesn't want his kids to have anything to do with them as he is profoundly against the message that these neck warmers condone the whole concept of looks are everything that the fashionistas used as a slogan is a very negative message to associate with because not only does it segregate people based on how they look rather than who they are as respectable people but it puts down those who don't fit this idealized look considering this is a problem that many people struggle with in the real world I found the professor's persistence to be quite admirable here this is undoubtedly his best appearance in the entire first season because he uses tough love to teach the girls valuable lessons about supporting company messages and not getting swept up in the latest trend or craze that everybody else may be obsessing over I guess I just mostly relate to the professor because I never understood fads like this to begin with with the sole exception of Pokemon go I can't think of a single fat that I willingly got myself involved with because I don't see the appeal in them that others do and that's fine if you enjoy collecting things or performing the latest trendy dance moves then more power to you I think this episode also shows just how impressionable these corporate trends can be on people especially kids the primary demographic that these neck warmers are shown to appeal to our kids which is a clever marketing choice given that they're more invested in fitting in with the popular crowd than most adults are it's not like all these students are fully aware of the message bianca and barbarous are preaching here some just see the neck warmers and instantly want one because they look cool it's as simple as that when the girls go to school the next day without any of their own they get mocked by the other students because they aren't cool with them it's a portrayal of peer pressure and discrimination in which the kids who have these strips of fabric believe they are superior to those who do not blossom becomes especially upset about this when she's kicked out of student council and she has every right to be considering that her lack of a scarf is not grounds for such an act to be made yeah these kids are still for treating her this way but unlike the wrinkled gruff gals where there was no justification for it it's a situation where they are swept up in the craze and forced to comply with society's image otherwise they themselves will also look bad and these kids can't have that because they're in an environment where that sort of thing matters to them this episode fascinates me because there's some deeper commentary to be found here that I'm just scratching the surface on as this episode has a lot of different subsidiary messages that while some may be unintentional back the greater narrative and I find that to be very interesting the girls listen to the professor at first but when they have a run-in with the fashionistas the next day the terrible twosome end up giving them a free set essentially earning them free advertising as the girls go around showing off their neck warmers at school and on social media the fashionistas are such clever business women because they know exactly how to get themselves on the map they've got a marketing campaign that's taking the nation by storm and now they've even got the Powerpuff Girls promoting their products well more like Bianca's the clever one because in all honesty Barbara's doesn't seem to play that much of a role in the act I suppose the fact that she doesn't speak English puts her at a disadvantage because it hinders her ability to communicate but most of the time in this episode is spent with her just standing next to Bianca instead of actually doing something I would have liked to see her an act more of the bra and half of the duo that they seem to be going for since Bianca uses her intellect to outsmart everybody with their fashion treads scam for the duration of the episode but barbarous not so much at least until the end in which the fashionistas activate the mind-control devices that give them power over the entire town as dictators with a plan similar to that of the spongebob movie in which plankton took control of Bikini Bottom by giving his customers complimentary bucket hats instead of neck warmers with every purchase fortunately for the girls the professor finds out their little neck warmer spree and demands give them to him although blossoms avarice gets the better of her when she puts hers back on and becomes brainwashed into serving Bianca's every whim her father shines when he comes back to save the day as he single-handedly despite Buttercup and bubbles his willingness to help takes down the fashionistas and saves the town from their imminent slavery my only minor nitpick with his rebellion is that I would have preferred for him to have purposely thrown the sceptre he had stolen instead of clumsily tripping because it would have made him look more heroic but aside from that I greatly enjoy this episode for what it has to say overall fashion forward serves as a fantastic way to emphasize the responsible fatherly role that the professor is supposed to play in the girls lives while simultaneously presenting the fashionistas with an evil plan that suits them rather well there are so many ways to interpret this episode's lessons making it a more dynamic experience that opens up all sorts of possibilities for discussions I really wish the reboot had more episodes like this when I first came up with the idea of making a top-five list of the best and worst episodes of the Powerpuff Girls reboot I could already tell that the top two worst episodes were going to be Xuan's common sense dictates that there is a larger percentage of entries to choose from when selecting the inadequate side of episodes compared to the adequate and it should be known that I did experience some difficulty choosing horns sweet horn the wrinkled gruff gals and pain bow over some of the other entries in the season snow month however was a guaranteed choice to take that second place spot from the very start what could have been a harmless little episode about the girls playing in the snow quickly devolves into a whirlwind of disarray as a web of disjointed B plots overtakes all semblance of a streamlined narrative the opening scene presents us with the girls celebrating all of the pure and natural qualities of the season ranging from the warm spring breeze blowing through the air to the chirp of the birds and the buzzing of the bees Buttercup complains because she's upset that another winter has come and gone right by without a single day of snowfall but luckily for her she's not disappointed for too long for when the girls wake up the following morning the entire city is suddenly covered in a winter wonderland despite the opening scene leading us to believe the episode was headed down an entirely different direction my biggest qualms with this discrepancy doesn't lie within the fact that it's snowing in springtime exactly but rather the thematic imagery yes it's not out of the ordinary for it to snow during the springtime in more northern climates but the presentation of the opening scene indicates an ending of winter time that the period has passed and nature is moving forwards ask any random person on the street to name the first thing that comes to mind when they hear the word winter it is practically guaranteed that over 50% of the responses will result in a word related to snow because that is the most general association with the season of winter obviously this will vary depending on said person's geographic location as living in different biomes will result in different climates and likely different answers for example a person living in Tampa Bay Florida isn't going to experience the same snowy winters that somebody living in Boston Massachusetts would because there's several hundred miles closer to the equator symbolism and imagery of the season of spring indicate a change in weather a rebirth and rejuvenation of nature that marks the end of a cold dead winter and the coming of a warm alive spring in summer the episode establishes said themes and motifs only to do away with them the following day with no logical explanation for doing so this episode could have played with this idea of the girls not wanting winter to end instead because the end of winter would mark the end of snow days and as such spring would inevitably arrive because nature continues flowing forward in a never-ending cycle this would motivate the girls to want to create a legitimate snow month in order to keep winter from leaving one where it never stops snowing so that they can never go to school of course that's just one alternative as mentioned earlier snow month has a profusion of subplots that all clash together which really doesn't suit an episode of a cartoon that is only 11 minutes in length the main overarching for lack of a better word storyline here revolves around blossom being told that this boy by the name of jared shapiro likes her my issues with this character run far deeper into the rabbit hole but to keep things simple I'm going to run through them as quickly as I can jared shapiro is generic he's a very static uninteresting character that doesn't have any likable personality traits because that's exactly what he lacks a personality if this character maybe maybe had some more to him than just some random boy that can be replaced with any other background character in this show then maybe I could bring myself to care even the slightest little bit maybe it would have helped to learn more about him what makes him so appealing to blossom for instance but there's nothing to know because he's so dull and uninspired honestly I've never liked the idea of relationships interfering with the Powerpuff Girls aside from brief nods to it here and there because that isn't something that's suited to this type of show if Jared had more thought put into him more traits that actually define him as an individual rather than a placeholder he wouldn't be so bad but the fact that he exists just so blossom can go gaga over him gives me no legitimate reason to be forgiving it also doesn't help that after this moment he shoved to the back of the line for the remaining duration of the episode until the very end but that will be acknowledged in time and to address the elephant in the room the self-insert like qualities while looking bad I believed to be an honest mistake and I defend the writer as such anyone who is still going around calling this person vile things without any actual justification needs to learn a lesson in the field of respect yes I think the show is still at fault for making this mistake in the first place because even though it wasn't intentional it still upset a lot of people and considering the subject matter people had a right to be bothered by it I apologize if my original Jared Shapiro video came off the wrong way but I never attacked anyone I simply provided the evidence given and then proceeded to state that it was likely not done on purpose I admit that I could have done a better job of defending the issue rather than simply stating the evidence but I have not nor will I ever stoop to the level of petty insults innocent until proven guilty I say speaking of innocent this leads me to the only redeeming part of the episode in which the girls go sledding after their initial excitement at the sight of snow falling from the clouds it's a very fun and dynamic scene just seeing the Powerpuff Girls do something fun for once instead of spending time in boring old school for a comedy based show this is a fun attempted introducing some faster action into the mix and stuck out as a memorable moment as a result after their fun blossom ends up stumbling across Jared once again and so she flies up into the clouds and freezes them over for the next month so that she doesn't have to go to school and respond to his note this begs a few questions however when blossom froze the clouds did she do this once and only once or did she fly up into the sky every single day and keep the clouds from leaving the city if it's the former then there's no explanation for how the snow magically melts at the end of the episode but if she's doing it every day then that's highly unlikely she was able to fly into the sky every single morning for a whole thirty days straight without anyone seeing her even just once it's hard to believe that the entire city of Townsville would be complacent with this never-ending snowstorm for an entire month straight without a single person complaining about it this seems like it would become an issue that the mayor would eventually have to call the girls to solve seeing as it would be an impediment that was keeping the entire civilization from functioning properly it's explained that bubbles and buttercup were just shrugging the issue off as climate change but climate change of the tends dominantly been observed to be in favor of an increase in the air savage temperatures rather than a decrease and one random snowstorm that never ends is an automatically climate change anyways besides the girls are more than capable of removing the snow on their own they've got i-beams tornado spins Green Lantern powers you name it there are plenty of creative ways that the girls can come up with to get rid of the snow all they have to do is do it unfortunately for them they didn't act soon enough because a local news report chimes in on the TV stating that a group of yetis has invested Townsville and taken over the same sledding hill the girls were seen going down earlier in the episode so not only do we have blossoms current situation regarding Jared as well as the never ending period of snowfall but now there's also a Yeti problem on top of that the way this whole Yeti situation is handled is a mystery in it of itself as it revolves around Buttercup in the yetis being nasty to each other when there's really no need for that at all on one hand the yetis have trespassed into the city and taken over public property claiming it as their own which becomes a legal issue that the mayor could easily call the girls to come and stop spoiler alert he doesn't do that this is also grounds for the girls to set these snobby Yeti straight and send them packing but again they don't do that Buttercup also stereotypes all of the yetis by accusing all of them of being bad purely because of one negative experience with one bouncer and overhearing a conversation in which they mocked the lower class that's real tasteful there instead Buttercup just chooses to float there and complain to her sisters about how awful they've treated them without actively doing anything about it you know besides the obvious solution for the girls to just beat up the eddies they could also just find a way to melt the snow if there isn't any snow on the ground the yetis would have to leave because there wouldn't be anywhere for them to have their ski resort the solution here is pretty obvious but then again what do I know I don't write for cartoons I just watch them and make videos about them on the internet it's not like it takes a food critic to tell you whether or not food tastes good right I digress the ultimate revelation the Buttercup has in figuring out blossom is the culprit has to be the most inept part of the episode after the three girls are seen leaving the sledding hill bubbles laments to her sisters that she misses springtime and its intoxicating delights stating then maybe they leave and we can bring spring back a few moments later I wish I could bring spring back to you oh that was supposed to be a personal moment blossom it was you the whole time you know Buttercup you can't just assume that the fat kid is responsible when there's no more food at the party that's awfully gratuitous of you just because blossom has the capability of producing ice breath doesn't mean she's automatically responsible for causing the month-long snow period she is just as upset about the slutting situation as you and bubbles are and she has given no indication that she's guilty of doing anything other than the brief scene earlier that morning which you decided to brush off as nothing instead of looking deeper into it and yes she does end up freezing a flower after giving a hefty sigh but for all you know that could have been out of sorrow not guilt the way I see it there are several better ways to have handled this scene besides what is given the first option would be to have blossom say something along the lines of huh I wish I hadn't first in those clouds a few weeks ago or every morning or whatever time frame it is because that would be more indicative of her actively doing something and being at fault a second option assuming awesome would stick with the original line delivery would be for buttercup to slowly put the details together and question her instead of jumping straight to the point giving blossom a chance to lie and then stumble over her words buttercup did the same thing to her in the episode a very special blossom in which she slowly but surely caught on to the inconsistencies in blossoms lies which allowed her to piece together the truth thirdly bubbles and buttercup could have gone up and comfort her insisting that it's not her fault and that they'll figure something out leading into three more possible branching paths from there blossom could a and MIT the truth to her sisters B attempt to admit the truth to her sisters only to get cut off by Zach when he shows up or C not respond at all and then have Zach show up anyways there are several alternatives to the delivery presented in snow month that would have made much better sense in context to the situation as I just said a Yeti named Zach shows up and terrorizes the town causing the girls to not spring into action and try to stop him but rather argue with each other over blossoms mistake that shouldn't really be taking precedence when there's a giant Yeti acting as a potential threat to innocent civilians and it's also worth noting that the other yetis hate Zach because he ruined their last ski resort which implies that not all yetis are the same and Buttercup is being discriminatory towards them based off the three she's encountered up to this point when there's really no need for it whatsoever guys this episode this episode is such a mess yeah ok ok I'm good let's keep going I'm almost done the episode comes to a close with the snow magically melting with no explanation the Eddie's leaving just as I said they would because the snow is no longer present neither Buttercup nor the yetis getting their comeuppance for their treatment of each other as in equals blossom meeting up with Jared again to reject him in which he responds that he only wanted to be friends which is such a cop-out response by the way because a boy doesn't just go up to a girl with flowers and shares his feelings without actually expecting something in return and I am so done with this episode now the only redeeming factor is the sledding sequence as I mentioned before but other than this episode is a total mess and I hope I never have to watch it again Hugh there it's done before I get to my top picks for the absolute best and definite worst episodes of the Powerpuff Girls reboot season 1 allow me to go over some brief honorable mentions which just barely didn't make the cut he's not dangerous [Music] oh I lost my concentration now I have to start all over again JK totally got it pretty cool introducing Dracula now scary you the girl dressed like a peacock lady whatever and you have come here for our help because you are tiny helpless babies that's right you are you can be anything you want when you grow up you guys aren't very good at your jobs are you dad sounds like a challenge how did that sound like a challenge and likewise here are some dishonorable mentions that we're also just shy of cracking my top 5 worst list dude bubbles will you stop he can't eat peas any better than he can catch a kickball no he's not still sensitive cuz he's not real I asked something that a join us for a family movie night she's the woman I've been telling you about thanks for making room guys personal boundaries being violated at least this cheesy popcorn is delicious do you guys have any snacks two-spirit of course from henceforth there is only jack ah dark bubbles wow you really changed it up there professor what you did was reckless you could have gotten hurt blossom I gotta agree with ribbon head first you sprain your wrist a little and the next thing you know yes for the safety of Townsville never just to show off we're not showing off yeah we're just shoving it in everyone's face that we can do something again very rarely do I get an urge to go back and watch an episode of the reboot long after I've reviewed it typically once a review of a specific episode is out I never feel a need to go back and watch it again because I've fulfilled my task and want to move forward there have been a few exceptions to this for better or for worse and my number 1 pick fits that bill [Music] hmm still warm it's here but where the Big Sleep is a horror parody episode that pays homage to the popular films of the genre through its use of tropes and overall presentation the story begins not with the Powerpuff Girls but with space towtruck of all things although given how much the girls have watched this show over the course the first season I can't really say I'm surprised by this I am assuming that they are binge watching the newest season on the reboots in universe version of Hulu or Netflix which I'd like to commend for not being as obtrusive as most other 2010s cultural nods that have been in previously discussed episodes selections of clips from the space star trek series are inter spliced during this opening act in which villains such as meter man and signal Cleese are seen attempting to destroy the admirable automobile and take over the galaxy honestly the whole concept for space towtruck is ridiculous enough that I could actually see something like this airing alongside other ridiculous sci-fi films like sharknado Mega Shark versa giant octopus ghost shark Jersey Shore shark attack two-headed shark attack Dino shark shark tank sand sharks hammerhead shark frenzy Sharktopus jeez how many shark movies is suck if I gotta make I especially like these two shots with signal Cleese looming over the space traveling pickup truck because it emphasizes his sheer force and power over the tiny little tow truck as his hand envelops it and besides it looks cool the girls are indulging themselves in space tow truck lore one who should show up but professor utonium telling them that it's past their bedtime and it's time that they get some sleep just as he was in fashion-forward I applaud professor utonium role as a phenomenal dad in this episode he is looking out for his daughter's well-being and as we'll see as the episode unfolds his creativity in doing so he allows the girls to stay up for a little bit longer so that they can continue watching their show although it doesn't last for too long because the power goes out soon after they're caught off guard by the professor rushing into the room beating up a pillow and then running with them into the lab where they hide before the monsters vermin can get to them this being the first instance of horror tropes making an appearance as the use of a point of view shot mimics the zombie pillows pursuit towards the professor as he lunges forward down the hall the professor then proceeds to explain how this thing got loose in their house as it turns out that he created it with the intention to be the world's comfiest pillow a pillow so comfy it can put anyone to sleep as soon as they rest their head upon it he even gave it artificial intelligence that are going to allow it to adapt to an individual's needs and fluff itself accordingly you know because nothing ever goes wrong when you create artificial intelligence the entire concept of the zombie pillow running around the house hunting them down one by one and putting them to sleep could actually apply to a few different kinds of horror films in one sense at parodies zombie films and the way that the pillow hunts down its victims that are alive and awake and infects them with drowsiness which instantly puts them to sleep on the other hand it could also be seen as a parody on a slasher film in which the sleep represents a murder and the pillow hunts down its victims one by one similar to the style of serial killers or scary monsters [Music] compliments to the score on this episode the background music and sound effects mimic a lot of horror soundtracks in its use of string instruments and rising tone that serve to build suspense at various points throughout the episode obviously this is a family-friendly cartoon so there aren't many expectations for anything truly horrifying to happen but it's the thought that counts here it works with its limitations after he finishes catching the girls up on the situation the four of them proceed to go hunt the pillow down and try to catch it before it can get to them first I adore moments like this even in the reboot family is a consistent theme that spans throughout the entire six seasons of the reel Powerpuff Girls series and even if the reboot is inferior I still enjoy seeing moments like this because family is an important theme to me too just seeing the girls and their dad bonding over hunting down this vicious sack of fluff makes me wish moments like this appeared more often in the overall show but alas I'm gonna have to take what I can get the professor gets struck down by the pillow after it enacts a sneak attack in the girls kitchen leaving them one man down as they continue to sneak around searching for the sentient cushions whereabouts was chasing us pillow casing us am i right bubs ha more and more horror movie oh ma jizz begin to pop up ranging from a mock jump scare with an opening closet to a poltergeist reference with the television spontaneously turning on to subtle one-liners that give nods to movies like aliens The Sixth Sense and Jurassic Park in all good horror movie fashion the girls end up getting picked off one by one and forced into a lethargic slumber as they fail to capture the pillow in time in the end it is revealed that the professor was behind the dream scheme the entire time and it was his clever idea to put the girls to bed in a creative and interesting way that they never would have seen coming I really find this heartfelt ending to be a good fit after everything the characters had gone through and it brings everything full circle in the end this episode doesn't even rely on a heavy moral it's just a general all-around fun time from start to finish and that's exactly what I'm looking for in a show like this my only real complaint with this episode would have to be the characters unnecessary off-model reactions because I find them very distracting more than humorous and the girls are perfectly capable of expressing emotion through body language rather than poorly drawn faces but other than that it's a solid episode I actively enjoyed The Big Sleep as an episode and stand by the notion that it is indeed the best episode of the reboot from season 1 so with that said I'm left with just one more episode to talk about hoo boy anyone who's seen my review of this particular episode already knows that it's my number one selection for the worst Powerpuff Girls reboot episode of all time nothing comes close to the sheer amount of misguided Ness that plagues Once Upon a town 'zv 'el - possibly even consider it for the runner-up position [Music] [Music] yeah I have thought tirelessly for hours while working on this video even as I was editing previous segments of this list I tried I really tried to find a saving grace somewhere in here but the delivery the misconstrued moral the execution the main character everything about this just sends nothing but negative connotations my way this episode centers around a princess by the name of Bluebell or blue balls as I jokingly called her in my review who finds herself magically transported to Townsville in a similar fashion to the plot of the movie and chanted it's fairly obvious that this film is what the episode is parroting but other than what can be seen on the surface that's about all there is to it the Powerpuff Girls end up running into this princess and introduced themselves to her in which they mockingly parody a Disney song to deliver some exposition it's nothing special though she's just a generic princess waiting for her prince to come rescue her which the girls aren't too keen on and suggest she tried to spend her time doing something else that's useful maybe even something that betters herself as a person and contributes to society in a meaningful way Bluebell given her primitive mindset rebukes the idea and continues on her merry way leading her to a volcano where she attempts to jump in so that her prince can save her regardless of the fact that there is no chance of a prince saving her and instead Buttercup shows up in the nick of time to prevent her from sinking into a death trap of molten lava I set it in the review and I'll say it again here when the Powerpuff Girls suggest to Bluebell that she can be her own person who could either start a company or Punch bad guys just to name a few things this episode could have gone in a very very progressive direction I fully support the notion that Bluebell should have the right to think for herself and not rely on this clearly unreliable Prince figure yes I understand that Bluebell is going to have some difficulty shifting into this new mindset considering she was born and raised into this fairytale realm it's the same struggle that Giselle faces in the movie but at least in the latter the princess character doesn't go around attempting to kill herself it certainly doesn't help that buttercup and her sisters attempt to sway her with this intolerable rap number maybe we just need to explain it in a different way [Music] the song is bad the lyrics are dull the animation isn't impressive the beatboxing sucks the random old people in the background has no semblance of a joke whatsoever and everything else just falls apart completely so needless to say this song is a complete waste of time at least Bluebell got to leave halfway through it why couldn't we Bluebell then proceeds to run up and down in all around town looking for ways to put herself at the risk of death so that her magical prince who again has confirmed that he's not going to show up can save her from her demise if he didn't show up the first time what makes her think he'll show up the second the girls proceeded to stop her from doing so because of their obligation as superheroes and Bluebell just thumbs up getting more and more frustrated as a result with the ultimate coup de Gras occurring when the girls are abducted by the dragon which also came through the portal at the beginning of the episode instead of Bluebell how the dragon managed to fit through this thing I have no idea this shift is supposed to serve well for bluebells character as it signifies a change which is intended to make her a better more independent person but that positivity gets quickly revoked once she saves the girls from the dragon just moments later oh man here we go again I can rely on myself from now on and I don't need you and that goes for you three two well you guys didn't respect me for who I was in the first place so originally I pointed out eight major issues with this episode's resolution and as a whole which I elaborated on during my previous go at explaining why this ending is as horrendous as it is however it turns out that even more issues have revealed themselves and I'm going to attempt to go through them as clearly and swiftly as I can starting with the fact that Bluebell openly attacks the girls for being technically correct the girls are preaching to her about being her own person for the entire duration of the episode they give her positive reinforcement and encouragement and the idea that she shouldn't waste her life away depending on others especially the ones who aren't going to do anything to help her instead of thanking the girls for leading her in the right direction she accuses them of not respecting her as a person which is all sorts of BS because that's not what happened at all how else is my prince supposed to save me you don't need to be saved you can do anything you want with your life guys anything besides being all dainty for some Prince that'll never show up that doesn't sound very disrespectful to me they're being supportive they're doing exactly what good citizens would do in a situation like this they are taking on the moral high ground by playing the role of the idealized superhero and guiding her down the path of virtue they even sang her a song as painful as it was to listen to to help get her out of her delusional mindset and look at the world from a clearer perspective but no apparently she'd rather chastised them for saving her life on numerous occasions what makes this even worse is the fact that Bluebell straight up and MIT's that the girls were indeed right all along but gets mad at them anyways I learned that I don't need to rely on some Prince to save me for my life to truly begin like geez lady they just saved your life several times you wouldn't be standing there right now if it hadn't been for them show some basic human decency how can you just stand there and accuse the girls of not giving you respect when you're the only one in the room right now who's being disrespectful talk about being a hypocrite all they did was provide some helpful suggestions and you claim you're the one being disrespected let's not forget the fact that the girls are constantly going out of their way taking time out of their busy lives when they could be doing bigger and better things to save this woman's life again and again after she continuously puts herself in harm's way over and over and over and for what to get insulted for absolutely no justifiable reason at all that just makes them feel bad in the end Bluebell ends up repeatedly attempting to kill her in hopes that this so-called prince will be there to save her but the fact that the Prince never shows up until that very moment in the cave proves that he would not have been there to do anything she would have died and nobody would have known if it weren't for the girls coming to the rescue besides how was the prince even supposed to know where she was and for that matter how did he wind up in the cave how did he know she even fell down this well to begin with I think the episode would have been better off if it had just removed the prints from the scene completely Bluebell sees that he would not have been there to save her with her own eyes she is fully aware of the true fact that the girls were doing her a favor yet shuns them off anyways because she refuses to acknowledge the good they had done for her and this princess is supposed to be the role model of the episode give me a break the fact that the girls ultimately feel bad for saving her life almost to the point where they seem like they regret doing so is a major blunder on the episodes part it is not unheard of for people to save someone's life and get attacked by the victim because they intentionally wanted to commit suicide in fact the incredibles tackles this subject during its opening act very well I might add in which mr. incredible gets sued after rescuing a BASE jumper who attempted to kill himself after jumping off a building to spec the fight to spec the fight okay okay that is the best blunder you've ever had oh my gosh I can't get over that Oh despite the fact that he was outed by this man who actually goes by the name of Oliver sand sweet fun fact for you mr. incredible still stands by his moral principles that he did the right thing by saving his life the plaintiff all of us and sweet who was foiled in his attempted suicide by mr. incredible has filed suit against the famed superhero in Superior Court mr. Sandt we didn't ask to be saved mr. Sandt we didn't want to be saved and the injury received from mr. both actions so-called no comment at this time this is exactly what I'm talking about when I say the girls should not regret their actions even if Bluebell is going to be unreasonable in her response to their actions at the end of the day they should not have been written to regret doing the right thing at least Oliver here has a reason to be upset because the incident supposedly resulted in him having to spend the rest of his life in daily pain Bluebell on the other hand has absolutely no room to talk whatsoever the episode is unintentionally spreading the message that you should never attempt to stop someone from committing suicide especially when it's only being done to get another person's attention the way suicide is treated as a quirk in this episode gets under my skin like you wouldn't believe for an episode that's intended to be teaching girls about working together despite the differing interest they may have it certainly doesn't seem to be showing us anything of the sort the only reference to these female characters having differences amongst each other is when Bluebell tells the girls that she doesn't like punching bad guys and prefers to wear frilly dresses which ultimately ends up leading bubbles to question her interest in said things thanks to bluebells harsh words bubbles is left under the implication that she's not allowed to like both which blossom quickly reaffirms isn't true and she can like both things if she's wants to this entire conflict is introduced and resolved within a matter of seconds so pardon me if I question the credibility of such a moral because the entire 11 minutes before this moment had nothing to do with that once upon a townsman lacks any sense of coherence one moment the episode implies that you should be the chooser of your own destiny then it switches to Bluebell attempting to kill herself which leads into the points I brought up earlier and only after that segment concludes does this idea of only liking certain things get brought into question I'd like to leave off on this final remark is there something I'm not seeing here is this episode really that amazing and I'm just missing the obvious I find it hard to believe that I'm completely in the wrong on this because over 60,000 people have watched my review of the episode and not a single person has ever corrected me on this I'm not saying I'm using that to confirm my interpretation of the episode to be the 100% correct way to interpret it or anything but clearly I'm not alone here it continues to baffle me to no end that this episode in particular acclaims praise when it does not deserve it once upon a town x'v 'el is undoubtedly the worst episode of any cartoon I have ever seen in my lifetime I think that on top of everything else I've said speaks for itself and that concludes my countdown of the top 5 best and top 5 worst episodes of season 1 of the Powerpuff Girls 2016 sorry for getting a little bit serious they're turning my last entry I know that's usually not my style and I do apologize for that but I wanted to make my hopefully last discussion of that episode count so now where do we go from here season 1 is finally after much stalling and teasing completed I've covered every episode I've covered the internet shorts and now I've done a final sum of the season with this best and worst episode list so next up we have season 2 and based on the episodes that I've seen so far I can safely say that we're still in for one heck of a ride to those wondering yes I shall be talking about the original in time I want to completely get the reboot out of the way before moving on to the classic series because I don't want to rush into it sure I've been doing videos for nearly two years now at the time of this recording but I don't want to get to the original series until I'm certain I can do it justice like I said I've got plenty of other great things planned along the way and hopefully you'll be willing to give them all a chance be sure to check out all of the people I shouted out during my introduction to this video as I seriously cannot thank them enough and I will see you guys later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Shadow Streak
Views: 71,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ShadowStreak, Shadow Streak, Shadow, Streak, Cartoon, Cartoons, Animation, Review, Impressions, PPG, Powerpuff, Girls, Powerpuff Girls, 2016, Reboot, PPG Reboot, PPG 2016, Top 10, Top 5, BEST, and, WORST, Season 1, Episodes, PPG Episodes, Part 2, Powerpuff Girls Episodes, Top 10 Powerpuff Girls, Top 10 PPG, 10K Subscribers, IF YOU READ THESE TAGS YOU WILL BE SPOILED FAIR WARNING, Countdown, Painbow, Fashion Forward, Snow Month, The Big Sleep, Once Upon A Townsville
Id: 0MrDeSfMmxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 46sec (3226 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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