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this has gotta be lanky box's funniest video ever because we're about to show you the top five best stick man games ever we complete the entire draw stickman epic 2 game escape with harry stickman in minecraft and even play the most hilarious stickman app games ever made on the planet stay tuned for a funny zero budget stick man video at the end that'll keep you laughing for hours let's go today we're doing the new first rovers hacker challenge in draw a stickman epic too what is this draw a stick man okay i guess i would draw a stick man because that's what it's telling me oh yo it's pretty satisfying okay okay nice nice nice wow so far so good dude it's pretty satisfying dude i would give a little smiley face okay done what is he gonna do whoa he came to life whoa so anything you draw in this game comes to life he needs a name this is lit dude this is so cool what okay okay i'm gonna name him lanky okay cool this game is lit awesome okay we got a leggy stick man my name is lanky nice to meet you nice to meet you likey stick man now what do we do huh it's kind of lonely here yo it's like a 3d adventure whoa draw a friend for me i should drop foxy yeah good idea you can touch the screen to make me walk okay okay oh that's kind of cool you can move him around wait can he go off the poster board i think so boy i would draw his friend what's that wait what was that okay i would draw a friend okay wait wait wait wait wait can i find like a foxy purple okay okay okay wow it's gonna be so cute i'm gonna draw foxy exactly guys it's gonna be so cool cause he wanted a friend and foxy's our friend yeah foxy's the best and foxy's all of you guys friends as well okay here i'm gonna draw foxy here's the arm dude i'm i'm a pro at drawing foxy dude yeah foxy's lit i'm a pro at drawing foxy foxy that doesn't look like me i'm trying my best i'm trying bro it's difficult i'm not an artist i'm not an artist bro do the smiley nice nice nice that looks awesome dude wow foxy says it doesn't look like me i'm i'm trying my best your name on foxy yo this game is lit okay now we got two stickman friends what can they do whoa dude it says hi foxy now let's go explore this is like the story of our lives and we got some cool friends here what foxy jumped off the page wow where are we gonna explore to wait foxy dump some goo on herself what is this wait what is this man wait what okay foxy's angry or something what do we do now maybe you have to go rescue foxy yo i think foxy turned evil i think that i think that slime turned her into like foxy.exe bro oh no not foxy.exe wait this game is actually kind of lit look at this dude you can go anywhere wow this game is so cool uh oh it is foxy.exe what is she doing she jumped into a book foxy says i ripped up the book what's going on bro wow this is so cool yeah guys we're gonna try to save foxy in this video tell us the story says draw stigma epic 2 the quest to stop foxy says i didn't know i'll be evil now she's nice she would never do this guys chapter one guys a stinky situation stinky's in here yeah it's baby sticky yo we're sticky at bro this tree is that sticky oh little bugs everywhere what is this whoa i found my first pencil you can use the leaf pencil to bring oofed trees back to life oh that's cool oh you get to draw the leaves back on them dude this is like sticky bro wow that's cool this game is lit we're bringing the the planet back to life bro wow so does that like get rid of the exe bad stuff i guess so dude that's so crazy to me man look at that foxy lettuce to sticky yeah that's awesome okay i'm drawing a huge tree okay now i'm done dude and now they're real trees whoa and yeah some of the exe disappeared what wait the exe's hurting me out i took damage look oh oh i shouldn't have done that dude i shouldn't have done that uh oh spaghettios so i get it the exe goo all these little trees i get it so guys we cannot step in that purple goo oh wait i only have one heart left i'm gonna oof dude i'm gonna oof really soon here now you got it man dude we just got a bunch more tree friends this is awesome wow you gotta like create the path that you're gonna walk on yeah and there's there's hearts the trees give you hearts sticky gives you hearts wow we're back to full health this game is super lit and there's rocky no way it's literally rocky and sticky wait it's actually rocky this game is too crazy guys what is this yeah i love this game so far okay so i'm just drawing a bunch of trees then what do we do man um i don't know i i guess we just gotta keep going oh what's going on oh what is that that's not foxy what is that oh it's like a rat oh is that ricky the rat what is that wait i saw foxy she was like standing up here did you see that no i didn't see that foxy was standing over to the left over here oh wait i didn't finish drawing this tree that tree didn't stay okay there we go so you guys do a good job coloring in the lines if you want to beat this game wow and you oof that monster dude we got sticky rocky and we got like candy bro oh yeah you're right we got like a metal can or a metal bucket this game is so cool what is this uh oh who's there is no that's not me yo there's a he's crying is that rocky's mom a volcano what's going on well apparently she's saying that this purple monster is like oop and everything and being mean okay there's like a big evil purple jelly monster oof everything we gotta go save the village oh we gotta save them dude okay so i think the trees will oof the evil monsters oh i guess whoa ouch ouch ouch go away go away go away the leaves will save me go away go away go away nice done nice wait that didn't ow ouchy run oh it ooped one of them wait there's like a fishing rod right there you see that maybe we can find big shark in here oh yeah good idea we get super thick okay like this awesome hoodie i'm wearing hold on okay let me draw leaves quick quick quick quick quick drop drop drop will this oof the bad guys um probably i think so the bad guys are still there i thought it said the trees would oof them what's that see you said it but it didn't maybe they're trying to lie to us maybe i gotta finish all the trees this game's getting intense yeah but don't worry guys we're gonna show you guys the secret ending in this game it's gonna be so lit i don't understand how we're supposed to oof these guys oh if they touch the tree so you gotta lure them over to the tree oh i get it you see that you see that got em we saved them wow thanks this looks like wendy's that restaurant i like to eat at yeah oh wait they're giving you like a page of the book huh i want some wendy's okay okay nice oh what is it oh another bunch of people are coming out oh are they all gonna ask for help no they're gonna come out they were hiding from the monsters oh i get it i get it they say over here okay i'll be there at a jiffy one second okay it says the trap i think i gotta keep making trees and stuff yeah i think you're right okay guys this game is really high iq guys i don't know if i can beat this but i'm gonna try my best yeah guys i don't think anyone has been able to show uh the secret ending on youtube so we might be the first wait should i like just cross this goo i'll probably oof how do i get to this person uh oh something's happening oh the trees get rid of the goo wow and now he grows it that's so cool this game is awesome guys we are healing the land yeah we're heroes we're healing this statement later i'm here we stick man what is that what is that what is that oh we gotta lure it into a tree dude we gotta lure into a tree smart smart smart over oh that did some damage to him what what is that whoa what a crazy boss fight he's doing crazy attacks bro watch out watch out watch out man why oh i'm down one heart i'm wow guys that was close guys i was literally down to one heart but we saved this person all right they got a heart for me all right let's see if we go back up to max health this game is so cool yeah it's gonna let's go all right this is great this game lit we got four hearts now oh so not only does that fill your health back up it gives you an extra heart yeah and that must be because we just beat like a super tough boss dude wow you bossed up on yo i bossed up dude that's why mom always said you guys are two bosses yeah we got boxed up dude we got boss up okay i'm going over here where do we go how do we get how do we get out of here dude um yeah we're kind of lost where do we go where do we go where do we go then she said thanks you're welcome okay i'll go this way oh yeah it's this way it's this way awesome there's rocky okay what do i do to get through here what's this oh some pages oh so we're like recovering pages of the book what is gonna do chapter complete we beat the level we made the level all right this game is lit uh oh what's happening no we saved everything dude we saved the whole world oh did we yeah i think so we got like a page of a book here what's this whoa oh this is great okay what's this bro okay open open the book open the book we're gonna do some reading huh is this the secret ending okay you've discovered the sketchbook you can use it to draw new stickman tap on any drawing to swap it into the game as you discover new pencils you can also make new tools okay cool huh wow so you get to draw new characters to use dude i'm a draw thick shark bro whoa thick shark hey you already know wait we gotta find how many chapters there's six chapters bro all right let me draw a thick shark right here bro let's go all right you got it let's go let's go i would drop thick shark look at him dude he's dang [Music] okay here we go here's his fin here's his top fin and then he's super thick and he's got a fin like that and then he's super thick wow he's going from a thick shark to stick shark yeah good one dude good one that was a good one and here's his happy smile big shark is so lit bro look at it bro let's go wow let's go dude this game is lit man we could draw the whole squad thick shark yo this game is lit let's go awesome we're gonna start playing this big shark no way oh okay let's see what this has to say to us what is this dude oh we like restored a page now we're playing this big shark let's go dude wow guys in this video we're gonna try drawing a bunch of different lanky box characters and see how they do we're gonna draw all the like box characters and guys we're going to show you the secret ending to this whole game we're going to finish the whole game bro look at this song he says big shark looks awesome in this game oh dude now we got to pick up we got new pencil so it's like a mining pencil so now we could like oh wait we could draw a pickaxe huh okay okay what do you see to draw tools to use i guess so i'm really good at drawing so this should be no problem that's a nice pickaxe it's like minecraft wow that does look nice it's like minecraft okay okay wait name your pickaxe okay uh i'll name him axey axey cool cool like axey like rocky and sticky okay now we got axey okay cool whoa oh that's awesome this game is so lit bro that's it awesome okay it's too much writing dude too much reading why not show it off what okay i i don't understand go away okay too much reading dude this is so cool yeah and guys like justin said we are gonna beat this entire game no one on youtube has done that before we're gonna see if we can actually do it it's gonna be super lit adam oh what's wrong oh they broke their pickaxe can we fix it oh we gotta help them oh okay i can't fix it that way can i like give them my pickaxe i don't understand um oh you did i gave them mine wait so can i like make a new one uh yeah oh i can make a new one yeah i'll make this one like uh like a like a like a diamond pickaxe in minecraft bro whoa a blue pickaxe exactly blue just like thick shark our character that's a great idea okay i'll make this thick i'll make this one thick sharks axe oh i can't i can't draw that oh okay i'm gonna name this one diamond d diamond d all right to the diamond pickaxe dude i like it nice so now our friend has oh wait they they need our help oh wow so there's secrets in the game too we found like a friend is that like a pet what was that bro you found your first color buddy what is that oh it adds colors to what you could draw oh that's this game is lit bro wow we gotta beat this level wait i just fell down a hole uh-oh spaghettios now what whoa where are we dude they got signs of big shark in the in the world dude what is this wow they're saying that he's too thick what is this dude what do i do what do i do okay i go over here is this like a hobby oh oh there's slime monsters down here yeah i guess you just gotta avoid them i guess i gotta like draw trees again yeah probably draw trees save them save them dude let's go nice another color buddy oh cute this is so cool guys we're unlocking secret new colors oh so is this just like a secret level like you don't need to do this to beat the game probably i think so yeah i think this is just a secret area yep and you go back out it's like mario dude wow so as we play this game guys make sure to keep your eye out for if there's any like secret areas to explore this game is so cool guys we're gonna beat the whole thing let's go okay now where do we go adam where do we go um probably to the right oh i found a diamond no way what is that i found something i don't know how to pick it up though okay okay okay let's go this way go this way let's go see if this is funny dude thick shark is just so funny think shark says i'm bad big shark is thick bro i got big shark and foxy i can't believe we got to defeat the evil foxy.exe we got to help save foxy she said i don't want to be evil foxy's not evil bro we just gotta save her bro yeah we're gonna turn her back to being good what is that we just got a puzzle piece i found a puzzle piece check your puzzle progress okay guys this game there's a lot they're sticky no way cool okay and there's wendy's oh they need like the gear or something um okay yeah they want the gear okay we need a potion to turn these into mineable blocks all right where would the potion be wait i already found one of these i found one of these yeah with the diamond you saw earlier dude this game is so high iq bro here here you go nice we got one all right so there's three other gems hidden around the map somewhere okay but where am i gonna get that potion dude i think if you give the person the four gems they'll make you the potion oh yeah what a pal i'm think shark i'm i i'm a pal dude all right let's go let's go draw this draw this nice nice nice got a tree there where do i find like these other gems dude um i'm trying to think how you found that diamond i think i was just breaking the rocks oh there's one there's one oh so they're just hidden in the rocks nice to see you nice to see you too i guess we're gonna save this whole day there's one there's one oh where's the next one this game is too lit bro it just be too lit man it really is okay guys now we're looking for the last jam it must be some rock that i didn't oof over here yeah the only rocks that we can oof guys are the brown ones not the gray ones yeah wait do you see any rocks that i missed i didn't see any huh no i didn't see any either ah what's going on am i getting an evil hack.exe scam oh there's one it's right here it's right here oh let's go all right i'm a genius dude follow me are they gonna take us down into that laboratory we found earlier no way i think you're right or they're gonna take it yeah dude i think they might no no they're going over here wait what okay oh they're making the potion for think shark oh they're working dude look at how thick think shark really is though look at how he waddles bro guys he's so thick he do be thick guys we're gonna drop boxy next and then ghosty and then hey maybe some of the new plushies coming to i can't the new friends but they're on their way guys wait so later in the video you're going to leak what the new lanky box character is we might we might dude we might all right they say let's go all right pour it on the rocks go go go go go so wait this game is so cool we're like beating quests to unlock new stuff yeah wow that was so satisfying yeah this game is amazing guys let's go okay they say thanks you're welcome and then we're gonna oof all these and see if there's any hidden gems and then we're also it's an evil guy you see that yeah it's like a turtle okay no i think it's like a snake okay i'm gonna make some trees because that'll oof them and then i think they're hiding behind these rocks i'll get you ouchy oh it is a turtle oh whoa it oops one of your hearts dude i like turtles but not these turtles yeah those are mean what is that like a scary rock breathing fire don't breathe fire on me i'll oof yeah i'll open you nice whoa you're down to one heart there how do you oof these monsters without taking damage i don't know actually ah that would have moved me yeah that would have been real bad wait how do you oof this guy how do you feel you just gotta wait okay oh yeah yeah cool down guys this game takes real gamer skill yeah and justin has gamer skill i'm trying to join an esports team and it's going well it's going great guys it's going great let's go okay watch out there's a bunch of evil ones okay so i think that these levels guys are gonna get harder and harder they already are dude they're already very difficult watch out watch out watch out yeah that guy breathe fire again watch out think shark watch out big shark is just so lit bro he's so lit dude they're everywhere i gotta oof all these guys are you kidding me yeah that's no challenge for dick shark true thick shark be too thick get up get them out of here oh get this guy oh no no no no no yo look at how happy this shark is now yeah i'm so excited when we get to play as all the different lanky box characters including some that might not even be released adam that's so lit it's it's too late it's crazy lit right here all right let's go it's like a boss uh oh we got an outfit i gotta oof all these little minions first yeah we do ah get his little minions out of here nice watch out watch out watch out watch out whoa that's insane watch out thick shark watch out okay all these guys are super strong dude oh there's so many evil guys around here oh no no no all right we gotta lure the ricky the rat over to the tree ah get this guy ah that guy almost breathed fire on me oh it's ricky the rat over here next to this tree over here over here gotcha oh we got him let's go oof this evil rock dude let's go nice this guy got so many minions i run this game is so tricky actually yeah guys this game is not easy ah of this guy oh you gotta do oh we oofed him whoa big heart we leveled up we got five hearts now that's so awesome thick shark is so lit look at his thick look at his thickness and his thick diamond axe bro yeah it's a thick axe thick thick shark just be too lit man he's too lit right you are definitely right he's too lit oh nice to make a bunch of trees it's another ricky the rat you'll never catch me up you'll never catch us ah go to this tree go to the street ouchie oh it's okay i took half a heart of damage there's no problem no problem wait okay now i gotta draw some trees to get rid of the ooze and then i can dig our way through these rocks all right you got it let's go dude let's go i draw another tree over here nice boom boom bingo bongo let's go all right bingo bongo i'm getting the hang of this game guys okay here we go thick shark let's beat this game we gotta beat this level what is this bro oh no it's like a haunted mansion it might be foxy's haunted mansion we need a key huh hmm a pencil key wait where do we get that i thought we were almost close to beating this level but i was wrong yeah maybe it's hidden in the rock or something oh gee big shark took some damage okay wait it's gotta be here if it's not here i don't know where it is yeah there's some rocks to the left there too that we could try okay we're down to two hearts wait oh oh yeah these these is it here i don't know guys i don't know i'm looking i'm looking come on big shark let's go oh no dude do we have to go in that cave uh oh spaghetti no no we got a page i think we just got it right here oh nice this game is so cool guys we got wait what is this more epic pencils upgrade to the full game purchase yeah let's go we did it guys so it turns out the way to get the keys to spend money let's go we gotta go to the evil.exe castle bro wow this is gonna be exciting all right let's go this game is so cool now we're going into the ink mine all right chapter three guys here we go this looks like a job for boxie the boy yeah it's boxing boxy the boy oh thick shark got avalanched in here we gotta get boxy to bowie all right guys here we go wait can we oh we can change the villain let's change it from foxy we don't want it to be foxy bro wait it says draw a friend what yeah weird who do you want to be evil i don't know dude i might draw evil eden you know me my dry evil eat them okay let me try boxy let me drive boxy to bowie okay boxy the boy nice dude this game is so cool we gotta draw all of our friends in here yeah guys justin always bosses up on them but boxy you could box up on them i always draw boxy and foxy and rocky and thick shark and sticky and candy and ghosty and the new likey bot oops and everybody because they're all so awesome bro yeah you're right bro look look at how good my drawings of boxing foxy are also guys we love it when you guys make fan art and uh and like and show it because it's awesome yeah guys you gotta go get some lanky box plushies at i think our viewers do better uh art than me but i got boxy right here look it up yeah i think it's pretty good man pretty good huh yeah pretty good huh big boxing he loves it boxy the boys okay let's go that looks awesome wait should we change the evil i would change the evil person you already know who it's gonna be please do not draw me with a really long neck i i'm not gonna do that i'm not gonna do that why are you drawing me as the villain i'm not you chill out all right why is my neck so long i didn't say who this was bro i didn't say who it was really i didn't say who it was because it looks a lot like me well that's your interpretation adam what are you drawing in my hand and now let me draw a little carton okay okay look at that look how good it draw again there's milk i put an m for milk wow milky likes it yeah milk he likes it his name my friend all right let me just struggle ahead a-d-a-m is my name all right guys cool all right you spelled it wrong nice okay it's no longer evil foxy.exe she's one of our friends we got eight but now it's time for boxing to vote we got a new pencil or crayon oh awesome what is this you draw a wire we gotta solve electrical puzzles bro wow it's like in poppy's playtime or something dude we had to collect we had to connect the electrical wires bro look at this bro this is going here and then we go here and we fix it boom boom i'm a genius wow that's cool dude this is perfect because we're doing advanced circuitry after we beat this i think we'll unlock the lanky bot bro wait what the lanky bot makes sense dude it makes sense because we're solving electrical puzzles that's true guys you know what i'm saying all right turn on that oh yep you gotta connect connect this okay i can't really see what i'm doing okay i turn that on and then i gotta turn this on guys so this has gotta connect you gotta connect the blue to the blue to the blue wow that's actually kind of tricky and you got to go green to green and then yellow to yellow guys this is so tricky let's go wait what that didn't work what what am i doing wrong i don't understand blue wrap it around like in poppy's play time no blue goes to blue okay that worked that worked that worked i go orange to orange bro orange to orange but maybe they can't cross oh they can't cross yeah that's how you know this game is for huge intellect iq dude i didn't even know that yeah but it's no challenge for justin wait why doesn't it work am i getting scammed uh i don't know oh i think this has to go like this that's right and then you have to go around town wait what is this possible guys this is one of the hardest games ever this is impossible wait maybe i just need to do this first to get boxy out of here no wait what uh wait what if you just draw from the box from the starting point and then go to the orange yeah and then go to blue or no and then end it and then start a blue one stop it okay blue to to here to here no no from the from the cube to the other thing what are you talking about how is that helpful from the cube to the other thing start at the orange square and go to the orange circle yeah go go from the okay then end it okay and then go from the blue square to the blue circle cylinder yeah and then go to that that's it it's that no and then you have to go to the other cube right from here i think so that makes no sense it doesn't work hmm wait can you press can you use the toggle now i'm not listening to adam anymore you toggle what are you talking about bro the the handle thing the handle let's go get me out of here ah get me out of this level bro i i just oh okay nice nice oh you got to walk them into the circuitry wow you gotta electrocute them get me out of this level bro ah it's another evil turtle i like turtles but not these i'll run boxy run oh okay i gotta turn this on somehow what okay okay i'm going from green to green bro green to green that doesn't work okay no no problem no problem what is this bro what i gotta build some sort of circuitry to beat this yeah but i think the boxes can only get connected to like the batteries that's what i'm thinking so i gotta deactivate this battery guys this level like we said these levels are gonna get harder and harder i don't know how to beat it so it's all up to justin okay that doesn't work wait that doesn't work wait what what is going on it's tricky man that doesn't work okay i know it's tricky oh wait it was already on oh nice dude these graphics are lit oh oh wait what's it gonna do it's gonna drill over here that's good oh nice this game is lit whoa new area unlocked okay we're drilling we're drilling yo this is so cool yeah boxy is doing great okay oh watch out watch out some slime monsters see i'm really good at connecting dots like i'm really good at this yeah we love playing connect the dots oops i cross lines okay i'll just accept that nice nice wait wait that didn't work wait what um oh you have to connect all of them at the same time wow that's hard okay no problem no problem there's no red battery it's right next to you what oh there it is i couldn't see it i'm a real scientist i work in tesla don't die justin is a genius i work at tesla so i gotta be all right i go there and the green one you gotta watch out you gotta go right here tell me this works let's go let's go wait what how did blue not turn on oh weird oh if the slide mods just touch it they'll oof these wires oh i get it oops okay green goes to green you gotta hurry you got you gotta time it you gotta time it when you turn it on oh that's tricky okay watch out for the sludge monsters watch out watch out watch out i should be okay now wait i gotta wait until this trail goes away i think we're okay now okay i'm gonna turn it on three two one turn it on yes all right you have to press the button what no he ruined it stop laughing laughing up how do you beat this without them touching it bro oh you got to go way around town yeah wait but then this guy's going to touch it what i think you just have to do what you just did except for press the button really quickly when it's on i get it i get it i know what to do i do i know what to do i need him okay i just gotta wait and now i have boxy stand oh wait no okay go watch it go run run turn it on turn it on turn it on turn it on turn on is it on no oh it missed no it has to stay on it has to stay on it guys i i work at tesla so this shouldn't be so hard but dude it's not possible it's not possible to draw a wire that these guys don't oof yeah i think the button was pressable for like a second there are you serious yeah i like highlighted it can i just oof these guys ouch i'm taking damage you got it dude maybe i have to draw a tree are these trees no they're not what there's a friend over here he's hiding behind a rock i see him i can't get him though huh tricky tricky there was a very sharp increase in difficulty on this game i'm not gonna lie yeah this is this is pretty tough this is it it's a real tough item yeah it's tough being me yeah sometimes my mom says that she just says that's tough when whenever me and justin complain no she says a dad most of the time she didn't say it to me and says mom i want smell she said that's tough that's tough okay okay wait this is impossible dude what is this bro what is this i i don't understand it's not funny adam i don't understand you got it don't worry okay this blue one has to go like that and the green one can go around nah bro nah bro i don't understand foxy passed out i actually don't understand bro um you could try to have the blue one uh yeah it's kind of tricky or i could skip this whole game and go oh oh oh what's this maybe i don't need that but what if i don't what if that's like a challenge level i don't even need it yeah maybe it just like unlocks like a special color or something that's what i'm thinking bro i don't think i need this i don't need this stress in my life dude oh wait yes i do oh wait can i go around here huh probably don't tell me that whole thing was optional bro i'll be so mad no no it wasn't optional can i turn this on turn it on boxy what do you mean hmm yeah we somehow got to power this side now see they're not pressable adam they're not pressable i don't understand tricky tricky wait do i draw a wire from here to here will that work yeah that works that works okay and then the green has to go to a green battery there's one at the top there i know i gotta delete this though okay green to green okay that just short circuited the entire thing but now now it's clean now you can try it okay i go like this and i go like this like this okay i'm connecting everything okay let's go that works all right now what uh what was the point of that this makes no sense oh i had to go green to green here probably yeah this game makes no sense guys but i i'm a real nassau scientist okay now now this is on let's go all right sweet that does absolutely nothing dude okay we have to turn this on dude we have to turn this on yeah i think you're right okay i'm gonna be really smart right here i've gotta connect orange to orange battery where what where do you do this huh well i think that thing in the middle like converts the orange to blue or something like that what are you saying bro like it converts the color of the power i think you convert to something else yeah happiness nah dude all right hold on let me go this way okay that's gotta be good and this has gotta go all the way around town like this and then go here i don't think this is the right thing to be doing dude i don't think this is gonna help us well we can try okay and if this fails i quit all right we'll see come on guys come on please okay the green one's clear this one's still messed up though oh wait no they'll stay powered until it touches it again you you you lied to me i cannot turn this on you lied dude why would you do that i thought you could select the button maybe not why would you do that now we just wasted a bunch of time yeah this is really tricky this is impossible okay is it i quit i think i have an idea i quit okay see those see those boxes on the ground the yellow and the red one yeah and then on the right side there's another one yeah so there's that green one so what if we have to turn on these like power pole things what these little trees yeah i tried that dude it's just gonna open though what's the point it doesn't even turn on well wait go from go from holy oops yeah we are so dumb what do you mean yeah like if you pretend like you know you have no idea what do you mean yeah i don't know what do you mean where's the yellow one you have to convert it from the red what do you what are you talking about bro you have red yellow goes to yellow well no don't cross them i have to restart this and then this let's go all right boxy the boy is gonna beat this level i'm never playing this level ever again this level hurt my brain and that's not very nice yeah it's super tricky this one goes here and then this one goes all the way around over here wait that crosses it though okay then i go all the way around town over here nice this game is too hard bro all right i activated what does this do this better beat the level what does this do oh boy it's going the wrong way we have to activate this are you kidding me all right guys but now we know how to beat it yeah yeah no i have to like unplug this are you kidding me wait no no i don't no i don't i can go all the way i can go all the way around i think i can go all the way around yep okay oop this oof this guy who's this guy do it nice nice oh we got this guy sweet bro this game is too stressful man i like the little pickaxe levels these ones are too hard yeah these are really tricky guys good thing i could do this because i work at that i work at nassau so i know how to do this i know how to do this do i just connect this now to this dude let's go dude let's go genius nope nope doesn't work you gotta go blue battery to that oh what how many lines can i draw from one battery uh probably infinite that's gonna oof that wire though let's hope it works okay okay okay okay okay okay and then the blue converts to orange yes we did it let's go now i can change the direction of the track so it goes this way what is this bro what is this like a nassau experiment bro okay nice okay connect that i'm so confused guys all right it's gotta go this way and then it's gonna go this way okay nice and then it's gonna go this way i'm trying to beat the whole and then it's gonna go that way let's go okay guys we are gonna show you what happens when you beat this level okay except i gotta turn this on somehow oh no oh no okay i gotta go yellow to yellow here that's gonna oof this wire so i go around [Music] no not like this not like this you got it why does that not work oh because i use the wrong pen okay i'm a genius i'm i'm a genius all right let's go i'm a genius turn this on turn this on get me out of this level bro let's go whoa here we go get me out of this level all right it's gonna go here and it's gonna go here i'm gonna press this button that's all you have to say is wow well now we learned what we have to do to beat it how do i get this thing to go this doesn't make any sense um i think the the machine can't go to the left right now i think we have to make it go up do i need a pickaxe oh i need a pickaxe oh this makes no sense bro give me get me out of this level bro yeah this one's hard wait adam so we didn't need to do any of that that was literally all just to get this little color thing we could have just come here with the pickaxe it'd be this whole level yeah that was just for the heat flexing i don't care about you flexing those million evil monsters trying to oop we forget the yeast flexing ouchy we're about to oof we're about to oof it's not funny i'm cornered rod boxy oh half a heart okay hide under the tree yo this is impossible what do i do here and i have half a heart are you kidding me okay so we see there's a yellow battery there yes i see that and a blue one okay okay okay okay blue to blue and green to green let's go turn it on nice that didn't do that didn't do anything can you like lure the enemies over there i think i should yeah okay turn on yellow okay i will lure this guy over here it doesn't do anything now he's just chasing me no i have to start over nah nah bro no you're all right you're all right [Music] don't make me do this adam don't make me do this adam don't make me oh i know what to do i know what to do i go from green i go around oh no no i just go right here i just go right there let's go oops okay laugh it up adam laugh it up i did it let's go turn this thing on get me out of here you can't even move the enemies you can't move the enemies you gotta run yeah okay so literally guys all that work we just did it didn't even help us dude like it was just for a freak color a little fuzz ball yeah but sometimes in life you just gotta yeet on them tell me this was not all just to get a puzzle piece i don't want a puzzle piece i want to beat the level are you kidding me oh where do we need to go i have no idea bro wait didn't we beat this level like what are we supposed to do yeah this one is real hard this is this went from being a fun game to being an interview at google do you have to like read that book that's like um on the top right there okay it's a cookie that's pretty cool yeah that is pretty awesome what is this what is this i can't even exit i don't want to buy maybe later okay where are we supposed to go [Music] dude what that was hidden in there how is anyone supposed to beat this game what are we supposed to do i hate him what do we do guys this is not a game for a baby if you're a baby i would probably not play this game if you're a goo guy i would i would not watch these videos bro cause they're too big brain dude yeah you might turn into a genius watching these videos right okay wait wait wait wait wait run boxy run run okay can i just oof this guy no i can't i moved i moved okay what are we supposed to do man i i don't even know if we like need to do this level don't say that dude i feel like we do though because i don't think they put all this in the game for us not to do it oh we gotta turn this on oh it's like a generator it's a generator bro it's a generator oh so go from yellow to red i guess first i have to connect this oh yeah i can't do this so i gotta go all the way back here i gotta go all the way around i gotta go all the way back wow justin's a genius dude it's the generator because i'm a genius yeah genius generator this game i'll be honest this might be one of the hardest games we've ever played in our whole lives yeah the only other hard game that like might be harder than this was that pj masks heroes of the night game that game changed my life that game changed my life adam but now you are a hero of the night i'll be a hero of the boxy the bowie wait we did it all we had to do was connect this all everything else was extra just for puzzles wow let's see what happened all of that was extra we didn't have to do a single thing we did yikes well now we know now we know it's another level there's evil aid with the moon no i hate him he's making evil bats he's making evil batman he's turning into gotham cd oh man okay guys uh now the key here is we got to just figure out how to beat this and not waste time doing random tasks of which there are a lot yeah very important okay turn that on okay i gotta go this way so there's a car i gotta start oh how do you oof these guys i don't know what is this guy hey yo that looks like it looks like slime rocky if rocky wasn't a genius this guy looks like rocky and he covered himself in jelly yeah wait wait wait wait how do you beat this wait what okay i turn on i turn on the tree if this guy touches it he oofs the wire come on wait do i have to like just do that a bunch of times probably yeah i don't like am i just trying to oof him with the wire like this uh i think so yeah i'm just gonna turn it on while i can um i don't know if we need a car i think we just have to do something with that generator over there which generate oh this one over here yeah no there's nothing to do over here adam there's the pencil we need ah we're almost there guys that's my angry sound and i oofed and i oof to a bat go away evil item go away go away at least it doesn't reset us like all the way back to the starters how do i get down here how do i get down here go to the right what okay no how do i get down here what do you mean nice i i don't know if you can jump down there i need to start this car what do you mean but can you go to the right and go down that ramp and then go to the left i'm a genius if i if that am i a genius why genius or am i genius i'm a genius whoa you have to like pickaxe that down adam's not even in the right universe right now oh wait okay okay okay nice nice okay i know what i need to do i need to oof like the jelly jam like where it starts like here so i start this now i can turn this on and then i gotta connect this and then let's go okay i'm genius i'm a genius adam just it's not even in the right universe right now let's go turn this on dude turn it on turn it on boxy do it nice and then turn this on quick quick quick let's go all right i'm a genius bro wow so you had to pickaxe that rock down onto the button no before that we had to pick ax a sign that said no pickaxe that's crazy and now we oofed evil evil adam got the key he's running he's gonna drown us oh no don't do that that's you adam don't you evil i ain't got wings i will stop you yeah for sure what do we do what do we do what do we do oh wait we got it we got oh okay i got an extra heart wait i bet we're on like a timer the whole level's gonna flood no way the level's gonna flood with oof if i don't finish this come on boxy quick quick quick blue to blue yellow to yellow here we go guys get me out of here bro bro was that it that was a crazy level we just did a bunch of stuff we didn't even have to do but we beat the level we went max level let's go and we got the next page of the book bro my brain feels like it just went you know tub of grape jelly bro yeah but we beat the chapter let's go dude let's go and that means we gotta draw another lanky box character hey it's time for ghosty to shine let's go dude all right hey let's go we're on the next level okay guys now we beat that level i think we're on chapter four guys yeah yeah this is great all right a town in need this town needs a hero to save gotham city and that's us adam yeah i mean boxy was pretty lit but who should we draw next yeah you know ghosty wait okay the bird just took the page that we need it better not eat it don't don't eat it okay is that bird our friend or not all right guys let's go draw ghosty this game is lit wow here comes ghosty all right here comes ghosty i would draw in the ghosty color too i've drawn everyone in their color here's ghosty okay nice there she is here's her hands nice nice and then here's ghosty oh so cute pretty cool huh yeah there's ghosty and there's ghosty's nice smile dude this game is so cool man and we got ghosty let's go it's this game is so cool guys even though that last level might have just oofed my brain this game is lit it's so lit guys look at ghosty she's zooming she's zooming around town oh okay wait okay so the bird wants us to make some soup okay but soup this person this is some coal to light the fire for the soup and this person wants us to oof a jelly monster so i think if we do all these quests they will make the soup for us i get it okay you know what i'm saying yeah what is that little cow that's how you know evil items in this world dude that's how you know okay wait wait wait that didn't even help how do i get to that what make the tree bigger make the tree even bigger that didn't do it how do we get to that what i don't even know if we're able to pickaxe that yet okay i don't know either let's go look at ghosty she's so cute this is awesome yeah this is lit okay okay i'm just gonna go oh save the trees bro save the trees nice oh we got a huge we got mega tree nice watch out ghosty ghosty whoa watch out ghosty watch out why are there so many bad guys what is this level everyone's trying to oof you was his little fishy okay can i get that can i get that please can i get that oh i would save the fishy and i got i got a new crayon nice who is this we could make rain that's so cool what does this draw a rain cloud huh dude that that's not a leak but that might have to do with new characters hey yo watch out watch out watch watch out wow that's actually a really cool power why is there tnt over there you see that it's in the forest i'm gonna go get it yeah good idea this game is too late dude this game's too lit okay get these guys out of here why is there tnt i bet if i draw a rain cloud i can get the tnt no way or something wait there's something there's like a puzzle piece you know what forget the puzzle pieces dude i don't want them anymore yeah we're just gonna beat these levels oh the raincoat probably washes the goo away no way no way this works okay well okay yeah actually no way it didn't work okay okay okay did these guys just respawn there's so many of them i think so yeah i think i do have to oof all of them guys i don't think we're gonna be able to beat this game without oof and all you know i'm just gonna take the damage i don't really care yeah oh from ghosty that's what ghosty shows everybody ghosty's not afraid of anything you gotta face your fears all right forget these guys get them out of here easy oh wait is some pine cones am i supposed to draw a rain cloud over the trees no way that did absolutely nothing guys what am i supposed to do with the rain cloud um i don't know okay this person needs a battery okay so we need to just help a lot of people around town and they'll be able to get the the soup yeah let's see what's in the left here okay ghosty's taking a lot of damage am i supposed to draw rain clouds to oof these bad guys maybe uh oh it's a haunted mansion okay that didn't work don't worry ghosty's from a haunted mansion she knows what to do we got another heart nice okay now we have like seven hearts we're like super super tough but what do we do i think i gotta go get that milk wait wait this is like an innocent little guy he's being chased we gotta help him why do what do we do dude i don't know man we gotta figure it out okay i think we use the little the rain cloud over here maybe oh that would make sense are we growing like a little milk cloud or something what's going on no it's not wait what guys what are we supposed to do man yeah that's really tough guys i literally don't know what to do okay there's a new area over here no there's not what do we do can you walk in the goo and just take the damage wait wait wait that made some like cracks in the ground i think oh really yeah i think so you think i'm supposed to walk over here you could try it wait yeah we can wait what what but i don't know if we can like oop this block yet what is this thing what we'll probably have to do is like uh draw like a better weapon later in the level or something oh wait yeah she was saying we could draw swords i'm supposed to draw a sword i'm an idiot ah dude this game it's it's taxing my brain dude it's using my whole mental yeah it's it's pretty tough guys how is it like how is it using my whole mental so much i don't know all right i'ma draw a diamond sword like in minecraft oh man now we're talking ghosty's gonna have a sword dude look at that ghosty's so brave she's gonna oof all these evil uh plants yeah ghosty's a hero look at this awesome sword dude i have a name from sortie we got sortie oh cool let's go all right let's go oof these plants now nice wait that's crazy it wouldn't let me oof the plants when i had a pickaxe does it know that i have a sword now um i don't think so because it said in the drawing thing draw a pickaxe wait okay wait this didn't do anything yeah but i do think we'll have to draw a sword i just don't know if the game knows it's a sword yet i'm gonna cry dude i don't understand what is this it's like a guy with like a sign on his head what is that like a cardboard uh like plant or something what am i supposed to do with the rain cloud i'm too dumb to play this game dude actually though do you know what to do no i i guess we just got to keep exploring the town none of us know what to do i'm watering the flowers what is the rain cloud for guys let us know can i walk over this i cannot well i don't think there's anything to do in this area let's go down to like the bottom or the right going down to the bottom of the map what is this this guy oof like a little guy a little nice guy i guess so i have to oof these guys somehow i just don't know how yeah they're pretty scary okay i don't really understand you want me to go down here yeah okay they need a battery yeah just keep going can you go in that house oh oh it's a fishy that we saved earlier nice okay he just purposely got caught by the fisherman wow awesome he's gonna turn him into a fish wish wait is he gonna sell the fish they're gonna turn it into soap now he sees in the soup he's seasoned his own soup wait what no we're setting it free oh man okay no that's good we got salt okay so now that we helped the woman with her soup now maybe she'll give us something did we help the woman oh she'll give us the sword yeah cause we get we gave her salt no oh this guy needs water for his plants there we go guys this game is nuts let's go all right we're helping everyone this game is so crazy guys if we're not solving crazy spacex nassau puzzles we gotta save the village and we gotta grow plants yeah and now he's gonna get vegetables for the soup this game is nuts bro this game is actually insane okay this game's awesome though let's go and then do you need to like water the soups they have water or something dude she's telling us we gotta oof the monster and then she'll put water in it oh man or am i just supposed to put water in here i think that's it yeah no way we made soup okay is she gonna give us a sword no she's not okay what does this guy need we needed coal to set the soup on fire oh that's what this was yeah the coal how do we get this a pickaxe um probably it doesn't work though do i just keep doing this no i think it would probably show that it was doing damage or something maybe maybe we have to do something else before we can get the coal how what what would that be i don't know are there other people to talk to i'll go look the soup looks finished why can't the bird just eat that oh cause it's not cooked this person they need a battery they need a battery uh i gotta i gotta find a battery yeah or could we use like our wire tool or something i don't know that's a good idea they need candy and a lemon and a fire yikes i don't want to do this anymore vibrator is there area over here we haven't looked at no we dude we've looked at the whole map we have to oof the monster somehow and we have to get this guy battery can you like do anything with the bird no all right now what do i do what's this candy where am i supposed to get candy i do not know my brain hurts [Music] and i had like i said i had a very long day working at nassau yeah it's been a it's been a it's been a tough one for justin ask ghosty dude does ghostie know what to do ghosty says nah what that's not first off that's not how she talks and no no no no no no you can't even do the ghosty one he said not hold on maybe there's like hidden gems somewhere i gotta oof i don't my brain hurts wait a minute i think we can fill up this bucket right here wait really what yeah okay but what does that do oh it's like sparking is that a battery i think so did we just make a battery from a bucket of chocolate let's go what is that he got a dna what is that wow what are they doing he just got a dna bro he's gonna put deal he just put dna in the suit bro is it done okay it's almost dude it's almost now we gotta get the coal we have to light it on fire but i don't know how to do that so guys the water cloud is like the key to everything yeah it's pretty tricky okay so there's gotta be water over here somehow yeah somehow dude i bet no way i bet we have to draw water and then mine it while it's like softening okay guys i'm thinking that this tree gets rid of the ooze right yeah so what if we water this tree it gets bigger oh okay okay wait what let's go and then someone's gonna come and pickaxe it let's go let's go we gotta use teamwork to get the cold dude we got coal this game is awesome look at how heavy ghosty is we got the soup all right guys that level was lit okay the the the wire level in the mines that was really tricky this level was also tricky but it made me feel nice because we helped everyone in the village yeah it's super tricky get it super tricky okay nice we got soap okay wait oh wait so we beat this level is this the page let's go dude ghosty just speed ran that level wow good job ghosty let's go dude okay now we are on chapter five guys chapter six is the end of the game we might be there we gotta take down evil adam.exe no way man bro yep it's chapter five and then chapter six guys let's go this is about to be crazy dude and you already know dude you already know who we're about to play as bro uh-oh who is it bro we gotta play as rocky sticky and candy bro whoa good idea let's go let's go we're gonna make a new friend it's gonna be rocky sticky and candy all right here we go can i use multiple colors on them yeah i think i can alright here's rocky and there might even be like a secret chapter seven i don't know it's gonna be lit dude it's gonna be super lit this game is too lit dude look at rocky look at how happy rocky looks wow baby rocky loves it dude and now i'm gonna draw a sticky and candy it's gonna be one squad oh man bro this is too lit bro look look look at the squad dude wow so cute this game is so cool dude i would draw sticky now oh man here's sticky they're all friends let's go yeah i got sticky let's go [Laughter] this is so cool yeah all right i'll draw sticky's face right here yeah we got it dude i would eat rocky sticky and candy there we go all three of them let's go rsc this is so cool look at the squad wow that looks great this game is so awesome we got rocky stinky and candy in here what is this it's a little birdie squirrel it got a little mommy egg crayon oh we're gonna have to draw like an egg okay i got a feather for it okay guys this is so tricky oh man i see more batteries in there oh what okay huh it thinks we're a little baby huh i'm not a baby birdie we got an eggy waggy crayon what is that gonna do draw an egg all right here's an egg for the mommy what what oh i gotta draw an egg right here probably yeah and the mommy's gonna sit on it is that it yeah you're making more birdies can i give this mommy a little eggy wiggy no so i gotta find the empty nest and make the little eggy waggies oh okay and then the birds will pick us up wow this game is complex dude this is literally the story of rocky stinky kane where they are in the forest there was a bunch of really nice animals that helped them this is so lit yeah dude think of how cool it'd be to like be picked up by a bird yeah rocky and sticky candy were many times how they got around in the forest wow that's so cool they probably grabbed them like right here and just flew around this game is too lit bro oh now i know we got to deal with mine carts which i kind of don't want to do because this is the tricky part with the batteries yeah but we have to do it okay i'm going this way i'm following the mine cart follow the railroad let's go this way oh we gotta make a tree here oh easy peasy that's pretty cool we made a tree and then we gotta turn this on nice all right good thing this one isn't too hard yeah super easy let's go let's go let's go wait what oh i used the wrong crayon i think i used the wrong crayon yeah that's it that's it okay let's go wait no oh i can't okay okay hold on what hold on hold on go like this this game is so satisfying oh wait i can't touch the battery like that in the drawing that's why oh you got to go all the way around okay nice nice let's go wait what how did that not work what wait here okay come on come on there you go okay nice nice turn it on nice and the tree is moving and it's gonna oof all this purple slime whoa can you water the tree too yeah i'm gonna water it and it's gonna get bigger guys so you gotta combine all the different crayons check this out guys no way i gotta water it quickly water it water it water i will water the little birdie too yeah good idea look at this guys look at this look at how crazy this is bro i might have to water it again oh okay wow this is satisfying yup i gotta water it guys i gotta water it so it gets even bigger oh oh there it goes this game is lit oh man new secret area with new enemies [Applause] except rocky and stinky and kenny are not afraid of snakes yeah they were friends with snakes yeah they're not afraid of them was his little lily pod would i draw an eggy waggy right here you could try dude that works i think that works cause snakes probably like eggs what i don't know what are you talking about i always thought that snakes ate eggs i think you eat eggs in the morning adam yep yep and we eat lots of eggy waggies okay guys wait that wasn't enough to get through here what uh can you just run over it even if you take a bit of damage yeah yolo ouchie oh yolo we made it all right we got a heart that's awesome we got like so much health now yeah okay ooh these nice wait where do we go now uh oh oh spaghettios where do we go now this is tricky tricky guys let us know which way to go i don't really know i'm confused ouch that's okay rocky sticky and kenny are tough yeah they got a lot of health they're super tough wait did oh did the little eggy wiggy grow up into a mommy birdie see one of the snakes ate the eggs oh ew and it's got like an egg in its tummy hey [Applause] wait is that how you oof the snakes you just lure them all to this area i guess so yeah no way dude that's crazy that doesn't even make sense what's the point of doing that though i i don't really know oh you've got a pickaxe through here okay okay that makes sense ew okay let's go what is that whoa uh oh we're following the giant vine what is this man is it a snake no tell me that's not a snake no way the whole thing was a snake who it was wow it was a giant snake it's the mommy snake that's insane good thing rocky stinky and candy aren't afraid of some snakes this boss fights crazy i think we just run i think we just keep running i think we just run yeah yeah we got oof these guys get out of the way get out of the way go away yo we're on like a timer we gotta oof we gotta solve these battery puzzles with limited time are you kidding me oh no you got it dude don't worry i'm super good at these now go around town let's go open open the gate open the gate nice yup oh nice now we're through here oh this is crazy you got to beat these puzzles out of timer our friends are going to get ooh no we got to save them i gotta dodge this i gotta i gotta dodge i gotta dodge oh no how did we just oof i think the snake just ate us snakes can't eat rocky stinky and candy yeah that's true hold on hold on hold on guys i'm getting a little bit flustered i'm getting flustered guys let's go it's all right you got it i'm getting flustered like some mustard get this guy out of the way nice nice nice get through here get through here night you're gonna throw it this far i i always was a pro adam that's true that is very true because i work at nasa all right what do we do here you just gotta dodge you just gotta dodge watch out watch out watch out watch oh do i have to get it to eat this thing oh oh genius we beat the chapter nice dude yo rocky stinky and candy are the squad bro they're not scared of anything bro good job guys let's go i think we're on the final chapter which means i think we've used all the plushies including foxy at the very start yeah we gotta get milky nah dude yo we gotta use milky and and i think we gotta do a secret wait is there six chapters or seven oh there might be seven i don't know are you serious yeah we're in the froggy boggy all right here we go okay guys i'm gonna switch to milky and then after this if there's another chapter we will make a new character no way new lanky box character it's gonna be super sick adam it's gonna be super sick crazy gonna be so sick all right here's milky guys he has a voice box in him and he sings the milk song i got the milky i got i got everything with milky i got all the details all milk everything yeah milky i put the handle very very cute milky looks awesome okay yo it's milk okay okay okay now now this is another normal level where we just gotta like save a bunch of stuff is this frog oofed what's the matter little froggy woggy hmm i don't know if the frogs are good or bad i'll make the pond larger they look nice maybe they want some eggy waggies you want to eat an egg i'll give you an egg wait that did something no it didn't weird okay no problem no problem no problem no problem okay oh maybe the eggs will like lure the snakes and then the frogs can eat the snakes yeah you could try to draw an egg like in the middle of the pond and see if a snake goes for it i think it's going to oof oh no it is you have to draw it on a lily pad at him ah okay that makes sense okay i'll leave the eggs there see what happens it doesn't work okay i'll go this way go milky go what to do it looks like the whole town got overrun by like the evil uh snake they say this is the pits what does that mean bro that means like this is the worst oh really yeah but one of the frogs tried to use its like evil tongue on you no it didn't okay watch out the frogs are definitely evil are you serious yeah oh it is yeah you evil froggy woggies i was gonna help feed you some snakes no snakes for you oh we gotta help this person this is the end of the chapter no way there's the page we need okay they want us to help them build an elon musk tower wow it's a tesla coil yep it's a tesla tower that's so cool i'm pretty sure that's how wi-fi works i think you're right yeah that's what i'm saying dude okay i think i gotta wash off these trees probably there's a feather oh do i draw an eggy waggy no way is that it i need this feather i need to get picked up by a birdie but i don't know why it's not working what to do guys if you know what to do leave a comment because this part is pretty tricky already okay there's there's this what do i do though it looks like milky's dancing hey what do i do i draw an eggy waggy what what am i supposed to do um go down is there anything else no no it's definitely here it's definitely this can i draw an eggy waggy right here okay the egg's there nice oh so i gotta protect the eggy waggy oh okay don't don't pick axem you got it i can't milky you gotta protect the eggy wagy until it hatches maybe there's something with the waterfall here i have absolutely no i don't think so yeah it's tricky uh okay guys we're on this we're on the search for a bird's nest that we can draw so that we can go pick up that feather yeah try going up up here up into the left maybe i don't know i feel like we haven't explored that area it's a dead end adam how do i go up there no go to the left hey i just got oofed by a frog you can't cross water oh man go go down and to the left [Music] something go to the where you just saw it was on the left yeah how is anyone supposed to see that bro wow they hit it like crazy okay they they're they're very very smart the makers of this game are very very smart come on milky let's go we stand by the feather and we're gonna get picked up by the by the fender the bird uber oh birdie you know what i mean oh birdie wordy we got the oopy movie let's go nice milky's getting a lift there's a heart in there i see it wait seriously and a new pencil i see the heart wait what i didn't mean to go in there i wanted the pencil no oh here's the heart all right let's go we got like 10 hearts that's great we got nine actually let's go and we unlocked a snow pencil i bet we can freeze the ponds now oh and you can walk on the water oof this guy oh this guy we're gonna oof all these evil froggy woggies yeah this is really cool oh we're gonna like freeze the waterfall i'm gonna freeze the whole waterfall see what happens no way whoa and now it's like a slide whoa that's so cool this game is lit this guy ate the egg stop don't eat the little chickens okay how about oof all these guys get out of here you big evil mean frogs i tried to help you wow it really didn't freeze the frog yeah i really tried to help you guys and you this how you repay me by trying to lick me with your tongues oh that's what adam does with his mouth okay guys now we can cross this nice we got a puzzle piece okay cool you got it you got it i don't care about the puzzle piece wait can i can i do this and like fully cross it yeah yeah yeah oh new areas i got a puzzle piece i got a puzzle piece so i i just got to cover the entire world in ice basically yeah basically nice oh this guy get this guy out of here oh you got to color it in oh okay he's trying to make a run for you see that you're not going anywhere mister yeah no evil frogs allowed we got another new color this is bad though the color the puzzles are not important so i know i'm going somewhere i'm not supposed to go right okay but i'm too addicted milky you gotta be careful milky might get frozen because milky is liquid milky literally turning everything into a milkshake bro we're turning them into a frosty yeah turning them into ice cream yeah that's milky's favorite dance move is the milkshake the milky's favorite dance move is ice cream oh wait wait there's a treasure chest here oh no way what is this bro what is this oh what is this wait there's some crocodiles what what wait what it's like are they in love or something i can't open this i can't open the trap the chest maybe we gotta help the crocodiles or something later yeah it's a mommy and a daddy crocodile why is that funny yeah they're in love okay that's not relevant to what's going on in the game oh man what was that treasure chest for am i supposed to open it maybe we'll like unlock a key somewhere in this game and then we can go open it wait we just saved there there's something spooky across the river what the crocodiles no they're not yeah the crocodiles are lit they say find the scientist she can help the scientist was over here right um i don't remember where the scientist was yeah they're over here i gotta go this way yep yo yo yup yup come on milky let's go where's the scientist can you walk in like go to the left can you walk in there oh okay i know what to do i gotta fix this tree first oh i got it and then put a rain cloud oh wait what what okay tree this game is super tricky guys it's i'm going a huge brain right now i still can't get across that though keep drawing nice i guess yeah yeah just make a run for it i don't know that's gotta be it guys this game is really tricky but it's a lot of fun yeah we're having a great time yeah because the the harder you try just like in life the harder you're trying this game the more you are rewarded that's true that's real life lessons right there wow see we're almost done with this level now we're gonna go ah what is that whoa that thing's fast oh if it touches the tree it still oofs nice so the tree is like the antidote to all these sludge mobsters oh that rat is so crazy ricky the rat where's the scientists it must be they must be this way because there's all these trees here right i think they're in the middle of this lake where are they hiding i think they're in the middle of this lake think so yeah i'm pretty sure all right let's see if justin's right i'm pretty sure i'm right come on water the tree water the tree nice nice lit oh i don't see the scientist we got bamboozled you already tried going in the house that has this hor the spikes next to it like on the left um there was like a path that had spikes on it where like go to the left here okay and then draw some ice there yeah and then try walking uh to the house there oh the little house i think that's just a little fur ball oh oh man just a little bonus all right never mind guys i thought the scientists might have been there okay but where is the scientist we saw them earlier didn't we i don't remember seeing the scientists but maybe i just am really not that smart maybe maybe i gotta go oof those crocodiles hmm you could try drawing ice on the crocodiles wait no there's more trees this way we have to go this way all right you got it wherever there's trees and slime that means that we can go that way if we just get rid of this line right okay nice nice nice this game is it is a lot of fun i love using all the different markers to like do different stuff yeah it is fun give me the heart run run run nice nice the tree will loop these guys tree protect me let's go oh this is definitely the right way that's what i'm saying the more trees there are that's how you know you go the right way guys yeah well you can drive more than one marine cloud at once this game's awesome are we actually gonna beat this entire game in one video we are and we said we would so we're gonna do it i can't believe you doubted us adam wow i didn't know if we were actually going to be able to do it guys like but i'm pretty lit now because adam adam is a doubter he's a hater [Laughter] don't doubt on me adam yeah you're right don't doubt on me bro i draw a rain cloud over this nice nice yup this little ricky the rat guys got to run away huh you're scared now aren't you you're trapped amongst a bunch of trees see you later rat i'll see you later ricky the rat let's here go and here i got huge rain clouds everywhere nice nice come get me you'll never get me we oofed him all right and then we just draw ice over here i guess probably is the only place we haven't drawn ice yet let's hope this is it where's the scientest is it even a musk yeah it might be guys because he's a scientist oh this is all new let's go whoa frog boss is the evil froggy woggy boss how do we stop them i would draw ice on them freeze them oh i can't freeze them i can't freeze them oh boy oh no what do i do what do i do freeze them i can't go away go away run milky uh can you like use the electricity or something no i got i gotta find some water and freeze i'll watch out for their tongues ugh maybe i just try and hit them you could try no that's definitely not it rod milky man guys how do we oop these frogs maybe i have to lure them onto the ice oh yeah i don't really know guys let us know how to beat this boss fight i'm kind of scared if there was some way to get them to land on a lily pad and then we draw ice on them that could work oh that's smart smart smart smart i don't think i can do that though yeah man run milky run how do i stop these guys watch out that doesn't help that maybe i draw an eggy wiggy they'll eat the eggy waggy yeah good idea we can make a mommy bird and she'll oof the frogs yeah that might be it maybe i just freeze them like that oh whoa what'd you do i just freeze them i just draw ice on them oh that's it but you have to do it before they jump wow all right oh and wait wait they like move they wait they like came out of the ice what what what it's not fair what you gotta freeze like i guess all three at once somehow okay quick quick okay i froze all three let's go now what uh oh uh wait no never mind uh what i froze them though what if you like have to pickaxe them when they're frozen i tried that it didn't work that didn't do anything i didn't do anything stop saying yikes is not helping okay okay okay okay maybe i'll draw a rain on him i don't know oh yeah no that didn't do anything guys what do we do guys please let us know how to beat these guys oh no no try drawing ice on like the um the electricity thing yeah maybe i need to connect a wire to the electricity thing i don't know yeah try drawing ice on the the metal thing the metal thing in the middle why would that work oh it did something no wait wait can you draw it again or something it did something it didn't turn it on uh tricky oh no oh no oh no oh no no okay okay wait maybe i need to like do something now that it's uh it's icy i know what is it wait yeah like if you have the frog's tongue stick to the metal thing it'll be really cold and their tongue will stick dude that genius adam does that sometimes he don't do that guys he actually did that he got a bunch of trouble we did it yeah [Applause] that's so smart wow there we go okay guys guys this is so tricky how would anyone figure this out by themselves yeah you got to get their tongue like perfectly there because we got two brains here we barely figured that out okay we go they're not looking though yes all right i'm taking a lot of damage please don't move me i'm so close to the end please stop uh oh one heart here we go freeze it okay i'll freeze both freeze both nice oh okay okay okay i bought myself a little bit of time i could freeze this okay now you're staying here and i just wait all right all right wow okay at least i didn't have to restart at least i didn't let's go wait what no it's not funny what about this is funny well now we know how to win try and lick me now try and lick me now yeah nice try frogs why are they not licking my friend justin will never lose to you true true i got what okay it's cause when they jump on me i'm not [Music] run milky run i don't want you go i don't want to turn into a frog smoothie move that milk okay what okay okay all right i'm down in one heart i'm down oh geez all right here we go freeze it freeze it freeze it that's what i'm doing and then here we go how they missed how did it miss you're trolling oh no oh no oh no here okay okay okay okay okay give me one come on come on come on we did it this game is too stressful let's go good job milky let's go dude we're on the secret chapter seven let's go all right no way dude let's go let's see what that secret lanky box character is let's go guys wow this is so lit this is super duper lit bro let's go okay guys did we really get that secret chapter bro whoa here we go it's chapter seven it's the secret chapter we're gonna unlock the haunted mansion and guys we are gonna unlock the new lanky box character coming soon the lanky bot wow the lanky box robot bro it's not the lanky box robot adam it's the lanky bot right likey bot here we go lakey bought guys we're going to show you what the likey butt looks like it's going to be super sick oh pretty cute so far now this is something that me foxy boxy have been working on for a very very long time in a very very long time wow you actually made a lanky bot yes we did yes we did lekibot is super lit and certain parts of the lanky bot might actually light up it's pretty lit dude they're actually lit it's literally lit bro that's insane yeah and they know super cool dance moves yeah i do the robot with them all the time dude look at how lit the leggy bot looks dude whoa he's got like wheels for feet yep likeybot's pretty lit guys likeybot is coming pretty soon how can i forget his little antenna guys let's go hey the lanky body is sick here we go lenkybot likeybot likeybot luckyby likeybot let's go nice that actually looks identical to the lanky bar guys look at him go this is sick all right how do we beat this secret max level okay guys now this is the secret chapter 10. i'm pretty sure we need to get the crayon still right the key crayon yeah something like that who's this these are bad guys oh we're oofed wait what what am i supposed to do here um i think this is just to save like one of those puffle things okay i will put out their fire it says draw oh no okay what do i do now can i take this can you use your pickaxe to cut down the rope i hope so i never got to use a sword that's kind of that's kind of lame yeah wait can i pick this up is this a sword i can take out of here it's not it looks like it though right yeah that would be nice how come everybody's just are they snoozing on the job how can they let us just walk past them i don't know maybe lanky bots like real sneaky likeybot is real sneaky guys likeybot is super cool he helps me with my he helps me uh with my math homework and that's why i'm so good at math that's true yep because lankybot's a genius all right what is everybody thinking oh the the evil guys are attacking the village wow everyone's scared they're like hiding behind their house we gotta save them can we use a weapon yet can we use a sword i don't know if we unlocked it i'm gonna try and use sortie and see if this works dude i don't think so what do we do adam once again we are hopelessly lost and confused maybe we have to go back to where we spawned was there something over there i'll go check i'm gonna check the entire map one time make sure no one has any quests nope they're all just saying they're scared okay we're walking on the ice the whole town has frozen over there's got to be something to do over here there's a puffle ah that's a pretty cool color it's like thick shark color yeah a little bit pretty lit huh all right what can we do over here okay i'm looking there's nothing over here okay you can't pass that there's nothing to do over here dude try mining the rock there oh right here though i can go through here you can't mine this item no no to the left this one yeah okay what is that oh we got we got a sword nice let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go i'll draw exactly like it shows me how to draw the sword whoa this is gonna look so cool dude it's gonna be super lit the lanky bots coming in to save the whole village yeah but the lanky bots nice to everyone except bad guys the leggy bot is awesome he's friends with everybody all the plushies they're all really close friends already yeah they all love dancing together super sword we got super sword lit we got a super sword yeah all right done now we can move the bad guys whoa we're going on an icicle adventure that's lit get these bad guys out of here lazybot's too strong beeping boopity bippity boopity we just oofed up wow that was no problem at all baby boopity now everyone's safe to come outside oh and i bet we're gonna have to do some crazy hard quests for these people don't no i haven't haven't we done enough for these guys we made them soup we made them soup we helped them fix their batteries okay wait they want to do more mining what more mining oh you can mine this no way i give them a pickaxe and then we work together oh that's cool we oofed their whole base they said thanks okay now they got some batteries coming out of the ground that probably works with the scientist right definitely okay okay okay get out the sword get out the sword bro get out the sword oof this guy oof this guy get him out of here okay nice and then does the scientist come over yeah we probably gotta help all these people beep bitty boop and he says nice to see you nice to see you too my friend do i draw like a a wire from here no way you don't need to help me i don't think they do bee boo boo beep beep boop beep beep beep beep like you bought talks it's pretty cool oh i can ride this oh that is cool it's like a conveyor belt this game is 3d bro we're going all the way up am i supposed to draw this stuff now i'm trying to like hurry and draw it oh boy oh i can wow that's crazy i could draw leaves from the excavator well where are we going oh wait what i uh do you guys like hop off to the left here yeah i think you got to get off quickly quickly quick quick go okay buddy boopity i'm here to uh here to oofity let's go we got some chips whoa time for some birdies time for a mommy birdie okay nice [Music] that's one thing wait dude do you have to like stand on that teeter-totter then have the bird like blast you i can't get over there though i'm just going in this cave for now okay okay okay that was one big chunk yeah what do i do in here okay i'm in a cave like you bought bippity boopity leggy body's not afraid of anything cause they're robots man i hope this is like not super hard why why would you even say that adam sorry it's gonna be super hard now look what you've done i can't believe you've done this all right hold on i just gotta color in a bunch of trees guys this is level seven so this is gonna be one of the most advanced levels we've ever played right but we're gonna beat it because we gotta show you guys the secret ending to this game because we got huge brains dude all right there's a little slime monster here but i got a puzzle piece the puzzle pieces what do those do i think it's just like a like a useless like trophy yeah it's just a flex right okay i'm growing trees everywhere okay we're saving the earth that's really good super good okay nice i'm driving some more rain clouds okay now where do i go this way this way nice oh boy oh we're back in the cave wait what was that wait i wonder if the puzzle piece was the only thing in this cave i hope not i think it was i think it did have to do with the children yeah we gotta like uh teeter-totter our way up to some place all right let's go back guys we got to figure this out we're on the last chapter of the whole game guys we got to see what the answer is to this this epic quest yeah sometimes me and justin play on the teeter-totter and it's really fun yeah i'm super cool oh so i gotta go down here oh i get it wait how do we go down the obsculator oh we just have to wait we have to wait until it resets wait really i think so or am i supposed to go up here oh you got a checkpoint this gotta be right yeah maybe the children didn't even do anything yeah i probably would have just given you like another puzzle piece or something lame i think there's a boss here it's gonna be a boss fight bro all right time to boss up on the boss [Music] he's got a dodge just gotta dodge ouchy oh you got it try and get me now oh no oh wait there's a chicken over here am i supposed to do something i don't know i'll draw an eggy wig you see what happens that's got to do something good okay we got a little chill what we got baby dragon oh and it breathes fire that's pretty lit huh yeah what am i supposed to do in the meantime i'm just getting heated on ouch oh i did some damage to him nice what wait there's like lines on the ground what is that you see that yeah more eggs i guess i draw the eggy way you draw ouchy oh no we're down to like one heart ouchie i feel like that where he punches is just so random yeah that's what i'm saying dude we got two dragons though two little baby dragons can i just hide over here like you bought so smart i can just hide it out of the map yeah that's real smart oh you gotta hurt his hand when he's down like that oh blankie but see i told you guys like he bought bee bitty boopity too smart he can't ufas here lankybot is a genius ladybot likeybot running calculations we we just calculated the optimal spot to stand in that's crazy man blankie bot beep boop beep beep beep computing best place to stand on the map you know what i mean we're geniuses dude oh yeah we gotta make another egg go go go right here right here let's go all right we got it dude we're geniuses if you stand here you can't oof yeah oh now we got three dragons we got three little baby dragons can we use them i i bet we probably need four to off him i bet he's gonna do the slapping thing again we could hurt his hand there it is there it is go leggy bot go yes nice returning to optimal spot to stand let's go let's go dude lankybot's too smart dude he can't get us here there's no chance lanky box will ever get ooh dude the lanky body is too lit we got four dragons on him right now bro oh man do we need five to win i think we need six oh because he's gonna oof all these yup get up because he he he hits the rock and then that's where the nest comes from oh i get it lanky bot initiating max level brain genius you know what i mean lanky bots down to one heart can we do it thank you about knocking oof i just gotta wait for him to do the slapping thing and i can oof his hand then one more yep you got it we got this bro yup right here go go go go go go initiating super giant big brain genius sequence let's go initiating helping justin with math let's go all right we opened him wow that was a really hard boss no the goo got on the little dragons now they turn evil no are you serious no oh no no no no no no not our friends they're picking up the villagers are we gonna have to save all of them are we not even started in the game how much more of the game is there oh no guys we have to rescue our entire family of friends they took them into the castle bro wow but the good dragon's gonna pick us up okay so the castle is the final area this is gonna be crazy this is so crazy to me guys i think this is the end we got a heart we got 10 hearts all right you could do it guys what is this is this the end of the game no way we got the last puzzle piece chapter complete is there another chapter or is it over oh let's see what is this bro secret ending this looks like a secret ending yeah no what's going to happen guys no do it what chapter eight this has to be the final level we got the key let's go yep this is it guys here we go there's no turning back bro there's only one person for this job bro wait who is it you already know who it is dude okay i'm gonna name this key e key okay we got a key okay we got a key you already know we gotta go back to who we started with dude because they never turned it good dude we gotta go with foxy here to save the day let's go nice okay we're drawing foxy but this time she's gonna be good and she's gonna help everybody yeah no more foxy.exe yeah guys we didn't even know when we started the game that it would turn into foxy.exe foxy wants to help everybody yeah foxy's always lit and super nice yeah and super thick [Music] okay nice okay nice nice nice we got foxy in here okay foxy said that still doesn't look like me hold on foxy i'm trying i'm trying my best i'm not dude i'm not the greatest at art okay here we go there's foxy yep there she is oh yeah there she is there she is yeah wow looks exactly like foxy foxy says no he doesn't hey what do you mean yes he does foxy come on all right there we go there we go it's foxy lit oh that's lit guys foxy go and save the day with the key let's go here we go okay okay we gotta put the key in here okay that's what i'm doing why won't it let me do it huh oh we need a purple key to go with a purple lock oh tricky wait what how do you draw it wait what wait what wait what huh um how do you change the color of it you gotta draw a new one here oh that's interesting all right wait is it this purple or this purple i think it's the light purple but i don't really know okay let's try it here is a key i don't really know how to draw a key that looks like a key yeah pretty good purple key okay guys i'm i'm getting kind of confused okay let's go is that gonna work let's go wow genius bro foxy says i'm gonna save everybody into town let's go foxy let's go all right can foxy beat the rest of the game for us fox you see they got my sword i can't lose now let's go oh it's real scary in here it's real scary in this dark dungeon bro oh there's exe oof everywhere oh don't let it touch you oh we got trapped it was a trap here's our friends oh man we gotta save all of them bro what's going on the scientists here i see like tnt on the ground this is gonna get crazy bro all right guys here we go make sure you leave a like make sure you subscribe there's no turning back we are going to show you the ending to this game it's evil hate them they're saying they're going to turn everybody evil oh yes i am no you're not evil hey you know you won't are you out i'ma turn you evil next justin no foxy no you out wait do we have to get all the puzzle pieces to beat this game no chance i dude i think you do i think that gives you like a secret like maybe like a bonus level or something but there's no way you needed to beat the game are you sure 100 yeah maybe if you have it it lets you like insta oof the boss yeah some crazy flex like that you know what i'm saying oh you have to draw the right color key i already had it i already had i saved somebody nice get out of here run skedaddle all right who's next okay let's go let's go look at foxy she's saving everybody here's some tnt what do we do with this oh boy okay i just i'm blowing stuff up i think uh it didn't work for some reason i gotta make i gotta make a brown key dude so this is actually really tricky because you have to have the right colors and i think to get the right colors you have to unlock the right fuzz ball oh right i don't really know is that a key i have no idea what i'm doing guys round key i don't know guys i'm trying to hurry up i'm trying to hurry because the boss is still trying to ufas look at that whoa that was a close one dude oh let's go we got the right color red color brown what is this no wait that didn't save anybody what now can we use the tnt no it doesn't do anything what oh boy oh spaghettios oh spaghetti we will figure out this game don't worry guys we're going to save everybody foxy's got to do it she says i will do it we somehow got to get on the teeter-totter dude we have to get them all i'm not kidding nah no way he said no way what makes you so sure i'm pretty sure what is this what is it oh it's it's fire we probably got to put it out oh yeah with the rain cloud okay yep yep yeah yeah yeah okay we put out the fire but what what that didn't do anything oh okay it's filled up it's filled up now what guys teeter totter wow we need a rainbow key are you insane oh oh just use different colors right yeah one of every color i guess okay guys i'm trying to speedrun this game i don't really know what to do all right blue green nice this game's awesome you gotta like make a multi-colored key crazy okay here all right here that's like the weirdest key i've ever seen rainbow key okay let's go guys we're trying to hurry it's a boss battle will it work why would it work maybe you can't save everyone what are you even saying yes you can am i missing a color i need purple or something yeah maybe try uh editing it i don't know if we have um all the colors oh no red or jello i'm just gonna use literally every single color i have okay orange nice i already had that color purple guys are we doing this right i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing i hope so you just literally put all the colors in here yeah gotta be yeah this is the most rainbow colored key i've ever seen in my life that's all the colors we have dude gray and then orange yeah what kind of key is this it's gotta be it okay this is every color we have it has to work please work what do we do what do we do adam did we lose i think some people we might just not be able to save i don't know there's no way adam why would that be the case uh okay let's go try saving the other person on the far right side what is the t and t for maybe you have to save them in like the uh like a certain order you gotta pick ax this you gotta ouchie you gotta pick ax this no way pickaxe nice green green green green green green okay okay let's make a green key really quick easy guys this is a very stressful boss fight right here do i have the right shade of green i must this has to be right okay i i had a green key okay cool cool cool cool guys we're absolutely speedrunning right now please were please word please work yeah we saved them all right you're saved get out of here buddy nice okay how come they can just walk on the water and i can't okay let's go up here okay nice another rain cloud up here oh no no no no no okay okay another rain cloud quick quick foxy quick all right let's hope this one works foggy says i'm doing my best all right let's go okay okay we got we got the brown key where do you have one brown key and blue key okay we already have one that's not even the right shade of brown why why does that work and the other one doesn't i don't understand yeah i don't know okay we got the blue key we have the perfect shade of blue right here nice okay that's a that's a pretty cool looking key blue key guys i'm trying to hurry because it's a boss fight yeah you got it dude oh we saved them we saved them all right three out of four saved how do we save the rainbow i don't understand um we could try going up to the center area and seeing if we can like put in some of our puzzle pieces or something what no they're already there they're automatically there oh man i don't know dude how do we get the rainbow key we got if we get this we would save everybody this would be the last person yeah that's true what are we missing dude green yellow orange red pink purple blue i i have all these colors and it's like there's like three key holes maybe you have to try like three different colored keys are you kidding me try just doing different colors of keys and just seeing if you have to do like multiple keys even you can use your old ones too okay i'm just gonna draw three keys that's what you're saying right you could try that or just trying like three different colors of keys i don't know how would the game be able to tell how many keys i have if this works that is the craziest thing ever no way no it doesn't work man what do we do maybe it's a pickaxe oh you could try it maybe it's a sword what the sword did it oh you just had to cut the rope how would anyone know that they're supposed to do that we were just trying random stuff wow got outsmarted we did not how do we get outsmarted adam you what do you mean this game is crazy this game makes no sense it's what it is okay i'm getting out of here okay wait did we just win i think there's one more person to save right no we got everybody are you making stuff up to mess with me the person near the tnt you saved them yeah oh no yeah there's someone right there how do we save them try um can you pick ax the things to the left near the wall this oh i can pick ax this nice this tnt the tnt all right what do i do i pick it up i draw wire i draw wire exactly dry dry dry nice nice nice okay how's that gonna save him kabooy kabloom whoa what is this all right you got it okay go go go go go go go boom boom boom boom i'm a genius turn it on boo let's go i need orange key i need orange key we got that we can do it okay this game is too crazy guys i i really don't know how anyone beats this game orange key okay nice nice nice orange key let's go whoa did we save them [Applause] is that it guys now what evil hate him put down the hell you will not doofus item you will not oh do i have to oop these things i think this is the final boss fight yeah we gotta oof these but these were our friends earlier i feel bad yeah but now they're exe dragons they're exe they have the exe oof on them get em foxy get em yeah i'm nice you know foxy zuma foxy that will oopham i will do it come on foxy let's go get him get him uh-huh get up get up yeah get up all right one more hit you got it come fight me come fight me you're scared i got you i got you oh this oh this one's really strong i got one oh come on foxy look at foxy running around okay i think there's one more do we get them all no oh there's one more right here come back here so close fight me on the ice yeah we got him nice take that oh the exe left adam evil adam got oofed oh we got to fight this now no we can't ouch wait what no oh no no no not like this put me down our friends are gonna save us no way the people you saved are gonna save you okay this guy got a pickaxe what is that gonna do they're digging a hole they're gonna put the fish in there no they're gonna plant oh they're okay they're planting some food what are they doing making more soup guys i think this is the secret ending let's see what they're about to do is this the soup ending bro they put a nut and then a fish [Music] okay and they're growing like a tree of life let's go wow i gotta go to the tree it'll save me i get it go to the tree it'll save us oh no way yeah wow foxy did it that was the secret ending guys we actually beat the whole game wow and now the book is complete let's go look at the ending cutscene guys i think there's a super max level bonus ending where if you get every puzzle piece the adam character doesn't oof like he fell into the pit right right i think you would catch him if you had them all yeah probably okay what's going on now okay this guy destroying his tower what i guess it's just reminding us of how happy everyone is now okay these rats are playing cards okay they got oofed so we saved the whole world wow now all the little animals are happy we saved the whole world bro there's the mine carts we saved the whole world bro we really did it wow this game was awesome it was a great story wow all the enemies are leaving the land let's go dude and now it's a disco dance hey disco dance and now they're making a planting farm this is lit dude and they got trees to protect them from all the sludge wow let's see what's next there's foxy okay what's going on wait they got a little baby what's going on bro no way what what don't feed the fish are they gonna feed it to the what they fed the fish some beans hey yo okay that's a thick fish though and foxy got some chocolate dude that is the happiest ending to any game we've ever played dude and they all lived happily ever after this foxy foxy's so happy adam adam where are we dude oh well where are we wow we're in prison wait what what and we're in a minecraft prison who's this i think it's henry's dad but let us out we don't belong here what happened i don't know wait henry's saying that he's been trapped in here a while and he needs our help to escape henry we can all escape together don't worry wait we've played this game before henry stigma gets supplies we just got to choose the right one but if we pick the wrong one we might fail and get oofed yeah good idea good idea henry don't worry we will help you escape this jail okay how do we get out from these guards oh somebody's coming to deliver something oh it's a box it's literally just like in the henry stigma game wow we gotta pick the right item from inside okay um maybe all right let's open the box and see okay let's see what we got inside it's got to be some supplies come on oh okay there's a pickaxe or we could take this lever which one should we take okay so we have two choices uh the pickaxe could be useful to go through the wall i don't know um let's think hard okay we can use the pickaxe or the lever i'm thinking the lever might take us to a secret passageway let's try it you think so yeah put it over here give it to henry stigma he knows what to do all right there you go henry's gonna use the lever he's looking he's looking oh he's putting it down by the toilet huh wait why would he do that there's a trapdoor under the toilet dude henry you're a genius henry use the lever we can get down there do it do it do it okay henry open it oh we can't break through this he's got to use the lever here we go click it whoa wow there's a secret passageway under here let's go harry great idea henry oh yeah i'm gonna do the distraction who is this whoa there's somebody living under here what wait is this like an escaped person how long have they been here i think they're asleep adam don't wake him up back up back up back up wait we're sorry we should see what supplies he has in his chest he's asleep oh [ __ ] oh some tnt we got some explosives let's go let's go we can probably use this to break out of this jail yeah i hope it doesn't make too much noise ah we're good we're good let's go let's go henry where should i put this stick with the genius let's blow our way out of here nice good idea good idea rocky i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to blow up some of your friends hey drop it here drop it here explode it explode it do it all right i'm gonna light it run let henry's pigment do it yolo yolo okay here we go okay go go go go go the guards heard that go go go go go the lava the lava whoa we're like behind the prison go go go keep going henry this is crazy there's a secret passage what is this like a hobby yeah it's a parkour okay we could do this adam we could do this we gotta escape god i really hope this was the right idea i think so it looks good so far follow henry let's go let's go let's go i'll hop up here we go go go go go go go don't get caught go go go go go oh nice jump nice jump oh nice job dude i think if we escape that henry will actually teach us the distraction yeah over the fence over the fence oh no oh it's guards oh oh it's guards adam oh it's zombie gold henry now oh we're cornered uh oh the zombies are gonna get us no the guard earlier had the sword we're gonna get oh it's all over it's all over oh we failed all right so we know that wasn't the right option okay we gotta use the pickaxe this time we gotta use the pickaxe good idea um maybe we can use the pickaxe to like break down the wall yeah let's just dig straight through here nice we can dig through the cells good thinking henry big brain henry stickman big brain this gotta be the right option okay well the lever didn't work so this has to be the right way let's go let's go right right follow henry follow him will not fail again those zombie guards did look pretty hungry oh man it's a bunch of vents we gotta pick the right one henry's in this one what's in there is that the right one oh it's gonna get flooded with water oh henry oh no uh what what other door should we pick i'm going to try this one adam right one come on please okay i'm gonna pull the lever three two one oh it's lava justin we're gonna burn up no we failed again ah that wasn't the right option i don't know what else to do henry okay maybe we do have to use a lever but it's different he's putting it up here up this time what is this gonna do he open the trapdoor under the guards wait what they fell oh henry's a genius we're going out the front door wow i never would have thought of that go go go go go go move move move yeah and we didn't make much noise doing that either move your guards leave us alone no we're not okay we're right we're right in the front door let's go let's go let's go yeah we're right we can make it out we can make it out i see the sky okay let's go let's go oh henry come on let's go over here oh we're jumping from the rooftops hop on the truck henry go go go go okay now which vehicle should we take out of here we got to make the right decision again it looks like we beat that last task the next one is we gotta make it past the main gate of the prison okay good idea um what should we do what should we do hmm maybe i can use this lever here okay okay it's not working there's still the bars there okay let's try and use one of these vehicles let's try this as an option hopefully it doesn't fail yeah henry we will save you and we can maybe help save ellie too yeah let's see if the supplies are in here all right i'm gonna open this chest let's see we got some grappling hooks okay so this option is the grappling hook option let's see if it works good idea all right we're gonna grapple over the fence over the gate let's go go go go go go we're lucky to spy movie henry because he's so light because he's just stick man it worked go go go go all right and jump down yes it looks pretty good so far yeah it does i don't see any guards around here either i hear some i hear some barks over in the distance do you hear that some was that sound no i did hear something uh let's ignore it maybe it was my stomach i don't know probably all right i think this lever opens the door to this thing okay okay weird oh it's like a bus we can maybe drive this out or something yeah okay oh we're on foot right now wait oh it's angry wolves oh no they're evil we're getting ooped by the zombie wolf this option is a fail i don't know we got oh no that was our friend hatred how could you zombies oh that's a fail we gotta try again how should we make it over this gate dude okay so it wasn't the grapples and that's the lever yes okay henry maybe henry has an idea yeah oh he still has the pickaxe oh he dug his way through big brain oh yeah dig under okay what's over here what's over here there's another chest what's in here so bones we can distract the wolves with these yeah they love zombie bones huge brains throw the bones throw the bones nice nice nice move move here you go please looking good this is looking good move move move follow henry follow henry all right here we go henry there's just a couple more guards that we got to avoid we beat that task we beat that task we've made it over the gate how we make it past these guards now okay i'm looking out here i i think i got a plan that we can help to save henry okay what should we do it's pretty high risk though okay what should we do risk it for a biscuit in this chest i have a blaster right should we take these this is one option yeah i think we should use the blasters and blast the zombie guards okay let's go let's go let's go you got your blaster let's go i'm ready i i'm i'm i'm ready i'm ready you first you first all right i'm going down zombies zombies go go go go go go ahead word go go go go go zombies don't like the blaster go go i'm right behind you right behind you oh he blasted through the window go go go go go go get the zombies get out of here i'm on you there's so many of them dude nice uh got him got him got him got him doing a good job i'm right behind you i'm right behind you move move all right i got that good accuracy he looks right this looks like we made it through here but what's next i haven't seen henry in a while i don't know where he went okay should we take these boats is that the next option is that the right option i think that might be it try use the speedboat use the speedboat broom broom henry come on let's go go go go go go go go go this is so cool we're gonna be real spies in action movie go go go go go come on start your engines broom vroom let's go let's go let's go we made it out henry let's go wow we really did it oh wait what's that oh wait the shark it's open-handed right now this option was a fail adam oh i thought we actually did it but it was a fail run run run all right we gotta try this again how do we make it past these guards what if we go here in this little van over here okay yeah the boats wouldn't work but maybe the van will yeah hop in here let's drive let's go for a drive dude okay good idea because sharks can't get us in the van right that's true okay yeah all right we'll drive across the bridge big brain okay let's go let's go why you're a very good driver oh yeah wait what's this oh it's like a railroad we could probably tnt trap goodbye that was another fail okay what's the right answer to get out of here man henry you gotta help us figure this out every stigma knows the way um jumping on the rooftops here henry you think we should go in from the roof bruh henry's too big brain yeah that's true go go go follow henry follow henry go go go go go hop up following him oh there's sophocopters let's go henry you're so smart we're escaping in style and relaxation and that was it i think we succeeded we got the right option no sharks can get us and no guards can get us let's go okay we are doing the new first provers hacker challenge in henry stickman guys we are going to unlock the secret ending in harry statement okay so guys this is a really fun game where you play this hammer statement and you got to make a bunch of decisions and try to break out of here so we're trying to break into the bank to probably steal some money wow oh and you get to pick what you want to use okay i know should we use a shovel sub explosives like some tnt a teleporter a laser a wrecking ball or disguise let's start with the shovel yeah let's start with the shovel that's easy just dig under the wall let's hope this works okay hey he's digging nice uh oh we hit something what is that uh oh oh gas main oh we hit like a gas pipe oh no never dig straight down true guys let's retry it maybe we'll try to use some tnt yeah explosions guys we're gonna unlock the secret ending see there's all these different endings oh man so one of these is gonna be right and yeah guys we are going to show you the secret ending in henry stickman i'm gonna try the wrecking ball dude what does this do okay that's easy how did no one see us pull up with that yeah this is sick oh someone did see us uh oh huh oh he's telling us to go around there's no construction schedule we just went home okay guys we've actually failed we we did three and there's six total so we got bad luck because one of these is right try the disguise okay so this one we're going to hide in like a bag or something yeah it's a bag of money because the bank oh good idea that's actually really smart yeah how did we lose one i think we should throw it in the back okay safe you're taking us to the bank that's so smart bank out here well i think it's supposed to be like more of a vault you know oh that makes sense oh there we are [Music] okay so wait i think that was the right ending we made it into the bank we made it into the bank guys but we got caught wow okay next stage guys episode one is escaping the prison so now we're in prison we gotta escape dude wow we're gonna make it out harry's take me come on dude [Music] not really but you've got a package [Music] don't get your hopes up we've already checked it for anything useful haven't we dave what yeah yeah of course i checked it i mean if i didn't check it i'd lose my job not everyone's my job [Music] okay guys we got a package in the mail what's in the pack a cake whoa cool it's a secret cake what's inside the cake okay guys we gotta escape prison we can use a file what's that okay what is this like gatorade we got another teleporter we got a drill we got a cell phone and a rocket launcher rocky thinks the rocket launcher is it yeah let's do the rocky rockets dude let's go whoa huh what oh no it didn't work okay okay let's retry okay wait this is tricky uh let's try the drill we can drill out of here good idea this is probably right nice nice oh we made it to the next choice so that was the right choice okay what's the opacity or a crowbar i don't even know what this is so i'm going to try this okay crowbar i know what that is we're going into sewers oh no way oh uh oh what what was that oh no try dodging the oof noob oh so you gotta dodge it you gotta click one of those click oh you gotta press down okay we gotta dodge to the left go go go nice come on henry go what up i didn't quit oh man guys these are really tricky these are really funny okay i'm gonna try and go through the door i'm ready go go go this way oh whoa hi every statement's cool oh [Music] get ready oh oh for what what do i have to do oh no wait wait what he's surrounded i have to click right when they say click guys i'm ready i'm ready i almost clicked too early i clicked whoa what [Music] every stickman caught the oof and threw it wow that's not possible everyone's scared of him guys we've never seen this ending before like ever even on the internet or anything he just walked out that's crazy dude every stickman's so cool man he got so much swag guys we got one out of three endings so guys you can see if you go back you can find other endings but we're gonna keep going now we gotta steal a diamond oh man this looks fun dude i just realized hillary stigma oh i hereby declare the tunisian archaeological exhibit open [Music] adventure [Music] whoa [Music] there's a giant diamond it's worth 100 mil no way i just realized okay we gotta make a choice i realize henry stigma kind of is a naughty boy because he's trying to sneak into a bank to steal money now he's trying to steal diamond he needs to just stay out of trouble yeah you're right should we bust in or sneak i'm a sneak in okay guys so we're speaking into a museum to steal a super rare diamond now we got oh we got six choices we can do jumbo hoppers anti-gravity hat teleporter liquidificator pick gray was it a pickaxe and a shrink ray what do you think adam i think the jumble hoppers look really fun yeah oh mine whoa did that work oh oh what oh he went backwards okay retry i'm gonna try the anti-gravity cap so we can just walk up walls we're floating whoa this is so cool oh wait he can't turn it off and we turn it off oh man we flew to space okay wait let me see so these ones go up i'm gonna try and go through here i'm gonna use the shrink ray good idea there's a crack in the wall oh wow that's cool go hurry it's a worm wormy we gotta buy a worm wait this is how do we keep guessing wrong we guessed three and they're all wrong it's one of these three try the liquidificator what are we gonna turn ourselves to liquid yeah yeah we're gonna turn it to liquid okay so we're gonna turn it to liquid to go through the walls i got it huh oh man wait how are we always getting the wrong thing all right let's try pickaxe that there's no way this doesn't work what the creeper what was that dude it was a minecraft thing okay he used it to escape and then i got fired pretty lame huh yeah i don't really like this please shut up oh i just i was just trying to have a conversation okay here we need to choose an airplane a blaster or a boom boom let's choose the explosion all right let's use the boom boom [Laughter] what was that we just threw it at his foot and his friend blasted us let's try the plane i tried the boom of the blaster it's not a real blaster okay the airplane must be real i gotta warn someone that worked that worked oh i didn't click in time oh go go to the diamond oh man oh this guy's sleeping so when he closes his eyes you can go see that yeah let's go to the retro room go go go harry huh there's a diamond all right we gotta steal it okay we can do it what um crowbar mushroom or a good ball i'll be using um [Music] i gotta try a mushroom what's that whoa whoa it's like a mario when you get a mushroom you power up yeah henry stigma is crazy oh huh somewhere in the southwest center for chaos containment uh sir you might want to come look at this i'm getting chaos readings at 10.6 it's coming from the museum oh my god it's over nine yeah i'm leaving this decision up to you corporal just hit one of those buttons to deal with this pressing situation who's watching tv get back to work okay i don't know what's going on oh we gotta hit one of these buttons oh no okay this one is divide by zero i don't know what that means this one is like the nuclear button this one like a satellite and this is a gear which one should we do try the nuclear okay hi yo hey yo what's going on what's going on move harry oh everyone else oh man we lost oh no okay let's retry it all right let's do divide by zero huh what's going on [Music] i don't understand something about the potty i don't understand at all i know in math you can't divide by zero it's impossible right okay let's try the satellite see what happens with this one okay okay what's going on what's it doing is this the right choice oh no oh oh wait no oh fail how did we wait it's literally the last one how do we guess the wrong so often all right you got it have we ever got the right choice on the first guess no what was that whoa it's a giant evil robot i think we can escape oh get the diamond henry get the diamond henry what what we're running all that and we didn't even take the diamond what's he doing why is he running like that that's like how it runs during p class that's the end we got it ending oh no is that over there's the diamond no way we did get the diamond we did it let's go do we beat that so guys yeah once again there's three endings so there must be so many endings in this game but yeah we're gonna keep going yeah okay we got the diamond time to escape and get out of here what well well look who finally decided to wake up you've been quite elusive but your skills make you worth the catch you'll be perfect for the job we've been having some issues with a group of thieves known as the top hat clan you know they're guilty we just can't pin them to any crimes you'll be going into the airship to bring him down i don't need to remind you that we've got you on several charges attempting robbery breaking yourself out of prison and even stealing the tunisian diamond we've got quite a lot of counts on you do this job right and we'll drop all charges against you charlie here will be bringing you close to the airship the rest is up to you find a way to bring him down and you'll be a free man okay i get it i'm gonna bring you in okay so they're telling us right now that i think like hey hey rory stigma and they're saying they need his help to stop these guys the top hat crew or something and if we don't help them they're gonna put us in jail because they know we're a bad guy oh i got it okay so we gotta stop them guys we gotta board this airship now i'm thinking we use a sticky hand i have one of these i got it at the mall the other day i use it and i throw it at item and it sticks to him and he gets real frustrated yeah but dude that kind of looks like mommy longlegs hands what oh no let's try it oh my goodness whoa it worked no way wait that was the right choice let's go cool okay ball and chain or zero point energy i don't know what either these are i'm gonna use zero point energy whoa what ah why did he do that okay ball and chain i don't know what this is oh we're tying a huge giant ball to the safe what [Music] did we just beat that level oh no we didn't it was a teddy bear what oh we actually failed wait so wait is there any way to move on past here i don't think so so we gotta go back to the map what so we gotta go back here so the sticky hand you can't win with okay let's try cannonball cannonball that's what i do in the swimming pool look at the numbers here what do you think oh yes let me have a look [Music] okay we gotta fight this guy laser chair or thruster i'll use the chair cause it's funny what i think that worked [Music] [Music] okay i'll retry so you gotta make this decision really fast uh ej jump out hurry up now activate the doors get him the doors are closed behind us metal fist oh you have to chew so fast oh we ran into it but we didn't break through it okay i gotta make this choice really fast what were the other ones [Music] go harry uh beans hey y'all well i guess that worked [Music] okay which one should we use robo pants that's kind of cool yeah let's try it robo pants whoa we're catching this guy no we're not oh man okay i'll try metal band oh it's like avatar the airbender he can metal band oh that's cool okay he just moved the entire ship though use the rocket jump okay so this is the last one oh it worked get away get up what do we do okay what is this like a blade or a yo-yo yo-yo like ladybug yeah ladybug has a yo-yo let's go what's happening what what's going on what i gotta choose one of these do bash bash bash him henry tanks we did 110 damage oh he just did 500 damage to us we're oofed oh no what it's like a mini game in the game you gotta wait what did you expect hitting it with the yo-yo with you oh so it's not the yo-yo okay it's the blade what is this oh bro oh bruh magic i use magic what's going on bro fire what's going on nice what is going on we oofed oh he bounced it back what is going on so you could choose either one but you got to make the right choice in here all right so it's not bash maybe it's piano attacked he attacked so i gotta defend okay we move still what is that man maybe it's the blade i don't know i think it's the blade okay let's try the blade we got to make the right choice here though okay fight go fight nice we did some damage boom boom that's bad get out of there henry get out of there oh dude how do you beat that there's only like one choice i guess i think there's one choice that oops him in one hit what is it tools okay we did it yes wait that did seven thousand damage how was he not moved that was it no way yes we did it all right let's go cool okay cool we beat it okay now we keep going how do we jump here glider jet boots or beef up i'm gonna beef up yeah good idea what's that oh hey beat dubby's legs use a glider nice take it off quick [Music] let's go we got him [Music] we're gonna jump out defeating my right hand man i surrender the airship to you [Music] the leader of the top hat crew surrendered and he gave us his airship but the government is asking us to turn him in should we become the leader um let's try tank look look look so this stuff on the left side of this line means you're helping the government if you go this way you're helping the bad guys we can try the dummies let's try hey where's some dummies let's go oh should we do dummies for the government to pick up oh i get it so now we're the leader all right pretty big fall i'm sure henry had a plan what is it henry that's like the dot that's like the naughty ending let's go but we get put back in jail i think that's uh ellie i don't know we okay let's boost up let's work together teamwork makes the dream work nice okay nice now should we help the other person or go on without her let's uh help her yeah let's help her let's be nice nice wow we made a friend guys this is how you get the secret ending and i'm like yeah how much iq i don't care i ended up buffing up my guys and doing like 70 damage that's funny dance no way is it [Music] oh man we got distracted okay synchronized takedown that's what we should do nice guys that's our choice hmm if we can get you up there you could get in and open this door okay so we gotta go up there so i'm gonna use yeah yeah let's throw let's throw oh whoops okay let's try gravitator nice [Music] nice what huh oh boy okay here's the last one she picked this up [Music] nice oh oh okay so we we freed everybody including the bad guys now this is the henry choices these are the ellie choices which one should we do let's use the ellie choices okay okay okay sounds good let's use the taser go oh we can pick one for each let's do the explosion okay whoa oh that didn't work oh man it says electricity plus boom boom equals crazy explosion okay let's try this and this what's it what right now why do you do that okay let's try this and this this and this whoa so you say all inmates is out of cell yeah some idiots hey i just grabbed these maybe they'll come in handy waiting for someone or i thought you put this okay yeah shouldn't we just blend in she picked up their hats yeah i would probably say blend in let's blend the elevator thanks can you believe this inmate outbreak crazy huh yes it is pretty crazy oh are you guys new here oh yeah we transferred from the eighth floor [Music] from the cafeteria nice trying mates oh that guy was too smart he caught us all right what's the other option let's just pass by and clear up maximum security what do you think the i like who [Music] the other inmates thought we were guards we were too good at disguises there is convict here that was smart oh [Applause] man we gotta help her dude what do we do make a face make a face yep what do you think that will upset me [Applause] oh thanks i guess no let's get out of here it worked okay which way should we go left through the truck or up here uh on the right okay go whoa we got the rory there has not been an incident here in 50 years and the day you show up this happens you are going to regret everything oh ellie saved us no way wow another chapter would be okay guys now as you can see we started here at the bank we went here escaped prison we got the diamond we escaped the airship and we just fled the complex we're on the final level dude we got to complete the mashup no way guys we're actually going to beat the entire game in one video this is so crazy dude what do we what is this what okay launch let's go cool it's like a flashback of his life preparations are nearly complete should be able to launch within the hour so this is the top hat clan secret base sign me up whoa what happened to that guy henry you're back i took charge in your stead i hope you don't mind [Music] uh i'm ellie i'm new here what are you guys up to well uh henry remember that orbital station idea we were talking about we went ahead with that plan we've got all of our assets in there already once the final preparations are complete we'll be ready to launch into orbit that should keep us far away from any governments trying to bring us down you should be able to hey what did i tell you about calling me that henry is the chief remember okay yeah we're under attack you two get to the rocket henry one two three the rocket is launching in five minutes do something this is crazy guys so yeah guys this is actually a super rare ending because one we chose to side with the bad guys and we saved ellie so we brought her and introduced her to the bad guys and we're the leaders and the bad guys are making a rocket we're going to space to flee earth but the government found us so now we got to escape all right what should we pick maybe super punch yeah super punch whoa oh yikes oh man but that was cool okay let's use this what is this what he's blasting henry's crazy he missed okay why are we it's always the last one we have bad luck go okay [Music] okay should we help our friend or abandon him i think we should abandon goodbye my friend wait till my friend gets here yeah sure [Music] we just left our friend oh no our old friends thought we were a bad guy see because we were driving the helicopter i got it all right let's try something else wait till my friend gets here yeah sure what what all right we gotta try the other option i don't even understand what happened yeah wow [Music] bomb has been planted get to the rocket henry okay these guys are trying to blow up our spaceship we got to stop them boomerang yeah do it whoa oh okay let's try the flute oh no it's the leader i was wondering when you'd show up tom's up let's do this okay we're surrounded we gotta do something dude you gotta style on them yo styla yo dab he's dabbing bro dab wow that was pretty stylish but we still failed i'm gonna try to summon whatever that means what what did we summon huh what what's going on what what oh boy let's try it everyone okay i'm gonna use dual tech [Music] whoa that was cool that was late did we survive wow the rocket is launching in one minute we gotta hurry you guys need a ride go go go don't wanna get through man we've got company uh henry nice five four no but henry didn't make it one but we saved our friends wait henry's still down there i'll keep the door open as long as i can come on we gotta go uh a little cloud cloud go oh okay gravity inverter nice oh no abandoned tank how's that gonna help what no way henry's a genius i got you henry you know i could drop you right now and nobody would know but why would i do that i saw you out there put yourself on the line to save the top at clan you've truly earned my respect i can't think of a better person to lead us we did it we did it guys make sure to leave a like and subscribe we actually got the secret ending we actually got the secret ending to hillary statement bro henry went to space today we're doing the new burst progress hacker challenge in one level stick man jailbreak what is this we gotta help this person break out of jail whoa we're a stick man wait control and jump wait what okay okay it says one it's easy okay oh okay this guy got some moves wow so guys in this video we are going to try to beat it and actually escape out of jail we're getting out of here i'm getting the key okay i got the key and then i open the lock let's get it guys cool what oh no it's not easy anymore wait what wait wait it's backwards you see the you see the text it says it's easy but backwards oh so are the controls backwards yeah you guys can see i'm tapping the right button but he goes left i tap left he goes right wow that's crazy cool wait this is not crazy cool this is real difficult adam i don't know if i can beat this okay nice i just got it guys but i could tell it's gonna get a lot harder they're gonna keep mixing stuff up yeah maybe if you just turn your brain backwards then it's like the game is playing normal i could turn my brain upside down dude easy okay and for what what does that mean bro what wait how have i not escaped yet i wait what i got the key and i oofed i have to restart oh i like this game it's tricky it's really tricky okay i oofed away so i can't touch the key wow wow why so i get it that's why it's called one level it's literally just this one level over and over but there's new challenges every time oh cool okay it says we're losing control dude i lost my control what they came back you see that oh they're gone so you can't move when you don't see the controller i can't do anything when i don't have the controls wow so guys yeah this is so cool we're just gonna keep playing this level but there's gonna be news like crazy stuff that happens every time oh man what's gonna happen next no this is too difficult get out i can't move whoa let me out let me out have patience why oh maybe you beat it too early no there's no key there's no key oh we just gotta have some patience i'm chilling it's open oh what it just opened by itself yeah cool this is a cool game mirror what does that mean it's a mirror image of the normal level it's backwards wow dude i'm a mirror image of myself yeah that's true because i can clone myself let's go wow this game is too crazy already got tired what do you mean i'm not tired okay pick this up okay oh wait the key keeps moving oh so we're probably gonna have to find the key like several times we moved again stop it let's hope it's only three times that we have to get it i won't i won't ah oh they're making us do so much exercise come on stop it i moved again wow this game is so creative yeah this is also tricky because if i oofed i would have to redo that whole thing yeah you're right let's go dude this game is cool okay go go go okay yeah you gotta tell me i'm going let's go oh and the door is like regenerating wow i didn't make it you have to be like perfect are you serious all right i gotta i gotta try again go go i literally just said go go go dude you cannot waste any time at all yeah yes wow wait what is this it says version for the visually what so i guess it's like super zoomed up which is actually kind of hard now i can't see anything bro i can't read that word is too large anyways get this nice okay nice and i'm out okay that wasn't wait what so heavy key what does that mean oh i can't i gotta move the key with me oh we already messed up i lost i lost i gotta oof okay so you gotta push the key oh that's cool this is so creative guys push it go nice oh push it let's go nice this one level's getting tricky he said somebody stopped me the guy keeps running uh like i don't have my hand on the ipad right now he's still moving oh really yeah he's just running by himself guys see [Music] oh that was tricky wow okay mirage that means the key is not real that's what a mirage is was that it nope see the door's still locked i bet the key is actually over here no way no it's not the key is hitting somewhere we just don't know where um is it here i bet it's over here is it here no is it over here it's here is it over here where's the key maybe you already grabbed it and you just have to touch the door now no way it says mirage right it says mirage right where's the k it's not what the door was the mirage and now it's upside down it's that house upside down oh no this is gonna be hard this is so tricky i already oofed this is so tricky you got it dude ah what is it gonna be next again this is the hardest level so far guys guys we are going to try to go max level along with you guys and show you what the craziest highest levels actually are dude this is so difficult this is so difficult let's go good thing i'm a pro gamer yeah that's true let's go i'm getting assigned to an esports team let's go okay move in flight what does that mean move in flight okay well the key is moving what was that maybe when you're jumping the the thing moves for you no when i'm jumping i can't move oh so i you what like i can't move when i jump so you have to like use momentum i'm you adam wants to use mommy mentum no momentum oh so adam always talks about he says i'm getting mommy mental wait this is so difficult i can't move when he jumps okay nice how many keys are there wow these levels are getting a lot trickier okay nice nice stop it okay nice we did it we did it we did it we did it don't want to redo that one what just one these are all fake and if you touch the wrong key you oof are you serious no way which one do you think it is oh man i have no idea i gotta try all of them i'll try this one now well what if it's the last one you chill blake i don't want to chill blaze i'm gonna say what if it's the last one you choose and how is your english not improved man you've been going back to english school what's going on dude i don't know you really don't do you you need to drink more meat that's why we got milky now yeah but don't drink milky milky's your friend adam yeah it's tempting though don't [ __ ] just don't that's our friend don't okay okay okay guys the plushies all met milky when they went back to the baby adventure we got the real key let's go wow all right let's go guys all right bridge or elevator door what does that mean what um bridge or elevator oh i can't get to that key i need a bridge or an elevator right but how do we get that what do we do walk into the door this makes no sense bro i wonder if there's like an invisible platform that you have to like jump on i think there's an invisible elevator we gotta go inside of really i don't know what ridge or elevator what are we supposed to do guys make your predictions on what we're supposed to do see if you can beat this level before me and justin do i don't know what to do bridge or elevator what are we supposed to do man i'm stumped i'm stuck like sticky bro i actually don't know what to do this might be the end for us adam no we can never give up dude what if we gotta oof and then jump on our own oh jump oh wait that might be it dude we gotta jump on our oof no that's not it that would be a really cool strategy though i don't know what to do are there hints in this game i think there is top left right try a hint you need to watch the ads to know the answer no i'm not watching ahead i will figure it out what do we do what if you instead of like jumping off that platform you just keep running which one this one oh i thought that one might have been cool what do i do i'm getting fluctuated we're gonna have to watch an ad it can't make me what do we do i'm losing my mind guys i'm losing i'm losing my mind you don't know man i think we gotta watch it you don't wanna see me lose my mind bro yeah that's a lot of mine to lose what is this bridge or elevator there's no such thing hey i'm gonna figure this out wait whoa you can move this no way so you can like make a bridge for yourself or you can make an elevator wait that is actually one of the most creative levels oh that is actually one of the most creative levels we've ever played yeah that's so cool dude you can move this and then jump onto it and then move it again wow this game is awesome huh yeah and we actually beat it wow hold on adam don't celebrate too early don't i'm gonna move this what oh what what was that okay cool okay let's go nice guys this game is too creative let's go we need glasses what i can't i have glasses so it's just zoomed out all right justin now it's time to show your perfect vision i have 99 out of 99 vision that's true wow easy let's go remote control key what is that can i move the key oh i can move the key oh that was cool that was cool i just tapped the key i did it wow all right guys we're almost at level level 20. move your body what i can't move huh oh what wait what what am i supposed to do oh i gotta shake the ipad you can only move if you shake i i have to like tilt the ipad no way i'm tilting the ipad [Music] oh this is so difficult guys hold on hold oh on like tilting the ipad away from me right now you got it you got it you got it i gotta get the key though again why does it keep moving i think it's gonna make you find five keys don't do it don't do it this is so tricky the spikes oh oh nice why they put it right there next to the spikes oh no and if you lose you have to redo it all don't even say it adam don't even say it what is this nice yes let's go all right justin beat it let's go that was so tricky wow let's go guys we're zooming just hang on what does that mean um is there something that's gonna like come and oof us no we're doing good it's just shaking the screen oh okay that's not too bad yeah that's not bad let's go easy peasy i'm too good let's go nice guys this is crazy do not pass by the what pass by the what pass by the watch what don't pass by the i must have messed up somehow yeah so maybe if you go past a certain thing then the key stops working but i didn't go past anything what do we do this is tricky what is the answer oh what oh i just tabbed the screen and it opened the lock i don't know what i just did oh so you actually get the key then you lose ah the wall is closing in on us what is this you got it you got it you got it you got it why did i just run into the wall i don't know i'm getting glitched i'm getting glitch hacked i'm getting head glitched don't panic don't panic ah let's go that was tricky okay what is this pull yourself together what do you mean i can't move you see i'm touching the controls not moving pull yourself together you just drag the guy oh cool i believe i can fly whoa look at his super speed wow you're like superman go no this is too tricky guys come on yep yep and then i gotta go here i gotta go here and i gotta make another big jump and be brave oh man now oh that was close how do you do this this is too difficult how do you get that key okay oh you gotta time it you gotta time it yes nice why yeah why did i do that i'm losing my mind you're too smart for your own good man i'm too quick for for my own good yeah guys okay nice just calm down justin nice nice let's go that level is cool slow and steady wins the race okay open the door okay oh i just tapped on the door and it opened oh nice that was easy there have been a few levels like that trick levels you have hidden talons i can't jump you can see i'm pressing jump i can't maybe there's like a button on the screen that's like not even seeable what like it's a hidden button i'm tapping the screen i can't oh oh if you tap your character he can jump oh i'm tapping my own character nice this game is cool all right we're almost there let's go let's go let's go nice we did it and get us out of here i shrunk the what oh we're tinier right are we yeah our character is definitely tinier oh but it's just a normal level ouch huh i think we hit our heads on the spikes we did but other than that it's just a normal level yeah how do i get this key you got to do a max level pro gamer jump let's go there we go that was pretty easy too noisy what do you mean too noisy there's no door i'm out of here that was easy that was weird push it do we have to push the key again or push the door i get yep uh oh uh oh what do we do i think oof and then instead of going for the key this time try pushing the door just go for the door yeah okay it didn't work oh it did whoa these levels getting tricky what if you tilt what tilt what i gotta tilt the ipad again now i'm controlling the key wow this game makes no sense guys i'm i'm tilting the ipad let's go you got the key dude let's go and then i gotta get out of here still easy peasy i better not oof i have to redo that let's go wait guys we should be level 30. wait now it's called free fall i just i i oof i land wherever i oof what is this what is this how am i supposed to do this well you're like skydiving how am i supposed to do this oh so you gotta be like strategic with where you fall yeah i'm gonna fall right here so he comes out here get the key get the key get the key get the key yes nice do you know the way we can't even see the map anymore oh boy all right let's see if justin's photographic memory comes in handy here i did i took photos of the map in my head guys justin literally is living in his own metaverse i'm a genius i'm in the vr metaverse i'm in the vr metaverse wow i'm a genius bro now we got reverse gravity bro that's crazy guys we are going to try to make it to level 35. dude we can control gravity just like i can in vr world and in real life and especially in vr yeah guys justin actually has magical powers especially especially in vr in the maida verse yeah i'm zooming dude get out of here let's go wow just do it take this key they're messing with me they're messing with me oh i can drag the key that's it easy all right one more level dude 35 can you beat it i i know i can't adam all we need is a jump okay what i think there's a trick all we need is a jump i can't jump anymore huh i can't jump anymore you only get a certain amount of jumps yeah maybe i gotta oof but then how am i gonna get up there okay okay okay okay okay okay okay we got a certain amount of jumps you're right yep so i'm gonna jump once twice and then i'm gonna yep we did it today we're doing the new first progress hacker challenge in fine love well we gotta help this stick man find love okay now it says to draw just like that i'm gonna do what it tells me guys oh he's gotta like help her wait what oh he pulled her out of the way of the car splashing her wow and they fell in love wow this game's pretty cool okay now let's think okay i have no idea what's going on he's got a banana okay he's gonna go oh he's gonna put the peel on the ground so she slips into his arms wow i would probably not try that in real life don't do that that makes no sense okay no we got a doge okay let's go give the doggie to her and she go play with the doggy wow so guys in this game every level we should have to make the people fall in love yeah it's pretty cool okay now this guy is sitting there he's lonely maybe i'll open the door for him or uh i can't do it i can't move anything actually what do i do i open the door i'm tapping the door a present she came out the president what's going on wow that's awesome okay now she's riding a horsey and it's not going well so she should ride on the horsey with him oh nice this is pretty cool guys but you gotta really like use your brain and figure out what to move okay so now she's trying to give her flowers and she says no there's a helicopter what do we do maybe uh he has to give her the helicopter what okay good i can't i can't move the helicopter yeah i move the flowers into the helicopter i give the flowers to her no um i put the flowers on the ground okay uh uh i don't know what to do bro um oh i just tapped the helicopter and then he said will you beat my girlfriend wow nice okay adam and i are not very good at this game okay now he's in love with this person he's gonna give her the umbrella when it rains dude it's like a song adam's mom plays you could stan under my umbrella oh no we're moving the clouds to cause rain so she'll stand with us oh that's genius i think wait what it's not working wait what oh nice yup yup oh yeah now they have to fall in love wow dude this game is crazy okay she's reading and he's he's just staring at her with one eyeball okay what should we do uh i would take the book from her huh and now she's angry we lost okay so it's not that wait so you could fail the levels i bet i'm gonna tap on the tree and something's gonna fall out eel worms wait how was oh okay she got scared i know it says you're my sunshine you know adam says to his mom now oh she's buying stuff at the store but she's out of money and so i guess we're just going to give her our money [Music] no she went to jail what's going on what's going on um maybe give the wallet to the owner yeah yeah oh no he won't take it he doesn't like it oh yes he does that works wow that's a cool face he's making nice i make that face all the time when i get donuts pretty little he's got her stuff stolen by a burglar and we got an ice cream cone um all right how are you gonna win this level i would just sit there and eat my ice cream honestly i'm not getting involved yeah true but we have to we have to fall in love in this game i bet i put this on the ground he slips on it that's a good idea we just threw the ice cream addy's face bro wow we did it a genius let's go okay she's taking a selfie or something and he's dreaming about hugging her okay [Music] okay that looks like when you see some man i'm gonna take the phone from her i'm gonna steal the phone dude oh she's angry that doesn't work oh man probably has to do with the tree again i'm tapping the tree more worms bro more genius so the answer to life is just worms bro yeah guys throw worms at people no don't and why would you tell people to do that okay never mind don't throw worms at people don't throw worms at people now we got um a car i just stretch it make it bigger easy wow adam is not super smart don't listen to them i use worms all the time when i go fashion that is true fashion with adam mom i catch all sorts of fish it's real exciting guys now what's this a basketball about to hit her so i'm gonna run in front of her oh wow you're a hero bro that's actually cool we actually saved them that's pretty cool now it looks like her bicycle the chain broke she could sit on the back of our bicycle oh nice i'm a genius bro see i'm a genius i see if adam and trying to get a girlfriend i could probably help him because i'm smart dude you know what i'm saying okay if i ever want to get a girlfriend i'll ask for your help [Music] i might be throwing worms at you now this one uh he got a swing from divine a little rumble in the jungle oh hey what we moved oh wait what okay maybe can i just jump across oh no what okay use the vine dude use the vine yeah that would look really cool there it is she still looks freaked out that didn't work okay nice what's next oh we're imagining shane okay uh how do you do like a really cool magic trick to impress her okay i take off this and show him a diamond and now they all like me they just wanted a diamond they don't like us okay now we're at a bus station and she's singing okay maybe i gotta connect this rope to this i don't even know what that does that's a good idea i don't even know what that does okay and we tripped over it and landed on her oh cause she has to catch you now that makes no sense bro okay now we gotta cross the street to get to her so i'm gonna tap the street light see if i oh i turned it to red light and then i went across and i asked for her number nice this game honestly makes no sense i'll be honest she's getting chased by evil person they're sticky i'm picking up sticky and i'm a saver dude easy oh cool you hit the bad guy with the stick sticky to the rescue dude sticky's a genius now we're at a clothing store who's that little teddy bear in the background what is this maybe you have to like put on some really awesome looking outfit and then she'll like you i'll put this on turn to a teddy bear [Applause] okay she's about to fall here so i probably just go and catch her right that's pretty easy oh wait that's not the right answer no we fell instead okay probably the tree again maybe some worms um uh maybe i stand on this side uh uh i don't know what to do actually um yeah this one's tricky guys oh wait there's nowhere i could tap okay i can't tap the tree i can't tap anything what do i do man okay if you were in this situation and your crush was there what would you do if i was there and some donuts were hanging from a tree yeah what would you do to save them i would eat them i would get them down from the tree i would eat them all right how would you get them down from the tree i don't know if i knew that i'd be done with this puzzle hey adam what what if you were here and your mommy was hanging from the tree what would you do um okay what if you put the guy in the pit what no that doesn't work so you would just to your oof what if you put the guy up on the branch as well that's what i tried to do it doesn't work man okay this one's actually very hard guys yeah you can't just save her like this because he falls apparently i don't understand how or why no what what am i supposed to do man all right i'm gonna use a hint guys wait what it does tell you to do this what do you mean we did that oh there's a log there wow oh my goodness now she's calling us her hero guys let us know if you saw that one we definitely did not say that that was actually tricky we would have never got that without the hint i thought that was part of the treat okay we're offering her a ring and she's not happy what what am i supposed to do about that maybe can you make the ring bigger what good idea can i actually no i can't i'm gonna throw it in the ocean then i don't care i'll just give it to her okay there's a sun okay that's not working can i make it bigger i'm trying to oh and there's a keys to it what is that what's that that's messed up what are you talking about that's like no sense okay now we're going ice skating she's gonna fall over i'll go and help her nice good idea it's not working oh yep i'm helping her nice wow you caught her these levels make no sense all right now her doggy is yelling at my kitty cat okay can you walk a cat like that on a leash you're not supposed to do that okay all right i'm gonna tie the tree i bet something's gonna fall out it might oof the doggy what's so funny yeah i mean sometimes justin will take his toys on a walk they're not toys what are they then action figures what's so funny dude we're so funny all right how do we actually beat this one my action figure's out for a walk yeah adam's mom takes him out for a while so who's really laughing here i used to take foxy boxy out for walks with me but now i don't they got all dirty yeah you're right yeah but they did like it okay that was really what you were laughing at dude though the whole time really yeah all right cool adam you go go away i'm gonna move my cat over here the cat fell in love with the doggy oh no i don't understand how that helps anything okay now we're sitting at a campfire we gotta light the fireworks on fire dude oh wow and it creates a romantic atmosphere i'm a genius bro now we got a little doggy with a bone and she's angry why is she angry chill out um i don't actually know i would take the bone i'll give it to her i i take the dog i'll take the bone for myself that's a good idea no i take oh i take the bone and eat it i eat it into the bushes um it has to do with the bone oh i put the oh i put the bow next to her so the dog chased her she got scared and jumped into our arms wow okay you're so funny dude i'm so funny okay now we got another doggy why is there tape on our mouth i'm so confused dude maybe because we're trying to be quiet okay what okay guys this game makes no sense oh hey i was talking about fishing it looks like me and adam's mom here right justin and my mom love going fishing on the weekends that's what we do on the weekends yep it's pretty cool she puts a bunch of like gummy uh fish um like in the bathtub and get him out okay we're so funny dude yeah i know you're right the swedish fish yep swedish fish i caught the biggest fish in the pond and now i'm looking cool gotta look super swag with my swag sunglasses nice and you got a girlfriend pretty cool huh now she's trying to take a selfie with a monkey and we're just making a face i bet we're gonna have to open the monkey's cage and then she'll get scared and jump into our arms yup i knew it you got it daddy's not never do anything like that ever all of these basically say you could get a girlfriend if you put them in danger which is not true at all right you want to be nice to people yeah okay i'm this i think you make the ring bigger yep that one you stretch bigger that was smart dude nice oh cool man okay late okay now she's trying to pick some apples i'm just gonna pick all my apples let's go oh nice i'm a genius man i could share the apples with her that's actually pretty smart actually okay now all the flowers are ooh we gotta cover the sun it's gonna rain make flowers and then we can give her the flowers oh there we go you're it says you're my sunshine even though the answer to this level was rain so that makes no sense that's awesome man pretty cool huh yeah pretty cool huh we're really learning about dating in this game i'm learning a lot dude yeah i'm taking notes man okay well you need a battle so now we got some people oh so we gotta take this tuxedo and look super swag oh okay what's so funny like what's so funny yeah you do look cool i look super swag this is literally that's how justin looks when he wears his fedora yeah yeah yeah why are you talking about my fedora i went to the ball with adam mom and she bought me a fedora because she said it makes me look handsome and then i wear it and i watch i wear my fedora and i watch dora the explorer and it makes me smarter so that's why adam just jealous [Music] just jealous then i got my fedora yeah you got it man okay i don't get what that one was we're just carrying the heavy stuff for her now she's angry she can't win the crane game but i bet i could win the crane game i'm really good at crane games guys let's go yeah every time we go to the arcade justin always like clears out the machines i'm a crane game expert dude okay now this guy is this one where we steal the little suit again why they like the little bear i don't understand what's going on bro i mean it seems to work okay now i put the cat next to the dog again probably or put the dog up here next to the cat what is this dude i put the cat over here so the cat the dog has to fight and then she'll come outside i think that's the idea can you ring the doorbell oh yeah you just knock on the door nice that's it you tap on the door wow they tried to trick us yeah the cat and dog were a decoy okay nice now we're watching a movie i'm just gonna move and try and sit next to her oh i can't okay i'm tapping on the movie screen it's scary and now she jumped into our arms right wow that's genius man this game makes no sense this whole game is literally about scaring people so that they'll jump into your arms which is not how that works yeah not at all i'll put this person in the ferris wheel i want to sit there yep it's my turn to sit on the seesaw nice this game makes no sense i'll be honest okay we're on level 41 we're speedwriting now we're painting her i'm going to give her the painting yup yup nice man we're going to get all the way to level 50. we're geniuses now she needs help i'm going to give her a rope i'll give her a rope yup wow there we go she called us her hero okay now there's a nurse okay so i probably give her the syringe i can't move the syringe maybe have the nurse go to where the doctor is i don't know what i just did i just tapped all over the screen and now it worked i that made no sense guys cool this game makes no sense okay now oh somebody stole her stuff so i'm gonna take the bag for her no now she's mad at us oh man this is tricky you gotta open this so that he falls oh we got it that was actually lit that was actually smart okay she's reading the book we should probably just leave her alone because she looks happy but we're probably gonna put a crab next to her so that she jumps into our arms yup predictable nice she didn't want to get pinched okay see dude i'm smart okay here we are that's me dude i'll be dunking on the court okay and i probably gotta move the basketball into the court she saw it and she fell in love wow that's cool that's me dude i'm really good okay now what's this she's um i don't know there's a little butterfly on the ground what is that oh what you give her a slipper and then you oof the butterfly what wow guys don't do bugs bugs are cool yeah donut bugs okay now we're putting a wig on to look super swag okay cool this game makes no sense why they kind of look like me huh okay now i now what's this now i'm uh oh okay i'm just tapping all over the screen and i'm beating these levels dude i'm getting really good okay now this person i'm gonna steal their flowers bro let's go wow and now you fell in love let's go dude we're geniuses oh it's coming again not again not again oh i'm just thinking i got it here we go [Applause] don't worry i'll get it jk [Music] you've been milk-strapped [Music]
Channel: LankyBox
Views: 9,908,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lankybox, lanky box, funny apps, best apps, iphone game, mobile game, free games, satisfying game, brain game, problem solving, draw a stickman, draw a stickman epic 2 mobile game, lankybox draw a stickman, zero budget, lankybox henry stickmin, henry stickmin parody, henry stickmin zero budget, lankybox zero budget, find love, stickman find love, find love puzzle game, lankybox fan, minecraft, lankybox minecraft, minecraft movie, minecraft funny, henry stickmin dance
Id: PsbnJRjec90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 31sec (10951 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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