TOP 5 BEST FREE Fivem GTA 5 Roleplay Servers in 2024

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hello in this video I will show you a few GTA RP servers that you might enjoy they are very different from each other so you should be able to find the one you like in this video let's get into it the first server we have is called Grand RP and this server is not on FM by the way it runs on rmp platform so let's start off why rage MP I know some people get confused what the platform is but pretty much renp is a platform that runs the servers more smoothly with less crashes and than five them and let's start why this server so pretty much this is the biggest GTA server in the market they have multiple servers with over 10,000 players playing on them at the same time today I will talk more about English server number two but if you are from a different country and speak a different language you can definitely check ones out that have your language this the server is already a huge project with Incredible developers team if you are into big servers with good development support and you want the server that will stay for a while definitely check this one out a lot of activities a lot of players roaming around missions jobs businesses tasks challenges levels rewards and many many more it is definitely a server for people that like to engage grind and do something at all times you don't need to be 18 plus or have a microphone to be able to play in the server which is a bonus to some people I'm pretty sure if you want to join the server click the first link in the description press English flag number two and create your account once you done then go to rent peep launcher and look for Grand RP English server number two if you don't know how to install the ren P I will leave a link in the description and also check their main YouTube channel out for news tips and tricks and more stuff to get get to know the server I will also leave a link to that as well moving up another server we have is called pimp and RP and it's a semi serious server they have real life cars clothing brands McDonald's custom trucks Custom Guns custom real life Wheels simple yet clean inventories and uis and stuff there are a lot of turs where gangs will do their kangar peed there there are a lot of simple jobs for everyone that you can do housing with furniture and probably the thing that represents the server is the strip club this is my first time seeing this strip club mllo but I believe it's awesome events in this one are pretty pretty crazy and it's good to see something new and fresh in the black market you need to buy guns for dirty money which is also pretty pretty cool overall a cool server that is currently booming so if you are into gang orp into RP servers that are a bit easier and not as try hardish then this one will fit you for sure coming up we have a server called Zu LP This Server is in development for over 2 years now and has a talented developer working on it almost everything you see script wise in the server is going to look very different from regular GTA 5m servers because the scripts are actually made by the developer himself and not bought from the internet some cool and unseen features such as your clothes are used as items so for example if you throw your mask away from your inventory you will actually lose the mask and so on which I think is pretty cool also if you aim your gun inside the car you will be forced to go to the first person uh which will make dyb more interactive and realistic so pretty much there are a lot of these like mini things that will you know upgrade your RP experience and it will make it more fun drug system is awesome and I really enjoyed it attention to detail is a very big thing in the server as I said literally just join now because trust me this server is going to blow up in the future so start grinding now another server we have is called 17 Street RP and this is a serious roleplay server currently it is public but soon enough it will be WID listed so use your chance to try it out until it's WID listed server goal is to make a serious roleplay server with serious role players it's not a server that is semi serious or not the server that you go to shoot anyone or rob anyone anywhere it has a lot of rules that you must obey otherwise you will get banned from the server very quickly a lot of activities are orientated towards player interaction so most of the things you want to do will involve another player as well for example if you want to go to a Burger Shot and get some food you will need an actual worker there to cook you the burger and serve it to you a lot of changes are still coming with official release for the server but overall if you're looking for a serious roleplay server this one should be considered as well and the last server we have on the list is called G life this is more of a survival type of server it's both PVP and PVE you need to survive from zombies and from other players as well there are safe zones where you can buy guns sell materials sell guns get missions meet other people and so on it is a very different gameplay but it is pretty fun if you have a bunch of friends that will help you even more in the server since the more people you have the better experience it will be if you were a fan of Call of Duty zombies you will like this one too it's non RP server but nevertheless pretty fun to hop in from time to time that's going to be it for today's video I hope hope you guys enjoyed it leave a like if you did and see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: King Fancy
Views: 2,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t2eB_fL12dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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